
Published on 11/04/2015 by admin

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Last modified 11/04/2015

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4 Trauma

Trauma remains the leading cause of death in the first four decades of life. Deaths following trauma occur in a trimodal distribution. The first peak is caused by deaths occurring within seconds to minutes of the injury, usually due to non-salvageable conditions such as brain lacerations, major aortic and other vascular injuries. The only way of reducing these deaths is prevention. The second peak occurs within minutes to hours of the injury. The third peak is a broad shape and accounts for deaths occurring weeks to months after the trauma as a result of complications of the injuries and treatment. The advanced trauma life support (ATLS) method of trauma care, developed in Nebraska in the 1970s, is now widely accepted as the optimum approach to treating injured patients.

ATLS protocols focus on reducing the second peak, and optimum care in the so-called ‘golden hour’ undoubtedly reduces late deaths from complications.

Initial assessment

Primary survey

Table 4.1 outlines the priorities for the first few minutes of treating an injured patient. Each of the ‘ABCDE’ priorities is paired with an equally important task. The usual sequence of history, examination, investigation and treatment seen in non-emergency situations is abandoned. Treatment of immediately life-threatening conditions is instigated simultaneously with ongoing assessment.

Table 4.1 Sequence and priorities for primary survey

Airway Cervical spine control
Breathing 100% oxygen
Circulation: assess heart rate and blood pressure, establish IV access Control of external haemorrhage
Disability (neurological state) Pupils
Exposure: undress patient Temperature control

Disability (neurological status)

The simplest assessment of consciousness is the AVPU scale:

If time permits, the more formal Glasgow Coma Score should be determined (see Table 4.5). Observe the pupils for dilatation and reactivity. A fixed, dilated pupil suggests an expanding intracranial haematoma or cerebral oedema (the third nerve becomes compressed along the edge of the tentorium cerebelli as the brain herniates downward, allowing unopposed sympathetic pupillary dilatation).

Adjuncts to primary survey


Shock is defined as acute circulatory collapse causing inadequate perfusion and resultant tissue hypoxia and is extremely common in trauma. Haemorrhagic shock is the most common cause in trauma. Other causes of shock and their clinical features are outlined in Table 3.3 (see pages 50-52).

Haemorrhagic shock

Severe haemorrhagic shock, characterised by tachycardia, hypotension, cold peripheries and oliguria, is straightforward to recognise, but the early stages may be less obvious, especially in a young and fit patient who can maintain a normal systolic pressure surprisingly well until further bleeding precipitates sudden collapse. Any trauma patient who is tachycardic and has cool peripheries must be assumed to be shocked until proven otherwise.

Haemorrhage is classified into four levels (Table 4.2), which are useful when estimating likely blood loss but are rarely clearly defined in practice. In true emergency situations patients are considered as responders, transient responders and non-responders, depending on the change in circulatory status following infusion of the initial bolus of 2000 mL warm crystalloid solution. Rapid responders who remain stable after the initial bolus do not need transfusion. Transient and non-responders need urgent blood transfusion and surgical intervention to identify and stem ongoing bleeding. When tracking down major haemorrhage in a hurry it is helpful to remember blood loss can only be in four places (and how to identify each in parentheses):

Blood in the chest, long bone fractures and major external haemorrhage are fairly easy to detect; most major occult blood loss is into the abdomen (see ‘Abdominal trauma’, p. 65).

It is important to realise that the early stages of haemorrhagic shock may not be obvious, and if unrecognised may suddenly progress to collapse which may be too late to reverse. This is especially true in the elderly and athletes, and in hypothermia and pregnancy. Beware beta-blockers and pacemakers, which may prevent the patient mounting a tachycardia.

Arterial blood gas estimation is very useful in assessing whether a patient is adequately resuscitated, since shock causes inadequate perfusion and the tissues become hypoxic, shifting to anaerobic respiration leading to acidosis. Urine output is also a useful guide.

Fluid resuscitation

When using crystalloid fluid for resuscitation, each unit volume of lost blood must be replaced by three times the volume of the crystalloid solution. Fully cross-matched blood is best for transfusion but takes time to prepare. Type-specific (ABO) blood is available much more quickly. Group O rhesus-negative blood is reserved for catastrophic exsanguinating haemorrhage (but see Box 4.2).

Box 4.2 Permissive hypotension/hypotensive haemostasis ‘The only way to stop the bleeding is to stop the bleeding’

There are several factors in haemorrhagic shock that challenge standard ATLS fluid-resuscitation:

The change in approach to major haemorrhage management is most clearly demonstrated with respect to the management of the ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). The patient has suffered a tear in the wall of a very large artery but often with a combination of clot, tamponade in the retroperitoneal space and hypotension (hypovolaemia plus autoregulation), the bleeding temporarily stops. Trying to bring the blood pressure up to normal levels results in reactivation of the haemorrhage, and unless treatment is imminent the patient will expire.

However there are limitations to the concept of permissive hypotension: in general, prolonged organ ischaemia is bad. Traumatic brain injury outcomes are inversely proportional to duration of hypotension for example. Patients with critical stenosis in coronary, carotid or renal vessels may be prone to occlusion of the vessel and/or infarction in the end-organ.

It is ultimately a question of balance with the emphasis on prevention of continuing haemorrhage; if surgical control is likely to be necessary then permissive hypotension is a logical management strategy.