Vascular and endovascular surgery

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21 Vascular and endovascular surgery

Pathophysiology of arterial disease


Most patients presenting to vascular specialists in developed countries have atherosclerosis which is characterized histopathologically by endothelial cell injury; sub-endothelial deposition of lipids and inflammatory cells; and smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation, all of which lead to plaque haemorrhage and rupture resulting in thrombosis and embolism (Fig. 21.1).

Clinical features

The clinical manifestations of arterial disease depend upon:

Mechanism of injury

The mechanism of injury has a major influence on the clinical presentation, prognosis and treatment of arterial disease (Fig. 21.2).

Chronic lower limb arterial disease

Clinical features

Intermittent claudication

Clinical features

As lower limb arterial disease most frequently affects the SFA (Fig. 21.5), IC is usually characterized by pain on walking in the muscles of one or both calves. If the iliac arteries are affected then that pain may also be felt in the thigh and even the buttock (internal iliac disease). The pain comes on after a reasonably constant ‘claudication distance’, and usually subsides rapidly and completely on cessation of walking. Resumption of walking causes the pain to return. These and other features distinguish it from neurogenic and venous claudication (Table 21.1).

Typically, the superficial femoral artery (SFA) first becomes narrowed at the adductor canal (Fig. 21.6A). Ankle pulses may be palpable but are diminished, and a bruit may be heard at or below the stenosis. The ABPI is often (near) normal at rest but reduced following exercise.

Over the next few months or years, collateral vessels arising from the PFA enlarge so that they carry a higher proportion of the blood flow to the lower leg. As a result, in the majority of patients, symptoms gradually improve or even disappear. But thrombotic occlusion of the SFA (Fig. 21.6B) may lead to a sudden deterioration in walking distance. Ankle and popliteal pulses will be absent at this stage.

Continued development of the collateral circulation may lead to an improvement in symptoms and walking distance. This phase of moderate claudication may remain apparently stable for several years. However, without ‘best medical therapy’ (BMT) (see below) and a change in the patient’s lifestyle, the atherosclerosis will progress to involve other segments, such as the PFA, iliac and tibial vessels (Fig. 21.6C). The IC will progress to become severe, often forcing the patient to stop every 50–100 metres or so, and the scope for spontaneous improvement steadily diminishes. As the disease progresses further in severity and extent, symptoms are likely to worsen to a point where CLI develops due to multilevel disease (Fig. 21.6D). Such patients will often go on to develop night/rest pain and are at risk of tissue loss (see below).

An understanding of this cyclical pattern of exacerbation and resolution in IC is important as spontaneous improvement may mislead the patient into thinking all is well and that there is no longer a need to comply with medical advice (see below); and, in particular, that they can continue to smoke with impunity.

Critical limb ischaemia

Whereas IC is usually due to single-level disease, CLI (sometimes also termed severe limb ischaemia, SLI) is caused by multiple lesions affecting different arterial segments down the leg (Fig. 21.6D). These patients usually have tissue loss (ulceration or gangrene) and/or rest (night) pain; their ankle blood pressure is often 50–70 mmHg or less. Without revascularization, such patients will often lose their limb, and sometimes their life, in a matter of months.

The diabetic foot

This refers to the combination of ischaemia, neuropathy and immunocompromise that renders the feet of diabetic patients particularly susceptible to sepsis, ulceration and gangrene. Diabetic neuropathy affects the motor, sensory and autonomic nerves.

Management of lower limb ischaemia

Medical management

All patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease should be strongly urged to comply with BMT, which comprises:

Immediate, absolute and permanent cessation from smoking. This is by far the most important intervention and prognostic factor. In the face of continued smoking, other treatments are rendered largely ineffective and disease progression, limb loss and death (usually from cardiovascular causes) within a few years are the likely outcome.

Control of hypertension according to current guidelines (for example, see the British Hypertension Society,

Control of hypercholesterolaemia according to current guidelines (for example, see the British Heart Foundation, All vascular patients should be prescribed lipid lowering drugs, usually a statin, so that their baseline total cholesterol is reduced by a third (ideally to below 4 mmol/l). Statins also stabilize atheromatous plaques and prevent the development and progression of aneurysmal disease through as yet incompletely understood anti-inflammatory mechanisms.

Prescription of an antiplatelet agent (for guidance see National Institute of Clinical and Health Excellence, This is normally aspirin (75 mg daily) but clopidogrel (75 mg daily) is a more effective and safer alternative (but is also more expensive). Anticoagulation with warfarin should normally be reserved for patients with AF.

Regular exercise as possible; it is widely accepted that supervised exercise in a health care environment is more effective than (unsupervised) simple advice to exercise.

Control of obesity. This will help to bring down blood pressure, cholesterol and the ‘strain’ of walking; diabetes will also be easier to control. Surgical and endovascular intervention is much more difficult and morbid in obese patients.

The identification and active treatment of patients with diabetes. This includes foot care (for further information see, for example, Diabetes UK,

Compliance with BMT increases not only walking distance but also affords very significant protection against cardiovascular events, improves the patient’s quality of life and life expectancy. Unfortunately, many patients fail to comply and, in particular, continue to smoke. Endovascular or open surgery for IC should not normally be considered until the patient is fully compliant with BMT and that therapy has been given adequate chance to effect symptomatic improvement. Intervention in the face of continued smoking is usually clinically and cost-ineffective and represents poor use of limited health care resources. Revascularization is in addition to, not instead of, BMT, a point that often has to be emphasized to patients anxious to return to their previous lifestyle.

