Ventilation and Ventilatory Control Tests

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Last modified 12/06/2015

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Chapter 5

Ventilation and Ventilatory Control Tests

The chapter discusses the measurement of ventilation and its components: tidal volume (VT), respiratory frequency (fb), and minute ventilation (imageE). Wasted or dead space ventilation is defined, and techniques for estimating dead space (VD) and alveolar ventilation (imageA) are described. Because a variety of diseases can increase dead space, measurements of VD and the VD/VT ratio are used to evaluate many disorders. Ventilation and VD measurements are used in several different clinical situations. These parameters may be measured in the critical care unit and in the pulmonary function or exercise laboratory.

Assessment of ventilatory responses is closely related to the measurement of resting ventilation. The responses to two stimuli, carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2), are commonly evaluated. Ventilatory response is usually assessed by measuring the change in ventilation that occurs with elevated CO2 (hypercapnia) or decreased O2 (hypoxemia). The output of the central respiratory centers is also sometimes measured as the pressure developed during the first tenth of a second when the airway is blocked (P100 or P0.1). Another related test that has recently become clinically significant is the High Altitude Simulation Test (HAST). This test uses a reduced inspiratory oxygen concentration to mimic elevation, but, instead of measuring the ventilatory response, the patient’s oxygen status is evaluated.

Tidal volume, rate, and minute ventilation


Tidal volume (VT) is the volume of gas inspired or expired during each respiratory cycle (see Figure 2-1). It is usually measured in liters or milliliters and corrected to BTPS. Conventionally, the volume expired is expressed as VT. The respiratory rate is the number of breaths per minute (sometimes called breathing frequency or respiratory frequency or fb). The total volume of gas expired per minute is imageE, or minute ventilation. imageE includes alveolar and dead space ventilation and is recorded in liters per minute, BTPS.


VT can be measured directly by simple spirometry (see Figure 2-1). The patient breathes into a volume-displacement or flow-sensing spirometer (see Chapter 11). Volume change may be measured directly from the excursions of a volume spirometer. VT may also be measured from an integrated flow signal (see Chapter 11). A graphic representation of tidal breathing can be displayed on a computer screen. Because no two breaths are the same, inhaled or exhaled tidal breaths should be measured for at least 1 minute and then divided by the rate to determine an average volume:

< ?xml:namespace prefix = "mml" />VT=V·fbimage


image   = volume expired or inspired per minute (usually the imageE )

fb = number of breaths for the same interval (i.e., the respiratory rate)

The inspired minute volume (imageI ) and VT are normally slightly greater than the imageE because at rest the body produces a slightly lower volume of CO2 than the volume of O2 consumed. This exchange difference is termed the respiratory exchange ratio (RER). It is calculated as the imageco2/imageo2, where imageco2 is the volume of CO2 produced and imageo2 is the volume of O2 consumed per minute. It is assumed that RER is approximately 0.8 in resting patients. For most clinical purposes, expired volume is measured to calculate VT.

VT may also be estimated by means of a respiratory inductive plethysmography (RIP). The RIP uses coils of wire as transducers that respond to changes in the cross-sectional area of the rib cage and abdominal compartments. With appropriate calibration, inductive plethysmography can be used to measure VT. This method allows the measurement of VT and minute ventilation without a direct connection to the patient’s airway.

Respiratory frequency (fb) may be determined by counting chest movements, noting the excursions of a volume displacement spirometer (Criteria for Acceptability 5-1), or most commonly by measuring flow changes while the subject breathes through a flow-sensing spirometer. Counting the rate for several minutes and taking an average produces a more accurate value than shorter measurements. Prolonged measurement of VT and rate with a volume-displacement spirometer requires a means of removing CO2. This is called a rebreathing system and uses a chemical CO2 absorber (see Figure 4-1, B). Sodium hydroxide crystals (Sodasorb) or barium hydroxide crystals (Baralyme) are commonly used to scrub CO2 from rebreathing systems. Flow-sensing spirometers usually do not require a chemical absorber.

