Toward standards of evidence for CAM research and practice

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1. Toward standards of evidence for CAM research and practice
Wayne B. Jonas and George T. Lewith

Chapter contents

Science and values5
The audience and the evidence6
Health practitioners7
Clinical investigators7
Laboratory scientists7
Purchasers of health care8
How is evidence actually used in practice?8
Knowledge domains and research methods9
Strategies based on evidence-based medicine9
The hierarchy strategy9
Internal validity and randomization10
External validity10
Alternative strategies to the hierarchy11
The evidence house11
Mechanisms and laboratory methods12
Attribution and randomized controlled trials12
Confidence and research summaries13
Meaning and qualitative methods13
Indirect association and observational methods13
Generalizability and health services research14
A circular model15
The reverse-phases model16
Additional strategies17
Quality criteria for clinical research17
Model validity23
The likelihood of validity evaluation23
The absence of evidence26
Applying research strategies in CAM26
Matching goals and methods in clinical research27
Choosing research methods in CAM27
Special CAM research issues30
Sample and population selection30
Diagnostic classification30
Adequate treatment31
The interaction of placebo and non-placebo factors31
Outcomes selection31
Hypothesis testing32
Assumptions about randomization33
Blinding and unconscious expectancy33
Learning and therapeutic growth34
The nature of equipoise in CAM34
Risk stratification and ‘adequate’ evidence35
Improving standards of evidence-based medicine for CAM35
Conclusion: CAM and evolution of the scientific method35
Key points

• Health care is complex and requires several types of evidence
• Evidence-based medicine (EBM) in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is necessarily pluralistic
• The translation of evidence (EBM) into clinical practice (evidence-based practice: EBP) is not fundamentally hierarchical – it operates through a mixed-method or circular strategy
• EBP needs to balance specificity and utility for both the individual and groups of patients – the evidence house strategy
• Standards and quality issues exist in medicine and can be applied to CAM; we don’t need to reinvent them
• The integrity of individual CAM practice, therapies and principles needs to be respected within a rigorous EBM framework – this is called model validity
• Improving the application of EBM in CAM practice is desirable, possible and practical


Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) forms a significant subset of the world’s health care practices that are not integral to conventional western care but are used by a substantial minority (and in some countries substantial majority) of patients when they make their health care decisions. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that 80% of the developing world’s population also use these medical practices (World Health Organization 2003). In developing countries, numerous surveys have documented CAM use by the public ranging from 10% to over 60%, depending on the population and practices included in the samples (Fisher and Ward, 1994, Eisenberg et al., 1998, Ernst, 2000, Barnes et al., 2002, Graham et al., 2005 and Tindle et al., 2005).
CAM encompasses a number of diverse health care and medical practices, ranging from dietary and behavioural interventions to high-dose vitamin supplements and herbs, and includes ancient systems of medicine such as Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). CAM has been defined slightly differently in the USA ( than the UK (House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology 2000). In a recent history of alternative medicine, historian Roberta Bivins documents that, while competing forms of health care have often been part of every culture and time, the concept of a collective group of practices that are complementary or alternative to a dominant ‘biomedicine’ has occurred only in the last 100 years (Bivins 2007). Furthermore patients may view CAM in a variety of ways. For example, they may see manipulative therapies as conventionally based, with biomechanical mechanisms and whole systems such as Ayurveda and homeopathy as alternative medical systems while potentially perceiving acupuncture for pain as complementary to conventional medical interventions (Bishop et al. 2008). Consequently the definition of CAM is fundamentally politically defined and ultimately depends very much on ‘who you are asking’ (Clouser et al. 1996). By almost any definition, however, the use of CAM has been steadily growing for decades, so reliable information on its safety and effectiveness is needed by both patients and health care providers.
What then is evidence and how shall it be applied to CAM? The application of science to medicine is a relatively recent phenomenon manifesting itself mainly over the last 100 years. Current methods such as blinded human experiments were first used by homeopaths in 1835 and this methodology has become increasingly dominant within conventional medical (clinical) research over the last 60 years (Stolberg, 1996, Jadad, 1998 and Kaptchuk, 1998a). In this chapter and book we hold the assumption that research into alternative medical practices should use the same meticulous methods as those developed for conventional medicine, but researchers will necessarily need to apply them pragmatically so they are relevant to the various stakeholders within CAM clinical practice. We also assume that full knowledge and evidence about CAM practices require a plurality of methods, each designed to provide a part of the complex picture of what CAM is and its value and impact within health care. In this chapter, we aim to describe that plurality, review the research standards that apply to all evidence-based medicine (EBM) and explore the special issues required for application of those methods to the diverse practices encompassed in CAM. In subsequent chapters each author will describe in more detail the application of research to specific CAM practices.

