30. Toxinology Emergencies

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Toxinology Emergencies

Edited by Mark Little

30.1 Snakebite

Geoffrey Isbister


Australia has a number of medically important venomous snakes. All are elapids (front-fanged). New Zealand has no snakes of medical importance.

All patients giving a history of possible snakebite should be assessed and observed for at least 12 h to rule out envenoming.

Most fatalities occur within hours of the bite from initial cardiac arrest and multiorgan failure. Delayed deaths are now uncommon and mainly due to major haemorrhage from the venom-induced consumption coagulopathy.

Pressure bandaging and immobilization (PBI) is the recommended first aid and should be applied early.

Australian snakes are difficult to identify and treatment should be guided by the possible snakes based on geography and the clinical syndrome and expert snake identification if available. Snake venom detection kit is used to identify which antivenom to use and results should not over-rule clinical judgement.

Antivenom is indicated for all patients with clinical or laboratory evidence of envenoming. CSL Ltd makes antivenoms against all important terrestrial snakes, as well as a polyvalent antivenom containing antivenoms to all five.

Antivenom should be given early and then sufficient time allowed for recovery, especially venom-induced consumption coagulopathy which takes 6–18 h to show recovery.

The dose of all snake antivenoms is one vial and repeat doses are never required. Further laboratory testing is only required to determine when patients have recovered and can be discharged.

CSL antivenom contains horse-derived F(ab′)2 antibodies and is associated with systemic hypersensitivity reactions in about 20% of cases, although severe anaphylaxis occurs in less than 5%. Premedication is not recommended but adrenaline should be immediately available for treatment of anaphylaxis.


Australia has a number of venomous snakes with some of the most potent venoms in the world. All the medically important snakes are elapids (front-fanged), although bites rarely occur from colubrids and non-venomous snakes. New Zealand has no snakes of medical importance. The risk of significant coagulopathy and uncommonly death, even after apparently trivial contact with Australian snakes, remains and must be appreciated by healthcare workers [1].


It is thought that approximately 3000 suspected snakebites occur annually in Australia, but this figure is difficult to estimate and depends on how many suspected bites, non-venomous bites and non-envenomed cases are included. The number of envenomed cases is far less and probably in the order of 100–200 each year; the majority of which occur in rural and regional areas. Snakebite deaths continue to occur (about 1–5 per year) and are usually a result of early cardiac arrest in brown snakebites or major haemorrhage in coagulopathic patients [1].

The commonest clinical manifestation is coagulopathy which occurs in about three-quarters of envenomed cases, the majority in brown snake bites [2]. Neurotoxicity and myotoxicity are now uncommon and mechanical ventilation is rarely required for treatment [2]. The types of snakes causing major envenoming differ across Australia. Bites in snake handlers remain an important problem with about 10% of all bites being in snake handlers. However, they are almost all bites from Australian snakes, albeit the more uncommon and interesting snakes and exotic snakebite is very rare [3]. Although snake handlers often want to avoid antivenom, they should be treated like anyone else because there is little evidence to support they are at higher risk of antivenom reactions. Snake handlers and people working with snake venoms can develop systemic hypersensitivity reactions to venom itself, so venom anaphylaxis must be a differential diagnosis in these patients [3].


Most snakebites are preventable and result from snake handling or interference with snakes in the wild, sometimes in the setting of alcohol consumption. Ideally, snakes should be left alone and those working with or keeping snakes should have appropriate training and licences. Simple precautions, such as wearing thick long pants and boots when walking in the bush or when working with snakes, can prevent most bites due to the short length of Australian elapid fangs. Snake handlers should carry and maintain first-aid kits that include at least four broad elastic bandages (15 cm; e.g. Ace) and have practised applying the bandage. If exotic snakes are being held, including Australasian snakes out of their geographical distribution, appropriate antivenoms should be available.

