
Published on 20/03/2015 by admin

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Last modified 20/03/2015

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CHAPTER 3 Trauma

Major trauma


Traumatic injuries account for over 5 million deaths worldwide. In the United States, traumatic injuries are the leading cause of death for patients between the ages of 1 and 44 years. Traumatic injuries also account for over 2.6 million hospitalizations each year. Major trauma occurs when energy is applied to body tissues in excess of what the tissues are able to absorb. The energy can be in the form of kinetic, thermal, chemical, electrical, and radiant energy. Trauma can also occur when the body is deprived of an essential element such as oxygen or heat. Kinetic energy is the most common cause of trauma and includes mechanisms such as motor vehicle collisions, falls, and gunshot wounds. Thermal, chemical, electrical, and radiation energy cause burns. Lack of oxygen occurs in drownings and hanging injuries. The amount of damage to the tissue will depend on the amount of force applied, the length of time the force is applied, and the resiliency of the tissue. Hollow organs tend to absorb more energy and are injured less frequently than are solid organs since the organ tissue has more flexibility to withstand the forces.

The primary pathophysiologic process that occurs with major trauma is shock. Major trauma patients are at risk for all types of shock, but the most common type is hypovolemic shock due to hemorrhage. Hypovolemic shock is usually broken down into four stages that are used to describe the physiologic response to hemorrhage and are useful in estimating the amount of blood loss.

All body systems require both oxygen and glucose for cellular energy production. The classic signs of hypovolemic shock occur from activation of the central nervous system (CNS). Following major injury, the CNS triggers a series of reactions to increase delivery of oxygen and glucose to the cells. Catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) and glucocorticoids are released from the adrenal glands to preserve perfusion to vital organs, mobilize glycogen stores, increase available glucose and oxygen, suppress pancreatic insulin secretion, and enhance glucose uptake. Hyperglycemia is common following major trauma. Glycogen stores are rapidly depleted (within 24 hours). Without nutrition, energy is generated from the breakdown of the body or catabolism. Breakdown of muscle tissue, fat, and viscera creates a negative nitrogen balance. Subclinical adrenal insufficiency may become clinically apparent after severe injury.

The posterior pituitary release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) promotes water absorption in the distal renal tubules. Intravascular volume increases as urinary output decreases. Blood pressure (BP) is increased by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Aldosterone promotes sodium and water resorption to increase intravascular volume, and angiotensin II causes vasoconstriction.

Several factors must also be considered that can alter the patient’s response to blood loss and must be considered in the resuscitation of these patients. These include the patient’s age, location, type and severity of the injury, the amount of time that has elapsed since the injury, prehospital interventions to address blood loss, and medications taken for chronic conditions, especially anticoagulants and beta-blockers. Since the patient has many other injuries, the classic signs of shock may be altered.

The source of the bleeding must be identified and stopped and the patient must be adequately resuscitated or the patient is at risk of developing acidosis, coagulopathy, and hypothermia, which are considered the deadly triad of trauma. Once these conditions occur, they tend to promote each other and become a vicious cycle that is hard to break.

Acidosis occurs when the number of red blood cells is reduced from blood loss and cellular oxygen supply is reduced, resulting in end-organ hypoxia due to inadequate tissue perfusion. Anaerobic metabolism may ensue if blood and volume replacement is inadequate to maintain perfusion. As anaerobic metabolism continues, lactic acid builds up, leading to an increase in the base deficit and decrease in the pH.

After initial restoration of circulating fluid volume, the body may develop a hyperdynamic circulatory state to help compensate for the cellular oxygen debt incurred. This phase should peak at 48 to 72 hours and diminish within 7 to 10 days. The hyperdynamic state is evidenced by an increased cardiac index (CI), oxygen delivery (DO2), and oxygen consumption (V.O2). Inability to achieve and maintain a hyperdynamic state is associated with higher mortality and shock-related organ failure.

