Sepsis Syndromes
In 1992, the American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine issued a consensus statement to establish uniform criteria defining the sepsis syndromes.1 For the first time, this allowed a common nomenclature for disease classification and systematic comparisons across studies of septic patients. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is defined as two or more of the following: tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia or hypothermia, high or low white blood cell count, or bandemia; sepsis is the combination of infection plus SIRS; severe sepsis is sepsis plus organ dysfunction; and septic shock is severe sepsis plus hypotension, defined as a systolic blood pressure below 90 mm Hg, not responsive to a fluid challenge (Box 138-1). The importance of this nomenclature is to provide clinicians and researchers with a common classification. Efforts to validate this classification scheme in the emergency department (ED) population have demonstrated that the term sepsis, when it is characterized by fulfilling of the SIRS criteria alone, is perhaps overly sensitive and nonspecific and does not convey an increased mortality risk, although it should prompt further evaluation.2 However, organ dysfunction and shock were shown to be significant predictors of adverse outcome. Newer efforts have proposed the PIRO approach, which may help better understand and prognosticate the severity of illness.3,4 Assessment of predisposing conditions, infection source, response of the host, and organ dysfunction is proposed to help improve classification. The clinician should approach the septic patient with goals to determine who they are (e.g., underlying comorbidities), what infection they have, how they are responding, and where/if organ dysfunction is present.
Bacteremia is often present, but positive cultures are not obligatory in the diagnosis of sepsis. In several prospective studies, only 17 to 27% of patients with sepsis, 25 to 53% of patients with severe sepsis, and 69% of patients with septic shock actually had positive blood cultures.5–7 Culture-negative and culture-positive septic populations have similar outcomes in patients with similar severity of illness.8 Pneumonia, abdominal abscess with viscus perforation, and pyelonephritis are common primary causes of sepsis. Gram-positive organisms account for 25 to 50% of infections, gram-negative organisms for 30 to 60%, and fungi for 2 to 10%. The distribution varies with the study and, more important, with host factors such as the status of the host immune system, age of the patient, recent hospitalizations, and presence of indwelling vascular catheters.
The health status of the host is a crucial risk factor in the development and progression of sepsis.9 Elders and those with multiple comorbidities are overwhelmed more easily by systemic infection. Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and steroid dependency increase susceptibility to sepsis. Increased use of indwelling devices such as intravascular catheters, prosthetic devices, and endotracheal tubes contributes to the risk of systemic infection and sepsis.
Sepsis is now the tenth most common cause of death in the United States.10 It is estimated that 571,000 cases of severe sepsis present to U.S. EDs each year.11 Mortality rates from sepsis are estimated between 20 and 50%.12–14 Sepsis accounts for 4 of 1000 ED visits in the United States.14 The incidence of sepsis as a reason for hospitalization is rising disproportionately among elders compared with the young (Fig. 138-1). The incidence of sepsis in patients younger than 65 years is less than 5 in 100,000, whereas it is 26 in 100,000 in those 65 years or older.12 The cost of caring for septic patients is estimated to be $17 billion per year in the United States. Hospital discharge data have shown that the incidence of sepsis is increasing as identification improves and the population ages. Estimates have suggested that the incidence will rise 1.5% per annum or more. The number of ED visits for sepsis has risen proportionally with the rise in ED volume during the past 15 years.14 Recent research has confirmed the long-held belief that respiratory and genitourinary infections are the most common causes of sepsis.11
Figure 138-1 Incidence of disease in young and old over time.
Principles of Disease
Sepsis results from the complex interaction of detection molecules, signaling molecules, and numerous inflammatory and coagulation mediators in response to infection. More than 30% of patients with sepsis do not have a definite microbiologic diagnosis.15 Although our understanding of the pathophysiologic process of sepsis has evolved in the past two decades, it remains incomplete.16 The initial host response is to mobilize inflammatory cells, particularly neutrophils and macrophages, to the site of infection. These inflammatory cells then release circulating molecules, including cytokines, which trigger a cascade of other inflammatory mediators that result in a coordinated host response. Synthesis of the components of the cascade is increased at many steps along the pathway. If these mediators are not appropriately regulated, sepsis will occur. In the setting of ongoing toxin release, a persistent inflammatory response occurs with ongoing mediator activation, cellular hypoxia, tissue injury, shock, multiorgan failure, and potentially death.
