12 The Pediatric Airway
Developmental Anatomy of the Airway
The classic works by Negus, Eckenhoff, and Fink and Demarest form the foundation of our knowledge about the structure and function of the pediatric and adult airway.1–3 They suggested that there are five major anatomic differences between the neonatal and the adult airway, which are outlined in this section, although more recent studies suggest that not all of these long-held beliefs are supported by science.2–4 In addition, the relatively large head of an infant negates the need to place anything under the head to achieve a proper “sniffing position.” Older children have airway features that represent a transition between the infant and the adult anatomy.
In the past, it was thought that an infant’s tongue is relatively large in proportion to the rest of the oral cavity and therefore can more easily obstruct the airway, especially in a neonate. However, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have now demonstrated that there is proportional growth of the tongue and other soft tissues in relation to the bony structures of the oral cavity in children 1 to 11 years of age.5 Furthermore, the contribution of the tongue to upper airway obstruction with sedation or induction of anesthesia is relatively minor; much of the obstruction is more likely due to nasopharyngeal and epiglottic collapse, although in a patient of any age the tongue may also contribute to obstruction.6,7
Position of the Larynx
An infant’s larynx is higher (more cephalad) in the neck, classically described at the level of C3-4, than an adult’s larynx, which is at the level of C4-5 (Fig. 12-1). MRI and computed tomography (CT) have confirmed the higher (more cephalad) position of the larynx in children and demonstrated that the hyoid bone is at the C2-3 level in infants and children up to 2 years of age.8 Consequently, the distances between the tongue, hyoid bone, epiglottis, and roof of the mouth are smaller in infants than they are in an older child or adult.
The proximity of the tongue to the more superior larynx also makes visualization of laryngeal structures more difficult, because it produces a more acute angle between the plane of the tongue and the plane of the glottic opening. It is for this reason that a straight laryngoscope blade, which lifts the tongue from the field of view during laryngoscopy, facilitates visualization of an infant’s larynx. This anatomic relationship is further complicated in certain conditions such as the Treacher Collins anomaly and other syndromes associated with mandibular and midfacial hypoplasia that make direct visualization of the glottis difficult and sometimes impossible with standard laryngoscopy (Fig. 12-2). The reason for this difficulty is that with mandibular and midfacial hypoplasia, the base of the tongue is positioned more caudally (known as glossoptosis) and in closer proximity to the laryngeal inlet than normal; the result is an even greater acute angle between the plane of the tongue and the plane of the laryngeal inlet (often 90 degrees) (Fig. 12-3). In this situation, conventional rigid laryngoscopy provides excellent visualization of the esophageal inlet rather than the laryngeal inlet, necessitating the use of special equipment or special techniques to intubate the trachea.
An adult’s epiglottis is flat and broad, and its axis is parallel to that of the trachea (Fig. 12-4), whereas the infant’s epiglottis is narrower, omega shaped, and angled away from the axis of the trachea (Fig. 12-5). It is therefore more difficult to lift the infant’s epiglottis with the tip of a laryngoscope blade.
Vocal Folds
In contrast to the adult, in whom the axis of the vocal folds is perpendicular to that of the trachea, the vocal folds (cords) of an infant are angled such that the anterior insertion is lower (caudad) compared with the posterior insertion (compare Fig. 12-4, A, with Fig. 12-5, A). This anatomic feature alters the angle at which the tracheal tube approaches the laryngeal inlet and occasionally leads to difficulty with tracheal intubation, especially with the nasal approach. In the latter case, the tip of the endotracheal tube (ETT) may be held up at the anterior commissure of the vocal folds.
Classic teaching holds that the narrowest part of an infant’s larynx is the cricoid cartilage; in an adult, it is the rima glottidis. This teaching was supported by an MRI and CT study in young children (<2 years of age) who were sedated with oral medications and breathing spontaneously.8 In contrast, a more recent study in children 2 months to 13 years of age undergoing MRI with propofol sedation and spontaneous respirations reported that the narrowest portions of the pediatric larynx were the glottic opening and the immediate sub–vocal cord level and that this finding did not change relative to the dimensions of the cricoid ring throughout childhood.9 Nonetheless, when a relatively large-diameter tube is inserted into the glottic aperture, the tube passes through the cords but may meet resistance immediately below the cords (e.g., in the subglottic or cricoid ring region). Although these studies demonstrate in vivo physiologic relationships, the cricoid cartilage is functionally the narrowest portion of the upper airway.