Science and values

One cannot reasonably discuss the appropriate application of science to health care without addressing the issue of human values and the goals of medicine (Cassell 1991). Bradford Hill (1971), who developed the modern randomized controlled trial (RCT), often emphasized the importance of human ethical issues in its application. Scientific research is not simply a matter of applying a pre-set group of methods for all kinds of research problems. It involves selecting research designs that are ethical and appropriate to the questions, goals and circumstances addressed by the researchers while being relevant to the research commissioners and the research audience (Jonas 2002a).
Two crucial issues arise in developing appropriate (and ethically grounded) evidence: the rigour and the relevance of the information. Rigour refers to the minimization of bias that threatens the validity of conclusions and interpretation of data. It is an attempt to make sure we are not fooled by our observations and approach truth. Relevance addresses the value to which the information will be put by a specific audience and involves the values placed on different types of information by the research audience. Failure to consider different values when designing and conducting research risks ‘methodological tyranny’ in which we become slaves to rigid, preordained and potentially misleading assumptions (Schaffner 2002).
It would, for instance, be very important for both clinicians and patients to have a substantial amount of rigorous evidence when thinking of prescribing a potentially life-saving but new and possibly lethal chemotherapeutic agent for malignant melanoma. There might be a different set of arguments and evidence for the prescription of a safe new agent for rhinitis; we do need to consider context alongside risk and benefit and this frequently occurs within medicine practised in the community for benign, chronic or transient conditions.
Research strategies must start with specific questions, goals and purposes before we decide which information to collect and how to collect it. Questions of importance for determining relevance relate mostly to whom and for what purpose evidence will be used (the audience). For example: How do the values of the patient, practitioner, scientist and provider infuse the research and how will the data be used? What is the context of the research, and what do we already know about the field? Has the practice been in use for a long time, and hence is there implicit knowledge available, or are we dealing with a completely new intervention? It is mostly at this initial level that implicit paradigmatic incompatibilities arise between conventional and complementary medicine but we believe that evidence-based practice (EBP) must start with the values of the audience it purports to serve (Jonas 2002b).

The audience and the evidence

One of the striking features of the current interest in CAM is that it is a publicly driven trend (Fonnebo et al. 2007). The audience for CAM use is primarily the public. Surveys of unconventional medicine use in the USA have shown that CAM use increased by 45% between 1990 and 1997. Visits to CAM practitioners in the USA exceed 600 million per year, more than to all primary care physicians. The amount spent on these practices, out of pocket, is $34 billion, on a par with conventional medicine out-of-pocket costs (Barnes 2007). Two-thirds of the US and UK medical schools teach about CAM practices (Rampes et al., 1997 and Wetzel et al., 1998) and many hospitals are developing complementary and integrated medicine familiarization programmes and more and more health management organizations include alternative practitioners (Pelletier et al. 1997).
The mainstream is also putting research money into these practices. For example, the budget of the Office of Alternative Medicine at the US National Institutes of Health rose from $5 million to $89 million in 7 years, and it then became the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) (Marwick 1998). Despite resistance to NCCAM’s formation, its budget is now nearly $125 million annually, a far larger investment than in any of the other western industrialized nations. The public has been at the forefront of the CAM movement and driven this change in perception (Jonas 2002). The audience for CAM and CAM research is therefore both diverse and critical. Its various audiences will often want exactly the same information but will have different emphases in how they understand and interpret the data available (Jonas 2002). Social science studies of applied knowledge show that interpretation and application of evidence can be quite complex and vary by prior experience and training, individual and cultural beliefs and percieved and real needs (Friedson, 1998 and Kaptchuk, 1998a). Some of these factors are briefly summarized below.


