Published on 18/03/2015 by admin

Filed under Rheumatology

Last modified 18/03/2015

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Applied Anatomy

The low back, sacroiliac joint, and hip joints can all cause pain in a similar anatomic distribution, and each must be considered in the evaluation of a patient with complaints of pain in the region of the lower back, buttock, groin, or knee. Pain from the hip joint is poorly localized and may be felt in the groin, inner thigh, trochanteric area, buttock, anterior thigh, and/or knee.

The morphology of the sacroiliac (SI) joint varies considerably with age, among individuals, and even from side to side in the same individual. It represents the largest paraxial joint, with a surface area of more than 17 cm2 in adults. The anteroinferior ventral part of the SI joint is synovial, whereas the posterosuperior part is a fibrous joint supported by powerful ligaments. The joint is surrounded by a thin capsule that may be absent posteriorly. Little movement occurs at the SI joint (Figure 5-1; see also Figure 8-6 in Chapter 8). The SI joint is innervated by the L5 and S1 through S4 nerve roots.


The hip joint is a ball-and-socket, weight-bearing articulation that combines a wide range of motion (ROM) with considerable stability. The stability of the joint depends on the deep insertion of the femoral head into the acetabular socket, the strong capsule and ligaments, the powerful muscles surrounding the joints, and the circular fibrocartilaginous acetabular labrum. The latter forms a tight ring around the femoral head. The capsule is attached proximally to the edge of the acetabulum, acetabular labrum, and transverse ligament, which bridges the acetabular notch inferiorly. Distally, the capsule is attached to the intertrochanteric line anteriorly and to the femoral neck about 1.5 cm proximal to the intertrochanteric crest posteriorly. It follows, therefore, that a large part of the femoral neck is intracapsular.

The anterior capsule is reinforced by the powerful Y-shaped iliofemoral ligament, which prevents excessive hip extension and external rotation (Figure 5-2). The weaker posterior capsule is reinforced by the thinner ischiofemoral ligament, which prevents excessive external rotation, and the pubofemoral ligament, which opposes excessive hip abduction (see Figure 5-2). The ligamentum femoris teres—which is a channel for blood vessels to the femoral head, is located between the pit of the femoral head and the transverse ligament of the acetabulum. It provides little stability but nourishes a small area of the femoral head adjacent to the attachment of the ligament. Therefore, dislocation of the femoral head from the acetabulum is resisted primarily by the acetabular labrum and by the strong hip joint capsule, which incorporates the capsular Y ligament (see Figure 5-2). The fibers of the hip joint capsule are wound around the femoral neck so as to tighten with hip extension and internal rotation (Figure 5-3). The position is uncomfortable for patients with hip arthritis because of tension on the capsular structures. The intracapsular space of the hip joint is smallest with the hip in extension and internal rotation, a position that produces maximum tension on the capsular Y ligament. Consequently, patients with inflammation of the hip joint often hold the extremity flexed and externally rotated as a position of relative comfort.

The iliotibial band is a thickened band in the fascia lata that connects the iliac crest to the Gerdy tubercle. It is attached to the entire length of the intermuscular septum between the vastus lateralis and the hamstring muscles over the greater trochanter. It is a mechanical tie between the iliac crest, sacrum, and ischial tuberosity proximally and between the lateral femoral and tibial condyles, particularly to the Gerdy tubercle on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal tibia, and the head of the fibula distally.

The synovial membrane lines the inner surface of the capsule and covers the acetabular labrum, ligamentum femoris teres, and parts of the femoral neck. There are three main bursae around the hip joint. The trochanteric bursa is the largest. It is a multiloculated bursa between the gluteus maximus and the greater trochanter. The ischiogluteal bursa lies between the gluteus maximus and ischial tuberosity. The gluteus maximus covers the ischial tuberosity in the neutral position, but with hip flexion, both the tuberosity and the bursa become uncovered. The iliopectineal bursa lies in the middle third of the inguinal region, between the iliofemoral and pubofemoral ligaments; in relation to the iliopsoas muscle and tendon, it lies just lateral to the femoral artery. The bursa communicates with the hip joint in about 15% of adults, and in patients with hip arthritis, it can manifest as a fluid-distended, cystic swelling in the groin.

Having the femoral head situated in an offset position on the femoral shaft, through the femoral neck, minimizes bony impingement and maximizes normal hip ROM. It does, however, require strong muscular support to stabilize the trunk over the hip joints, especially in single-leg stance phase, when the body’s center of gravity is medial to the supporting leg. One can consider the hip joint as a fulcrum for a lever, with the body’s center of gravity acting approximately 1 cm anterior to the first sacral segment in the midline (Figure 5-4). To counteract this load, the gluteus medius and minimus act in conjunction with the tensor fascia lata and gluteus maximus muscles, which function mainly through their insertion into the iliotibial band. Given the fact that the distance is twice as far to the center of gravity as it is to the gluteus insertion into the proximal femur, a force approximately equal to three times body weight is transmitted through the hip joint during single-leg stance, compared with one half of the body weight during normal bilateral stance (Figure 5-5).