Growth of the subglottic airway occurs rapidly during the first 2 years of life; thereafter, growth of the airway is linear.10 At 10 to 12 years of age, the cricoid and thyroid cartilages reach adult proportions, thus eliminating both the angulation of the vocal cords and the narrow subglottic area.
In the adult, the rima glottidis is considered the narrowest part of the airway, and an ETT that traverses the glottis passes into the trachea without resistance. However, in about 70% of adult cadavers, the narrowest portion of the airway was also in the subglottic region.11 The range in diameter for adult females was 10 to 16 mm, and for adult males it was 13 to 19 mm. The likely reason that ETTs pass easily through the glottic opening into the trachea of an adult is that, overall, the narrowest portion of the airway is still larger than the most commonly used ETT sizes. The apparent subglottic narrowing in adults is generally not evident unless there is the need to pass a larger-diameter ETT such as a double-lumen tube. In contrast, in a child, it is common for an ETT to pass easily through the vocal folds (glottic opening) but not through the subglottic region (Fig. 12-6; see Video 12-1). The larynx in both adults and children should be considered funnel shaped, although this configuration is exaggerated and is of greater import in infants and young children.
The cricoid is the only complete ring of cartilage in the laryngotracheobronchial tree and is therefore nondistensible. Because the mucosa that lines the upper airway is loose-fitting pseudostratified columnar epithelium, pressure on the mucosa may cause reactive edema that could encroach on the diameter of the lumen. A tight-fitting ETT that compresses the tracheal mucosa at this level may cause inflammation and edema when it is removed, reducing the luminal diameter and increasing the airway resistance at the time of extubation (e.g., postextubation croup). Because the subglottic region in the infant is smaller than in the adult, the same degree of airway edema results in greater resistance in the infant. For example, assuming that the diameter of the cricoid ring in the infant is 4 mm and the diameter of the adult cricoid ring or trachea is 8 mm, 1 mm of edema circumferentially within the airway (i.e., reduction of the diameter of the airway by 2 mm) would decrease the cross-sectional area of the airway in the infant by approximately 75% (to 2 mm), whereas the adult cross-sectional area would decrease by only about 44% (to 6 mm). Physiologically, because the resistance to airflow in the upper airway is turbulent during crying or deep breathing, this reduction in diameter of the upper airway would increase the resistance to flow by the radius to the fifth power, or 32-fold, in the infant, compared with 5-fold in the adult. (Fig. 12-7).2
The Larynx
The larynx is composed of one bone (hyoid) and eleven cartilages (the single thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottic cartilages and the paired arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform, and triticea cartilages). These cartilages are suspended by ligaments from the base of the skull. The body of the cricoid cartilage articulates posteriorly with the inferior cornu of the thyroid cartilage. The paired triangular arytenoid cartilages rest on top of, and articulate with, the superoposterior aspect of the cricoid cartilage. The arytenoid cartilages are protected by the thyroid cartilage (Fig. 12-8). The triticeal cartilages are rounded nodules of cartilage, approximately the size of a pea in adults, located in the margins of the lateral thyrohyoid ligament.
Tissue folds and muscles cover these cartilages. In contrast to adults, but comparable to most mammals, the cartilaginous glottis accounts for 60% to 75% of the length of the vocal folds in children younger than 2 years of age.10 Contraction of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles alters the position and configuration of these tissue folds, thus influencing laryngeal function during respiration, forced voluntary glottic closure (Valsalva maneuver), reflex laryngospasm, swallowing, and phonation (Fig. 12-9).