Patients who are ill (and their family members) often want to hear details about other individuals with similar illnesses who have used a treatment and recovered. If the treatment appears to be safe and there is little risk of harm, evidence from these stories frequently appears to be sufficient for them to decide to use the treatment. Patients may interpret this as a sign that the treatment is effective, and to them this evidence is important and relevant for both CAM and conventional medicine. The skilled and informed clinician will need to place this type of evidence into an individual and patient-centred context with respect for all the evidence available from both qualitative and quantitative investigations.

Health practitioners

Health care practitioners (conventional doctors, CAM practitioners, nurses, physical therapists) also want to know what the likelihood or probability is that a patient will recover or be harmed based on a series of similar patients who have received that treatment in clinical practice. Such information may come from case series or clinical outcomes studies or RCTs (Guthlin et al., 2004, Witt et al., 2005a and Witt et al., 2005b). They also want to know about the safety, complications, complexity and cost of using the therapy, and this information comes from the collection of careful safety data and health economic analyses.

Clinical investigators

Clinical scientists will value the same type of evidence as clinicians but will often look at the data differently because of their research training and skills. They often want to know how much improvement occurred in a group who received the treatment compared to another group who did not receive it or a group that received a placebo. If 80% of patients who received a treatment got better, do 60% of similar patients get better just from coming to the doctor? This type of comparative evidence can only come from RCTs, which is the major area of interest for most clinical researchers. These types of studies can include a placebo control but sometimes are pragmatic studies, which compare two treatments or have a non-treatment arm or other types of controls.

Laboratory scientists

Laboratory scientists focus on discovering mechanisms of action. Basic science facilitates understanding of underlying mechanisms and allows for greater precision testing in more highly controlled, (and artificial) environments.

Purchasers of health care

Those in charge of determining public policy often need aggregate ‘proof’ that a practice is safe, effective and cost-effective. This usually involves a health economic perspective within a complex process of treatment evaluation. Systematic reviews, meta-analyses and health services research including randomized trials and outcome studies provide this type of evidence. Health services research also provides data that evaluates the cost, feasibility, utility and safety of delivering treatments within existing delivery systems.
While day-to-day decision-making is more complex than the brief summaries above, the point is that different audiences have legimate evidence needs that cannot be accommodated by a ‘one size fits all’ strategy. The CAM researcher must keep in mind the need for quality research in a variety of domains and attend carefully to the audience and use of the results of their research once collected and interpreted (Callahan, 2002 and Jonas and Callahan, 2002). As stated by Ian Coulter, there is a difference between the academic creation of information in EBM and the clinical application of knowledge in EBP and investigators should keep EBP and the patient perspective in mind when designing and interpreting research (Coulter & Khorsan 2008). In addition, more social science research is needed on models, applications and dynamics of EBM to help guide that interpretation (Mykhalovskiy & Weir 2004).

How is evidence actually used in practice?

The two main audiences that make day-to-day decisions in health care are practitioners and patients. The differing information preferences of these two audiences are exhibited in their pragmatic decision-making. Gabbay & le May (2004) demonstrate that, while much health policy is based on RCTs, and indeed these are vital for family physicians (general practitioners: GPs), they may not employ a linear model of decision-making on an individual clinical basis. The GPs they worked with commented that they would look through guidelines at their leisure, either in preparation for a practice meeting or to ensure that their own practice was generally up to standard. Most practitioners used their ‘networks’ to acquire information that they thought would be the best evidence base from sources that they trusted, such as popular free medical magazines, word of mouth through other doctors they trusted and pharmaceutical representatives; in effect they operated in a circular decision-making model. Thus, clinicians relied on what Gabbay & le May call ‘mindliness’ – collectively reinforced, internalized tacit guidelines that include RCTs but are not solely dependent on them – which were informed by brief reading, but mainly guided by their interactions with each other and with opinion leaders, patients and through other sources of knowledge built on their early training and their own colleagues’ experience. The practical application of clinical decision-making in conventional primary care demonstrates that a hierarchical model of EBM is interpreted cautiously by clinicians in managed health care environments.
Patients who use CAM report that one of the reasons for CAM use is that the criteria for defining healing and illness and in defining valid knowledge about health care are dominated by licensed health care professionals and are not patient-centred (O’Connor 2002). Many accept ‘human experience as a valid way of knowing’ and regard ‘the body as a source of reliable knowledge’, rejecting the assumption that ‘personal experiences must be secondary to professional judgment’. This ‘matter of fact’ lay empiricism often stands in sharp contrast to our scientific insistence that in the absence of technical expertise and controlled conditions our untrained observations are untrustworthy and potentially misleading (Sirois & Purc-Stephenson 2008). Most patients accept basic biological knowledge and theory but find biology insufficient to explain their own complex health and illness experiences and so do not restrict their understanding to strictly biological concepts. Many assert their recognition of the cultural authority of science and seek to recruit it to the cause of complementary medicine – both as a means to its validation and legitimization and as a source of reliable information to facilitate public decision-making about CAM.