By the time a patient develops CLI it is often (but not always) the case that, without surgical or endovascular revascularization, the limb will be lost. However, this does not in any way undermine the value of instituting BMT in such patients. On occasion, BMT may improve the condition of the leg such that intervention is not required or a lesser procedure becomes an option. In those undergoing intervention, BMT undoubtedly reduces the overall risks and increases the success of the procedure.

Endovascular management

Balloon angioplasty (BAP), with or without stenting, has been used successfully in the iliac, femoral, popliteal and crural arteries and is usually performed under local anaesthesia (Fig. 21.8). The arterial lesion to be treated (stenosis or occlusion) is identified and crossed with a wire. A balloon catheter is introduced over the wire and the balloon inflated. This enlarges the lumen by disrupting the atheromatous plaque. In occlusions and complex disease, metal stents may be deployed across the lesion to improve patency and reduce distal embolic complications. Sometimes these balloons and stents are coated with drugs that reduce the arterial scarring (neo-intimal hyperplasia) that follows such intervention and can lead to restenosis and reocclusion (so-called drug eluting balloons and stents). Endoluminal repair of the aortoiliac segment is the treatment of choice in most vascular units because of its high patency rates, and low morbidity compared to open surgery. Infrainguinal BAP and, less commonly, stenting is also widely used in the management of IC and CLI.

Intermittent claudication

Endoluminal treatment (BAP, stent) should be used selectively in patients with IC because it may be associated with a 1–2% morbidity rate, rarely mortality, and many patients have a pattern of disease that is unsuitable for current endovascular technologies. There is controversy with regard to its role in the femoropopliteal and infrapopliteal segments because of a perceived lack of durability of benefit. In the future, this may be improved by the use of stents. By contrast, most vascular specialists believe that endoluminal therapy should be considered in patients with IC due to aortoiliac disease (absent or reduced femoral pulses) because they:

Furthermore, the long-term patency of BAP and stenting is optimal in high-flow, large-calibre vessels, leading to a durable clinical benefit in many patients.

Critical limb ischaemia

The role of BAP and stenting in CLI remains controversial and, with present technology, many such patients remain unsuitable for endovascular therapy. The only published randomized controlled trial to compare BAP and bypass surgery (BSX) ( indicates that although BAP is safer and less expensive than BSX in the short term (12–18 months), BSX (with vein) offers a more durable and complete revascularization in the longer term (3–5 years) (EBM 21.1). At the present time, CLI patients expected to only live 1–2 years and who do not have a suitable vein for the construction of a bypass are probably best treated by BAP where technically possible; all other CLI patients are probably best served by BSX. The role for endovascular therapy may increase in the future as technology improves.

Indications for arterial reconstruction

Intermittent claudication

Many surgeons are reluctant to perform infrainguinal bypass surgery for IC because:

As with BAP and stenting, the balance of risks and benefits for open surgery is different in patients with aorto-iliac disease. Although the risk of surgery is higher, the long-term patency rates of such grafts are excellent, and one operation deals with both legs. Whatever the treatment being considered, patients and their families must be made fully aware of the risks and benefits so that they can give fully informed consent. These discussions must always be faithfully recorded in the notes; it is good practice to send copies of this to the patient as well as the GP. Sadly, medicolegal activity continues to grow in the UK and clear and accurate verbal and written communication between the clinician, the patient and their family affords significant protection for all parties concerned.

Principles of arterial reconstruction

Complications of arterial reconstruction

The morbidity and mortality associated with vascular surgery is often high because vascular patients are usually elderly and unfit with widespread vascular disease, and the operations are often lengthy with significant blood loss. Meticulous perioperative care is essential for optimal results, and close liaison between the surgeon, the anaesthetist and the intensivist is essential. Longer term major complications include infection and graft occlusion for which outcome is better when identified early.

Although there is no strong evidence of benefit, many surgeons perform ultrasound scans of their grafts at regular intervals in the postoperative period, typically at 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. This so-called ‘graft surveillance’ is designed to pick up technical problems with the graft that are likely to increase the risk of failure. It is generally believed that it is better to correct a ‘failing’ graft before it has blocked than to try to resurrect one that has already failed.

Infection of prosthetic grafts is a serious and growing problem, largely due to the increasing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant organisms, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Once a prosthetic graft is infected, it must usually be removed to rid the patient of sepsis and/or to prevent life-threatening (anastomotic) haemorrhage. Graft removal of course renders the distal part ischaemic and, where possible, a new graft is inserted through fresh uninfected tissue. This can be extremely challenging, and on occasion is impossible. Measures to avoid graft infection include:


Level of amputation

This is determined by local blood supply, the status of the joints, the patient’s general health and his or her age. The broad principle is to amputate at the lowest level consistent with healing (Fig. 21.13). It is important to conserve the knee joint if at all possible, as the energy required to walk on a below-knee prosthesis is much less that required to walk on an above knee prosthesis. However, if the patient has other co-morbidity or disability that would make walking with a prosthesis impossible, there is no point in attempting to conserve the knee joint at the expense of healing. A common situation is where a patient presents with a fixed flexion contracture of the knee. A below-knee amputation in such a patient is usually ill-advised because the contracture will prevent the patient from ever walking and will also result in the stump wound resting on the bed or chair, leading to poor healing and wound breakdown.