Mediators of Sepsis
Host response and pathogen characteristics are both important in the pathogenesis of sepsis. More than 100 discrete markers have been identified and attributed to the sepsis cascade, but the true culprits have not been clearly identified.1,17 A pathogen is sensed by pattern recognition receptors, most notably toll-like receptors, located on the surface of the white blood cell.16 The resulting host-pathogen interaction activates the inflammatory and coagulation cascades.18–21 The subsequent inflammatory signaling occurs through cytokines, chemokines, and other soluble mediators, including increased circulating levels of the interleukins IL-1, IL-6, and IL-8 and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). Activation of the clotting cascade results in increased D-dimer levels and decreased circulating levels of protein C.22
Instability in vascular tone is becoming increasingly important in understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanism of sepsis. Vasopressin, also known as antidiuretic hormone, is a naturally occurring hormone that is essential for cardiovascular stability. It is produced as a prohormone in the hypothalamus. The hormone is stored in the pituitary gland and released in response to stressors such as pain, hypoxia, hypovolemia, and hyperosmolality.23 In severe sepsis, there is a brief rise in circulating vasopressin levels followed by a prolonged and severe suppression. This pattern of secretion is different from other forms of shock, in which vasopressin levels remain elevated. Vasopressin has numerous physiologic effects, including vasoconstriction of the systemic vasculature, osmoregulation, and maintenance of normovolemia.
Nitric oxide (NO) is a gas that has an important role in septic shock, regulating vascular tone by an indirect effect on smooth muscle cells. NO also contributes to platelet adhesion, insulin secretion, neurotransmission, tissue injury, and inflammation and cytotoxicity. Its half-life is short (6-10 seconds), and it easily diffuses into cells. Although its mechanisms of action are not well understood, it seems to be a key mediator of sepsis. Animal data show that nitric oxide synthase, the enzyme that produces NO, is upregulated in cases of sepsis.24 Enhanced NO production is thought to contribute to the profound vasodilation found in patients in septic shock.
Organ System Dysfunction
The organ dysfunction that results from sepsis is central to the pathogenesis of the disease. A 3000-patient ED-based study demonstrated that organ dysfunction with septic shock portends increasingly worse outcomes.2 Patients with suspected infection alone had a mortality rate of 2.1%, whereas the presence of SIRS criteria and suspected infection had a mortality rate of only 1.3% (Fig. 138-2A). However, the mortality rate was 9% for those patients with severe sepsis (sepsis plus organ dysfunction) and 28% for those with septic shock. The risk of death from sepsis approximately doubles for each organ that fails. The mortality rate for patients with no organ dysfunctions was 1%; rates for dysfunction of a single organ, two organs, three organs, and four or more organs were 6%, 13%, 26%, and 53%, respectively (Fig. 138-2B).
Patients with sepsis often display neurologic impairment manifested by altered mental status and lethargy, commonly referred to as septic encephalopathy. The incidence has been reported between 10 and 70%. The mortality rate in patients with septic encephalopathy is higher than that in septic patients without significant neurologic involvement. One prospective case series showed that a Glasgow Coma Scale score of less than 13 correlated with an increase in mortality rate from 20 to 50%.25 Although the pathophysiologic process has not been clearly defined, contributing factors include direct bacterial invasion, endotoxemia, altered cerebral perfusion or metabolism, metabolic derangements, multiorgan system failure, and iatrogenic injury. In addition, impaired renal or hepatic function in the absence of overt organ failure has been shown to correlate with encephalopathy.