Knowledge domains and research methods

Strategies based on evidence-based medicine

What are the elements of a research strategy that matches this pluralistic reality? How can we build an evidence base that has both rigour and relevance? In the diverse areas that CAM (or indeed conventional primary care) encompasses, at least six major knowledge domains are relevant. Within these domains are variations that allow for precise exploration of differing aspects of both CAM and conventional health care practice.

The hierarchy strategy

In conventional medicine, knowledge domains often follow a hierarchical strategy with sophisticated evidence-based synthesis at its acme (Sackett et al. 1991) ( The hierarchical strategy can be graphically depicted by a pyramid (Figure 1.1). At the base of this hierarchy are case series and observational studies. This is then followed by cohort studies in which groups of patients or treatments are observed over time in a natural way, often without any inclusion or exclusion criteria. Randomized studies come next. Here, the decision about which treatments an individual receives is generated by a random allocation algorithm. This usually involves the comparison of two or more treatments with or without a sham or placebo treatment. If several of those studies are then pooled they produce a meta-analysis. This is a summary of the true effect size of an intervention against control.
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Adapted with permission from Jonas (2001).

Internal validity and randomization

The hierarchical model has as its basis the goal of establishing internal validity, defined as the likelihood that observed effects in the trial are due to the independent variable. The greater the internal validity, the more certain we are that the result is likely to be valid as a consequence of the methodological rigour of a study. The threat to the internal validity of a research study is bias. Bias is introduced if factors that are not associated with the intervention produce shifts or changes in the results (outcomes) that appear to be due to the intervention but are in fact due to other spurious factors (confounders). For instance, we may compare two naturally occurring groups with the same illness, one that has chosen a CAM intervention (x) and the other that has chosen a conventional medical interventional (c). If we suppose that x produces better results than c, the uncritical observer might suggest that CAM is better than conventional care. It may also be that those choosing treatment x have less severe disease or fewer additional risk factors because they were better educated, didn’t smoke and drank less alcohol.
Randomization and stratification allow us to create groups that are equal in all the known and, presumably, most of the unknown confounding factors so that we can safely attribute changes we see in outcomes to the interventions rather than to any confounding variable. Randomization creates homogeneous and comparable groups by allocating patients into groups without bias.

External validity

A complexity arises with the hierarchical strategy when there is a trade-off between internal and external validity (Cook & Campbell 1979). External validity is the likelihood that the observed effects will occur consistently in a range of appropriate clinical environments. As internal validity increases we develop security about attributing an observed difference to a known intervention. However, we often lose external validity because the population under study becomes highly selected. External validity represents the usefulness of the results and their generalizability to the wider population of people with the illness. If we want to strengthen internal validity (a fastidious trial) we define the study population very specifically and restrict the study to specific types of patients by adjusting the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Pragmatic studies represent the opposite of fastidious studies. Here volunteers are entered, often with little exclusion. The study design may ask: ‘If we add treatment Q to the current best guidelines available, will this improve our outcomes and will it be cost-effective?’ Good examples of these pragmatic trials come from acupuncture and include those by Vickers et al., 2004 and Thomas et al., 2006 as well as their associated health economic analyses (Wonderling et al. 2004). The disadvantage of pragmatic studies is that we have no placebo control group and the heterogeneity of study groups may create wide variability in outcome. These studies then, even when carried out very competently, do not answer the question as to whether the treatment is better than placebo and may provide poor discrimination between treatments. This, however, is the basis for comparative effectiveness research.
The main danger with a rigid hierarchical strategy is the emphasis on internal validity at the risk of external validity and its consequences. We may produce methodologically sound results that are of little general value because they do not reflect the real-world situation (Travers et al. 2007).

