Transitioning the Jumping Athlete Back to the Court

Published on 16/03/2015 by admin

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Last modified 16/03/2015

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Transitioning the Jumping Athlete Back to the Court

Christine Prelaz

Lower extremity injuries are prevalent in athletics. These injuries can range from minor sprains or strains to those that result in significant functional limitation and loss of time from work and/or sport.1 An estimated 3 to 5 million injuries occur each year among recreational and competitive athletes in the United States1 with the worldwide annual cost being estimated at $1 billion.2 The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) reported that more than 50% of injuries occurred in the lower extremity with the most common sites being the ankle and knee over a 16-year period.3 These data come from the NCAA Injury Surveillance System, which summarized surveillance data for 15 NCAA sports over a 16-year period.3 Research studies indicate that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors play a role in sustaining lower extremity injuries.2,4 Recent attention in the literature has focused on identifying modifiable and nonmodifiable associated risks with the overall goal of reducing such injuries. Given the frequency and cost of these injuries, the clinician is challenged not only with restoring function of the injured athlete but also with implementing interventions to prevent future injury. In today’s competitive environment, the health care team is faced with higher levels of pressure from the athlete, coaches, and parents to return the athlete back to sport as expediently and as safely as possible. Ongoing assessment and proper program design based on current evidence-based research can provide the clinician with the best information possible and guide him or her to determine an athlete’s readiness to return to sport.

Program Design

Numerous lower extremity rehabilitation protocols exist for both conservative management and surgical procedures. Each clinician has his or her unique approach to the rehabilitation of a specific athletic injury. For example, a survey of practices in ACL reconstruction by the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine showed that rehabilitation protocols were the most variable factor among other practice factors that were surveyed.5 Other factors included in the survey were weight bearing, immobilization, bracing, length of physical therapy, and when to return to a sport. Such variability in protocols can lead to confusion as to what is appropriate and/or foster the practice of a “one size fits all” rehabilitation approach. Whatever the injury, a team approach consisting of close communication between the physician, physical therapist, athletic trainer, and other medical specialists should provide the best environment for returning the athlete to the sport. The clinician must have a comprehensive understanding of the structures involved, the surgical procedures, surgeon preferences, and tissue healing constraints. Because it is beyond the scope of this chapter to outline a program for each specific sport or injury, the goal of this chapter is to provide general rehabilitation guidelines, ideas, and resources for returning jumping athletes back to their respective sports successfully and safely.

Readiness to Prepare for Return

Regardless of the injury or surgical procedure, it is the clinician’s responsibility to determine the athlete’s level of readiness to progress to each phase of rehabilitation.

Continual monitoring of tissue tolerance by the clinician as the athlete progresses through each rehabilitation phase is critical. Knowledge of the type and extent of injury, surgical procedure, pain levels, swelling, ROM, strength, endurance, flexibility, patient’s goals, and psychologic readiness are all factors that should assist in the clinical decision process.

Individual goals must be set for each athlete dependent upon his or her current functional level, the level of competition to which they are to return, and the specific sport of the athlete. In general, the goals of the training program are to restore and/or improve flexibility, endurance, strength, balance, and agility. Once the athlete has completed his or her acute phase rehabilitation, the concept of a needs analysis may assist in establishing more sports-specific goals. The needs analysis takes into account the fitness needs of both the activity/sport and the individual athlete, thus designing a more customized versus a “cook book” program. To develop a needs analysis, both a physiologic and biomechanical analysis must be completed. When considering a specific event, one must look at the muscles involved, the energy system needs, speed/strength/power/endurance requirements, and any other specific needs of the event itself.6 Next, the current status and prior history of the athlete is determined and a program is then designed to progress him or her toward those specific goals. Sport-specific training is fundamental in returning the athlete back to his or her respective sport. The rehabilitation program should incorporate a whole body approach including core strengthening and exercises for the noninjured extremity.


