Restrictive Lung Diseases: General and Ventilatory Management

Published on 01/06/2015 by admin

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Last modified 01/06/2015

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Restrictive Lung Diseases: General and Ventilatory Management

General Comments

A restrictive lung disease is any disease in which the ability to inhale is affected.

Restrictive diseases of pulmonary origin are frequently associated with an increase in pulmonary fibrous tissue. The result is an overall increase in pulmonary elastance and a decrease in pulmonary compliance.

Characteristic pulmonary function findings (Table 22-1)

TABLE 22-1

Changes in Pulmonary Function Associated With Obstructive and Restrictive Lung Disease

Pulmonary Function Study Obstructive Disease Restrictive Disease
TLC Normal or increased Decreased
VC Normal or decreased Decreased
FRC Increased Normal or decreased
RV Increased Normal or decreased
RV/TLC ratio Increased Normal
FEV1% Decreased Normal
MMEFR25%-75% Decreased Normal or decreased

TLC, Total lung capacity; VC, vital capacity; FRC, functional residual capacity; RV, residual volume; FEV1%, percentage of forced vital capacity in 1 second; MMEFR25%-75%, maximum midexpiratory flow rate between 25% and 75%.

1. Decreased or normal tidal volume (Vt).

2. Decreased or normal residual volume (RV).

3. Decreased or normal expiratory reserve volume (ERV).

4. Decreased or normal inspiratory reserve volume (IRV).

5. Decreased total lung capacity (TLC).

6. Decreased vital capacity (VC).

7. Decreased inspiratory capacity (IC).

8. Decreased or normal functional residual capacity (FRC).

9. Flow rate studies usually are normal in pure restrictive lung diseases; however, flow rates may be decreased when an obstructive component is also present.

10. Pulmonary and/or thoracic compliance and total compliance are usually severely decreased.

11. There is a progressive increase in the work of breathing as the severity of the disease increases.

Categories of restrictive diseases

II Pulmonary Restrictive Lung Diseases

Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis: A disease characterized by the excessive formation of connective tissue in the process of repairing chronic or acute tissue injury.

1. Etiology: Any permanent injury to the lung (e.g., infection, inflammation, and allergy).

2. Type: Localized or diffuse

a. Causes of localized fibrosis

b. Causes of diffuse fibrosis

3. Pathophysiology

4. Clinical presentation

5. Treatment

a. Removal of patient from environment causing the fibrotic changes if possible

b. Therapy for underlying disease entity

c. Corticosteroids

d. Immunosuppressants

e. Oxygen therapy: As disease progresses, increased dyspnea is reported. Many patients are relatively refractory to oxygen therapy. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is often helpful. Care must be taken when disconnecting patient from CPAP because severe acute hypoxemia may ensue.

f. Penicillamine therapy has improved subjective assessment of patients.

g. Cyclosporine is used in late stages.

h. Plasmapheresis is effective in a few patients with high titers of immune complexes in later stages.

i. Total heart-lung transplant has been successful in some patients.

j. Mechanical ventilation: If these patients progress to mechanical ventilation, Vt delivery is limited because of decreased compliance. This results in increased inspiratory pressure that is not associated with overdistention of the lung.

Pleural effusion: Accumulation of fluid in pleural space.

1. Normally the capillary network of the visceral pleural surface produces the fluid lining of the pleura, and any excess is removed by the lymphatic system.

2. Any disturbance in production of this fluid or in its removal can lead to the development of pleural effusion.

3. Primary causes: Inflammation and circulatory disorders.

4. The effusion compresses the lung on the affected side.

5. The effusion is gravity dependent and may shift with positional change.

6. Diagnosis

7. Types of effusions

8. Treatment

Pneumothorax: Accumulation of air within the pleural space.

1. If air enters the pleural space, the pressure within the space changes from subatmospheric to atmospheric or supraatmospheric pressure.

2. Diagnosis

3. Types: Open and under tension.

a. In an open pneumothorax, there is no buildup of pressure because the gas is allowed to move freely in and out of the pleural space.

b. A tension pneumothorax results from the presence of a one-way valve, which allows gas only to enter the pleural space and not to leave it. This results in significant increases in pressure within the pleural space. If untreated it may quickly result in cardiac arrest.

(1) Clinical signs

(2) Treatment: Decompression of the thorax by chest tube insertion.

Cardiogenic pulmonary edema: Active movement of fluid across alveolar capillary membrane into alveoli as a result of increased capillary hydrostatic pressures.

1. Normally a fine balance exists among capillary colloid osmotic (oncotic) pressure, capillary hydrostatic pressure, interstitial hydrostatic pressure, and interstitial colloid osmotic (oncotic) pressure across the pulmonary capillary bed (see Chapter 14).

2. Usually a small net pressure forces fluid into the interstitial space. This interstitial fluid is drained by the lymphatics.

3. If capillary hydrostatic pressure increases significantly, the net pressure forcing fluid into the interstitial space increases, and eventually fluid moves directly into the alveoli.

4. Primary cause: Acute left ventricular failure (CHF)

5. Secondary cause: Increased vascular volume causing an increase in pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure.

6. Acute right ventricular failure (CHF)

7. Treatment

a. Primary: Pharmacologic

b. Intraaortic balloon counterpulsation

c. Oxygen therapy: Frequently high FIO2 is required.

d. CPAP, by mask, at 8 to 12 cm H2O has been helpful in some patients and may avoid intubation if pulmonary edema can be stabilized quickly.

e. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) has also been shown to improve oxygenation. It offers the added benefit of improving ventilation in patients who begin to develop respiratory muscle fatigue.

f. Mechanical ventilation

(1) Mechanical ventilation with PEEP can improve or further worsen cardiac function.

(2) The increased mean airway pressure (as with CPAP) decreases venous return in left-sided heart failure.

(3) Marked increases in mean airway pressure can markedly reduce pulmonary perfusion and increase deadspace ventilation.

(4) When mechanical ventilator settings are titrated, markedly increasing minute ventilation should be avoided because PCO2 increases with hemodynamic instability.

(5) Stabilization of cardiac function improves the deadspace volume/tidal volume (Vd/Vt) ratio and thus returns PCO2 to normal.

(6) If increases in minute ventilation result in no change or an increase in PCO2, lack of pulmonary perfusion is most likely the cause of the PCO2 increase.

(7) Ventilator settings generally are similar to those for all patients without lung disease. Efforts should be made to improve ventilation and oxygenation without causing a secondary, ventilator-induced lung injury (see Chapters 39, 40, and 41).

(8) These patients generally require pharmacologic control during ventilation.

(9) Spontaneous breathing at this stage:

Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema

1. The development of interstitial or true pulmonary edema from noncardiogenic origins.

2. Pathophysiologic etiologies

3. Clinical etiologies