Profound cardiovascular dysfunction is common with sepsis. The cardiovascular dysfunction and failure arise from both direct myocardial depression and distributive shock. Gram-negative, gram-positive, and killed organisms can cause myocardial depression. The direct insults of the toxic mediators as well as the mobilization of host mediators of sepsis produce a distributive shock. Early in sepsis, a hyperdynamic state develops, characterized by increased cardiac output and decreased systemic vascular resistance.26 Although the cardiac output is increased, it is at the expense of ventricular dilation and decreased ejection fraction. Aggressive fluid resuscitation usually increases preload and, secondarily, ejection fraction, thereby improving the cardiac index, even late in shock. Much of the cardiovascular compromise from septic shock is reversible, and normal cardiovascular function usually returns within 10 days.
Sepsis produces a highly catabolic state and places significant demands on the respiratory system. At the same time, airway resistance is increased and muscle function is impaired. Irrespective of whether pneumonia is the cause of sepsis, the common pulmonary endpoint is acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ARDS is defined clinically (Box 138-2) and correlates with the pathologic finding of diffuse alveolar damage. The development of ARDS occurs 4 to 24 hours after radiographic abnormalities develop. Because of alveolar-capillary membrane damage, fluid accumulates in the alveoli. Rather than being a diffuse disease, ARDS is a heterogeneous process that results in interspersed damaged and normal alveoli.
An absolute or relative adrenal insufficiency is common in sepsis.27 Depending on the balance of circulating cytokines, augmentation or suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis is possible. IL-1 and IL-6 both activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. TNF-α and corticostatin depress pituitary function. Other factors that may contribute to adrenal insufficiency in sepsis include decreased blood flow to the adrenal cortex, decreased pituitary function, and decreased pituitary secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone due to severe stress. As a result of these interactions, the hypothalamic thermoregulatory mechanism may be reset, and temperature lability may develop.
Protein C has been identified as an important modulator of both inflammation and coagulation in patients with sepsis. Impairment of the protein C–dependent anticoagulation pathway is critical to the development of the thrombotic complications of sepsis.28 In healthy humans, protein C is activated by a combination of thrombin and thrombomodulin. The activation of protein C results in downregulation of many portions of the coagulation cascade, including release of tissue factor, inactivation of factor VIIIa and factor Va, and stimulation of fibrinolysis.29 It is possible that protein C activation in early sepsis is impaired because of an inflammatory cytokine–mediated downregulation of thrombomodulin. As a result, a consumptive coagulopathy ensues. This leads to increased fibrin deposition and a resulting upregulation of the fibrinolytic pathway as identified by low plasma levels of the fibrinolytic proteins and increased fibrin split products. This sequence of events leads to consumption of coagulation factors and DIC. In late sepsis, the fibrinolytic system is suppressed.
Novel Concepts
In recent years, there has been increasing evidence that genetics are a risk factor for outcome of sepsis.30,31 The impact of genetics on future treatment modalities for sepsis remains unclear, but the prospect of customized genetic therapy for sepsis is a promising early development.
Clinical Features
The septic patient manifests signs of systemic infection through tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia or hypothermia, and, if severe, hypotension. A septic patient will often have flushed skin with warm, well-perfused extremities secondary to the early vasodilation and hyperdynamic state. Alternatively, the severely hypoperfused patient with an advanced shock state may appear mottled and cyanotic. Very early in the patient’s presentation, vital sign changes such as tachycardia and tachypnea may be the only early indicators of sepsis. If the patient is in shock, a rapid assessment that excludes other causes, such as hypovolemic or cardiogenic shock, is essential to the proper initial treatment. A complete detailed clinical examination will help the physician determine the cause of the shock state (see Chapter 6). The aforementioned are “classic” signs; however, these findings may not be manifested in a septic patient, and signs and symptoms may be subtle.
The respiratory system is the most common source of infection in the septic patient. A history of a productive cough, fevers, chills, upper respiratory symptoms, and throat and ear pain should be sought. Both the presence of pneumonia and the findings of tachypnea or hypoxia have been found to be predictors of death in patients with sepsis.32 Physical examination should also include detailed evaluation for focal infection, such as exudative tonsillitis, sinus tenderness, tympanic membrane injection, and crackles or dullness on lung auscultation. Also, pharyngeal thrush should be noticed as a potential marker of an immunocompromised state.