Chapter 6 The short cases
The short cases require practice over a period of time.
As a guide, for each case approximately seven minutes is usually assigned to the clinical examination before presentation and questions. You will be given the choice of presenting your findings as you go or at the end. Any further discussion will relate only to the case at hand. The focus will be on synthesising findings for a diagnosis or differential diagnosis, including further methods to clarify this. On occasion you may be shown results of relevant investigations that assist in the differential diagnosis, although time constraints will usually prevent this.
Top athletes are taught: ‘Train as you intend to compete, because you will always compete as you train.’ Become familiar with examining each system in a maximum of seven minutes. If your ‘normal’ approach varies with each patient and changes in duration, your performance at the examination (competition for marks) will reflect this. Practise individual examinations with someone timing you. This can be done at home with friends or family members who are happy to volunteer: they will soon be able to tell you when you have missed something. A word of warning: if your partner or family members become the ‘subjects’ for your practice, remember that time spent together in this way does not count as ‘quality time’.
Examining a candidate who provides the answers in a logical fashion without being asked is more satisfying than having to drag the answers out of a candidate one at a time. The more competent you are, the higher you will score. Later sections in this chapter include examples of responses that enable you to keep talking until you are stopped.
Examination approaches
The following sections provide a suggested method for approaching commonly encountered cases, along with possible introductions that may be used by your examiners. These descriptions are not exhaustive of the countless number of clinical signs that may be detectable, but they do provide an organised framework that will enable you to detect all abnormal findings.
Cardiovascular system examination
Getting started
Observe the patient’s general appearance, colour (anaemia, plethora, cyanosis), pursed-lip breathing, respiratory rate and obvious scars. The JVP may be visible at a distance. Head bobbing is an uncommon sign of aortic incompetence (AI), but easily missed if not specifically checked for.
As you move up the arm, feel the brachial pulse and politely ask the examiners:
Move to the neck, feel the carotid pulse for character and auscultate for bruits:
If breathing is noisy, give clear instructions:
Check briefly for conjunctival pallor and central cyanosis (lips and tongue).
After listening at the apex (mitral area), listen in turn to the lower left sternal edge (tricuspid area), then the left upper sternal edge (pulmonary area) and right upper sternal edge (aortic area). Confirm the timing of any murmur by simultaneously palpating the carotid pulse and listen in the axilla and carotids for radiation. Right heart murmurs are louder with inspiration and the opposite is true for left-sided murmurs, so ask the patient to take some slow, deep breaths while listening for changes with the respiratory cycle.
I would complete my cardiovascular system examination with [whatever you have not done] as well as completing a general examination including [whichever observations have not been done] and a urinalysis looking for …
‘Can you put these findings together?’
‘What supports one differential over another?’
‘What else could you do to clarify things further?’
After completing the physical examination, the key initial investigations will be an ECG and chest X-ray. The ECG will confirm sinus rhythm and may demonstrate left ventricular hypertrophy. The chest X-ray may show valvular calcification, dilation of the left atrium if there is mitral valve disease and I expect it will also reveal enlargement of the left ventricle and absence of cardiac failure.
Neurological system examination
Cranial nerves
CN I: olfactory nerve
CN I is rarely tested. Asking the patient, Can you smell normally?, is generally sufficient.
CN II: optic nerve
Visual fields
Repeat the same process for the other side. Note whether one or both blind spots are abnormally large (consider papilloedema, optic neuritis). Under standing the visual pathway anatomy is crucial to local ising lesions (see Figure 6.1). Table 6.1 illustrates the principal abnormalities that may be encountered.
CN III, IV and VI: oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves
Eye movements tend to confuse those who have forgotten their anatomy (or never learned it in the first place). Understanding anatomy is fundamental to appreciating why the ‘direction of action’ of some muscles is almost the opposite of the direction in which they are tested. Figure 6.2 will refresh your memory. The photographs and diagrams demonstrate the muscles involved when testing eye movements.
Figure 6.2 Anatomy of the extraocular muscles
(a) Muscles tested with eye movements
The key is to consider the difference between the alignment of the resting visual axis (forward), the line of the orbits (out at an angle) and the angle of pull of the extraocular muscles in relation to these. These align with the eyes deviated ∼45 degrees and this is why we test up and down gaze in this position. The oblique muscles insert posterior to the rotational axis of the globe. Acting on their own as an individual muscle in the resting position, they each abduct the globe. The superior oblique will also cause the eye to look down and internally tort. The inferior oblique has the opposite effects. However, when the eye is adducted, the visual axis is aligned with the direction of pull of the obliques and so their actions are reduced to simply causing the eye to look up (inferior oblique) or down (superior oblique).
Once you have mastered this anatomy, practise drawing it and showing/teaching it to junior staff and medical students. A summary of the functions and innervations of the individual extraocular muscles is provided in Table 6.2.
Extraocular muscles
Next move the pin out to one side and test up (and hold it to confirm both sides have moved) and down (holding and checking again). Referring back to our anatomy discussion, this is testing the various obliques and recti. Move the pin to the other side. Repeat the up and then down movements.
Of note, lesions of the visual pathway posterior to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus will have intact pupil reflexes.
CN V: trigeminal nerve
Named for the three sensory branches, it has a motor component as well.
Although not often part of the examination, taste is easily tested with a salt sachet from the kitchen. Tear off the corner, dab the sachet on each side of the anterior two-thirds and posterior third of the tongue. Recall from your growing confidence with anatomy that taste sensation is derived from CN VII but the fibres travel with CN V after the chorda tympani join it shortly after exiting the skull in front of the ear. Innervation of the tongue is summarised in Table 6.3.
Anterior two-thirds | Posterior one-third | |
Touch |