Segmental Left Ventricular Systolic Function
John C. Sciarra and Christopher J. Gallagher
Myocardial Segment Identification
Hear ye, hear ye. The Office of Homeland Security is not going to shoot me for revealing any state secrets here. You will need to know these segments and you will need to know which coronaries feed which walls and which segments.
I speak not with forked tongue.
This is a for sure on the test.
First, the whole thing, then we’ll back up and break it down.
The basal 6 segments are next to the mitral valve.
The middle 6 segments are next down, at the level of the papillary muscles.
Coronary Artery Distribution and Flow
Let’s put it into words, just in case you’re less of a visual learner.
The right coronary feeds the inferior wall and right ventricle.
The circumflex feeds the posterior and lateral wall.
Here is a little memory helper I made up, I call it the “coronary artery memory helper”:
LM → LAD → Diags (the “D” in lad leads into the “D” in diagonals).
Circ → OMs (circumferential looks like the circumference of the “O” in Obtuse Marginal).
RC → PDA (the right hand [RCA] writes on the palm pilot pda).