(From Gross J, Fetto J, Rosen E., eds.: Musculoskeletal Examination, 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2002.)



(From Gross J, Fetto J, Rosen E., eds.: Musculoskeletal Examination, 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2002.)

On anteroposterior radiographs of the hip, the normal femoral neck–shaft angle in an adult is 120° to 135°. In coxa vara the angle is less than 120°; in coxa valga, the angle is greater than 135°.

Hip Pain and History Taking

Patients who complain of hip pain often mean very different things, from pain in the lower back or buttock region to groin pain or thigh pain. Patients with true hip joint disease will classically complain of pain in the groin region, although this varies depending on the type of hip pathology. Pain typically radiates down toward the anterior aspect of the knee. Individuals who are experiencing pain on the lateral aspect of the hip, in the region of the greater trochanter, or pain in the lower back or in the buttock area may also complain of hip pain. To determine what the patient’s complaint of “hip pain” really means, it is essential to ask the patient to describe exactly where the pain is primarily located and where it radiates. Other than pain, the patient may complain of limited function, stiffness, limping, and audible or palpable clicking or snapping noises about the hip. As with any history, it is important to delineate the onset of these symptoms, their severity, whether they were preceded by injury or overuse, and whether there are any constitutional or systemic symptoms. Inflammatory arthritis generally affects multiple joints, and although the hip may be the presenting problem, it is important to inquire about similar symptoms in any other joints. It is essential to inquire about childhood hip problems, previous injuries, and the nature of any previous hip or spinal operations.

Symptoms in this region may originate from the hip or from the spine, SI joint, or soft tissues surrounding the hip, or it may be referred from a remote site. Occasionally a patient complains only of pain that is deep-seated about the knee joint, and the underlying hip pathology may be missed if the examination concentrates solely on the knee. As part of the physical examination, it is essential to evaluate other regions that may be the source of referred pain. Typically, the joint above and below an area that a patient is complaining about should be examined. For the hip joint this requires that the lower back and sacroiliac region, as well as the knee joint, be evaluated.

It is also useful to assess the magnitude of functional impairment and disability and the severity of the pain. This can be done using validated pain scales and functional measurement instruments, such as the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) Osteoarthritis Index. A clear understanding of the patient’s occupational, sports, recreational, and social activities and how the hip problem affects the patient’s quality of life is essential to the consideration of how a potential treatment might be planned so as to optimize patient function in light of the individual’s unique needs.

Based on the patient’s history, the clinician will generally have some idea what is generating the patient’s hip pain. A full hip examination should be performed along with examination of the knee and the back. A good history can guide the clinician toward the appropriate special tests on physical examination that will help accurately diagnose the patient’s problem. For example, if the patient tells you that the focus of their pain is in the lateral aspect of the hip, it will be important to palpate the greater trochanter for tenderness, looking for signs of trochanteric bursitis.

Common Painful Disorders of the Hip Region


Hip arthritis typically causes pain in the groin or low buttock area, with possible radiation into the knee. The pain in osteoarthritis is generally worse with activity and is relieved by rest. In inflammatory arthritis, the patient may experience stiffness with inactivity and some improvement of this symptom with movement of the hip joint. Some patients experience very little pain but complain of stiffness, limping, and functional decline. The onset of pain and functional decline can be quite insidious, occurring over many years. Some patients consider these progressive symptoms to represent part of normal aging and do not seek help until quite late in the disease process. Functionally, the combination of stiffness and pain leads to complaints of a limp, difficulty getting up out of low chairs, difficulty descending and ascending stairs (requiring 36° and 67° of flexion respectively), inability to squat (120° of flexion, 20° of abduction, and 20° of hip external rotation required), and trouble with daily activities, such as putting on socks and shoes.

Physical findings may include a combined Trendelenburg and antalgic gait, actual or functional shortening of the limb due to collapse of the hip joint, and soft-tissue contractures around the hip joint. Early hip joint arthritis is associated with pain on hip extension and internal rotation, as the capsule tightens, and early loss of internal rotation in flexion and extension. Fixed flexion deformity and limited abduction and adduction are common with more advanced disease.