The laryngeal tissue folds consist of the following:
Paired aryepiglottic folds extending from the epiglottis posteriorly to the superior surface of the arytenoids (the paired cuneiform and corniculate cartilages lie within for support and reinforcement)
Paired vestibular folds (false vocal cords) extending from the thyroid cartilage posteriorly to the superior surface of the arytenoids
Paired vocal folds (true vocal cords) extending from the posterior surface of the thyroid plate to the anterior projection or vocal process of the arytenoids
A single interarytenoid fold (composed of the interarytenoid muscle covered by tissue) bridging the arytenoid cartilages
A single thyrohyoid fold extending from the hyoid bone to the thyroid cartilage
The highly vascular mucosa of the mouth is continuous with that of the larynx and trachea. This mucosa consists of squamous, stratified, and pseudostratified ciliated epithelium. The vocal cords are covered with stratified epithelium. The mucosa and submucosa are rich in lymphatic vessels and seromucus-secreting glands, which lubricate the laryngeal folds. The submucosa consists of loose fibrous stroma; therefore, the mucosa is loosely adherent to the underlying structures in most areas. However, the submucosa is scant on the laryngeal surface of the epiglottis and the vocal cords, so the mucosa is tightly adherent in these areas.12,13 Most inflammatory processes of the airway above the level of the vocal cords are limited by the barrier formed by the firm adherence of the mucosa to the vocal cords.13 For example, the inflammation of epiglottitis is usually limited to the supraglottic structures, and the loosely adherent mucosa explains the ease with which localized swelling occurs (see Figs. 31-15 and 31-16). In a similar manner, an inflammatory process of the subglottic region (laryngotracheobronchitis) results in significant subglottic edema in the loosely adherent mucosa of the airway below the vocal cords, but it does not usually spread above the level of the vocal cords (see Fig. 31-14, C).12
Sensory and Motor Innervation
Two branches of the vagus nerve, the recurrent laryngeal and the superior laryngeal nerves, supply both sensory and motor innervation to the larynx. The superior laryngeal nerve has two branches: the internal branch, which provides sensory innervation to the supraglottic region, and the external branch, which supplies motor innervation to the cricothyroid muscle. The recurrent laryngeal nerve provides sensory innervation to the subglottic larynx and motor innervation to all other laryngeal muscles.13,14 Local anesthetic agents injected to block the superior laryngeal nerve result in anesthesia of the supraglottic region down to the inferior margin of the epiglottis and motor blockade of the cricothyroid muscle, which causes relaxation of the vocal cords. Translaryngeal injection of local anesthetic through the cricothyroid membrane or a specific recurrent laryngeal nerve block is required for infraglottic and tracheal anesthesia.15–17
Blood Supply
Laryngeal branches of the superior and inferior thyroid arteries provide the blood supply to the larynx. The recurrent laryngeal nerve and artery lie in close proximity to each other, which accounts for the occasional vocal cord paresis after attempts to control bleeding during thyroidectomy.18
Forced Glottic Closure and Laryngospasm
Glottic closure during forced expiration (forced glottic closure or Valsalva maneuver) is voluntary laryngeal closure and is physiologically similar to involuntary laryngeal closure (laryngospasm). Forced glottic closure occurs at several levels. Contraction of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles results in (1) marked reduction in the interarytenoid distance; (2) anterior rocking and medial movement of the arytenoids, causing apposition of the paired vocal, vestibular, and aryepiglottic folds; (3) longitudinal shortening of the larynx that obliterates the space between the aryepiglottic, vestibular, and vocal folds (like complete closing of a telescope). Contraction of an extrinsic laryngeal muscle, the thyrohyoid, pulls the hyoid bone downward (caudad) and the thyroid cartilage upward (cephalad), leading to further closure.1,3,4,19–22
Closure of the larynx during laryngospasm is similar to, but not identical to that described for voluntary forced glottic closure. There are two important differences. First, laryngospasm is accompanied by an inspiratory effort, which longitudinally separates the vocal from the vestibular folds. Second, in contrast to forced glottic closure, neither the thyroarytenoid muscle (an intrinsic muscle of the larynx) nor the thyrohyoid muscle contracts; thus, apposition of the aryepiglottic folds and median thyrohyoid folds is minimal. These two differences allow the upper portion of the larynx to be left partially open during mild laryngospasm, resulting in the hallmark high-pitched inspiratory stridor (see Video 12-1).1,19 Anterior and upward displacement of the mandible (jaw thrust) longitudinally separates the base of the tongue, the epiglottis, and the aryepiglottic folds from the vocal folds, helping to relieve laryngospasm.20
Glottic closure during swallowing is also similar to that which occurs during forced closure of the glottis. Protection of the glottic opening is achieved primarily by apposition of the laryngeal folds and secondarily by upward (cephalad) movement of the larynx. The upward movement of the larynx brings the thyroid cartilage closer to the hyoid bone, resulting in folding of the epiglottis over the glottic opening.1,19,21,22 With loss of consciousness or deep sedation, the normal protective mechanism of the larynx may be lost or obtunded, thus predisposing to pulmonary aspiration of pharyngeal contents.
Phonation is accomplished by alteration of the angle between the thyroid and cricoid cartilages (the cricothyroid angle) and by medial movement of the arytenoids during expiration.1,14,23 These movements result in fine alterations in vocal fold tension during movement of air, causing vibration of the vocal folds. Lesions or malfunctions of the vocal folds (e.g., inflammation, papilloma, paresis) therefore affect phonation. Phonation is the only laryngeal function that alters the cricothyroid angle.1Therefore, despite significant airway obstruction during inspiration, it may still be possible to phonate.