Alternative strategies to the hierarchy

Given the complexities of clinical decision-making and the various types of evidence just described, it is now becoming clear that EBM approaches that focus exclusively on the hierarchy strategy are inadequate in the context of clinical practice (Sackett and Rennie, 1992 and Gabbay and le May, 2004). They are too simplistic and there is almost always not enough evidence to place the many treatments for most chronic illnesses at the top of any evidence hierarchy; there is and has to be much more powerful and exacting evidence when the risk to patients is high, for instance in the treatment of cancer. It is not surprising then that most physicians don’t completely rely on these approaches for all their clinical decision-making (Gabbay & le May 2004) so the need for alternative strategies is self-evident.

The evidence house

There are several alternative strategies to the evidence hierarchy that attempt to balance the risk of the poor relevance it produces. One of these is called the ‘evidence house’ and seeks to lateralize the main knowledge domains in science in order to highlight their purposes. It does this by aligning methodologies that isolate specific effects (those with high internal validity potential) and those that seek to explore utility of practices in real clinical settings (those with high external validity potential) (Figure 1.2). For example, mechanisms, attribution and research synthesis each seeks to isolate specific effects whereas utility is investigated though methods that assess meaning, association and cost (both financial cost and safety). Each of these knowledge domains has its own goals, methodology and quality criteria. The corresponding methods for each of the six domains are: for isolating effects, laboratory techniques, RCTs, meta-analysis; and for utility testing, qualitative research methods, observational methods, health services (including economic) research. Of course, variations in these methods can often be mixed in single studies, producing ‘mixed-methods’ research (such as qualitative studies nested inside RCTs) that seek to address dual goals. This strategy can be conceptualized in what has been called an ‘evidence house’ (Jonas 2001; Jonas, 2005). In this strategy the knowledge domains are placed in relationship to each other and the primary audience they serve. The evidence house helps balance the misalignment produced by the evidence hierarchy, by linking the method to the goal to the primary audience. The six major knowledge domains of the evidence house are briefly described below.
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Adapted with permission from Jonas (2001).

Mechanisms and laboratory methods

This asks the questions: ‘what happens and why?’ Laboratory and basic science approaches examine the mechanisms that underly interventions thought to be effective. Basic research can provide us with explanations for biological processes that are required to refine and advance our knowledge in any therapeutic field. For the development of new substances such research into potential mechanisms is at the beginning of the research chain, while for complex interventions that are already widely available and in clinical practice, such as homeopathy, acupuncture, TCM or physiotherapy interventions, this type of research is normally preceded by safety and clinical effectiveness studies (Fonnebo et al. 2007).

Attribution and randomized controlled trials

‘Attribution’ refers to the capacity to attribute effects to a certain cause. In clinical research, attributional knowledge is termed ‘efficacy’ and is best obtained through research methods such as the RCT. Efficacy is usually thought of as the effect size that differentiates between the overall effect of the specific intervention and the effect of placebo in an exactly comparable group of patients. In the sort of chronic illness frequently treated by CAM it is usual to find efficacy-based effect sizes of the order of 5–15% for both CAM and conventional medicine. These are often four times less than the overall treatment effect, suggesting the rest (75%) of the effect is generated by non-specific factors, such as the meaning and context (MAC) and the generic healing potential: ‘having treatment is what works’ (White et al. 2004).

Confidence and research summaries

Evidence synthesis is the basis of the knowledge domain that seeks to reduce uncertainty. It is important to be explicit about the processes involved in evidence synthesis. Meta-analysis, systematic reviews and expert review and evaluation are methods for judging the accuracy and precision of research. Methods of expert review and summary of research have evolved in the last decade by using protocol-driven approaches and statistical techniques. These are used along with subjective reviews to improve confidence that the reported effects of clinical research are accurate and robust (Haynes et al. 2006).
These three areas and their corresponding methods are listed on the left side of Figure 1.2. These information domains often build on themselves. On the right-hand side of the evidence house are three knowledge domains that focus on obtaining information on utility or relevance. Those are described now.