Coagulopathy develops from both the consumption of clotting factors as the body forms clots in an attempt to stop the bleeding of injured tissues and due to dilution of the blood from infusion of crystalloids and massive transfusion of packed red blood cells when clotting factors are not replaced. If coagulopathy is not reversed, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) can occur. Factors contributing to development of DIC include hypotension, impaired tissue perfusion, and capillary dysfunction leading to stasis, hypoxemia, and hypothermia.

Multiple factors increase the likelihood of hypothermia in major trauma. Exposed body surface area or viscera may occur at the scene of injury or during the initial resuscitation. If blood and resuscitation fluids are infused without warming, the core body temperature can drop. Prolonged exposure to cool temperatures in resuscitation or operative areas can also lower the body temperature. When present, central thermoregulatory failure caused by CNS injury, intoxication, or hypoperfusion contributes to hypothermia. Mild hypothermia can help preserve the function and viability of major organs, particularly when tissue perfusion is diminished as a result of injury, shock, or surgical clamping of arteries. Severe hypothermia creates significant physiologic alterations, including CNS depression, dysrhythmias, acidosis, and significant electrolyte imbalances. Catecholamine infusions are often ineffective until body temperature approaches 93°F.

In patients who sustain major trauma, a widespread inflammatory response known as systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) may be triggered by massive tissue injury and the presence of foreign bodies such as road dirt, missiles, and invasive medical devices. Inflammatory mediators activate the coagulation cascade, increased catecholamines stimulate the production and release of white blood cells, and endothelial dysfunction ensues. The hemodynamic response and clinical findings are similar to those with sepsis. (See Chapter 11 for information on SIRS.)

The overwhelming inflammation associated with SIRS may lead to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). MODS is a major cause of late mortality in multitrauma patients, accounting for about 10% of trauma deaths. Inadequate initial resuscitation or inability to achieve and maintain a compensatory hyperdynamic state contributes to the development of organ failure in trauma patients. Presence of endotoxin, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin-1, and other inflammatory mediators causes vasodilation, leading to hypotension. Capillary dysfunction results in poor cellular circulation and subsequent tissue destruction. Acidosis, pulmonary compromise, and circulatory collapse may result. Clinical trials are under way for therapies to help control inflammatory mediators. Activated protein C (Drotrecogin alfa) is the only approved medication to help control SIRS leading to MODS; however, its use is contraindicated in many patients since it causes clot lysis.

Major trauma assessment: secondary


Blood studies can reveal indications of hypoxia and/or continued bleeding and developing shock as well as identify special circumstances such as pregnancy and intoxication.

