Chapter 2. Soft tissues of the musculoskeletal system
The connective tissues form a large class of tissues responsible for providing tensile strength, substance, elasticity and density to the body, as well as facilitating nourishment and defence. Connective tissue has a major role in repair following trauma and a mechanical role in providing connection and leverage for movement, as well as preventing friction, pressure and shock between mobile structures. Connective tissue is the main focus of treatment procedures in orthopaedic medicine.
Connective tissue consists primarily of cells embedded in an extracellular matrix which is composed of fibres and an interfibrillar component – the amorphous ground substance (Fig. 2.1). The synthesis, degradation and maintenance of the matrix depends on the cells within it (September et al 2007).
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Figure 2.1
Irregular connective tissue, cellular and fibre content.
Adapted from Cormack D ‘Ham’s Histology’ © Lippincott William & Wilkins (1987) with permission.
Not all types of connective tissue cell are found in each tissue, and the cell content can alter, with some cells being resident in the tissue and others brought to specific areas at times of need. Generally, the cells make up approximately 20% of the tissue volume and mainly consist of fibroblasts, macrophages and mast cells.
Connective tissue cells
Fibroblasts, usually the most abundant of the connective tissue cells, are responsible for producing the contents of the extracellular matrix, namely fibres and amorphous ground substance. They are found lying close to the bundles of fibres they produce and are closely related to chondroblasts and osteoblasts, the cells responsible for producing cartilage and bone matrix. The less active mature fibroblasts are known as fibrocytes.
Since fibroblasts produce the contents of the extra-cellular matrix, they play a key role in the repair process after injury. Stearns (1940b) observed that once fibre formation was initiated the fibroblast was able to produce an extensive network of fibrils in a remarkably short time.
Myofibroblasts are specialized cells which contain contractile filaments producing similar properties to smooth muscle cells. They assist wound closure after injury.
Macrophages (histiocytes or mononuclear cells)
Macrophages may be resident in the connective tissues or circulating as monocytes which migrate to an area of injury and modulate into tissue macrophages (Fowler 1989). They are large cells that have two important roles. The first is phagocytosis and the second is to act as director cells, in which role they have a considerable influence on scar formation (Hardy 1989).
As a phagocyte, the macrophage acts as a housekeeper to the wound, ingesting cellular debris and subjecting it to lysosomal hydrolysis, thus debriding the wound in preparation for the fibroblasts to begin the repair process. Matter such as bacteria and cellular debris is engulfed by the phagocyte on contact.
As a director cell, the macrophage chemically activates the number of fibroblasts required for the repair process. They also play an important role in muscle regeneration leading to increased satellite cell differentiation and muscle fibre proliferation (Grefte et al 2007). A reduced number of macrophages in muscle tissue has been shown to lead to reduced muscle regeneration (Shen et al 2008). Corticosteroids can inhibit the function of the macrophage in the early inflammatory stage, resulting in a delay in fibre production (Dingman 1973, Leibovich & Ross 1974, Fowler 1989). This should be taken into consideration when exploring treatment options in the early stage.
Treatment techniques that agitate tissue fluid increase the chance contact of the macrophage with debris and can be applied during the early stages of inflammation to promote phagocytosis (Evans 1980), e.g. gentle transverse frictions and grade A mobilization (see Ch. 4) as well as heat, ice, ultrasound, pulsed electromagnetic energy, etc.
Mast cells
Mast cells are large, round cells containing secretory granules that manufacture a number of active ingredients including heparin, histamine and possibly serotonin. The contents of the mast cell granules are released in response to mechanical or chemical trauma and they therefore play a role in the early stages of inflammation. Heparin temporarily prevents coagulation of the excess tissue fluid and blood components in the injured area while histamine causes a brief vasodilatation in the neighbouring non-injured area (Wilkerson 1985, Hardy 1989). Serotonins are internal nociceptive substances released during platelet aggregation in response to tissue damage. They cause contraction of blood vessels and activate pain signals (Kapit et al 1987).