Meaning and qualitative methods

Given the contribution of MAC to clinical outcomes, research that explores these areas is important. Meaning provides information about whether our research incorporates patient-centred outcomes and patient preferences. This knowledge reduces the risk of substituting irrelevant outcomes when a therapy is tested. Context research examines the effect of communication, cultural and physical processes and environments of practice delivery. Qualitative methods are important here and include detailed case studies and interviews that systematically describe medical approaches and investigate patient preferences and the meaning they find in their illness and in treatments. Qualitative research has rigorous application standards and is not the same as a story or anecdote (Miller and Crabtree, 1994, Crabtree and Miller, 1999 and Malterud, 2001). Sometimes it is necessary to start the cycle of research with qualitative methods if a field is comparatively unknown, to enable our understanding of some basic parameters. Who are the agents in a therapeutic setting? Why are they doing what they do? What do patients experience? Why do they use CAM and pay money? Some examples of qualitative research in CAM show that patients’ and researchers’ perceptions are often radically different (Warkentin 2000). Some proponents of qualitative methods argue that they are radically different from the quantitative positivist one employed by mainstream medical research. While in theory this might be true, research has shown that both methods can complement each other well.

Indirect association and observational methods

A main goal of scientific research is linking causes to effects. Experimental research methods such as laboratory experiments or randomized controlled studies are designed to produce this knowledge. However, in many cases, it is impractical, impossible or unethical to employ such methods so we have to resort to substitutes. For example, adverse effects are often not investigated directly, although good clinical practice guidelines may alter this. Adverse reactions are normally only discovered through long-term observations or serendipity. Post hoc reasoning is then used to establish whether an adverse reaction was due to a medical intervention by observing event rates in those receiving the intervention. Although this post hoc reasoning stems from observational research and is not direct experimental proof, it is often sufficient evidence.
Often, retrospective case series or institutional audits will be able to give us initial suggestions that can be used to justify clinical experiments. However, we need to consider that in some cases such experiments will not be feasible. This may occur whenever there is too much a priori knowledge or bias among patients and providers towards an intervention. It may also occur where patients are enthusiastic about a treatment and choose it for themselves. Sometimes it is unethical to gather experimental evidence when an intervention is harmful and without the hope of personal benefit to the patient ( The majority of the initial evidence base that relates to the harm caused by smoking is not based on clinical experiments but on large epidemiological outcomes studies and animal experiments; someone cannot be randomized to be a convict, or an outdoor athlete or religious. It is also unnecessary to convince ourselves of the obvious: parachutes prevent death from falling out of airplanes (Smith & Pell 2003) and penicillin treats bacterial infection – neither needs a RCT.
Observational research is excellent at obtaining local information about the effects of interventions in individual practices. Sometimes called quality assurance or clinical audit, such data can help improve care at the point of delivery (Rees 2002).

Generalizability and health services research

Efficacy established in experimental research may not always translate into clinical practice. If we want to see whether a set of interventions works in clinical practice, we have to engage in a more pragmatic approach, called ‘evaluation research’ or ‘health services research’ (Coulter & Khorsan 2008). Most of these evaluations are quite complex and another modern term for this type of research is ‘whole-systems research’ (Verhoef et al. 2006) or, as the Medical Research Council suggests, ‘evaluating complex interventions’ (Campbell et al. 2007). All these involve evaluation of a practice in action and produce knowledge about effects in the pragmatic practice environment and emphasize external validity (Jonas 2005). These methods evaluate factors like access, feasibility, costs, practitioner competence, patient compliance and their interaction with proven or unproven treatments. They also study an intervention in the context of delivery, together with other elements of care and long-term application and safety (Figure 1.2). These approaches may be used to evaluate quite specific interventions both within and outside CAM. Alternatively these approaches can be used in a substantially different strategic order to evaluate a whole-systems-based approach (Verhoef et al. 2004). In these situations we may need to understand the overall effect of the whole system. To do that one would start with direct observation of practices and a general uncontrolled outcomes study evaluating the delivery of the intervention and its qualitative impact on the targeted population (Coulter & Khorsan 2008).