Physiology of the Respiratory System
Obligate Nasal Breathing
Infants are considered to be obligate nasal breathers.24,25 Obstruction of their anterior or posterior nares (nasal congestion, stenosis, choanal atresia) can cause asphyxia.26–28 Immaturity of coordination between respiratory efforts and oropharyngeal motor and sensory input accounts in part for obligate nasal breathing.29 Furthermore, because the larynx is higher (more cephalad) in the neck of an infant and oropharyngeal structures are closer together, the tongue rests against the roof of the mouth during quiet respiration, resulting in oral airway obstruction.25 Multiple sites of pharyngeal airway obstruction may also contribute to airway obstruction when the infant attempts to breathe against a partially obstructed upper airway or with relaxation of upper airway muscle tone after sedation or induction of anesthesia.30–34
As the infant matures, the ability to coordinate respiratory and oral function increases. The larynx enlarges and moves down lower (more caudad) in the neck as the cervical spine lengthens and the infant begins to breathe adequately through the mouth. This maturation occurs by age 3 to 5 months. Studies have shown that the ability to breathe through the mouth when the nares are obstructed is age dependent: 8% of preterm infants of 31 to 32 weeks postconceptional age were able to breathe through the mouth in response to nasal occlusion, compared with 28% of more mature preterm infants of 35 to 36 weeks postconceptional age35; approximately 40% of full-term infants can switch from nasal to oral breathing.36 However, more recent data contradict these earlier data. Slow and fast nasal occlusion applied to 17 healthy preterm infants (gestational age, 32 ± 1 weeks; postnatal age, 12 ± 2 days) led to a switch from nasal to oral breathing. The authors attributed the difference in findings to the more extended observation period in their study (>15 seconds).37 The presence of a nasogastric tube may also significantly affect the infant’s breathing if the “unobstructed” nasal passage has an existing underlying obstruction.
Tracheal and Bronchial Function
Tracheal and bronchial diameters are a function of elasticity and of distending or compressive forces (Fig. 12-10). The larynx, trachea, and bronchi in the infant are quite compliant compared with those in the adult and therefore are more subject to distention and compression forces.24,38,39 The intrathoracic trachea is subject to stresses that are different from those in the extrathoracic portion.38 During expiration, intrathoracic pressure remains slightly negative, thus maintaining patency of the intrathoracic trachea and bronchi (see Fig. 12-10, B). During inspiration, a greater negative intrathoracic pressure dilates and stretches the intrathoracic trachea and bronchi.40 The extrathoracic trachea at the thoracic inlet is slightly narrowed by dynamic compression that results from the differential between intratracheal pressure and atmospheric pressure. However, the cartilages of the trachea, along with the muscles and soft tissues of the neck, maintain patency of the airway (see Fig. 12-10, A).
Obstruction of the extrathoracic upper airway that can occur with epiglottitis, laryngotracheobronchitis, or an extrathoracic foreign body alters normal airway dynamics. Inspiration against an obstruction results in more negative intrathoracic pressure, further dilating the intrathoracic airways. Clinically, the net effect is a dynamic collapse of the extrathoracic trachea below the level of the obstruction. This collapse is maximal at the thoracic inlet, where the greatest pressure gradient exists between negative intratracheal and atmospheric pressures. As a result, inspiratory stridor is prominent (see Fig. 12-10, C, and Video 12-1).38–45 With intrathoracic tracheal obstruction (e.g., foreign body, vascular ring) (see Video 12-1), stridor may occur during both inspiration and expiration.46–49 In lower airway obstruction (e.g., asthma, bronchiolitis), significant intrathoracic tracheal and bronchial collapse may occur as a result of the prolonged expiratory phase and greatly increased positive extraluminal pressure (see Fig. 12-10, D).50 In addition, because the airways in children are very compliant, they may be more susceptible to closure during bronchial smooth muscle contraction (e.g., with reactive airway disease). Preterm and term infants may experience airway closure even during quiet respirations.
Avoiding dynamic airway collapse is particularly important. The very compliant trachea and bronchi of an infant or child are prone to collapse, particularly at the extremes of transluminal pressures that may occur when a child is crying vigorously. The susceptibility of a child to these dynamic forces on the airway is inversely related to age, with preterm infants being most susceptible and adults being least susceptible.51 For this reason, it is essential that children with airway obstruction remain calm. Skill and understanding are required on the parts of the parents, nursing staff, and physicians. Sedatives and opioids should be used with caution before insertion of an ETT, because they may depress or ablate the life-sustaining voluntary efforts to breathe, resulting in significant morbidity or mortality.