Extracellular matrix
The extracellular matrix accounts for about 80% of the total tissue volume, with approximately 30% of its substance being solids and the remaining 70% being water. It consists of fibres and the interfibrillar amorphous ground substance, the substances responsible for supporting and nourishing the cells. The amorphous ground substance also determines the connective tissue’s compliance, mobility and integrity.
The fibrous portion of connective tissue is responsible for determining the tissue’s biomechanical properties. Two major groups of fibres exist: collagen fibres and elastic fibres.
Collagen fibres
Collagen is a protein in the form of fibre and is the body’s ‘glue’. It possesses two major properties, great tensile strength and relative inextensibility, and forms the major fibrous component of connective tissue structures, i.e. tendons, ligaments, fascia, sheaths, bursae, bone and cartilage.
Individual collagen fibres are normally mobile within the amorphous ground substance, producing discrete shear and gliding movement as well as dealing with compression and tension. Collagen is also the main constituent of scar tissue, in which it demonstrates its great versatility by attempting to mimic the structure it replaces.
Collagen fibres are large in diameter and appear to be white in colour. They are arranged in bundles and do not branch or anastomose. They are flexible but inelastic individually. The arrangement and weave of individual collagen fibres and collagen fibre bundles give the connective tissue structure elastic qualities; for example, an individual piece of nylon thread is inelastic, but when woven to produce tights, the weave gives the material elasticity (Peacock 1966). Collagen fibre bundles elongate under tension to their physiological length and recoil when tension is released.
The bundles of fibres are laid down parallel to the lines of the main mechanical stress, often in a wavy, sinusoidal or undulating configuration. This gives the tissue an element of crimp when not under tension. Crimp provides a buffer so that longitudinal elongation can occur without damage, as well as acting as a shock absorber along the length of the tissue, to control tension (Amiel et al 1990).
Collagen fibres are strong under tensile loading but weak under compressive forces, when they have a tendency to buckle. The orientation of the collagen fibres determines the properties that a structure will have. Crimp patterns are dependent upon function and therefore differ in different tissues, i.e. the arrangement of collagen fibres perpendicular to the surface in articular cartilage provides a cushioning force for weight-bearing, while the parallel arrangement in tendons provides great tensile strength for transmitting loads and resisting pull. Crimp patterns may also vary between different ligaments and different tendons.
Production and structure of collagen fibres and collagen cross-linking
Procollagen, the first step in collagen fibre formation, is produced intracellularly by the fibroblast. Amino acids are assembled to form polypeptide chains, which are attracted and held together by weak intramolecular hydrogen bonds known as cross-links (Fig. 2.2). Three polypeptide chains bond to form a procollagen molecule in the form of a triple helix which is exocytosed by the fibroblast into the extracellular space.
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Figure 2.2
Collagen aggregation.
Reprinted from Hardy M The Biology of Scar Formation. Physical Therapy (1989) 69 (12): 1014–1024, with permission.
Once outside the cell the chains are known as tropo-collagen molecules and several tropocollagen molecules become bonded by intermolecular cross-links to form a filament or microfibril (Fig. 2.3). With the maturation into tropocollagen, the cross-links are stronger covalent bonds and occur at specific nodal intercept points, making the structure more stable (Nimni 1980, Donatelli & Owens-Burkhart 1981, Hardy 1989). Cross-links exist at every level of organization of collagen acting to weld the units together into a rope-like structure (Fig. 2.4). Intermolecular cross-linking in particular gives collagen its great tensile strength as it matures. The greater the intermolecular cross-linking, the stronger the collagen structure, with bone being considered to be the most highly cross-linked tissue (Hardy 1989).
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Figure 2.3
Intramolecular cross-links.
Reprinted from Hardy M The Biology of Scar Formation. Physical Therapy (1989) 69 (12): 1014–1024, with permission.