Clinical features

Systemic envenoming results when venom is injected subcutaneously and reaches the systemic circulation. Whether or not a snakebite results in systemic envenoming depends on a number of factors including fang length, average venom yield of the snake, effectiveness of the bite and bite site. Recent studies have suggested that only a small amount of the injected venom actually reaches the systemic circulation [1,4]. Most snakebites do not result in envenoming because either insufficient venom reaches the systemic circulation or the snake is non-venomous.

Envenoming is characterized by local and systemic effects, although Australasian elapids rarely cause major local effects, such as necrosis and local haemorrhage. The clinical features of envenoming depend on the particular toxins present in each snake’s venom but non-specific systemic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and diaphoresis) occur in many cases. The major clinical syndromes are coagulopathy, neurotoxicity, myotoxicity and acute kidney injury [2]. Severe envenoming can result in early collapse associated with dizziness, loss of consciousness, apnoea and hypotension [1]. In the majority of cases, there is spontaneous recovery over 5–15 min but, in some case, this does not occur and multiorgan failure and death ensue if resuscitation is delayed [1].

The medically important Australian snakes and their associated clinical effects are listed in Table 30.1.1.

Table 30.1.1

Clinical syndromes associated with the major venomous Australian snakes and the recommended antivenom

Snake Coagulopathy Neurotoxicity Myotoxicity Systemic symptoms Thrombotic microangiopathy Cardiovascular effects Antivenom
Brown snake VICC1 Rare and mild <50% 10% Collapse (25%)
Cardiac arrest (5%)
Brown snake
Tiger snake group
Tiger snake VICC Uncommon Uncommon Common 5% Rare Tiger snake
Rough-scale snake VICC Uncommon Uncommon Common <5% Rare Tiger snake
Hoplocephalus spp.2 VICC <50% Tiger or brown snake
Black snakes
Mulga snake Anticoagulant Common Common Black snake3
Red-bellied black snake Anticoagulant Uncommon Common Tiger snake4
Death adder Common Common Death Adder3
Taipan VICC Common Rare Common 5% Uncommon Taipan3


1VICC: venom-induced consumption coagulopathy;

2The Hoplocephalus genus/group includes Stephen’s banded snake (H. stephensi), the broad headed snake (H. bungaroides) and the pale-headed snake (H. bitorquatus);

3Polyvalent antivenom can be substituted for these large volume monovalent antivenom with no increase in risk or cost;

4Polyvalent or tiger snake antivenom cannot be used for sea snake envenoming.


Venom-induced consumption coagulopathy (VICC)

This is the commonest and most important clinical effect in Australian snake envenoming. Venom-induced consumption coagulopathy (VICC) results from a prothrombin activator in the snake venom converting prothrombin (Factor II) to thrombin which leads to consumption of Factors V, VIII and fibrinogen, associated with a massive increase in fibrinogen degradation products [5]. Most dangerous Australian snakes contain such a prothrombin activator including brown snakes, snakes in the tiger snake group and taipans [5]. VICC develops rapidly within 15–60 min and the onset may coincide with the initial collapse seen with major envenoming by brown snakes and taipans [1]. Recovery usually takes 12–18 h [5].

Anticoagulant coagulopathy

Anticoagulant coagulopathy occurs in black snake envenoming, including mulga and red-bellied black snakes and is characterized by an abnormal activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) [6,7]. It is unlikely to result in haemorrhage and of itself is rarely of clinical importance. However, anticoagulant coagulopathy is a useful marker of envenoming and is rapidly reversed with antivenom [6].


Paralysis is a classic effect of snakebite and is due to mainly presynaptic neurotoxins that occur in almost all Australian elapids. Presynaptic neurotoxins disrupt neurotransmitter release from the terminal axon and are associated with cellular damage. This type of neurotoxicity does not respond to antivenom treatment and may take days to weeks to resolve in severe cases. Neurotoxic envenoming manifests as a progressive descending flaccid paralysis. The first sign is usually ptosis followed by facial and bulbar involvement and progressing to paralysis of the extraocular muscles, respiratory muscles and peripheral weakness in severe cases.