Work of Breathing
Work of breathing (WOB) may be defined as the product of pressure and volume. It may be analyzed by plotting transpulmonary pressure against tidal volume. The WOB per kilogram body weight is similar in infants and adults. However, the oxygen consumption of a full-term neonate (4 to 6 mL/kg/min) is twice that of an adult (2 to 3 mL/kg/min).52 This greater oxygen consumption (and greater carbon dioxide production) in infants accounts in part for their increased respiratory frequency compared with older children. In preterm infants, the oxygen consumption related to breathing is three times that in adults.53
The location of airway resistance within the tracheobronchial tree differs between infants and adults. The nasal passages account for 25% of the total resistance to airflow in a neonate, compared with 60% in an adult.25,54 In infants, most resistance to airflow occurs in the bronchi and small airways. This results from the relatively smaller diameter of the airways and the greater compliance of the supporting structures of the trachea and bronchi.24,55,56 In particular, the chest wall of a neonate is very compliant; the ribs provide less support to maintain negative intrathoracic pressure. This lack of negative intrathoracic pressure combined with the increased compliance of the bronchi can lead to functional airway closure with every breath.57–59 In infants and children, therefore, small-airway resistance accounts for most of the WOB, whereas in adults, the nasal passages provide the major proportion of flow resistance.25,57,58,60–65
In the presence of increased airway resistance or decreased lung compliance, an increased transpulmonary pressure is required to produce a given tidal volume, and therefore the WOB is increased. Any change in the airway that increases the WOB may lead to respiratory failure. Recall that the WOB (resistance to air flow) is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the radius of the lumen during laminar flow (beyond the fifth bronchial division) and proportional to the fifth power of the radius during turbulent flow (upper airway to the fifth bronchial division). Because the diameter of the airways in infants is smaller than in adults, pathologic narrowing of the airways in infants exerts a greater adverse effect on the WOB. Increase in the WOB may also occur with a long ETT of small diameter, an obstructed ETT, or a narrowed airway. All of these situations increase oxygen consumption, which in turn increases oxygen demand.66 The increased oxygen demand is initially addressed by an increase in respiratory rate, but the increased WOB may not be sustainable. The end result may be exhaustion, which leads to respiratory failure (CO2 retention and hypoxemia).
The difference in histology of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles of preterm and full-term infants compared with older children also contributes to increased susceptibility of infants to respiratory fatigue or failure. Type I muscle fibers permit prolonged repetitive movement; for example, long-distance runners through repeated exercise increase the proportion of type I muscle fibers in their legs. The percentage of type I muscle fibers in the diaphragm and intercostal muscles changes with age (preterm infants < full-term infants < 2-year-old children) (Fig. 12-11). Any condition that increases the WOB in neonates and infants may fatigue the respiratory muscles and precipitate respiratory failure more readily than in an adult.67–69
Airway Obstruction during Anesthesia
Airway obstruction during anesthesia or loss of consciousness appears to be most frequently related to loss of muscle tone in the pharyngeal and laryngeal structures rather than apposition of the tongue to the posterior pharyngeal wall.30,31,70,71 The progressive loss of tone with deepening anesthesia results in progressive airway obstruction primarily at the level of the soft palate and the epiglottis.30,31,34,70,72,73 In children, the pharyngeal airway space decreases in a dose-dependent manner with increasing concentrations of both sevoflurane and propofol anesthesia.74–76 This reduction in pharyngeal space has been observed mainly in the anteroposterior dimension. As the depth of propofol anesthesia in children increases, upper airway narrowing occurs throughout the entire upper airway but is most pronounced in the hypopharynx at the level of the epiglottis. Extension of the head at the atlantooccipital joint with anterior displacement of the cervical spine (sniffing position) improves hypopharyngeal airway patency but does not necessarily change the position of the tongue. This observation supports the concept that upper airway obstruction is not primarily caused by changes in tongue position but rather by collapse of the pharyngeal structures.32–34
Pharyngeal airway obstruction also occurs during obstructive sleep apnea in infants and adults.29,77 The sniffing position increases the cross-sectional area and decreases the closing pressure of both the retropalatal and the retroglossal space in anesthetized adults with obstructive sleep apnea.78 The application of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a common method to overcome such airway obstruction (see Figs. 31-6 and 31-7). During propofol anesthesia in children, CPAP works primarily by increasing the transverse dimension of the airway.75 This occurs despite the fact that anesthesia obstructs the airway mostly by narrowing the anteroposterior dimension. Chin lift and jaw thrust also improve airway patency in anesthetized children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy.79–81 Lateral positioning (also known as the “recovery position”) dramatically enhances the effects of these airway maneuvers80,81; lateral positioning alone improves airway dimensions.6 Compared with chin lift and CPAP, the jaw thrust maneuver is known to be the most effective means to improve airway patency and ventilation in children undergoing adenoidectomy.79 (See Video 4-3, A and B.)
