1. Which of the following are complications associated with bronchoscopy?
2. While assisting with a bronchoscopy, you note that the physician is having difficulty entering the trachea. This may be the result of which of the following?
3. After a bronchoscopy, the respiratory therapist notes that it is taking more ventilator pressure to ventilate the patient’s lungs than before the procedure. This could be caused by which of the following?
4. To aid in the evacuation of air from the pleural space, a chest tube should be inserted at what level?
5. The respiratory therapist notices on a patient’s chest tube drainage system that there is fluctuation of the water level in the water-seal chamber with each patient breath and air bubbles seen only in the suction control chamber, which has a suction pressure of −15 cm H2O. The most appropriate action is which of the following?
6. The respiratory therapist observes that, during a patient’s breathing cycle, there is no fluctuation in the water-seal chamber of the pleural drainage system. The most appropriate action is which of the following?
CRT Exam Content Matrix: IC2, IIA25, IIIJ2
RRT Exam Content Matrix: IC3, IIA11, IIIJ2

FIGURE 5-1 Rigid bronchoscope.
From Scanlan CL, Simmons KF: Airway management. In Scanlan CL, Wilkins RL, Stoller JK: Egan’s fundamentals of respiratory care, ed 7, St Louis, 1999, Mosby.

FIGURE 5-2 Fiberoptic bronchoscope.
From Scanlan CL, Simmons KF: Airway management. In Wilkins RL, Stoller JK, Kacmarek R: Egan’s fundamentals of respiratory care, ed 9, St Louis, 2009, Mosby.