The imageE may be measured by allowing the patient to breathe into or out of a volume-displacement or flow-sensing spirometer for at least 1 minute. A shorter breathing interval can be used with minute volume extrapolated but may give a misleading estimate of ventilation if the patient’s breathing rate is irregular. If a rebreathing system is used, a CO2 absorber must be included, as well as a means of replenishing O2. Measuring expired gas volume for several minutes and dividing by the time gives an average imageE. imageE, measured from expired gas, is usually slightly smaller than imageI because of the RER, as described previously. For most clinical purposes, this difference is negligible. BTPS corrections should be made.

Significance and Pathophysiology

See Interpretive Strategies 5-1. Average VT for healthy adults at rest ranges between 400 and 700 mL, but there is considerable variation. Decreased VT occurs in many types of pulmonary disorders, particularly those that cause severe restrictive patterns. Pulmonary fibrosis and neuromuscular diseases (e.g., myasthenia gravis) often cause reduced VT. Decreased tidal breathing usually accompanies changes in the mechanical properties of the lungs or chest wall (i.e., compliance and resistance). These changes usually produce an increased respiratory rate (fb) required to maintain an adequate imageA. Decreases in both VT and respiratory rate are often associated with respiratory center depression because of drugs or pathologic conditions affecting the brain stem. Low VT and rate usually result in alveolar hypoventilation.

Some patients who have pulmonary disease may exhibit increased VT, particularly at rest. The VT alone is not a good indicator of the adequacy of alveolar ventilation ( imageA). Tidal volume should always be considered in conjunction with respiratory rate and imageE. Many healthy patients display increased VT simply because of breathing into the pulmonary function apparatus with the nose occluded. Estimates of resting ventilation may be artifactually increased when measured during pulmonary function testing. Some subjects adopt unusual breathing strategies (e.g., large tidal volumes with slow respiratory rate or small tidal volumes with rapid breathing rates) during exercise or stress for nonphysiologic reasons.

The normal respiratory rate (fb) ranges from 10–20 breaths/min in adults. Increased demand for ventilation, such as during exercise, usually results in increases in both the rate and depth of breathing (i.e., the tidal volume). Increases or decreases in the respiratory rate are indications of a change in the ventilatory status. Breathing frequency, when evaluated with the VT, may be used as an index of ventilation. Hypoxia, hypercapnia, metabolic acidosis, decreased lung compliance, and exercise can all result in increased respiratory rate. Rapid breathing rates and small tidal volumes may suggest increased VD or hypoventilation but must be correlated with arterial pH and Pco2 values to confirm those conditions. Decreased breathing frequency is common in central nervous system depression and in CO2 narcosis. Respiratory rate may be falsely elevated in patients connected to unfamiliar breathing circuits, with or without a noseclip.

Normal imageE ranges from 5–10 L/min in healthy adults with wide variations in normal patients. The imageE, when used in conjunction with blood gas values, indicates the adequacy of ventilation. imageE is the sum of the imageD (dead space ventilation per minute) and imageA. Because the relative proportions of these components can change, absolute values for imageE do not necessarily indicate either hypoventilation or hyperventilation. In other words, low minute ventilation does not necessarily indicate hypoventilation. Similarly, elevated imageE does not indicate hyperventilation. To make these diagnoses, arterial pH and Pco2 must be measured.

A large imageE at rest (greater than 20 L/min) may result from an enlarged VD because an increase in total ventilation is required to maintain adequate imageA. imageE increases in response to hypoxia, hypercapnia, metabolic acidosis, anxiety, and exercise. Hyperventilation is ventilation in excess of that needed to adequately remove CO2, resulting in respiratory alkalosis.

Decreased ventilation may result from hypocapnia, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory center depression, or neuromuscular disorders that involve the ventilatory muscles. Hypoventilation is defined as inadequate ventilation to maintain a normal arterial Pco2, with respiratory acidosis as the result. The diagnosis of either hyperventilation or hypoventilation requires blood gas analysis (see Chapter 6).

Respiratory dead space and alveolar ventilation


Respiratory dead space (VD) is the lung volume that is ventilated but not perfused by pulmonary capillary blood flow. VD can be divided into the conducting airways, or anatomic dead space, and the nonperfused alveoli, or alveolar dead space. The combination of alveolar and anatomic dead space is respiratory (or physiologic) dead space. VD is recorded in milliliters or liters, BTPS.

imageA is the volume of gas that participates in gas exchange in the lungs. It can be expressed as:



imageA= alveolar ventilation

imageE= minute ventilation

imageD= dead space ventilation per minute

For a single breath, the imageA equals the imageT minus the imageD. imageA is usually expressed in liters per minute, BTPS.