Evaluation of the Airway
A history and physical examination with specific reference to the airway should be performed in all children who require sedation or anesthesia. In particular, a history of a congenital syndrome or physical findings of a congenital anomaly (e.g., microtia, which has been associated with difficult laryngoscopy82) should alert the practitioner to the possibility of difficulties with airway management. In special situations, radiologic and laboratory studies are required to further evaluate and clarify a disorder revealed by the history and physical examination. Although many methods exist for evaluating and predicting the difficult airway (DA) in adults,83–87 no published studies have assessed the use of any of these techniques in children.88,89 Routine evaluation of the airway in all children, followed by correlation with any airway problems occurring during anesthetic management, helps the practitioner to develop experience. This experience then may be used to identify in the future children who might have airway difficulties during or after anesthesia.
Clinical Evaluation
Presence of an upper respiratory tract infection (predisposition to coughing, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, and desaturation during anesthesia or to postintubation subglottic edema or postoperative desaturation)90–94
Snoring or noisy breathing (adenoidal hypertrophy, upper airway obstruction, obstructive sleep apnea, pulmonary hypertension)
Presence and nature of cough (“croupy” cough may indicate subglottic stenosis or previous tracheoesophageal fistula repair; productive cough may indicate bronchitis or pneumonia; chronicity affects the differential diagnosis [e.g., the sudden onset of a persistent cough may indicate foreign-body aspiration])
Past episodes of croup (postintubation croup, subglottic stenosis)
Inspiratory stridor, usually high pitched (subglottic narrowing [see Video 12-1], laryngomalacia [see Video 12-1], macroglossia, laryngeal web [Video 12-2]
, extrathoracic foreign body or extrathoracic tracheal compression)
Hoarse voice (laryngitis, vocal cord palsy, papillomatosis [see Video 12-1], granuloma [see Video 12-1])
Asthma and bronchodilator therapy (bronchospasm)
Repeated pneumonias (incompetent larynx with aspiration, gastroesophageal reflux, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, residual tracheoesophageal fistula, pulmonary sequestration, immune suppression, congenital heart disease)
History of foreign-body aspiration (increased airway reactivity, airway obstruction, impaired neurologic function)
History of aspiration (laryngeal edema [Video 12-3]
, laryngeal cleft
Previous anesthetic problems, particularly related to the airway (difficult intubation, difficulty with mask ventilation, failed or problematic extubation)
Atopy, allergy (increased airway reactivity)
History of smoking by primary caregivers (increased airway resistance, increased propensity to desaturation)95
History of a congenital syndrome (many are associated with DA management)
The physical examination should include the following observations:
Presence or absence of nasal flaring
Presence or absence of mouth breathing
Presence or absence of retractions (suprasternal, intercostal, subcostal [see Video 12-1])
Presence or absence of voice change
Size of tongue and its relationship to other pharyngeal structures (Mallampati Score)
Loose or missing teeth (see Fig. 12-12, B)
Size and configuration of palate
Size and configuration of mandible
Location of larynx in relation to the mandible (see Fig. 12-12, C)
Presence of stridor and, if present:



Baseline oxygen saturation in room air
Microtia: Bilateral but not unilateral microtia is associated with difficulty in visualizing the laryngeal inlet (grade 3 or 4 in the Cormack-Lehane classification, see Fig. 12-22).82 Five (42%) of 12 children with bilateral microtia were found to have a difficult laryngeal view, compared with 2 (2.5%) of 81 children with unilateral microtia and 0 of 93 children without microtia.82 Microtia may represent a mild form of hemifacial microsomia and its associated mandibular hypoplasia. The advantage of understanding this association is that ear deformity is often a more easily recognized clinical finding than mandibular hypoplasia.
Global appearance: Are there congenital anomalies that may fit a recognizable syndrome? The finding of one anomaly mandates a search for others. If a congenital syndrome is diagnosed, specific anesthetic implications must be considered (see E-Appendix 12-1, which is available online).
