Small Bowel Malignant Tumors

Published on 09/04/2015 by admin

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Last modified 09/04/2015

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Chapter 16 Small Bowel Malignant Tumors


Small bowel (SB) malignancies account for only 2% of all gastrointestinal (GI) neoplasms and less than 0.4% of all cancers in the United States.1 Common malignant tumors of the SB include primary adenocarcinoma, carcinoid, lymphoma, GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor), and metastases. Recent increases in the incidence of carcinoid tumors have now made carcinoids the most common primary SB tumor: carcinoid 44%, adenocarcinoma 33%, sarcomas 17%, and lymphoma 8%.2 The risk of a specific SB tumor type depends on the exact location in the SB, with adenocarcinomas the most common duodenal tumor, carcinoids the most common ileal tumor, and both sarcoma and lymphoma more equally distributed throughout the entire SB. The clinical presentation of SB tumors is nonspecific with abdominal pain, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, GI bleeding, and SB obstruction the most common symptoms.3 Endoscopic evaluation of the SB has been hampered by the long length of the SB, approximately 5 to 6 m. However, recent advances in endoscopic technologies, such as push enteroscopy, video capsule endoscopy, and double-balloon enteroscopy, have allowed the evaluation of the entire SB.46

Heterogeneous biology of SB tumors is reflected in survival, being lowest for adenocarcinoma and highest for carcinoid (Figure 16-1). Owing to substantial differences in clinical and imaging features,79 the most common malignancies of the SB including adenocarcinoma, carcinoid, GIST, lymphoma, and metastases are discussed in this chapter as separate entities.


Figure 16-1 Five-year survival rates by histologic subtype for patients who underwent resection (National Cancer Data Base, 1985-2000).

Redrawn with permission from Bilimoria KY, et al. Small bowel cancer in the United States: changes in epidemiology, treatment, and survival over the last 20 years. Ann Surg. 2009;249:63-71.

I Adenocarcinoma


Adenocarcinoma for decades has been the most common malignant tumor of the SB, recently surpassed by carcinoid. Currently, adenocarcinoma is the second most common primary malignancy of the SB (33% of all primary SB tumors). One of the more interesting aspects of small intestine adenocarcinoma is its rarity in comparison with large intestine adenocarcinoma. Despite the small intestine representing approximately 70% to 80% of the length and over 90% of the surface area of the alimentary tract, the incidence of SB adenocarcinoma is 30- to 50-fold less than that of colon adenocarcinoma.10 Theories to explain the small intestine’s relative protection from the devolvement of carcinoma center around two concepts: (1) the rapid turnover time of small intestinal cells results in epithelial cell shedding before the necessary acquisition of multiple genetic defects, and (2) exposure to the carcinogenic components of our diet are limited owing to a rapid SB transit time, lack of bacterial degradation activity, and a relatively dilute, alkaline environment of the SB.

Anatomy and Pathology

Most frequently, the tumor occurs within the duodenum (49%), particularly around the papilla of Vater, and with decreasing frequency in the jejunum (21%) and ileum (15%).13 In Crohn’s disease–associated cases, 70% of tumors present in the distal ileum.

There are four histologic types of adenocarcinoma: well, moderately, and poorly differentiated, and undifferentiated.7 Prognostic factors consistently associated with poor outcome include the presence of metastatic disease, noncurative surgical resection, poor differentiation, and advanced age.2 In patients who have had surgical resection, the pathologic factors associated with increased risk of relapse include lymph node involvement, positive surgical margins, poor tumor differentiation, T4 tumor stage, and lymphovascular spread.2,13,14 As with colorectal cancer, adenocarcinoma of the SB undergoes a similar phenotypic adenoma-carcinoma transformation. Both increased size of SB adenomas and the presence of villous histology are risk factors for the development of invasive adenocarcinoma. The molecular understanding of SB adenocarcinoma is limited, although mutations in both the K-ras oncogene and the tumor suppressor gene p53 are common.15

Clinical Presentation

Symptoms of SB adenocarcinoma are nonspecific and frequently do not occur until advanced disease is present. A delay in diagnosis is common, with one report demonstrating an average delay from first symptom to diagnosis of 4 months.16 The most commonly reported symptoms are abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and GI bleeding. The presenting stage distribution is stage I in 12%, stage II in 30%, stage III in 26%, and stage IV in 32%.2 Adenocarcinoma of the proximal duodenum involving the ampulla of Vater may present with obstructive jaundice.