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Figure 2.4
Intermolecular cross-links.
Reprinted from Hardy M The Biology of Scar Formation. Physical Therapy (1989) 69 (12): 1014–1024, with permission.
Collagen turnover, the dynamic state of the tissue, may be related to the number of cross-links with fibres being continuously and simultaneously produced and broken down. When collagen production exceeds breakdown, more cross-links develop and the structure resists stretching. If collagen breakdown exceeds production there is a reduction in the number of cross-links and the structure stretches more easily (Alter 2000). Immature collagen tissue possesses reducible cross-links and as collagen matures these reducible links stabilize to form stronger non-reducible cross-links. Excessive cross-link formation can be prevented in immature scar tissue by the application of transverse frictions and graded mobilization techniques. Established cross-links in adhesive scar tissue are mobilized by transverse frictions before the longitudinal orientation of the fibres can be encouraged through the application of graded stress. In some instances manipulative rupture of adhesive scar tissue is indicated (see Ch. 3).
Many microfibrils make up a collagen fibril and many collagen fibrils make up a collagen fibre. Collagen fibres continue to aggregate together into larger and larger bundles and the production, aggregation and orientation of collagen are strongly influenced by mechanical tension and stress. Bundles of collagen are arranged in a specific pattern to accommodate to the function of each individual connective tissue structure (Chamberlain 1982).
It has been shown that when fibroblasts grown in tissue culture are subjected to regional tension, the cells exposed to the tensile forces multiply more rapidly and orient themselves in parallel lines in the direction of the tension (Le Gros Clark 1965).
Stearns (1940a, 1940b) identified that internal and external mechanical factors influence fibre orientation. Cell movement and occasional cytoplasmic retraction produced early local orientation of fibres, while a period of secondary orientation of fibres into heavy parallel layers was probably the result of external mechanical factors. This secondary orientation of fibres appeared to take place during the remodelling phase of wound healing and is the way in which soft tissue structures develop in response to intermittent stress and mechanical tension.
The influence of mechanical stress and tension on collagen alignment can be used to advantage in orthopaedic medicine during the repair process, when collagen fibres are initially laid down in the early repair phase and in the later remodelling phase of healing. In order to promote tissue gliding and to regain tissue length, the use of graded mobilization techniques is advocated.
Immobilization produces rapid changes of collagen tissue as it adapts to its new resting length. Collagen which develops in the absence of mechanical stress (i.e. in the absence of movement) has a random orientation, a change in the numbers and thickness of the fibres and loss of ground substance. This reduction in the lubricating interfibular gel allows greater adherence at the fibre–fibre interface (Hardy & Woodall 1998).
Collagen takes on many forms and functions. In tendons it is tough and inelastic, in cartilage it is resilient, while in bone it is hard. This difference in structure is related to the diameter, orientation and concentration of the fibres. Collagen fibres have been classified into groups (Nimni 1980). The most common form is type I collagen consisting of large-diameter fibres, found abundantly in structures subjected to tensile forces. Type II collagen consists of a mixture of large- and narrow-diameter fibres and is abundant in structures subjected to pressure or compressive forces. Reticulin is considered to be a delicate supporting network of fragile type III collagen fibres; it may be present in the earliest stages of soft tissue repair.
Elastic fibres
Elastic fibres, consisting of the protein elastin, are yellow in colour and much thinner and less wavy than collagen fibres. Elastic fibres run singly, never in bundles, and freely branch and anastomose.
Elastic fibres provide the tissue with extensibility so that it can be extended in all directions but if tension is constantly exerted in one direction the elastic fibres may be laid down in sheets known as lamellae, e.g. ligamentum flavum (the ‘yellow ligament’). Elastic fibres make up some of the connective tissue fibres of ligaments, joint capsules, fascia and connective tissue sheaths.