Diagnostic Testing
Routine evaluation of the airway usually requires only a careful history and physical examination. In the presence of airway pathology, however, laboratory and radiologic evaluation can be extremely valuable. Radiographs of the upper airway (anteroposterior and lateral films and fluoroscopy) may provide evidence about the site and cause of airway obstruction. When necessary, MRI and CT provide more detailed information.96–112 Radiologic airway examination in a child with a compromised airway may be undertaken only if there is no immediate threat to the child’s safety and only in the presence of skilled and appropriately equipped personnel able to manage the airway. Securing the airway through tracheal intubation must not be postponed in order to obtain a radiologic diagnosis when the child has severely compromised air exchange. Blood gas analysis is occasionally of value in assessing the degree of physiologic compromise, especially with chronic airway obstruction and compensated respiratory acidosis. Performing an arterial (or venous) puncture for blood gas analysis, although providing helpful information, is often upsetting to the child and may risk aggravation of the underlying airway obstruction through dynamic airway collapse. Candidates for blood gas analysis must be carefully selected and the procedure skillfully performed.
Airway Management: The Normal Airway
Mask Ventilation
Admonitions against extreme positions of the infant’s head during bag-and-mask ventilation are intended to minimize the risk of stretching and thus narrowing and obstructing the very compliant infant trachea. However, a study of 18 healthy, full-term infants younger than 4 months of age showed that the tracheal dimensions did not change when the head position changed.113 Therefore, stretching of the trachea may not result in narrowing of the tracheal lumen in otherwise healthy infants (Video 12-4). However, this study did not examine the effects of these head positions on the supraglottic airway or in the preterm infant. It is possible that these maneuvers (head extension) could result in supraglottic airway obstruction in some children.
Oropharyngeal Airways
An infant’s tongue may obstruct the airway during induction of anesthesia or loss of consciousness. An oropharyngeal airway of appropriate size (or a supraglottic airway [SGA] such as the laryngeal mask airway [LMA; LMA North America, San Diego]) may be inserted to relieve the obstruction. By holding the oral airway as shown in Figure 12-13, one can estimate the appropriate size for the child; airways one size larger and one size smaller should be readily available as well. A tongue depressor may be inserted over the tongue to facilitate insertion of the oral airway by preventing downfolding of the tongue, which could impair venous and lymphatic drainage, causing tongue swelling and airway obstruction. If the airway device is too long, it may push the epiglottis into the glottic aperture, creating an additional site of airway obstruction or causing traumatic epiglottitis, or the tip may impinge on the uvula, causing uvular swelling and airway obstruction (see Fig. 12-13, C, D).114,115 If the airway device is too short, it may rest against the base of the tongue, forcing it posteriorly against the roof of the mouth and further aggravating airway obstruction (Fig. 12-13, E, F). Oral airways should not be considered panaceas for upper airway obstruction. Care must be taken to avoid trauma to the lips and tongue, which may be caught between the teeth and the flange of the airway. An oral airway is also used to protect an ETT from compression by the child’s teeth, and it serves to separate the mandible and maxilla to facilitate oropharyngeal suctioning.
Tracheal Intubation
As previously discussed, because of differences in anatomy, there are differences in techniques for intubating the trachea of infants and children compared with adults.1–4,20–22,101,116,117 Because of the smaller dimensions of the pediatric airway, there is increased risk of obstruction with trauma to the airway structures. A technique to be avoided is that in which the blade is advanced into the esophagus with laryngeal visualization achieved during withdrawal of the blade. This maneuver may result in laryngeal trauma when the tip of the blade scrapes the arytenoids and aryepiglottic folds.
Optimal positioning for laryngoscopy changes with age. The trachea of older children (≥6 years) and adults is most easily exposed when a folded blanket or pillow is placed beneath the occiput of the head (5 to 10 cm elevation), displacing the cervical spine anteriorly.118 Extension of the head at the atlantooccipital joint produces the classic “sniffing” position.101,119,120 These movements align three axes: those of the mouth or oral (O), pharynx (P), and trachea (T). Once aligned, these three axes permit direct visualization of laryngeal structures. They also result in improved hypopharyngeal patency.32,34,70,78,119,120 Figure 12-14 demonstrates maneuvers for positioning the head during airway management. In infants and younger children, it is usually unnecessary to elevate the head because the occiput is large in proportion to the trunk, resulting in adequate anterior displacement of the cervical spine; head extension at the atlantooccipital joint alone aligns the airway axes. If the occiput is displaced excessively, exposure of the glottis may actually be hindered. In neonates, it is helpful for an assistant to hold the patient’s shoulders flat on the operating room table with the head slightly extended. Some practitioners have adopted the practice of placing a rolled towel under the shoulders of neonates to facilitate tracheal intubation. This technique may be disadvantageous if the laryngoscopist stands but may be advantageous if he or she is seated.