Some Australian snakes contain myotoxins that cause damage to skeletal muscles resulting in local and/or generalized muscle pain, tenderness and weakness, associated with a rapidly rising creatine kinase and myoglobinuria. In rare severe cases, secondary renal impairment can occur.

Renal toxicity

Renal impairment or acute kidney injury can occur in association with thrombotic microangiopathy, secondary to severe myolysis or, more rarely and to a minor degree, in isolation with brown snake envenoming. Thrombotic microangiopathy occurs in snakebites associated with VICC and is characterized by severe thrombocytopaenia worse 3–4 days after the bite, acute renal failure that may last 2–8 weeks and require dialysis and microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia [8]. It is most common with brown snake envenoming, but also reported with all snakes that cause VICC.

Local effects

Local effects vary from minimal effects with brown snakebites to local pain, swelling and, occasionally, tissue injury following black and tiger snakebites.

Most fatalities occur within hours of the bite from initial cardiac arrest and multiorgan failure [1]. Delayed deaths are now uncommon and mainly due to major haemorrhage from VICC in brown snake, tiger snake group or taipan envenoming. Respiratory failure from neurotoxicity remains a problem in Papua New Guinea where there continue to be large numbers of cases, mainly taipan bites, and a shortage of both antivenom and resources for mechanical ventilation.


First aid

Australian snake venoms appear to be absorbed via the lymphatic system so absorption is likely to be increased by movement and exercise. The aim of first aid is to minimize movement of venom to the systemic circulation. This is achieved by a pressure bandage (elastic bandage, such as ACE) being applied over the bite site and then covering the whole limb with a similar pressure to that used for a limb sprain. The bitten limb must be immobilized as well as the whole patient or the first aid is ineffective. Immobilization consists of splinting and complete prevention of movement or exercise of the bitten part. It has been shown that movement of all limbs, not just the affected one, needs to be minimized for optimal effect [9]. Transport should be brought to the patient and walking must be avoided. Pressure bandaging is clearly impractical for bites that are not on the limbs but direct pressure with a pad and immobilization may be useful.

First aid must eventually be removed but this should take place in a resuscitation area of a facility with the means definitively to treat envenoming. The first aid is removed when:

Initial assessment and treatment

Figure 30.1.1 provides a simple approach to the management of suspected and envenomed snakebite patients. The patient is managed in an area with full resuscitation facilities. Assessment and management proceed simultaneously. The airway, breathing and circulation are assessed and stabilized. The majority of patients are not critically unwell and can have a focused neurological examination for early signs of paralysis (e.g. ptosis, drooling), examination of draining lymph nodes and general examination for signs of bleeding (oozing from the bite site, gum bleeds). Intravenous access should be established and intravenous fluids commenced.

Fig. 30.1.1 Early management of snakebite (from Therapeutic Guidelines Emergency Medicine, July 2012 with permission). 1A toxicologist can be contacted at anytime via the Poison Information Centre 131126. 2Cardiac arrest, respiratory failure secondary to paralysis or major haemorrhage (intracranial, major gastrointestinal or other life-threatening bleeding). 3Blood tests include: coagulation tests (INR/PT, aPTT, D-dimer, fibrinogen), FBC and blood film for fragments red cells, EUC, CK and LDH. 4Any improvement in coagulation studies, such as measurable but still abnormal aPTT or PT after 6 h, is sufficient evidence of resolving coagulopathy. Neurotoxicity and myotoxicity are usually irreversible and further antivenom is unlikely to help. 5Any patient given antivenom needs advice on discharge about possibility of serum sickness occurring 4 to 14 days later. PBI: pressure bandaging immobilization; INR: international normalized ratio; ED: emergency department.