Amorphous ground substance
The connective tissue extracellular matrix comprises the interfibrillar amorphous ground substance, with its fibrous content. As well as maintaining the mobility and integrity of the tissue structure at a macrostructural level, the amorphous ground substance is responsible for nourishing the living cells by facilitating the diffusion of gases, nutrients and waste products between the cells and capillaries.
It contains carbohydrate bound to protein (Standring 2009). The carbohydrate is in the form of polysaccharides, hexuronic acid and amino sugars, alternately linked to form long-chain molecules called glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The main GAGs in connective tissue matrix are hyaluronic acid, chondroitin-4-sulphate, chondroitin-6-sulphate and dermatan sulphate (Donatelli & Owens-Burkhart 1981).
When GAGs are covalently bonded to proteins, the molecules are called proteoglycans (Cormack 1987). These proteoglycan molecules have the property of attracting and retaining water (Bogduk 2005). This hydration of structures depends on the proportion of proteoglycans and the flow of water into the extracellular matrix. Increased hydration creates rigidity in the extracellular matrix, allowing it to exist as a semisolid substance or gel, which improves the tissue’s ability to resist compressive forces. Therefore tissues which are subjected to high compressive forces, such as bone and articular cartilage, have a high proteoglycan content. The proteoglycans also form a supporting substance for the fibre and cellular components. Decreased hydration allows it to exist as a viscous semisolution or sol, which improves the tissue’s ability to resist tensile forces. Therefore tissues which are subjected to high tensile forces, such as tendons and ligaments, have a low proteoglycan concentration (Levangie & Norkin 2001).
The concentration of GAGs present in tissues is related to their function and gives connective tissue structures viscous properties. More water is associated with a higher GAG concentration and rabbit ligamentous tissue has a significantly greater water content than that in rabbit tendinous tissue (Amiel et al 1982). This increase in GAG and water content alters the viscoelastic properties and may provide the ligament with an additional shock-absorbing feature that is unnecessary in most tendons.
The amorphous ground substance forms a lubricant, filler and spacing buffer system between collagen fibres, fibrils, microfibrils and the intercellular spaces (Akeson et al 1980). It reduces friction and maintains distance between fibres as well as facilitating the discrete shear and gliding movement of individual collagen fibres and fibrils. It is the lubrication and spacing at the fibre–fibre interface that are crucial to the gliding function at nodal intercept points where the fibres cross in the tissue matrices (Amiel et al 1982). If the tissues are allowed to adopt a stationary attitude (i.e. becoming immobile), anomalous cross-links form at the nodal intercept points.
A balance between the cross-link formation relative to the tissue’s tensile strength and mobility is important to normal connective tissue function. Excessive cross-linking and loss of GAGs and water volume result in loss of the critical distance between the fibres. The fibres come into contact with each other and stick together leading to altered tissue function and pain resulting from loss of extensibility and increased stiffness.
The elasticity of connective tissue fibres together with the viscosity of the amorphous ground substance gives connective tissue structures viscoelastic properties which ensure that normal connective tissues are mobile.
The biomechanical properties of connective tissue depend on the number and orientation of collagen fibres and the proportion of amorphous ground substance present. Each connective tissue structure is specifically designed for function but the tissues can be grouped simply into irregular and regular connective tissue.
The aim in orthopaedic medicine is to maintain normal connective tissue mobility through the phases of acute inflammation, repair and remodelling, and to regain mobility in the chronic inflammatory situation. This mobility is essential to function and the bias of orthopaedic medicine treatment techniques is towards preserving the mobility of connective tissue structures.
Irregular connective tissue consists of a mixture of collagen and elastic fibres interwoven to form a loose meshwork that can withstand stress in any direction (Fig. 2.5). Its main function is to support and protect regular connective tissue structures.
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Figure 2.5
Irregular connective tissue. (Paratenon; elastic-Van Gieson stain.)
Provided by Dr. T. Brenn.
The following examples of irregular connective tissue are commonly encountered in orthopaedic medicine.
