Acute respiratory failure in children

Published on 27/02/2015 by admin

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Last modified 27/02/2015

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Chapter 98 Acute respiratory failure in children

Established or imminent respiratory failure is the commonest reason for admission to neonatal and paediatric intensive care units (ICUs). A number of structural and functional factors contribute to the high incidence of respiratory failure, particularly in the first year of life. In addition, respiratory failure is frequently a consequence of pathology primarily affecting other organ systems, e.g. congenital heart disease or central nervous system (CNS) disease.


Respiratory function must equate with metabolic demands. Oxygen consumption in the infant is approximately 7 ml/kg per min (compared with 3–4 ml/kg per min in the older child and adult). Fever, illness and restlessness dramatically increase demands; during periods of apnoea or respiratory depression, PaCO2 rises at twice the rate of older children and adults. Respiratory reserve is reduced in infants and neonates due to the following factors.


The ribs are short and horizontal and the bucket motion that increases the anteroposterior and lateral dimensions of the thorax is minimal. Thus, the infant is dependent on diaphragmatic displacement of abdominal contents to increase the length and volume of the thorax. Rib cage structure and function alter between 12 and 18 months, as the child develops the erect posture. The consequence is that any impairment of diaphragmatic function (e.g. phrenic nerve palsy, abdominal distension) may precipitate respiratory failure.

The chest wall is soft and provides a poor fulcrum for respiratory effort. Retraction of bony structures and soft tissues, a prominent sign of respiratory distress, occurs with reduced lung compliance and increased airway resistance. Infant intrapleural pressure is −1 to −2 cmH2O (−0.1 to −0.2 kPa) compared with −5 to −10 cmH2O (−0.5 to −1.0 kPa) in the adult. This is due to the higher compliance of the chest wall (which tends to collapse in) and lower elastic recoil of the lung. The result is an increased tendency to airway closure, atelectasis and intrapulmonary shunting.

In the neonate, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles have a lower percentage of type 1 (slow twitch and high oxidative) muscle fibres and therefore fatigue more readily. Diaphragmatic muscle mass is relatively reduced. Intercostal muscle activity is inhibited during rapid eye movement sleep, further reducing ventilatory efficiency. Increased respiratory work is poorly sustained in the face of increased load and may culminate in exhaustion and apnoea.2


Respiratory distress is manifested by tachypnoea, distortion of the chest wall (i.e. sternal and rib retraction, recession of intercostal, subcostal and suprasternal spaces) and use of accessory muscles (e.g. flaring of alae nasi and use of neck muscles).

In young infants, lethargy, pallor, apnoea, bradycardia and hypotension may be the first signs of hypoxia. The physiological anaemia of infancy may delay recognition of cyanosis, and major signs are those of CNS and cardiovascular depression. Increased work of breathing, marked by tachypnoea and chest-wall retraction, is poorly sustained; bradypnoea and apnoea are evidence of respiratory fatigue. Expiratory ‘grunting’ is a sign of respiratory distress that represents an attempt to maintain a positive expiratory airway pressure to prevent airway closure and alveolar collapse, the equivalent of pursed-lip breathing in the adult.

The older child with acute hypoxia, like the adult, demonstrates tachycardia, hypertension, mental confusion and restlessness prior to CNS and cardiovascular depression. Sweating occurs with CO2 retention – a feature lacking in the newborn.

In the newborn, the effects of hypoxia and acidosis may be compounded by the development of pulmonary hypertension and reversion to a transitional circulation, with right-to-left shunting through a patent ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale. If untreated, increasing hypoxaemia, progressive acidosis and death may occur.

Conventional clinical examination of the chest should be performed. It is, however, of limited value in the neonate, as breath sounds may be transmitted uniformly through the chest, even in the presence of tension pneumothorax, lobar collapse or endobronchial intubation. The chest X-ray is an essential part of the assessment.


Acute respiratory failure may result from upper or lower airway obstruction, alveolar disease, pulmonary compression, neuromuscular disease or injury (Table 98.1). Upper respiratory tract obstruction is discussed in Chapter 97.