A circular model

The circular model explores the relationship of the clinical methods used in the middle two domains of the evidence house. It assumes that there is no such thing as ‘an entirely true effect size’ but that the effect sizes vary based on patient recruitment, specific therapists (Kim et al. 2006) and the environment (context) in which that therapy is provided (Hyland et al. 2007). This suggests that we may have difficulty in completely controlling for bias and confounding when we have no real understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the treatments being delivered. In these circumstances further development of a circular model may allow us to arrive at an approximate estimate of reality as it relates to complex pictures of chronic disease within the community (Walach et al. 2006) (Figure 1.3).
In a circular strategy the principle is that information from all sources is used to establish consensus around the most appropriate therapeutic approaches in a particular therapeutic environment. This allows development of best practices even when there is little RCT evidence. We have to bear in mind that clinicians are obliged to treat people even when they present with conditions for which the treatment is not supported by a substantial body of research (Flower & Lewith 2007). The circular strategy also actively involves patients in the decision-making process, which could be important since there is evidence that empowering patient decisions has an impact on outcome (Kalauokalani et al., 2001, Bausell et al., 2005 and Linde et al., 2007a). Acupuncture, as practised within a western European medical environment, is a prime example of this, as the debate about the evidence from both the German Acupuncture Trials (GERAC) and Acupuncture Research Trial (ART) studies illustrates (Linde et al., 2005, Melchart et al., 2005, Witt et al., 2005a, Witt et al., 2005c, Witt et al., 2006, Brinkhaus et al., 2006 and Scharf et al., 2006).

The reverse-phases model

By and large most complementary treatments are widely available, have often been in use for a long time and in some countries even have a special legal status. Consequently we may wish (for reasons of public health and pragmatism) to evaluate the safety of the intervention and the quality of the practitioners providing that intervention, before conducting research on theoretical or specific biochemical mechanisms that may be triggered by a particular product or practice. These strategic differences between the research approaches that may need to be applied to conventional and complementary medicine are summarized by Fonnebo et al. (2007) (Figure 1.4).
For example, a large pharmaceutical company will develop a new pharmaceutical through a phased approach that will involve both in vivo and in vitro laboratory experiments before preliminary human evaluation of a new chemical agent. This contrasts dramatically with the evaluation of a complementary medical intervention such as homeopathy and acupuncture, where opinions and beliefs about its veracity, effect and safety are widely debated and diverse. Inevitably this influences the public’s expectation and opinion about a particular intervention which may have an impact on any systematic evaluation of the therapy and its equipoise within a clinical trial.

Additional strategies

New, more sophisticated and pluralistic approaches to EBM incorporating the full spectrum of the information needed for making clinical decisions are being developed for all medical interventions; examples include the RAND ‘appropriateness’ approaches (Coulter et al. 1995), the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) efforts on consumer or patient-centred evidence evaluations (Clancy and Cronin, 2005 and Nilsen et al., 2006), decision models and new ‘synthesis’ approaches (Haynes 2006) and ‘care pathway’ applications of EBM (Astin et al. 2006), as well as the comparative effectiveness research by the Institute of Medicine (Sox 2009). All of these approaches have their own strengths and weaknesses and call for systematic incorporation of concepts such as goals, problem formulation and values into the formulation of consistent and customized EBM decisions that account for the complexity of information needed in the clinical setting. Taken together, it might be worthwhile distinguishing some of the more academic debates around EBM from the practical applications by defining EBP (Coulter & Khorsan 2008). We believe that EBP requires, at a minimum, the establishment of quality standards for each of the information domains described in Figures 1.2 and 1.3 and may be thought of as ‘best research guidelines’.

