Published on 18/03/2015 by admin

Filed under Rheumatology

Last modified 18/03/2015

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Applied Anatomy

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is an articulation between the mandibular condyle and both the mandibular (glenoid) fossa and the articular eminence (tubercle) of the temporal bone (Figure 9-1). The paired TMJs are classified as condylar joints, because the mandible articulates with the skull by means of two distinct articular surfaces, or condyles. Unlike other synovial (diarthrodial) articulations, the articulating surfaces of the TMJ are covered by fibrocartilage in place of hyaline cartilage. An intraarticular fibrocartilaginous disk (meniscus) divides the joint into a large superior and a smaller inferior compartment, each lined with synovial membrane (see Figure 9-1). The disk consists of a thin, central portion; a thick, large, highly innervated and more vascular posterior portion (posterior band); and a smaller anterior portion (anterior band). The disk is tightly bound to the medial and lateral poles of the mandibular condyle. It provides congruent contours, acts as a shock absorber during mastication, and stabilizes the joint during mandibular movements. The stability of the TMJ depends on the osseous, conformation, muscles of mastication, capsule, ligaments, and intraarticular disk. The capsule is thin and loose and allows a wide range of movements. It is attached to the condyle and to the articular eminence, and it is reinforced on the lateral aspect by the lateral temporomandibular ligament and on the medial aspect by the sphenomandibular ligament.


Mastication, swallowing, and speech are associated with movements at the TMJs. The two joints move in unison and are limited and guided by dental occlusion during early opening and closing movements of the jaw. Therefore, the TMJs and teeth are often referred to as a tri-joint complex. However, later movements, beyond 2 mm opening, are guided by the musculoligamentous components of the TMJ and are not related to dental occlusion or bite. Movements at the TMJs have two components: rotation, which occurs during the very first stages of jaw opening, and translation, which occurs with wider opening. These movements are guided by the various components of the TMJ system and structure. The inferior compartment of the joint, between the mandibular condyle and the articular disk, functions as a hinge joint that allows mandibular rotation. The upper head of the lateral pterygoid muscle draws the disk anteriorly to prepare for condylar rotation. The superior compartment of the joint, between the temporal bone and the articular disk, acts as a sliding joint; it allows both disk and mandible to glide anteriorly, posteriorly, and laterally (left or right) along the slope of the articular eminence. The eminence is the primary functional area of the temporal bone during mandibular movement. Normal opening and closing of the mouth, a combination of rotation and translation movements, relies on function in both compartments of each joint. Further, it depends on a smooth sliding of the disk down the slope of the eminence. During mouth opening, the condyles glide forward over the articular eminence with the disk in between. Therefore, during mouth opening, the condyles rest on the articular eminences, and any sudden movement, such as wide mouth opening that might occur during yawning, and some forms of trauma may displace one or both condyles anteriorly and even past the articular eminence, a process that can lead to open lock of the mandible.

In the closed position, the mandible lies in the glenoid fossa, in contact with the posterior band of the disk (see Figure 9-1). In the resting position, the mouth is slightly open so that the teeth are not in contact. In centric occlusion occurs with maximal contact of the teeth, the position assumed by the jaw when swallowing.

Temporomandibular Joint Pain and History Taking

Pain reported in the TMJ is a relatively common symptom, but it can have diverse causes. It may originate in the TMJ itself, or it may be referred from the teeth, ear, parotid gland, muscles of mastication, cervical spine, or head (Table 9-1). Important points in the history include site, duration, character, radiation, and provocative factors of TMJ pain. The physician may also inquire about any recent dental work and whether a patient grinds the teeth. Both bruxism—forced clenching and grinding of the teeth, especially during sleep—and habitual nail biting have been associated with a temporomandibular disorder syndrome, which will be discussed later. However, these are basically associations and to date have not been demonstrated to be causal. That said, these characteristics might have an impact on pain severity, timing, and responsiveness to treatment. In fact, apart from TMJ pain syndromes that arise following hyperextension-flexion injury, most of these conditions are idiopathic in nature (Romanelli, 1992; Goldberg, 1996; and Brooke, 1978).