Table 98.1 Causes of respiratory insufficiency in infancy and childhood

Site Neonate Older infant and child
Upper airway obstruction
  See Chapter 103  
Lower airway obstruction
Tracheal Tracheomalacia Foreign body
Vascular anomalies  
Tracheal stenosis Mediastinal tumour
Bronchial Bronchomalacia Foreign body
Bronchiolar Meconium aspiration  
Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation Acute viral bronchiolitis
Lobar emphysema  
Disorders of lung function
  Aspiration syndromes Pneumonia
  Cystic fibrosis
Hyaline membrane disease  
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia Aspiration syndromes
Perinatal pneumonia  
Massive pulmonary haemorrhage Congenital heart disease
Pulmonary oedema Near-drowning
Pulmonary hypoplasia Trauma
Diaphragmatic hernia Burns
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Pulmonary compression
  Diaphragmatic hernia Pneumothorax
Pneumothorax Pleural effusion
Repaired exomphalos or gastroschisis Empyema
Neurological and muscular disorders
  Diaphragmatic palsy Poisoning
Birth asphyxia Meningitis
Convulsions Encephalitis
Apnoea of prematurity Status epilepticus
  Guillain–Barré syndrome


Instability of the tracheal wall (tracheomalacia) is most commonly associated with oesophageal atresia, tracheo-oesophageal fistula and various vascular anomalies. The most common causes of vascular compression are a double aortic arch and the complex of a right-sided aortic arch, left ductus arteriosus and an aberrant left subclavian artery. These produce a true vascular ring, with encirclement of the trachea and oesophagus. Anterior tracheal compression may also be due to an anomalous innominate artery. Lower tracheomalacia or tracheal stenosis may occur in association with an anomalous left pulmonary artery (pulmonary artery sling). The problem may extend to the major bronchi (bronchomalacia). Tracheomalacia and bronchomalacia also occur as isolated airway anomalies. In this situation, the severity of dynamic airway obstruction is aggravated by any condition that results in reduced lung compliance.

Division of the vascular ring and ligation or repositioning of the aberrant vessel, while removing the cause of the obstruction, do not immediately re-establish normal airway dimensions or stability. Although severity of symptoms may be alleviated by surgery, problems may persist for some years. Tracheomalacia may sometimes be stabilised by a prolonged period of nasotracheal intubation or tracheostomy with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Tracheopexy, which suspends the anterior tracheal wall from the posterior sternal surface and great vessels, is occasionally useful. A slide tracheoplasty may be required to correct tracheal stenosis associated with complete tracheal rings.3 A range of stenting devices have also been developed for complex airways and employed with mixed success.


Meconium aspiration is seen in 0.3% of live births, and is most common in term or postterm infants. There is usually a history of fetal distress in labour, or prolonged and complicated delivery. Asphyxia during labour results in the expulsion of meconium into the liquor. With the first few breaths, material in the upper airway (i.e. amniotic fluid, meconium, vernix and squames) is inhaled, obstructing small airways and producing atelectasis and obstructive emphysema. Meconium also causes a chemical pneumonitis and surfactant abnormalities. During recovery, the aspirated material is absorbed and phagocytosed.

Clinical signs include tachypnoea, retraction and cyanosis. The chest may become hyperexpanded and pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax is a frequent complication. Pulmonary hypertension and persistent fetal circulation are common.

The chest X-ray confirms the diagnosis, with coarse mottling and streakiness radiating from the hila. Lungs are overexpanded, with flattened diaphragms and an increase in the chest anteroposterior diameter. The condition is largely preventable if the airway can be aspirated rapidly and completely following delivery of the head and before the first breath.

Most of these infants require oxygen therapy. Severely affected infants require controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV), which may be difficult because of the high pressures required, the non-uniformity of ventilation, and danger of pneumothorax. Improved outcomes are now achieved using surfactant (may cause transient deterioration), inhaled nitric oxide and high-frequency oscillation.4 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is also effective in those centres that have the facility, although its use has declined since the introduction of the above therapies. Cerebral effects of severe intrapartum asphyxia contribute to overall morbidity and mortality.