Quality criteria for clinical research

The above discussion speaks to the importance of defining standards of quality for each of the evidence domains described. Uniform criteria should be used to define ‘quality’ within each evidence domain (Sackett et al. 1991). For example, experimental, observational and research summaries are three designs with published quality criteria (Begg et al., 1996, Moher, 1998, Egger and Davey, 2000 and Stroup et al., 2000). The evaluation of research quality in CAM uses the same approach as that in conventional medicine but there are additional items relevant to specific CAM areas (MacPherson et al., 2001 and Dean et al., 2006). The Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) group has produced a widely adopted set of quality reporting guidelines for RCTs (Begg et al., 1996 and Moher, 1998). These criteria focus on the importance of allocation concealment, randomization method, blinding, proper statistical methods, attention to drop-outs and several other factors. They include internal and some external validity criteria.
Table 1.1 lists some of the published quality criteria in each of these evidence domains. These quality criteria serve as the best published standards to date for research within each of the domains discussed in this book. Various checklists exist for helping investigators think about these quality criteria when reviewing or constructing research. One such checklist (the Likelihood of Validity Evaluation or LOVE) is described below, but many others are available, as listed in Table 1.1. A unique aspect of the LOVE is the inclusion of criteria for ‘model validity’ combined with internal and external validity.
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Table 1.1 Published Quality Reporting Criteria of Evidence
Type of research Quality scoring system Where to go to Description
Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analysis QUOROM guidelines Part of CONSORT, this checklist describes the preferred way to present the abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion sections of a report of a meta-analysis
SIGN 50 Checklist used by chiropractic best practices guidelines committee for their reviews
AMSTAR Shea et al. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2007 7:10 doi:10.1186/1471-2288-7-10 Measurement tool for the ‘assessment of multiple systematic reviews’ (AMSTAR) consisting of 11 items and has good face and content validity for measuring the methodological quality of systematic reviews
OXMAN Oxman AD et al. J Clin Epidemiol 1991; 44(1): 91–98 Used to assess the scientific quality or research overviews
QUADAS Whiting P et al. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2003; 3:25 A tool for the quality assessment of studies of diagnostic accuracy included in systematic reviews consisting of 14 items.
Randomized Controlled Trials CONSORT An evidence-based, minimum set of recommendations for reporting RCTs and offers a standard way for authors to prepare reports of trial findings, facilitating their complete and transparent reporting, and aiding their critical appraisal and interpretation
Cochrane Four key factors that are considered to influence the methodological quality of the trial: generation of allocation sequence, allocation concealment, blinding, and inclusion of all randomized participants. Cochrane advises against using scoring systems and checklists and uses these above to comment on in the analysis
LOVE Jonas WB and Linde K 2000. Provides a convenient form for applying the four major categories of validity most applicable to complex systems as found in CAM (internal validity, external validity, model validity and quality reporting)
SIGN 50 Checklist used by chiropractic best practices guidelines committee for assessing the quality of RCTs
Bronfort Bronfort G et al. Efficacy of spinal manipulation and mobilization for low back pain and neck pain: a systematic review and best evidence synthesis. Spine J 2004; 4: 335–356 Contains eight items with three choices, yes, partial and no on categories on baseline characteristics, concealment of treatment allocation, blinding of patients, of provider/attention bias, of assessor/unbiased outcome assessment, dropouts reported and accounted for, missing data reported and accounted for, and intention to treat analysis done.
JADAD Jadad AR, Moore RA, Carrol D et al. Assessing the quality of reports of randomized clinical trials: is blinding necessary? Controlled Clin Trials 1996;17:1–12 Widely used to assess the quality of clinical trials and composed of the following questions: 1) Is the study randomized? 2) Is the study double blinded? 3) Is there a description of withdrawals? 4) Is the randomization adequately described? 5) Is the blindness adequately described?
Laboratory Research Modified LOVE Sparber AG, Crawford CC, Jonas WB. 2003 Laboratory research on bioenergy. In: Jonas WB, Crawford CC Healing, Intention and Energy Medicine. Churchill Livingstone London Pg. 142 Modification of standard LOVE scale developed by Jonas WB et al to focus specifically on laboratory studies
Quality Evaluation Score Linde, K., Jonas,W.B., Melchart, D., Worku, F., Wagner, H., and Eitel, F. Critical review and meta-analysis of serial agitated dilutions in experimental toxicology. Human & Experimental Toxicology. 1994; 13: 481–492 Quality evaluation criteria for assessing animal studies in homeopathy
Health Services Research: Utilization Studies Born PH. Center for Health Policy Research American Medical Association 1996 There is no widely accepted measure of quality for health care utilization studies. Because of this differences across plans in proxy measures, such as outcomes or patient satisfaction are used as evidence of a managed care-quality link
Health Services Research: Quality of Life Studies Smeenk FW BMJ 1998; 316(7149): 1939–44 Much like other scales assessing quality criteria but with the addition of addressing quality of life outcomes
Testa MA. Diabetes Spectrum 2000; 13: 29 Brief checklist of critical questions particularly relevant to quality-of-life measurement and study design
Health Services Research: Cost-Effectiveness Studies SIGN 50 for economic evaluations only Checklist used by chiropractic best practices guidelines committee for assessing the quality of economic studies
Ch 13: How to read reviews and economic analyses In: Sackett DL et al Clinical Epidemiology. Little, Brown and Co. Boston 1991 Guides for assessing an economic analysis of health care
Epidemiology Outcomes: Cohort Studies SIGN 50 Checklist used by chiropractic best practices guidelines committee for assessing the quality of cohort studies
STROBE Provides guidance on how to report observational research well
New Castle Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale (NOS)