The psychotherapies

Published on 24/05/2015 by admin

Filed under Psychiatry

Last modified 24/05/2015

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CHAPTER 14 The psychotherapies

Psychotherapy is a broad term that encompasses anything from support of the individual through a time of personal turmoil to daily psychoanalysis conducted over years. Indeed, the term is probably so broad that it has become rather un-useful, and requires a descriptor to specify what is meant. Box 14.1 outlines the major types of psychotherapy.

Behavioural therapy

Behavioural therapy essentially encompasses techniques where a feared object or situation is faced rather than avoided. This can be done in vivo (i.e. in real life), or imaginally (i.e. the person summonses the image into their mind): the former is usually preferred, as it is easier to do and seems more powerful. Sometimes, the feared situation is such that it is impossible to reenact in vivo (e.g. post-traumatic stress disorder after a horrific fire). In such cases, imaginal exposure can be effective.

Behavioural therapy is usually undertaken in a step-wise manner, such that the patient constructs a hierarchy of fears and works at each step in an ongoing manner, akin to a runner getting fit according to a stepped exercise regime. The ‘least feared’ object or situation is tackled first, consolidated, and then the next task on the hierarchy is attempted. The therapist acts much like a sports coach—guiding, supporting and encouraging the individual to take the next step, and providing useful tips about how to motivate oneself and overcome the barriers to ‘getting fit’ again. The actual ‘work’ has to be performed by the patient, and they need to ‘stay with’ the anxiety aroused by the situation or feared object until their anxiety abates to a substantial degree. This is done repeatedly until that fear step is conquered, and the next step can be taken. The process is also referred to as exposure and response prevention (EX/RP), in that the patient ‘exposes’ themself to the feared situation, and does not give in to the urge to perform the usual ‘response’ (e.g. running away).

It can be useful to help the patient manage their overall anxiety, such that they employ, for example, slow-breathing techniques and positive self-talk to help them through the tasks. However, they do need to experience some degree of discomfort and anxiety at each step; otherwise, the step is not therapeutically useful. Some people employ techniques such as emotional withdrawal, ask others for reassurance, or resort to alcohol or benzodiazepines to deal with

anxiogenic situations: these can interfere with the therapeutic effect of behavioural therapy.

Occasionally, instead of a step-wise approach, the patient can be exposed in a single session to their most feared situation (e.g. the spider phobic allowing a tarantula to crawl on them). This is known as flooding.

Behavioural therapy is also the primary therapeutic modality in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Here the individual ‘faces’, again in a hierarchical manner, the fear associated with an obsessional thought. For example, the patient who repeatedly checks electrical appliances is tasked with switching the toaster on, then off, and checking just thrice rather than 30 times, and ‘stays with’ the anxiety this arouses, until it subsides. Again, this task is repeated until conquered, whereafter the next step is embraced (e.g. check just twice, and then only once). The patient must be reminded not to seek reassurance from others, and their family members should be coached as supportive co-therapists, rather than giving in to the reassurance-seeking of the patient, such as, for example, going and checking the toaster for them.

Cognitive therapy

The notion that un-useful cognitions drive depression and anxiety symptoms might seem obvious, but the utility of cognitive challenge in a therapeutic sense gained ascendancy only in the 1960s, with the work of, among others, Aaron T Beck. Beck postulated that people who are prone to depression (his initial focus) tend to see themselves, the world around them, and their future, in a negative way, and that they tend to have negative automatic thoughts in response to events in their world. He also identified a number of thinking traps people with depression tend to fall into (see Box 14.2).

Cognitive therapy involves helping individuals identify and challenge negative automatic thoughts. They are also taught to recognise their own thinking traps, and use this knowledge to assist them to face the world in a more positive manner. The patient is encouraged to keep a diary of negative thoughts, including rating to what extent they believe them (usually as a percentage). They then try to challenge these, and then rate whether the intensity of the belief has been eroded, and to what extent. This is done in an iterative way, and therapy sessions include looking over the diaries with the therapist, and working through examples together. A further technique is the so-called downward arrow, which seeks to explore the underlying schemas the individual holds.