This is due to deficiency of lung surfactant. Predisposing factors are prematurity, maternal diabetes and intranatal asphyxia. Postnatal hypoxia and acidosis also inhibit surfactant production. Lack of surfactant results in alveolar instability, atelectasis, intrapulmonary shunting and increased work of breathing.

Clinical signs appear shortly after birth and consist of tachypnoea, chest-wall retraction, expiratory grunting and a progressive increase in oxygen requirements. The chest X-ray reveals a reticulogranular pattern (ground-glass appearance) with air bronchograms. In uncomplicated cases, the disease is self-limiting and resolves in 4–5 days. Respiratory failure may require increasing inspired oxygen concentrations (FiO2), CPAP, intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) or CMV. CPAP is known to improve oxygenation, the pattern and regularity of respiration, retard the progression of the disease and reduce morbidity, particularly with early application in the extremely preterm infant. In infants with persistent pulmonary hypertension, transitional circulation and requiring high airway pressures, the use of inhaled nitric oxide and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation are beneficial.

Instillation of surfactant into the trachea has been shown to improve oxygenation and compliance (despite some initial deterioration) and reduce the risk of pneumothorax, early mortality and morbidity.58 Two types of surfactant are used: synthetic (Exosurf), and bovine (Survanta) or porcine (Curosurf).


Perinatal pneumonia may occur as a result of transplacental spread of a maternal infection, prolonged rupture of membranes, passage through an infected birth canal or cross-infection in the nursery. The immunoparetic state of the newborn and the need for invasive procedures increase the risk.

Clinical and radiological features may be indistinguishable from hyaline membrane disease. Antibiotics (e.g. penicillin and gentamicin) should be given until negative cultures exclude the diagnosis. The most common organisms include group B haemolytic Streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. Group B haemolytic streptococcal infection is frequently associated with septic shock and persistent fetal circulation. Failure to suspect group B haemolytic streptococcal infections (and hence treat promptly with penicillin) will result in poor outcome. Multiresistant staphylococcal and Gram-negative bacillary infections must be suspected in longer-stay patients in neonatal ICUs.

Most pneumonia in infants and young children is of viral origin. Viruses commonly implicated are respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza A1, A2 and B, and parainfluenza types 1 and 3. Adenovirus and rhinovirus are less common causes. The spectrum of illness is wide. Many infants and children have cough, fever and tachypnoea, with X-ray evidence of patchy consolidation, all of which resolve rapidly. Occasionally, infants develop life-threatening respiratory illness with extensive pneumonic changes and marked necrosis. Permanent lung damage with bronchiolitis obliterans and pulmonary fibrosis may occasionally complicate severe adenoviral pneumonia in particular.

Bacterial pneumonia also occurs. Pneumococcal pneumonia is common and usually responds dramatically to appropriate antibiotic therapy. Staphylococcal pneumonia is relatively uncommon, but may result in life-threatening respiratory failure, and is often associated with complications (e.g. empyema, pneumatocele, tension pneumothorax and suppuration in other organs). Aspiration of an effusion may be useful for diagnostic purposes. Parapneumonic effusions (empyema) may require tube thoracostomy or video-assisted thoracoscopic drainage. Resolution of the effusion can be enhanced by the instillation of thrombolytic agents such as urokinase or tissue plasminogen activator.9 In severe cases with bronchopleural fistula, surgical resection of the necrotic area offers the best chance of survival.

Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae may also occur and be associated with epiglottitis, meningitis, pericarditis or middle-ear disease. The prevalence of H. influenzae infection has reduced dramatically since the introduction of HiB immunisation.

Gram-negative pneumonia is seen mostly in infants with debilitating conditions who are hospitalised for prolonged periods. It is a particular risk for patients in ICUs with endotracheal or tracheostomy tubes. Other opportunistic infections, such as Pneumocystis jiroveci (formerly P. carinii), Candida albicans, Aspergillus and cytomegalovirus, may occur in immune deficiency states.