Staging Evaluation (Table 16-1 and Figure 16-2)

Key Points Staging of small bowel adenocarcinoma

Table 16-2 Proposed Staging System for Small Bowel Carcinoid Tumors

Primary Tumor
<2 cm up to the muscularis propria
>2 cm up to the muscularis propria or < 2 cm propria beyond muscularis propria
>2 cm beyond muscularis propria
Regional Lymph Nodes
No regional lymph node metastasis present
Regional lymph node metastasis
Distant Metastases
No distant metastasis present
Distant metastasis
T1, N0-N1, M0
T2, any N, M0
T3, any N, M0
Any T, any N, M1

From Landry CS, et al. A proposed staging system for small bowel carcinoid tumors based on an analysis of 6,380 patients. Am J Surg. 2008;196:896-903; discussion 903.


Tumor Detection

First-line radiologic examination for suspected SB tumor is routine SB series, but this is often compromised by overlapping bowel loops and suboptimal bowel distention.

Enteroclysis has been a standard invasive imaging modality before the introduction of video capsule endoscopy to better evaluate SB loops.17 The sensitivity of enteroclysis is as high as 95% with 90% correct estimation of the actual size of the tumor.18

Conventional cross-sectional imaging with multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can scan the entire SB, but can be limited by lack of optimal opacification of the entire GI tract. Newer imaging techniques based on MDCT, such as MDCT enterography and MDCT enteroclysis, share advantages and disadvantages of both conventional enteroclysis and cross-sectional imaging. MDCT enterography is a noninvasive study performed without nasojejunal cannulation, which achieves good or excellent SB distention with negative oral contrast such as water or mannitol substituted for positive contrast media such as barium or gastrografin.19 MDCT enteroclysis is a relatively new technique more sensitive than conventional barium studies and less invasive than enteroscopy.20,21 Lesions as small as 5 mm can be identified.20

SB tumors may be demonstrable on routine MRI.22 MRI enteroclysis is an evolving technique capable of demonstrating an SB abnormality,23,24 with a reported sensitivity of 86%, a sensitivity of 98%, and an accuracy of 97%.

On barium studies such as standard SB series and enteroclysis, the tumor is seen as a short, circumferentially narrowed segment with overhanging borders, an “apple-core” lesion (Figure 16-3).

On computed tomography (CT), adenocarcinomas typically appear as a focal area of wall thickening causing luminal narrowing25 (Figure 16-4). These tumors are often rigid and fibrotic and, therefore, result in early obstruction, although infiltrative lesions without narrowing have also been reported (Figure 16-5).

Ulceration, present in 40% of pathologic specimens, is not reliably visualized on CT.

Adenocarcinomas complicating longstanding Crohn’s disease generally arise in the distal ileum. These tumors are difficult to detect because of a preexisting abnormality causing thickening and retraction of the bowel, deforming normal anatomy and masking early diagnosis.


Wide segmental resection with regional mesenteric lymphadenectomy is the standard approach for both treatment and staging purposes. In the case of adenocarcinoma involving the proximal duodenum, pancreaticoduodenectomy may be required.26 Curative radical surgery is the most important prognostic factor.27

The role of adjuvant therapy for SB adenocarcinoma has not been well delineated, with no prospective or retrospective studies having demonstrated a benefit of adjuvant therapy. Despite this lack of data, adjuvant chemotherapy, generally utilizing a combination of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and oxaliplatin, is often used in patients at high risk for relapse. In addition, for patients with curatively resected adenocarcinoma of the duodenum, adjuvant 5-FU-based chemoradiation has been utilized to reduce the risk of local failure.27 Locally advanced unresectable tumors and metastatic tumors are treated with chemotherapy, most commonly 5-FU combined with either oxaliplatin or irinotecan. Median survival for patients with metastatic disease is approximately 12 to 18 months.28,29 The overall survival for SB adenocarcinoma remains poor, with 5-year disease-specific survival of 65% for stage I, 48% for stage II, 35% for stage III, and 4% for stage IV.30

Anatomy and Pathology

Carcinoid tumor is a well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma originating from the Kulchitsky cell, an enterochromaffin cell located in the crypts of Lieberkuhn of the GI tract. These cells, when visualized with electron microscopy, demonstrate neurosecretory granules and can secrete bioactive products such as serotonin, somatostatin, glucagon, histamine, or gastrin. Microscopically, solid nests of uniform small cells with round or oval nuclei are present in the bowel wall with a surrounding intense desmoplastic reaction, resulting in shortening and thickening of mesentery and retraction and kinking of nearby vessels. Embryologically, SB carcinoid originates from the midgut.