The dura mater is the outermost of three irregular connective tissue sleeves which enclose the brain and the spinal cord. It is extended to form the dural nerve root sleeve that invests the nerve roots within the intervertebral foramen. At or just beyond the intervertebral foramen the dural nerve root sleeve fuses with the epineurium of the nerve root. The dura mater and dural nerve root sleeve extensions are formed of sheets of collagen and elastic fibres providing a tough but loose fibrous tube. The dura mater is separated from the bony margins of the vertebral canal by the epidural space that contains fat, loose connective tissue and a venous plexus. These structures are mobile in a non-pathological state and can accommodate normal movement (Netter 1987, Palastanga et al 2006, Standring 2009). Adhesions may develop in the dura mater and dural nerve root sleeve, compromising this mobility and giving rise to clinical symptoms.
An aponeurosis is a sheet of fibrous tissue that increases the tendinous attachment to bone. It distributes the tendon forces, increasing the tendon’s mechanical advantage, and needs to retain mobility in its attachment to perform its function.
The epimysium is a layer of irregular connective tissue surrounding the whole muscle; the perimysium surrounds the fascicles within the muscle; and the endomysium surrounds each individual muscle fibre.
In a similar arrangement, a fibrous sheath, the epineurium, surrounds each nerve; the perineurium surrounds each fascicle; and each individual nerve fibre is invested in a delicate sheath of vascular loose connective tissue, the endoneurium. Since connective tissue mobility is important to the function of muscle, its arrangement in nerve structure implies that it is also important to the function of nervous tissue.
The paratenon is an irregular connective tissue fibroelastic sheath, adherent to the outer surface of all tendons. It is composed of relatively large amounts of proteoglycans to provide a gliding surface around the tendon, allowing it to move freely among other tissues with a minimum of drag (Merrilees & Flint 1980). True tendon synovial sheaths are found most commonly in the hand and foot where they act to reduce friction between the tendon and surrounding tissues. The synovial sheath consists of two layers, an outer fibrotic sheath and an inner synovial sheath which has parietal and visceral layers. Between these two layers is an enclosed space containing a thin film of synovial fluid. The synovial sheath may also assist in tendon nutrition (Józsa & Kannus 1997).
Like the synovial tendon sheaths, bursae, flat synovial sacs, also prevent friction and pressure and facilitate movement between adjacent connective tissue structures. Bursae can be subcutaneous (e.g. the olecranon bursa), subtendinous (e.g. psoas bursa), sub- or intermuscular (e.g. gluteal bursa), or adventitious – developing in response to trauma or pressure (e.g. subcutaneous Achilles bursa).
Fascia lies in sheets to facilitate movement between the various tissue planes. Deep fascia has a more regular formation as it forms a tight sleeve to retain structures, adds to the contours of the limbs and is extended to form the intermuscular septa. It provides a compressive force which facilitates venous return and may act as a mechanical barrier preventing the spread of infection.
Fascia may develop retinacula which hold tendons in place, preventing a bowstring effect on movement, e.g. the retinacula at the ankle. It may produce thickenings, forming protective layers such as the palmar and plantar aponeuroses, or it may form envelopes to enclose and protect major neurovascular bundles, e.g. the femoral sheath in the femoral triangle.
Tissue injury involves the surrounding and supporting irregular connective tissue as well as the regular connective tissue structure itself. It is therefore important to recognize the extensive nature of irregular connective tissue and its close relationship with the regular connective tissue structures encountered in orthopaedic medicine.
In contrast to irregular connective tissue, this group of tissues has a highly organized structure with fibres running in the same linear direction in a precise arrangement that is related to function (Fig. 2.6) The main collagen fibre bundles will be aligned parallel to the line of major mechanical stress, which functionally suits such structures as tendons and ligaments that are mainly subjected to unidirectional stress (Donatelli & Owens-Burkhart 1981).
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