Acute cerebrovascular complications

Published on 27/02/2015 by admin

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Last modified 27/02/2015

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Chapter 44 Acute cerebrovascular complications

Cerebrovascular disease is common and its acute manifestations, known as stroke, produce considerable morbidity and mortality. Stroke is defined as an acute focal neurological deficit caused by cerebrovascular disease, which lasts for more than 24 hours or causes death before 24 hours. Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) also causes focal neurology, but this resolves within 24 hours. In the UK, stroke is responsible for 12% of all deaths and is the most common cause of physical disability in adults. The incidence in most developed countries is about 1–2/1000 population per year.1 The main causes of stroke are cerebral infarction as a consequence of thromboembolism and spontaneous intracranial haemorrhage (either intracerebral or subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH)), causing about 85% and 15% of strokes, respectively. The main risk factors are increasing age, hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, atrial fibrillation, smoking, obesity, some oral contraceptives and raised cholesterol or haematocrit. The manifestations of stroke are:


Mortality after stroke averages 30% within a month, with more patients dying after SAH or intracerebral haemorrhage than after cerebral infarction, although survival to 1 year is slightly better in the haemorrhagic group. In all types of stroke about 30% of survivors remain disabled to the point of being dependent on others. Risk of stroke increases with age, so that it rises from 3/100 000 in the third and fourth decades to 300/100 000 in the eighth and ninth decades.2 Thus stroke is often accompanied by significant age-related medical comorbidity. In the past this may have been partially responsible for a relatively non-aggressive approach to the treatment of stroke patients, so that the gloomy prognosis of stroke becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The challenge for intensivists is to identify those patients who are most likely to survive and not to offer aggressive therapy to those who are not. It has been suggested that, by regarding stroke as a medical emergency, a ‘brain attack’ analogous to ‘heart attack’, and ensuring early intensive care support, outcome may be improved.3,4


Embolism commonly occurs from thrombus or platelet aggregations overlying arterial atherosclerotic plaques, but 30% of cerebral emboli will arise from thrombus in the left atrium or ventricle of the heart. This is very likely in the presence of atrial fibrillation, left-sided valvular disease, recent myocardial infarction, chronic atrial enlargement or ventricular aneurysm. The presence of a patent foramen ovale or septal defects allows paradoxical embolism to occur. Iatrogenic air embolism may occur during cardiopulmonary bypass, cardiac catheterisation or cerebral angiography. Embolisation may also occur as a complication of attempted coil embolisation of cerebral aneurysms or arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) after SAH.


In cerebral thrombosis, there is initially no loss of consciousness or headache and the initial neurological deficit develops over several hours. Cerebral embolism may be characterised by sudden onset and rapid development of complete neurological deficit. No single clinical sign or symptom can reliably distinguish a thrombotic from an embolic event. Where infarction occurs in a limited arterial territory the clinical signs are often characteristic. The commonest site involves the middle cerebral artery, which classically produces acute contralateral brachiofacial hemiparesis with sensory or motor deficits, depending on the precise area of infarction.

Other cognitive effects of stroke include memory impairment, anxiety, depression, emotional lability, aprosody and spatial impairment. Bilateral brainstem infarction after basilar artery thrombosis may produce deep coma and tetraparesis. Pontine stroke may produce the ‘locked-in’ syndrome. The precise clinical presentation depends on the size of the infarcted area and its position in the brain.


A full history and examination of the patient are required, and the results of this will produce a differential diagnosis that will require specific investigations. The aim is to make the diagnosis, establish the nature, size and position of the pathology, so that correct treatment can be administered to compensate for the effects of the primary injury, and prevent extension of the lesion or complications occurring.


These techniques are used to distinguish infarction from haemorrhage. Tumour, abscess or subdural haematoma may also produce the symptoms and signs of stroke. Ideally, the scans should be undertaken as soon as possible to exclude conditions that are treatable by neurosurgery. Early scanning is vital if interventional treatment such as thrombolysis, anticoagulation, antiplatelet therapy or surgery is planned.