Macroscopically, carcinoid tumors are present as small submucosal nodules, often subcentimeter in size, not causing obstruction of the lumen per se, with intense desmoplastic response within the adjacent mesentery. Thirty percent of SB carcinoids have multicentric disease at diagnosis.31 Although much rarer than carcinoid tumors, intermediate- and high-grade neuroendocrine tumors, characterized by both a higher rate of mitotic activity and tumor necrosis, can also arise in the SB. These tumors have a more aggressive biology, with high-grade neuroendocrine tumors of the SB behaving like small cell carcinomas of the lung.

Clinical Presentation

Because of their indolent growth, most SB carcinoids are asymptomatic and identified incidentally. Generally, symptoms from SB carcinoids relate to either mass effect from the primary or metastatic tumors or from hypersecretion of bioactive products such as serotonin. One third of midgut carcinoids are symptomatic with abdominal pain or bowel obstruction, and only 10% are associated with carcinoid syndrome. The carcinoid syndrome is primarily seen in the context of liver metastases, in which the release of serotonin gains access to the systemic circulation without undergoing hepatic metabolism.32 Carcinoid syndrome consists of secretory diarrhea, bouts of cutaneous flushing, wheezing, and dyspnea due to bronchospasm. Longstanding carcinoid syndrome may cause fibrotic changes in the cardiac valves predominantly affecting the right heart, typically leading to tricuspid regurgitation and pulmonic stenosis. A 24-hour urinary collection for the serotonin metabolite 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) has both good sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of the carcinoid syndrome.

Patterns of Tumor Spread

Tumorous spread via lymphatics into the mesenteric lymph nodes induces extensive desmoplastic reaction leading to retraction of the mesentery, kinking and obstruction of the mesenteric veins, and retraction and mechanical obstruction of the surrounding SB loops (Figure 16-6). This mesenteric nodal metastasis produces a typical mesenteric mass detectable by CT, as opposed to the small primary tumor that is commonly too small to detect by imaging.

Hematogenous spread to the liver is very common. Liver metastases allow development of carcinoid syndrome. Spread to the bones is rare, producing osteoblastic metastases.

Peritoneal spread is usually a late development in the course of the disease. Peritoneal metastases commonly remain discrete nodular lesions without ascites, as opposed to peritoneal spread of adenocarcinoma causing massive ascites.

Staging Evaluation

A revised TNM staging for carcinoid tumors, which is slightly different from the TNM staging of SB adenocarcinoma, has recently been proposed33 (Table 16-2).

Table 16-1 American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging for Small Bowel Adenocarcinoma

Primary Tumor
Primary tumor cannot be assessed
No evidence of primary tumor present
Carcinoma in situ
Tumor invades the lamina propria
Tumor invades the submucosa
Tumor invades the muscularis propria.
Tumor invades through the muscularis propria into subserosa or into nonperitonealized perimuscular tissue (mesentery or retroperitoneum), with extension of < 2 cm
Tumor penetrates the visceral peritoneum or directly invades other organs or structures
Regional Lymph Nodes
Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
No regional lymph node metastasis
Regional lymph node metastasis with one to three lymph nodes involved
Regional lymph node metastasis with four or more lymph nodes involved
Distant Metastases
Presence of distant metastasis cannot be assessed
No distant metastasis
Distant metastasis
Stage Grouping
Tis, N0, M0
T1-T2, N0, M0
T3, N0, M0
T4, N0, M0
Any T, N1, M0
Any T, N2, M0
Any T, any N, M1

From Edge SB, Byrd DR, Compton CC, et al, eds. AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 7th ed. New York: Springer; 2010:127-129.


Mesenteric nodal metastases (N1) and liver metastases (M1) are usually larger and more easily detectable by imaging and also cause more clinical symptoms than small primary tumors. The primary tumor within the SB is the most challenging for detection by imaging.

CT may identify the submucosal carcinoid tumor as a small mural mass with early intense contrast enhancement due to hyperemia.34 Hyperenhancing tumor can be best appreciated on the background of negative contrast in the bowel lumen in the arterial phase of contrast injection (Figures 16-7 and 16-8). Classic mesenteric nodal metastasis of carcinoid has a nearly pathognomonic CT pattern as a spiculated soft tissue density mesenteric mass due to desmoplastic reaction34,35 (Figures 16-9 and 16-10). Sometimes, a longer segment of adjacent SB has a thickened edematous wall due to mesenteric venous engorgement (see Figure 16-10). Calcification within the mesenteric extension can be seen in up to 70% of cases (see Figure 16-9

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