Further management

Two major diagnostic and risk assessment issues exist for snakebite:

The majority of patients are not envenomed, but all patients must initially be assessed as if they are potentially envenomed. Asymptomatic patients, particularly those seen early after a brown snakebite, may still be severely envenomed with VICC. The diagnosis of envenoming is made on history, examination and the clinical investigations listed below. Although systemic envenoming can be ambiguous in patients with mild envenoming, the following definitions are useful for determining whether patients require antivenom:

ent VICC is defined as an elevated international normalized ratio (INR) or prothrombin time (PT) associated with an elevated D-dimer. A low or unrecordable fibrinogen will also occur but is not required for the diagnosis. In the majority of cases, there is complete consumption with unrecordable PT/INR, aPTT and undetectable fibrinogen and the decision to give antivenom is straightforward. Milder forms of coagulopathy may occur with elevated D-dimer and only minimally elevated INR. Antivenom is still indicated in most cases but these can be discussed with a clinical toxicologist.

ent Neurotoxicity is defined as at least ptosis, but may progress without antivenom to include bulbar palsy, extraocular ophthalmoplegia, respiratory muscle paralysis and limb paralysis.

ent Myotoxicity is defined as local or generalized myalgia and/or muscle weakness in association with an elevated creatine kinase (CK>1000 IU).

ent Non-specific symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, diaphoresis and headache and may, in some cases, be an indication for antivenom depending on the type of snake.

Table 30.1.2 provides a list of relative and absolute contraindications for antivenom which can be discussed with a clinical toxicologist if there is any doubt. If there is no evidence of envenoming after clinical assessment and initial laboratory testing, the first-aid bandage can be removed. The patient requires ongoing close observation including repeated investigations 1 h after bandage removal and at 6 and 12 h after the bite (see Fig. 30.1.1).

Table 30.1.2

Absolute and relative indications for antivenom

Absolute indications

History of sudden collapse, cardiac arrest or seizure

An abnormal INR

Evidence of paralysis with ptosis and/or ophthalmoplegia being the earliest signs

Relative indications: (suggest consultation with clinical toxicologist)

Systemic symptoms (vomiting, headache, abdominal pain)

Abnormal aPTT

Creatinine kinase>1000 U/L


If the patient is envenomed, then management must proceed with antivenom. A small number of patients present in extremis, usually following collapse and in cardiac arrest and should have antivenom administered immediately as part of advanced life support.

The next step is to determine the snake group responsible for envenoming in order to allow the administration of the appropriate monovalent antivenom. This is done taking into account:

In the majority of cases, a combination of these two factors allows determination of the correct monovalent snake antivenom required. In some cases, an expert may be available to identify the snake. If the snake type cannot be determined based on geography and clinical syndrome, a snake venom detection kit (SVDK) may assist in identifying the snake. However, the results of an SVDK cannot be used in isolation from the geography, expert snake identification or clinical syndrome. If it is unclear which snake is involved then one vial of polyvalent antivenom should be administered or two vials of monovalent in regions (e.g. Victoria) where this will cover all medically important snakes – most commonly brown and tiger snake antivenoms. In Tasmania, only tiger snake antivenom is required.

Administration of antivenom

Snake antivenom should be administered by the intravenous route after being diluted 1 in 10 with normal saline and administered over 15 min. In patients with cardiac arrest or life-threatening effects, undiluted antivenom may be administered as a slow intravenous bolus. The dose of antivenom is one vial for all Australian snakes and the dose for children is the same as adults. Recovery is determined by the reversibility of effects and the time it takes for recovery once venom is neutralized. Repeat doses of antivenom are never required. Although there has been controversy over the dose of antivenom, recent studies have demonstrated that previously recommended large doses are not required [1,10].

Premedication for snake antivenom administration has previously been controversial but is no longer recommended in Australia. A recent randomized controlled trial has suggested that adrenaline is an effective premedication for snake antivenom [11], but this is more appropriate in resource poor settings where the risk of reactions is higher. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions occur in about one-fifth of antivenom administrations in Australia, but are only severe (mainly hypotension) in less than 5% of administrations [2,3]. Reactions are more common with tiger snake antivenom and polyvalent antivenom compared to brown snake antivenom [2,3]. Antivenom should always be administered in a critical care area with readily available adrenaline, intravenous fluids and resuscitation equipment.