Arthritis of the TMJ
Osteoarthritis (OA)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA)
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
Temporomandibular Disorder Syndrome (TMDS)
Internal Derangement due to Meniscal Displacement
Condylar Agenesis, Hypoplasia (Retrognathism), and Hyperplasia (Prognathism)
Neoplasms of the TMJ (rare)
Referred TMJ Pain
From the parotid salivary gland
From the paranasal sinuses
From the ear
From the teeth
From the nasopharynx
From the cervical spine
Other Causes of Facial Pain
Trigeminal neuralgia
Giant cell (temporal) arteritis
Migraine headache
Cerebral tumors, tetanus, Parkinsonism
Psychosomatic TMJ pain

Locking of the TMJs can be caused by subluxation of the joint or, more likely, may be caused by anterior displacement without reduction of the meniscus (i.e., TMJ disk). Clicking, popping, or snapping of TMJs, often bilateral, occurs when the TMJ disk is positioned anterior to its normal position. However, in contrast to a locked joint, opening movement that requires translation of the TMJs can cause popping or clicking in one or both of these joints that may be audible or at least detected by palpation. This phenomenon occurs because the joint actually snaps back over the displaced disk, leading to the reestablishment of a normal relationship between the condyle and the central zone of the disk (Westesson, 1985). Other causes of clicking and popping can include a meniscal tear, uncoordinated lateral pterygoid muscle action, and osteoarthritis (OA).

Physical Examination


The TMJs can be located by placing the tip of the index finger just anterior to the external auditory meatus and asking the patient to open the mouth about halfway. The lateral poles of the TMJs will then become palpable by the tip of the examiner’s finger. The joint is palpated for warmth, tenderness, synovial thickening, effusion (a fluctuant mass), crepitus, or snapping or clicking with movement. With the patient’s mouth open, the TMJ can be palpated with the little finger placed in the external auditory meatus (fleshy part anteriorly). The patient is then asked to close the mouth when the examiner first feels the condyle touch the finger. With the mouth closed, the TMJs are in the resting position with a freeway space between the anterior teeth (normal range 2 to 4 mm) (Kerr, 1974). By palpating the condyle and noting its location within the mandibular fossa with the patient’s mouth closed, partially open, and wide open, the examiner can determine various degrees of dislocation.

When assessing for pain, one generally tries to maintain a consistent force of palpation. If tissues are clinically tender, it is generally recommended that the force needed to evoke a meaningful pain reaction is that which, when pressing the finger on a tabletop, the fingernail bed will blanch. If the pressure is too light, clinically tender tissues will not be identified; similarly, if too much force is applied, even normal tissues will be perceived as painful. For the purposes of standardization, it is also helpful to grade a patient’s pain reaction following palpation of the TMJs and surrounding musculature. In this case, a discontinuous but relatively reliable scale has been developed, as shown in Table 9-2.


Active TMJ movements include opening and closing of the mouth, protrusion, retrusion, and lateral or side-to-side excursions of the mandible. During opening (depression) and closing (elevation or occlusion) of the mouth, the two TMJs (inferior compartments) work in unison to produce a smooth, unbroken arc of movement without any asymmetry or sideways movement. Deviation of the chin to one side is generally caused by ipsilateral TMJ, severe degenerative changes that would generally be seen only in rheumatoid arthritis, physical trauma (e.g., fracture of the neck of the ipsilateral condyle), and, in some cases, spasm of the masseter or lateral or medial pterygoid muscles.

The range of vertical movement during opening and closing of the mouth is determined by measuring, with a ruler or calipers, the distance between the maxillary and mandibular central incisors during maximal unassisted or assisted opening (see the discussion that follows on passive movements of the TMJ). This range is often referred to as the interincisal range of opening (normal range 35 to 60 mm). Although this measurement is relatively reproducible, inaccurate measurements can be made in patients wearing dentures or in those who have otherwise lost maxillary anterior teeth that have then been replaced prosthetically. In hypomobile TMJs, the distance is less than 35 mm, and the displacement can be so severe as to be less than or equal to 1.5 cm, therefore only rotational movement of the condyles would be detected.

Protrusion and retrusion of the mandible occur at the superior compartment. Normally, the individual can both protrude the lower jaw out past the upper teeth and retract the lower teeth behind the upper teeth. Lateral or side-to-side movement of the mandible occurs at the superior compartment. This can be measured with a ruler, with the mouth partially open and the lower jaw protruded, as the range of movement of the midpoint of the mandible (i.e., the space between two central incisors) in relation to that of the maxilla (normal range 10 to 20 mm).

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