The validity of the three-axis theory (alignment of the O, P, and T) to describe the optimal intubating position in adults has been challenged.121–124 Some authors question the notion that elevation of the occiput improves conditions for visualization of the laryngeal inlet based on evidence from both MRI and clinical investigations.121,123 However, one MRI study in children with an LMA in place found that slight head extension improved the alignment of the glottic and pharyngeal axes but worsened the alignment of the pharyngeal and laryngeal axes.125 In a study of adults, neck extension alone was adequate for visualization of the larynx in most patients, but for obese patients and those with limited neck extension, an optimal intubating position was not determined.121 Others favor the sniffing position but with varying support for the three-axis theory.126–132 Even if the tracheas of only a few patients are intubated more easily when placed in the sniffing position compared with simple head extension, the current routine application of the sniffing position appears to be the best clinical practice.
Laryngoscopy can be performed while the child is awake, anesthetized and breathing spontaneously, or anesthetized and paralyzed. Most tracheal intubations in children who are awake are performed in neonates, an approach that is not usually feasible or humane in older awake and uncooperative children. Awake intubation in the neonate is generally well tolerated if it is performed smoothly and rapidly; however, an international consensus group and others have cautioned against this practice unless intravenous (IV) access is not available or there is a life-threatening situation.133–136 Data suggest that preterm and term infants are better managed with sedation and paralysis to minimize adverse hemodynamic responses.137–141
Selection of Laryngoscope Blade
A straight blade is generally more suitable for use in infants and young children than a curved blade because it better elevates the base of the tongue to expose the glottic opening. Curved blades are satisfactory in older children. The blade size chosen depends on the age and body mass of the child and the preference of the anesthesiologist. Table 12-1 presents the ranges commonly used.
Endotracheal Tubes
Since 1967, all materials used in the manufacture of ETTs have been subjected to rabbit muscle implantation testing in accordance with the standards promulgated by the Z79 Committee.141a If the material causes an inflammatory response in the rabbits, it cannot be used in the manufacture of ETTs. This has resulted in the elimination of organometallic constituents, which were used in the manufacture of red rubber ETTs.
Selection of the proper size of an ETT depends on the individual child.142 The only size requirement for a manufacturer is a standardized inner diameter (ID). The external (outer) diameter (OD) varies among manufacturers, depending on the material from which the ETT is constructed. This diversity in OD mandates checking for proper ETT size and leakage around the tube. An appropriately sized uncuffed ETT may be approximated according to the child’s age and weight (Table 12-2).143
TABLE 12-2 Endotracheal Tubes (ETTs) Used in Infants and Children
Age | Size (mm ID) Uncuffed | Size (mm ID) Cuffed |
Preterm | ||
1000 g | 2.5 | |
1000-2500 g | 3.0 | |
Neonate-6 months | 3.0-3.5 | 3.0-3.5* |
6 month-1 year | 3.5-4.0 | 3.0-4.0 |
1-2 years | 4.0-5.0 | 3.5-4.5 |
>2 years | (age in years + 16)/4 | (age in years/4) +3 |
ID, Inner diameter.
*In some neonates, a cuffed ETT may not have a leak below 30 cm H2O, and therefore an uncuffed ETT may be more appropriate.
ETTs one-half mm ID greater or less than the anticipated size should be available because of variability in the size of the airway. Use of the diameter of the terminal phalanx of either the second or fifth digit is unreliable.144 Children with Down syndrome often require an ETT with a diameter smaller than anticipated.145 After tracheal intubation and stable cardiorespiratory indices are obtained, a sustained inflation to 20 to 25 cm H2O (short-term intubation perhaps as high as 35 cm H2O) should be applied to detect an audible or auscultatory air leak over the glottis. If no leak is detected, the ETT should be exchanged for one with an ID 0.5 mm smaller. An air leak at this pressure is recommended because it is believed to approximate the capillary pressure of the adult tracheal mucosa. If lateral wall pressure exceeds this amount, ischemic damage to the subglottic mucosa may occur.146 Be aware, however, that if the trachea has been intubated without muscle relaxants, laryngospasm around the ETT may prevent any gas leak and mimic a tight-fitting ETT.147