CHAPTER 89 Military Psychiatry
Negative effects of combat exposure can persist for decades, as Prigerson and colleagues1 demonstrated in a study of 2,583 men ages 18 to 54 who received standardized psychiatric interviews in the National Comorbidity Survey. They found that combat exposure resulted in high prevalence rates of psychiatric diagnoses and psychosocial problems: 28% had posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); 21% engaged in spousal or partner abuse; 12% experienced job loss; 9% were currently unemployed; 8% had 12-month substance abuse problems within 1 year; 8% underwent divorce or separation; and 7% sustained major depressive disorder (MDD).
In combat or following terrorism that leads to major illness or injuries, volume depletion and metabolic derangements can cause delirium (manifest by clouded consciousness, agitation or diminished responsiveness, and disorientation) (Table 89-1). Pharmacological agents (such as neuroleptics and benzodiazepines) used to manage agitation can further complicate medical assessment and management, especially surrounding combat-related injuries. Symptomatic management of behavioral problems with sedating agents should be initially reserved to protect the life or safety of the patient and other patients or staff. Resolution of the etiology of the delirium should be the primary goal; resolution requires attention to metabolic sequelae of the injury. Common causes of delirium in combat or in disaster settings include hypovolemia, hypoxemia, central nervous system mass effects, infection, and adverse effects of resuscitative medications.
Table 89-1 Common Psychiatric Syndromes and Phenomena in the Immediate Aftermath of Military Operations and Terrorist Events
Depressed mood or resignation in the aftermath of combat or a terrorist event may be difficult to distinguish from the malaise and lassitude common among the prodromes to exposure to many chemical and bioterrorism agents. When depressed mood and associated depressive symptoms disrupt social and occupational function, MDD is diagnosed.
Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Symptoms of acute stress disorder (ASD) and PTSD include reexperiencing phenomena (such as dreams and flashbacks), hyperarousal, avoidance of events or situations that resemble—even symbolically—the original trauma, and dissociative phenomena (such as derealization or numbing).2 When symptoms persist for more than 1 month, PTSD is diagnosed. ASD and PTSD do not occur in a vacuum. When one of these disorders exists, it is highly probable that another psychiatric condition (see Table 89-1) exists as well, especially MDD, panic attacks, panic disorder, substance use disorders, and generalized anxiety disorder. Having a physical injury increases the risk of both ASD and PTSD.3
Unexplained Physical Symptoms and Conversion Symptoms
Use of biological or chemical agents presents a challenging differential diagnosis and contagion problem. During World War I “gas hysteria” was common and threatened the integrity of entire military units. Psychological casualties in chemical and biological threat scenarios may outnumber and prove more costly in terms of personnel losses than physical casualties. Acute symptoms of gas hysteria may mimic symptoms (e.g., dyspnea, coughing, aphonia, and burning of the skin) of poison gas exposure. Patients may have air hunger and other symptoms that are consistent with anxiety and panic. Factors that predispose to psychological contagion include rates of wounding/exposure in the unit, lack of sleep, and lack of prior experience with these phenomena/attacks.4 Therefore, it is important to know what substances a patient has not been exposed to. Following a faked chemical or biological agent threat, there may be a large number of individuals who fear that they have been exposed and will have realistic symptoms based on their knowledge of the alleged agent and the vital sign abnormalities produced by anxiety/fear.
Battle Fatigue and Operational Stress
Beyond traditional psychiatric disorders, “battle fatigue” and “operational stress” are also important practical concepts in military psychiatry. Symptoms such as gastrointestinal distress, tremulousness, and transient perceptual disturbances (including depersonalization and derealization) occur in response to the traumatic exposure, to sleep deprivation, to loss of social supports, or to any combination of these stressful factors associated with military operations. Minor injury, parasitic infection, starvation, heat exhaustion, or cold injury may also deplete adaptive homeostatic mechanisms and contribute to operational stress symptoms.