Diagnostic Tests for Major Trauma
Test Purpose Abnormal Findings
Blood Studies
Type and screen/type and cross-match To have type-specific and cross-matched blood available for resuscitation Inability to cross-match if specimen is collected after multiple units of blood are transfused.
Arterial blood gas (ABG) Assess for adequacy of oxygenation and ventilation and to determine the level of anaerobic metabolism. pH <7.35 with increased PaCO2 (>45 mm Hg) indicates respiratory acidosis.
Serum bicarbonate <22 mEq/L with a pH <7.35 can indicate metabolic acidosis.
Decreased PaO2 indicates hypoxemia.
Increased PaCO2 indicates inadequate ventilation.
Base deficit <−2.0 mEq/L indicates increased oxygen debt.
Complete blood count (CBC)
Hemoglobin (Hgb)
Hematocrit (Hct)
Assess for blood loss. Decreased Hgb and Hct indicate blood loss.
Often Hgb and Hct are within normal range initially, especially if the patient has not received a significant amount of fluid to replace the blood loss. The Hgb and Hct should be repeated after the patient has a fluid challenge if there is any indication of significant bleeding.
Potassium (K+)
Provide a baseline and assess for possible alterations. Potassium may be elevated with crush injuries.
Glucose is usually elevated after injury. Decreased glucose indicates hypoglycemia and may cause decreased level of consciousness.
Elevated creatinine indicates decreased renal functioning, and care should be taken when administering contrast for radiologic studies.
Coagulation profile
Prothrombin time (PT) with international normalized ratio (INR)
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Assess for causes of bleeding, clotting and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) indicative of abnormal clotting present in shock or ensuing shock. Decreased PT with low INR promotes clotting; elevation promotes bleeding; elevated fibrinogen and D-dimer reflect abnormal clotting is present.
Blood alcohol To determine the level of alcohol in the patient’s blood >10 mg/dl indicates the presence of alcohol in the patient’s blood. The higher the level, the more chance the patient has of showing signs of intoxication, but an absolute value will depend on the patient’s tolerance. This may interfere with neurologic assessment.
Carbohydrate deficient transferring (CDT) To identify patients who have had excessive drinking for the past few weeks and may be at risk for alcohol withdrawal >20 units/L for males and >26 units/L for females indicate excessive drinking.
Drug screen To identify the presence of drugs in the patient”s system Positive value indicates recent use of the substance.
Chest radiograph (CXR) Assess thoracic cage (for fractures), lungs (pneumothorax, hemothorax); size of mediastinum, size of heart. Displaced lung margins will be present with pneumothoraces and hemothoraces.
Cardiac enlargement may reflect cardiac tamponade.
Pelvic radiograph Assess the integrity of the pelvic ring to indentify fractures and determine stability of the pelvis. Fracture lines through any of the bones in the pelvis, widening of the symphysis pubis, and widening of the sacroiliac joint(s)
Computerized tomography head, neck, chest, abdomen, and/or pelvis Assess for internal injuries. Any findings of skeletal fractures, misalignment, organ damage, or abnormal collections of blood indicates injury to the organ/tissue involved.
Ultrasound: FAST
Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma
Assess for fluid around the heart, liver, spleen and bladder. Abnormal collection of fluid
Invasive Studies
Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) Assess for blood or in the peritoneal cavity or abnormal substrates in the peritoneal lavage fluid. The presence of red or white blood cells, bile, food fibers, amylase, or feces in the lavage fluid suggests injury to the abdominal organs.
Lavage fluid coming from the Foley catheter indicates bladder rupture.
Lavage fluid coming from the chest tube, if present, indicates diaphragm rupture.

Collaborative management

The primary goals of initial assessment in major trauma are to identify life-threatening injuries, stop bleeding, and restore adequate oxygenation to the tissues. Once life-threatening injuries have been addressed, a secondary assessment is performed to indentify all injuries the patient may have sustained. It is important to perform a thorough organized head-to-toe assessment to minimize the chance of missing injuries. The following treatments may be required:

Care priorities

3. Manage hemorrhage and hypovolemia:

Stopping blood loss and restoring adequate circulating blood volume are imperative. Lack of resuscitation will lead to increasing oxygen debt and eventually to MODS and death. The goal of resuscitation in any trauma patient should be to restore adequate tissue perfusion. Two or more large-bore (XXgw:math1XX^ZZgw:math1ZZ16-gauge) short catheters should be placed to maximize delivery of fluids and blood. Use of intravenous (IV) tubing with an exceptionally large internal diameter (trauma tubing), absence of stopcocks, and use of external pressure are techniques used to promote rapid fluid volume therapy when indicated. In some cases the patient may require large central venous access, such as an 8.5 Fr introducer. When rapid infusion of large amounts of fluid is required, all fluid should be warmed to body temperature to prevent hypothermia. Rapid warmer/infuser devices are available to facilitate rapid administration of blood products. Fluid resuscitation should be used more judiciously in pediatric and older patients, as well as patients with significant craniocerebral trauma, who have precise fluid requirements (see Traumatic Brain Injury, p. 341).

Crystalloids: Initial fluid used for resuscitation should be an isotonic electrolyte solution such as 0.9% normal saline (NS), or lactated Ringer’s (LR). Other balanced electrolyte solutions, such as Normosol-R pH 7.4 (Hospira) or Plasmalyte-A 7.4 (Baxter) may be used after initial fluid resuscitation has been completed.

Rapid bolus: From 1 to 2 L of rapid IV fluid infusion for adults and 20 ml/kg for pediatric patients should be initiated in the prehospital setting. If the patient continues to show signs of shock after the bolus is complete, blood transfusions should be considered.

