Seven Tips for Writing Your AMCAS Personal Comments Essay

Published on 14/09/2023 by admin

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Last modified 14/09/2023

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The AMCAS personal comments essay, an essential component of your medical school application, serves as a unique opportunity to showcase who you are beyond your grades and test scores. This essay plays a pivotal role in the decision-making process, providing a chance to share your personal journey, experiences, and motivations toward a career in medicine.

Understand the Purpose of the Essay

The key to writing a compelling personal essay, even when considering the assistance of an essay writing service cheap, begins with understanding its purpose. Admissions officers are inundated with applications, and your essay serves as your introduction, a way to make a memorable first impression. They’re looking for more than just academic prowess or volunteer experiences; they want to see the person behind the application.

Admissions officers are keen to understand your motivations for pursuing a career in medicine, your passion, and your dedication. They want to uncover the journey that led you to this point. They’re interested in your unique experiences, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the lessons you’ve learned along the way. This essay is your opportunity to showcase your personality and demonstrate what sets you apart from other candidates.

Start Early

Tackling your AMCAS essay is not a task to be left until the last minute. Writing such an important piece requires thoughtful reflection, multiple drafts, and careful editing. Starting early is crucial. It gives you ample time to carefully consider the experiences you want to share, how best to present them, and the overall message you wish to convey. Rushing through the process could result in a less coherent and impactful essay.

Creating a writing schedule can be highly beneficial. Dedicate specific blocks of time each week to work on your essay. This could include brainstorming sessions, drafting, revising, and getting feedback from others. Having a structured plan will keep you on track, reduce stress, and ultimately result in a more polished and compelling essay. Remember, quality writing often comes from revision, and revision takes time.

Create a Strong Structure

A clear, coherent structure is significant for any good essay, and the Personal comments essay is no exception. A well-structured essay allows your reader to follow your thoughts and experiences easily, making your narrative more engaging and impactful.

Start with an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and gives them a glimpse of what to expect. The body should then logically unfold your story or experiences, each paragraph building on the other while maintaining a connection to your central theme. Conclude with a strong closing statement that ties your narrative together, reinforcing your motivation and commitment to medicine.

To organize your thoughts and experiences effectively, consider creating an outline before you start writing. This can serve as a roadmap for your essay, helping you ensure every point you make contributes to your overall narrative. Be mindful of transitions between paragraphs to maintain the flow of your essay.

Use Personal Stories

Personal stories have the power to connect with readers on an emotional level, making your essay more memorable. Rather than stating facts or listing achievements, sharing personal anecdotes can bring your journey to life, providing a more vivid picture of who you are and why you’re drawn to medicine.

When choosing stories, opt for ones that had a significant impact on your decision to pursue medicine. It could be a life-changing event, an inspiring interaction with a healthcare professional, or an eye-opening volunteer experience. Remember, these stories are meant to illuminate your passion, resilience, compassion, and other qualities that make you an excellent candidate for medical school.

Show, Don’t Tell

The principle of “show, don’t tell” is a golden rule in writing. Instead of stating that you’re empathetic or hardworking, demonstrate these attributes through your actions or experiences. For instance, instead of saying “I’m an empathetic person,” you might share a story of how you went above and beyond to comfort a distressed patient during your volunteer work at a local clinic.

Showing provides evidence to support your claims, making your essay more credible and engaging. It allows readers to conclude your character based on the evidence you provide, making for a much more compelling narrative. So, as you write your essay, remember to show your qualities in action, not just talk about them.

Proofread and Revise

Proofreading and revising are essential steps in the essay-writing process, often making the difference between a good essay and a great one. Reviewing your essay allows you to spot and correct any grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, or inconsistencies that may distract from your narrative. It also gives you the chance to refine your language, clarify your thoughts, and strengthen your arguments.

There are several strategies you can employ to proofread effectively. Take a break before reviewing your work; this helps you approach it with fresh eyes and a clear mind. Read your essay out loud to catch awkward sentence structures or misplaced words. Use spell-check tools, but don’t rely solely on them. Lastly, consider getting feedback from others. Teachers, mentors, or peers can provide valuable insights and point out areas for improvement that you may have overlooked.

Stay within the Word Limit

Adhering to the set word limit is not just a guideline—it’s a requirement. Respecting this limit demonstrates your ability to express your thoughts concisely and effectively, a skill highly valued in the medical field. Moreover, exceeding the word limit may leave the impression that you lack respect for the rules or fail to focus your thoughts effectively.

Staying within the word limit can be challenging, especially when you have so much to share. However, effective editing can help you meet this requirement. Be ruthless in cutting out unnecessary details or redundant information. Focus on keeping only the most impactful experiences and reflections. Remember, quality trumps quantity. Every word should serve a purpose, contributing to your overall narrative and reinforcing your suitability for a career in medicine.


Remember, this is your story—be authentic, be reflective, and most importantly, be yourself. Your journey towards medicine is unique, and this is your chance to share it with the world. Good luck!