The CT scan may be normal or show only minor loss of grey/white matter differentiation in the first 24 hours after ischaemic stroke but haemorrhage is seen as areas of increased attenuation within minutes. After a couple of weeks the CT appearances of an infarct or haemorrhage become very similar and it may be impossible to distinguish them if CT is delayed beyond this time. CT angiography will often demonstrate vascular abnormalities and vasospasm but multimodal MRI, a combination of diffusion and perfusion-weighted MRI and MR angiography (MRA), is much more sensitive in demonstrating small areas of ischaemia and targeting those patients most suitable for thrombolysis.5 Where cerebral infarction has occurred as a result of venous thrombosis, the best imaging technique is MRA. Other imaging techniques are appropriate to identify the source of stroke in specific areas. Any patient with a stroke or TIA in the internal carotid artery territory should have duplex Doppler ultrasonography which may demonstrate stenosis, occlusion or dissection of the internal carotid. Where trauma is an aetiological factor reconstruction CT bone window views.


Ideally, treatment for stroke patients should be coordinated within a stroke unit, as there is a 28% reduction in mortality and disability at 3 months compared to patients treated on general medical wards.6 In general only those patients with a compromised airway due to depressed level of consciousness or life-threatening cardiorespiratory disturbances require admission to medical or neurosurgical ICUs. In either case, attention to basic resuscitation, involving stabilisation of airway, breathing and circulation, is self-evident.


A large number of stroke patients will have raised blood pressure on admission, presumably as an attempt by the vasomotor centre to improve cerebral perfusion. Hypertensive patients may have impaired autoregulation and regional cerebral perfusion may be very dependent on blood pressure.8 The patient’s clinical condition and neurological status should determine treatment rather than an arbitrary level of blood pressure. Control of even very high blood pressure (220/120 mmHg; 29.3/16.0 kPa) is not without risk and may result in progression of ischaemic stroke, so reduction should be monitored closely.9 It would seem reasonable on physiological grounds to avoid drugs that cause cerebral vasodilatation in that they may aggravate cerebral oedema, although there is no hard evidence for this. Animal experiments have suggested that haemodilution could improve blood flow by reducing whole blood viscosity but a recent multicentre study has failed to identify any clinical benefit.10 Cardiac output should be maintained and any underlying cardiac pathology such as failure, infarction and atrial fibrillation treated appropriately.


Both hypo- and hyperglycaemia have been shown to worsen prognosis after acute stroke, therefore blood sugar levels should be maintained in the normal range.11 In the long term, nutritional support must not be neglected and early enteral feeding instituted by nasogastric intubation. In the longer term, particularly where bulbar function is reduced, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is necessary.


In theory, the use of anticoagulation reduces the propagation of thrombus and should prevent further embolism. In practice, the reduction in risk of further thromboembolic stroke is offset by a similar number of patients dying from cerebral or systemic haemorrhage as a result of anticoagulation.12,13 Anticoagulation can only be recommended in individuals where there is a high risk of recurrence, such as in those patients with prosthetic heart valves, atrial fibrillation with thrombus or those with thrombophilic disorders. A CT scan must be obtained prior to commencing therapy to exclude haemorrhage, and careful monitoring used. In patients with large infarcts there is always the risk of haemorrhage (haemorrhagic conversion) into the infarct and early heparinisation is best avoided.


Systemic thrombolysis with streptokinase carries a very high risk of cerebral haemorrhage and should not be used.14 There is some evidence that intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (alteplase) has a better safety/efficacy profile. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) trial showed a significant improvement in those patients given alteplase rather than placebo within 3 hours of acute stroke.15 This benefit was not found to be statistically significant in two European trials16,17 and the ATLANTIS trial showed no significant benefit at 90 days in the alteplase group together with an increased risk of intracranial haemorrhage.18 The 2006 Cochrane Library database states that thrombolysis appears to result in a significant net reduction in the proportion of patients dead or dependent in activities of daily living. However, there appears to be an increase in deaths within the first 7–10 days, symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage and deaths at follow-up at 3–6 months. The data from trials using intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, from which there is the most evidence on thrombolytic therapy so far, suggest that it may be associated with less hazard and more benefit. There is heterogeneity between the published trials for some outcomes so that the optimum criteria to identify patients most likely to benefit and least likely to be harmed, the latest time window, the agent, dose and route of administration are all unclear. Nevertheless, the data are promising and may justify the use of thrombolytic therapy with intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in experienced centres in highly selected patients where a licence exists. However, the data do not support the widespread use of thrombolytic therapy in routine clinical practice at this time, but suggest that further trials are needed to identify which patients are most likely to benefit from treatment and the environment in which it may best be given.19


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