Packed red blood cells (PRBCs): Typed and cross-matched blood is ideal, but in the immediate resuscitation period, if cross-matched blood is not available, type O blood may be used. Once the patient has been typed, type-specific blood can be used. Those patients requiring continuous blood transfusions need reassessment to identify the source of bleeding and definitive treatment to stop ongoing blood loss. A massive transfusion protocol may also need to be initiated.

Massive transfusion is defined as replacement of one half of the patient’s blood volume at one time or complete replacement of the patient’s blood volume over 24 hours. A massive transfusion protocol ensures the patient receives plasma, platelets, and cryoprecipitate in addition to the packed red blood cells to prevent the complications related to coagulopathy. Another concern with massive transfusion is hypocalcemia caused by calcium binding with citrate in stored PRBCs, resulting in depressed myocardial contractility, particularly in hypothermic patients or in those with impaired liver function. One ampule of 10% calcium chloride should be considered for administration after every 4 units of PRBCs.

11. Facilitate evaluation for surgery:

Need for surgery depends on the type and extent of injuries. The surgical team is coordinated by the trauma surgeon. When several specialty surgeons are required for various injuries, the order of surgeries is coordinated carefully to preserve life and limit the potential for disability.


Ineffective tissue perfusion, cardiopulmonary

related to significant blood loss/volume


Within 24 hours of this diagnosis, patient exhibits adequate tissue perfusion, as evidenced by BP within normal limits for patient, heart rate (HR) 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm), normal sinus rhythm on electrocardiogram (ECG), peripheral pulses greater than 2+ on a 0-to-4+ scale, warm and dry skin, hourly urine output ≥0.5 ml/kg, base deficit between +2 and −2 mmol/L, serum lactate less than 2.2 mmol/L, measured cardiac output (CO) 4 to 7 L/min, pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) 6 to 12 mm Hg, and patient awake, alert, and oriented.

image Blood Loss Severity

Impaired gas exchange

related to airway obstruction, inadequate oxygenation


Within 12 to 24 hours of treatment, patient has adequate gas exchange as evidenced by PaO2 ≥80 mm Hg, PaCO2 35 to 45 mm Hg, pH 7.35 to 7.45, presence of normal breath sounds, and absence of adventitious breath sounds. RR is 12 to 20 breaths/min with normal pattern and depth (eupnea).

image Respiratory Status: Gas Exchange; Respiratory Status: Ventilation

Posttrauma syndrome

imagerelated to inadequate coping ability due to major physical and emotional stress

Additional nursing diagnoses

Also see nursing diagnoses and interventions as appropriate in Nutritional Support (p. 117), Mechanical Ventilation (p. 99), Hemodynamic Monitoring (p. 75), Prolonged Immobility (p. 149), and Emotional and Spiritual Support of the Patient and Significant Others (p. 200).

Abdominal trauma


The patient with abdominal injury can be the most challenging and difficult to manage. Forces may be blunt or penetrating and the organs are either solid (pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, liver, and spleen) or hollow (stomach, small bowel, and colon).This patient may have subtle signs of internal hemorrhage, which can be a major contributor to the increase in mortality and morbidity noted after the initial injury has been managed. The severity of abdominal injury is related to the type of force applied to the organs suspended inside the peritoneum. Motor vehicle collision (MVC), either auto-auto or auto-pedestrian, is the most common cause of blunt abdominal trauma worldwide.

Mechanisms of action with penetrating injury

External penetration to the abdominal cavity can be caused by any missile or object that intrudes into the abdominal cavity. Penetrating forces injure the organ(s) in the direct path of the instrument or missile, while shock waves from high-velocity weapons (e.g., high-powered rifles) may also injure adjacent organs. Stab wounds are generally easier to manage than gunshot wounds but may be fatal if a major blood vessel (aorta) or highly vascular organ (liver) is penetrated. The three most common injuries associated with penetrating abdominal trauma are those to the small bowel, liver, and colon. With blunt trauma, injuries to the liver, spleen, and kidney are more common. Undetected mesenteric damage may cause compromised blood flow, with eventual bowel infarction. Perforations or contusions result in release of bacteria and intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity, causing serious infection.