Dead Space

Anatomic dead space is sometimes estimated from an individual’s body size as 1 mL/lb of ideal body weight. The actual respiratory dead space, however, is of greater clinical importance. VD can be calculated in two ways. The first uses the Enghoff modification of the Bohr equation defining VD:



VT   = tidal volume

FAco2  = fraction of CO2 in alveolar gas

Fco2 = fraction of CO2 in mixed expired gas

Because the fractional concentration of alveolar CO2 is difficult to measure, partial pressure of CO2 may be substituted and the equation written as follows:



Paco2 = arterial Pco2

PE¯imageco2 = Pco2 of mixed expired gas sample

Note that the Paco2 is substituted for the alveolar Pco2. This substitution presumes perfect equilibration between alveoli and pulmonary capillaries. This may not be true in certain diseases. The test also assumes that little CO2 is in the atmosphere. Therefore, the Pco2 in expired gas is inversely proportional to the VD. Exhaled gas is collected over a short interval, and arterial blood is obtained simultaneously to measure Paco2. VD is calculated by applying the previous equation. The estimate usually becomes more representative as more expired gas is collected. Accuracy depends on measurement of VT (usually derived from imageE and fb) and on the precision of the partial pressures of CO2 measured in expired gas and arterial blood. The mixed expired gas sample is usually collected in a bag or balloon after filling and emptying it several times with expired gas to wash out room air from the valves, tubing, and bag itself. The volume of gas in the bag can be measured during collection by including a flow-sensing spirometer in the circuit. If imageE and respiratory rate are recorded, the volumes of VD and VT can be determined. If expired volume is not measured, only a dilution ratio can be determined; this is called the VD/VT ratio.

The VD/VT ratio can be calculated if arterial and mixed-expired Pco2 values are known. It can also be estimated noninvasively. End-tidal Pco2 (see the section on capnography in Chapter 6) can be used to estimate Paco2. The main advantage of this method is that it is not necessary to obtain an arterial blood sample. This technique is often used in systems that monitor expired CO2 continuously and in breath-by-breath metabolic measurement devices. VD/VT may be calculated as follows:



Petco2 = end-tidal Pco2

Pco2= Pco2 of mixed-expired gas sample

In some patients, particularly those with severe obstruction, Petco2 may not accurately reflect Paco2. Consequently, the VD/VT ratio may be estimated incorrectly. Paco2 should be used in the VD calculation whenever possible.

Alveolar Ventilation

imageA can be calculated in two ways:



VT = tidal volume

VD = respiratory dead space

fb = respiratory rate

For convenience, VD is often estimated as equal to anatomic dead space. This method is valid only when there is little or no alveolar dead space, as in individuals who do not have pulmonary disease.

Because atmospheric gas contains almost no CO2, imageA can be calculated on the basis of CO2 elimination from the lungs. A volume of expired gas may be collected in a bag, balloon, or spirometer and analyzed to determine the volume of CO2 (see Chapter 7). The following equation can then be used:



imageco2= volume of CO2 produced in liters per minute (STPD)

FAco2= fractional concentration of CO2 in alveola

If an end-tidal CO2 monitor (i.e., a capnograph) is used, a close approximation of the concentration of alveolar CO2 is easily obtained, and the equation is simplified as follows:


End-tidal CO2 may not equal alveolar CO2 in patients with grossly abnormal patterns of ventilation-perfusion (see Chapter 6).

The same equation can be used substituting Paco2 for the alveolar Pco2 (i.e., PAco2), again presuming that arterial blood and alveolar gas are in equilibrium. The equation is then as follows:



imageco2= CO2 production in mL/min (STPD)

Paco2= partial pressure of arterial CO2

0.863= conversion factor (concentration to partial pressure, correcting imageco2 to BTPS)

Significance and Pathophysiology

See Interpretive Strategies 5-2. Measurement of VD yields important information regarding the ventilation-perfusion characteristics of the lungs. Anatomic dead space is larger in men than in women because of differences in body size. It increases along with the VT

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