Young patients may present with complaints of snapping or clicking about the hip. Some may believe that the hip is dislocating, which is highly unlikely without significant trauma or underlying hip joint arthroplasty. Snapping or clicking about the hip can be caused by intraarticular pathology or by causes external to the hip joint. Intraarticular causes include loose bodies (synovial chondromatosis, fracture fragments, broken-off osteophytes), labrum tears, and, rarely, a true subluxing hip joint, especially after total hip replacement surgery. Intraarticular clicking caused by loose bodies may be intermittent and can sometimes be demonstrated during active and passive ROM testing. If a labrum tear is suspected, internal rotation of the flexed hip in adduction with axial compression may cause pain. Extraarticular causes are far more common; they include sliding of the iliotibial band or fibers of the gluteus maximus muscle over the greater trochanter and, less commonly, snapping of the iliopsoas tendon over the femoral head. Generalized ligamentous laxity is a common finding in these individuals. The patient can often demonstrate the clicking voluntarily by active movement of the hip, and the underlying snapping or clicking can often be felt laterally over the greater trochanter, as the iliotibial band snaps back and forth. Palpable, and sometimes audible, medial clicking from the iliopsoas tendon is best demonstrated during active hip flexion and external rotation, followed by active hip extension.


A displaced hip fracture through the subcapital or intertrochanteric region is a dramatic event that results in sudden severe pain and inability to bear weight or to move the affected hip. Most acetabular or pelvic fractures are the result of high-energy trauma with an equally dramatic presentation that allows ready diagnosis of the problem.

A fall in an elderly patient can lead to complaints of hip pain that may be due simply to soft-tissue injury, stable lateral compression pelvic fracture, undisplaced subcapital hip fracture, or a fracture of the acetabular dome region. These fractures, especially acetabular dome fractures, are easily missed, even on plain radiographs. Careful physical examination and a high index of suspicion should lead to appropriate investigations, such as a CT scan, that can help to confirm the diagnosis. Usually the history involves a low-energy traumatic event, but in the case of a fragility fracture through osteoporotic bone, there may be no history of trauma whatsoever. The patient may have difficulty bearing weight on the affected extremity, but in some cases, patients have been known to walk on a fractured hip for many weeks before the diagnosis is made.

Physical examination may reveal bruising and tenderness over the greater trochanter, suggesting local trauma. With undisplaced or minimally displaced subcapital hip fractures, the findings may be quite subtle: limb shortening; external rotation deformity; pain on internal rotation, which tightens the capsule; global reduction in ROM due to pain; and, often, difficulty initiating a straight leg lift (inability to lift the heel of the extended lower extremity off the examining table because of the forces generated across the hip joint during this activity). Striking the heel of the extended leg with the examiner’s fist is usually quite painful in the presence of a subcapital or acetabular dome fracture, but this maneuver typically does not cause pain with soft-tissue bruising, because the involved soft tissues are not moved or stretched. To look for possible subcapital femoral neck fractures, the proximal femur should be imaged in the anteroposterior plane with the hip in internal rotation to better visualize the entire length of the femoral neck (considering that the femoral neck is anteverted relative to the femoral shaft). A lateral radiograph of the proximal femur should also be obtained and assessed for fracture angulation. Stable compression pelvic fractures can be diagnosed by tenderness to palpation anteriorly along the pubic ramus and posteriorly along the sacrum and SI region. Compressing the pelvis by pushing the two iliac crests together usually increases pelvic pain.

Plain radiographs of the pelvis, including inlet and outlet views, are required to confirm the examiner’s suspicion of a lateral compression pelvic fracture. If plain radiographs do not show evidence of proximal femoral or pelvic fracture, and suspicion for a significant bony injury remains, a CT scan of the acetabular dome and proximal femur should be obtained, because plain films usually do not reveal the presence of an acetabular dome fracture.


Pain after Total Hip Arthroplasty

Although a comprehensive review of the evaluation of the painful total hip replacement is beyond the scope of this chapter, the following possible causes are considered.

Physical Examination

Patient evaluation is not a linear process but involves a constant reevaluation of clinical evidence gained from the history and physical assessment. It is impossible to record the specific order of evaluation that an experienced clinician might pursue, because it depends entirely on the unique presentation of the particular patient. By convention, the physical examination is presented as inspection, palpation, movement, and special tests. However, an experienced clinician moves fluidly back and forth through these evaluation modalities, gathering essential information and perhaps also asking additional questions as new evidence emerges. The clinician should have some knowledge as to the sensitivity and specificity of the clinical evaluation maneuvers being performed, so that the most useful tests are considered first. Another basic principle is to minimize patient change in position as much as possible, especially in a patient with significant discomfort or difficulty during movement. Therefore, while the patient is standing, all relevant examinations requiring this posture might be undertaken before the patient is asked to lie on the examining table. Then, all tests that require the supine position are done before the patient is asked to move to the lateral decubitus position and, finally, to the prone position.