The abdomen can be divided into four areas: (1) intrathoracic abdomen, (2) pelvic abdomen, (3) retroperitoneal abdomen, and (4) true abdomen.

Intrathoracic abdomen:

The upper abdomen resides beneath the rib cage and includes the diaphragm, liver, spleen, and stomach.

True abdomen:

This includes the small and large intestines, uterus (when enlarged), and bladder (when distended). Perforation usually presents with peritonitis such as pain and tenderness.

Occasionally the lower portion of the esophagus is involved in penetrating trauma. The stomach is usually not injured with blunt trauma since it is flexible and readily displaced, but it may be injured by direct penetration. Injury to either the esophagus or stomach results in the escape of irritating gastric fluids due to gastric perforation and the release of free air below the level of the diaphragm. Esophageal injuries often are associated with thoracic injuries. Once hemorrhage has been controlled, attention is turned to prevention of further contamination by controlling spillage of gut contents.

Traumatic pancreatic or duodenal injury is uncommon but is associated with high morbidity and mortality. These injuries are difficult to detect and may be associated with massive injury to nearby organs, prompting spillage of irritating fluids, activated enzymes, and bile, which augments the inflammatory response. Pancreatic injury is rare; however, the pancreas can be contused or lacerated. Clinical indicators of injury to these retroperitoneal organs may not be obvious for several hours.

Injuries to major vessels such the abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava most often are caused by penetrating trauma but also occur with deceleration injury. Hepatic vein injuries frequently are associated with juxtahepatic vena caval injury and result in rapid hemorrhage. Blood loss after major vascular injury is massive. Survival depends on rapid transport to a trauma center and immediate surgical intervention.

Assessment: abdominal trauma

History and risk factors

First and foremost, it is essential to establish issues involved with the injury event (Box 3-1). These details regarding circumstances of the accident and mechanism of injury are invaluable in detecting the presence of specific injuries. Second, allergies, medications, and last meal eaten will play an important role in the maintenance of good resuscitation. Other information, previous abdominal surgeries, and use of safety restraints (if appropriate) should be noted. Hollow viscous injury is often missed but should always be suspected with a visible contusion on the abdomen. Medical information including current medications and last tetanus-toxoid immunization should be obtained. The history is sometimes difficult to obtain because of alcohol or drug intoxication, head injury, breathing difficulties, or impaired cerebral perfusion. Family members and emergency personnel may be valuable sources of information.

Vital signs

Assess for impending hemorrhagic shock: Pulse greater than 100 bpm, decreased pulse pressure, oliguria: blood loss 750 to 1500 ml; pulse greater than 120, hypotension, oliguria, confusion: blood loss 1500 to 2000 ml; pulse greater than 140, severe oliguria, lethargy: blood loss greater than 2000 ml .

Persistent tachycardia should always be considered a clue to tissue hypoxia. As the neuroendocrine response ensues, persistent tachycardia should warn all observers that there is response to tissue signals of hypermetabolism and inadequate resuscitation.

Observation and subjective/objective symptoms

Inspection of all surfaces of trunk, head, neck, and extremities, including anterior lateral and posterior exposure, with notation of all penetrating wounds, contusions, tenderness, ecchymosis, or other marks and indicators. Multiple wounds may represent entrance or exit wounds but do not eliminate the possibility of objects that may remain internally.

Kehr sign (left shoulder pain caused by splenic bleeding) also may be noted, especially when the patient is recumbent.

Nausea and vomiting may occur, and the conscious patient who has sustained blood loss often complains of thirst—an early sign of hemorrhagic shock.

Preoperative pain is anticipated and is a vital diagnostic aid. The nature of postoperative pain also can be important. Incisional and some visceral pain can be anticipated, but intense or prolonged pain, especially when accompanied by other peritoneal signs, can signal bleeding, bowel infarction, infection, or other complications.