The frequency of delayed-type reactions to antivenom or serum sickness is probably higher than acute reactions and likely to depend on the amount of horse protein administered. All patients given antivenom should be warned of serum sickness. There is no evidence for the prophylactic use of a course of oral steroids but they should be used for treatment in patients who present with serum sickness (prednisolone 50 mg/day for 5–7 days).

Other treatments

Tetanus prophylaxis should be given as appropriate but local wound care is rarely required with Australasian snakes due to minimal local effects.

A recent randomized controlled trial has shown that the use of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) appears to speed the recovery of VICC [12], but whether the decreased risk of bleeding is large enough to balance the risk of blood products remains unclear. The study also suggested that use of FFP within 6 h of the bite may be associated with a poor response to FFP. Until larger studies are undertaken, FFP should be reserved for patients with coagulopathy and active bleeding.

Clinical investigations

Assessment of the potentially envenomed requires the following investigations to be performed, usually serially:

Repeat laboratory testing, particularly coagulation studies, should not be used to determine if sufficient antivenom has been given because one vial is sufficient in all cases. Such serial testing should be used to determine when the patient has recovered and can be discharged.

Snake venom detection kit

The SVDK is designed to confirm which major snake group is responsible and therefore which antivenom to give. It does not confirm or exclude envenoming and should only be included in the assessment of envenomed patients after considering geography and clinical/laboratory effects. It is best done by laboratory staff. In non-envenomed patients, the SVDK has a high false-positive rate, especially in the brown snake well and is problematic in regions where brown snakes are uncommon (e.g. Victoria) [10]. A positive SVDK on urine does not indicate systemic toxicity and, in asymptomatic patients with normal laboratory studies, it is a false-positive result. The test should not be done on blood.


Patients with suspected snakebite but no evidence of envenoming 1 h after the removal of first aid may be admitted to an observation area. Blood tests including coagulation studies and a CK should be repeated at 1 h after first aid is removed, and 6 and 12 h post-bite and be observed for 12 h or overnight (see Fig. 30.1.1). Envenomed patients requiring ventilatory support should have continued management in ICU, but patients with coagulopathy only are commonly managed in ED observation wards.


1. Allen GE, Brown SG, Buckley NA, et al. Clinical effects and antivenom dosing in brown snake (Pseudonaja spp.) envenoming – Australian Snakebite Project (ASP-14). PLoS One. 2012;7:e53188.

2. Isbister GK, Brown SG, MacDonald E, et al. Current use of Australian snake antivenoms and frequency of immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions and anaphylaxis. Med J Aust. 2008;188:473–476.

3. Isbister GK, Brown SG. Bites in Australian snake handlers Australian snakebite project (ASP-15). Q J Med. 2012;105:1089–1095.

4. Isbister GK, O’Leary MA, Schneider JJ, et al. Efficacy of antivenom against the procoagulant effect of Australian brown snake (Pseudonaja sp.) venom: in vivo and in vitro studies. Toxicon. 2007;49:57–67.

5. Isbister GK, Scorgie FE, O’Leary MA, et al. Factor deficiencies in venom-induced consumption coagulopathy resulting from Australian elapid envenomation: Australian Snakebite Project (ASP-10). J Thromb Haemost. 2010;8:2504–2513.

6. Churchman A, O’Leary MA, Buckley NA, et al. Clinical effects of red-bellied black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) envenoming and correlation with venom concentrations: Australian Snakebite Project (ASP-11). Med J Aust. 2010;193:696–700.

7. Johnston CI, Brown SGA, O’Leary MA, et al. Mulga snake (Pseudechis australis) envenoming: a spectrum of myotoxicity, anticoagulant coagulopathy, haemolysis and the role of early antivenom therapy Australian Snakebite Project (ASP-19). Clin Toxicol Jun. 2013;51(5):417–424.