Controversy exists in the literature regarding static stretching.7 Several studies have shown that there is little evidence to support its role in injury prevention and determined that preexercise static stretching may actually negatively affect performance.8 Some researchers found decreases in muscle strength9 and decreases in jumping ability10 after passive stretching. The concept of using a dynamic warm-up instead of static stretching has gained popularity in both the literature and on the field. Some of the proposed benefits of a dynamic warm-up versus static stretching are that the muscles are in more continuous movement, thus increasing the overall temperature and achieving a more “true warm-up.” Dynamic stretching can also use more sports-specific movements to incorporate balance and motor control and mental preparation for the athlete, which may help to prime the neuromuscular system for the upcoming event.11 A few examples of dynamic warm-up exercises are heel/toe walking, marching, skipping, long leg kicks, gluteal kicks, lunge walking, carioca, and lateral slides. This does not mean that static stretching should be abandoned, however. Shrier8 contends that regular stretching as part of a comprehensive program and not before exercise can increase force, jump height, and speed.8 Athletes who need greater range of motion or need to increase overall flexibility may still benefit from static stretching (Box 33-1). Stretching after activity may also tend to relax the tissues and prevent general postactivity stiffness.


Before starting any training program, it is important to have a full understanding of the demands of the sport and the individual athlete. The needs analysis will enable the clinician to design a comprehensive specific program to develop strength, endurance, power, speed, agility, and balance.

Special considerations must be given to injured athletes with regard to strengthening. Rehabilitation of knee injuries in particular has presented the clinician with a challenge. For example, the main goal of rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction is to restore lower extremity strength while protecting the reconstructed graft and the patellofemoral joint from excessive stresses. Selective quadriceps muscle atrophy occurs following injury and/or immobilization. Strength deficits in the quadriceps of up to 10% have been reported by Shelbourne and associates12 at an average follow-up of 4 years following ACL surgery. Debate exists between the uses of open kinetic chain (OKC) versus closed kinetic chain (CKC) exercises to build quadriceps strength (Fig. 33-1). Several authors have advocated the use of both after ACL reconstruction.13,14 A literature review by Ross and associates15 on OKC versus CKC exercises following ACL reconstruction indicates that the greatest amount of ACL strain and patellofemoral joint stress occurs at approximately 40° of knee flexion to full extension.16,17 It was therefore recommended that OKC exercises for quadriceps strengthening be performed with knee angles greater that 40° to avoid excessive stress on these structures. Closed chain activities beyond 60° were to be avoided since maximum stress on the patellofemoral joint occurs between 60° and 90° of flexion.17

Because of the predominant atrophy of type I (slow twitch) muscle fibers following injury or immobilization, high repetitions (6 to 10 sets, 12 to 15 repetitions) with low resistance is recommended early in the rehabilitation program.15 Establishing normal muscle balance for both involved and uninvolved limbs is one of the primary goals. A comprehensive strength training program should address core, hip, calf, and ankle musculature, as well as establish appropriate quadriceps/hamstring ratios. Strengthening of the hamstrings using both closed and open chain methods is important because of their role in assisting in the control of anterior tibial translation. Traditional and functional techniques can be incorporated for both variety and effectiveness (Box 33-2).

Box 33-2


Guidelines: high repetitions, low resistance—4 to 6 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions for lower extremity exercises in early rehabilitation phases. Upper extremity and core strengthening can follow standard strengthening guidelines. Use combinations of traditional and functional training techniques.

There has been an increasing amount of literature in recent years regarding the relationship of hip and core strength as factors in lower extremity injuries. Unfortunately, this relationship is not quite clear. For example, weakness of the hip abductors and external rotators has been shown to contribute to increased hip adduction and internal rotation motion observed in female runners with patellofemoral pain or iliotibial band syndrome. However, it has also been shown that these motion abnormalities can exist even though no strength deficits are present. This indicates an apparent disconnect between muscle strength and observed abnormal kinematics in some cases. Therefore, it has been suggested that additional factors such as altered proprioception and neuromuscular control of the lumbo-pelvic and hip regions should also be considered in the clinical assessment and treatment plan of individuals with lower extremity injuries.18


General Principles

Plyometric exercises use the stretch-shortening cycle to store potential energy. The stretch-shortening cycle consists of the eccentric phase where preloading occurs as the muscle is placed on stretch, thus storing potential energy. The amortization phase refers to the time period between the eccentric and concentric contraction. The amortization phase must be kept short; the longer it is, the greater the loss of stored energy. The final phase is the concentric phase, in which the stored energy is used in an opposite reaction (i.e., the muscle contracts concentrically to provide the force necessary for the required movement).19

When designing a plyometric training program, consideration must be given to age, body weight, current strength and conditioning level, experience, previous injury, and demands of the sport (Boxes 33-3 through 33-5).19,20