8. Isbister GK. Snakebite doesn’t cause disseminated intravascular coagulation: coagulopathy and thrombotic microangiopathy in snake envenoming. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2010;36:444–451.

9. Howarth DM, Southee AE, Whyte IM. Lymphatic flow rates and first-aid in simulated peripheral snake or spider envenomation. Med J Aust. 1994;161:695–700.

10. Isbister GK, O’Leary MA, Elliott M, et al. Tiger snake (Notechis spp) envenoming: Australian Snakebite Project (ASP-13). Med J Aust. 2012;197:173–177.

11. de Silva HA, Pathmeswaran A, Ranasinha CD, et al. Low-dose adrenaline, promethazine, and hydrocortisone in the prevention of acute adverse reactions to antivenom following snakebite: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. PLoS Med. 2011;8:e1000435.

12. Isbister GK, Buckley NA, Page CB, et al. A randomised controlled trial of fresh frozen plasma for treating venom induced consumption coagulopathy in Australian snakebite (ASP-18). J Thromb Haemost Jul. 2013;11(7):1310–1318.

30.2 Exotic snakebite

Julian White


The snakebite chapter of this edition is targeted principally at the Australian snakebite experience, but snakebite is a global phenomenon, arguably with>2.5 million cases,>100000 deaths and>400000 amputations every year, so Australia accounts for only a tiny fraction of this impact.

Exotic snakebite is a worldwide problem, with increasing seizures by customs of illegally imported snakes and seizures of illegal collections by authorities in countries. Some think that the trade in exotic animals is second only to the illegal trade of drugs and weapons.

Exotic snakebite in Australia is either where an Australian snake species bites a person in a region where this snake is not usually found (e.g. pet taipan bites owner in Hobart), or where a snake, not native to Australia, bites someone in Australia. This chapter will focus on this second scenario.

This topic is vast and beyond the scope of this chapter, but similar management principles may apply. Table 30.2.1 provides a list of selected genera/species, with distribution, clinical effects and major modes of treatment.

Table 30.2.1

Selected exotic snakes; overview of clinical effects and management

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Snake Distribution Clinical effects Treatmentent
Family ‘Colubridae’#
Boomslang (Dispholidus typus) SSaf CC, NF, BH, HF AV, BP, IV, NC
Bird/vine/twig snakes (Thelotornis spp.) SSaf CC, NF, BH, HF BP, IV, NC
Keelback & yamakagashi (Rhabdophis spp.) SEAs, EAs CC, BH, HF AV, IV, BP
Family Elapidae
PNG small eyed snake (Micropechis ikaheka) PNG (New Guinea) PU, M, AC, NF AV, IV, NC, ST
Bolo (Ogmodon vitianus) PNG (Fiji) ?LS IV, ST
Bougainville coral snake (Parapistocalamas hedigeri) PNG (Bougainville) ?LS IV, ST
Solomons coral snake (Salomonelaps par) PNG (Solomon Islands) ?LS IV, ST
PNG forest snakes (Toxicocalamus spp.) PNG (New Guinea) ?LS IV, ST
Asian coral snakes (Calliophis spp.) SEAs PU, RF IV, ST, AC
Asian spitting cobras (Naja spp.) SEAs, EAs, Ind PN, SO, LI, HF AV, IV, LC, AC
Asian cobras (Naja spp.) SEAs, EAs, Ind, As PN, RF, LI (some) AV, IV, LC, AC
King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) SEAs, Ind PN, RF, LI, HF AV, IV, LC, AC, ST
Kraits (Bungarus spp.) SEAs, EAs, Ind PP, PN, RF, M AV, IV, ST
Desert black snake (Walterinnesia aegyptia) ME, NtAf PN, RF ST, IV, ?AV1
Water cobras (Naja (ex Boulengerina) spp.) SSAf PN, RF ST, IV
African spitting cobras (Naja spp.) SSAf, NtAf, ME SO, LI, PN, HF AV, IV, LC
African cobras (Naja spp.) SSAf, NtAf, ME PN, RF, LI (some)