Respiratory system

Published on 27/05/2015 by admin

Filed under Internal Medicine

Last modified 27/05/2015

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The interpretation of blood gases is fundamental to the management of patients requiring intensive care, not just those with respiratory failure. When drawing an arterial blood sample into a heparinized syringe, ensure that any liquid heparin is completely expelled from the syringe before use, as this will contaminate the sample and influence the results. Arterial blood is obtained either by direct puncture of an artery or from an indwelling arterial line. (See Practical procedures: Arterial cannulation, p. 372.)

Most ICUs now have a blood gas analyser for ‘point of care testing’ (POCT). These are expensive to maintain and repair. You will be unpopular if you damage it by, for example, blocking the sample channels with clotted blood. If you do not know how to use it, ask for help. Normal blood gas values are as shown in Table 5.1.

TABLE 5.1 ‘Normal’ blood gas values

pH 7.35–7.45
PaO2 13 kPa
PaCO2 5.3 kPa
HCO3 22–25 mmol/L
Base deficit or excess −2 to +2 mmol/L

Interpreting blood gas results will eventually become second nature. To begin with, it is helpful to follow a system, for example:

If the patient has a disturbance of acid–base balance, then it is necessary to examine the blood gas further to determine the cause.

The base deficit / base excess is a calculation of how much base (e.g. bicarbonate) would need to be added to or taken away (by titration) to normalize the pH of the sample. For example, in a metabolic acidosis, bicarbonate would need to be added to correct the pH because there is insufficient buffering capacity present, i.e. there is a base deficit. In metabolic alkalosis, bicarbonate would need to be taken away to correct the pH, because there is too much base (or insufficient hydrogen ions) present, i.e. there is a base excess.

This simple scheme for the interpretation of blood gases is practical and will suffice for most situations. More complex systems, such as that described by Stewart, which take account of other plasma constituents, are beyond the scope of this book, but for which good up-to-date reviews are readily available. If in doubt always seek senior help.

A number of patterns of disturbance of acid–base balance are recognized.


Respiratory failure occurs when pulmonary gas exchange becomes impaired such that normal arterial blood gas tensions are no longer maintained, and hypoxaemia is present with or without hypercapnia. Two patterns are described: types 1 and 2.


Common causes of respiratory failure are listed in Table 5.3.

TABLE 5.3 Common causes of respiratory failure

Loss of respiratory drive CVA/brain injury
Metabolic encephalopathy
Effects of drugs
Neuropathy and neuromuscular conditions Critical illness neuropathy
Spinal cord injury
Phrenic nerve injury
Guillain–Barré syndrome
Myasthenia gravis
Chest wall abnormality Trauma
Airway obstruction Foreign body
Sleep apnoea
Lung pathology Asthma
Acute and chronic fibrosing conditions

Blood gases are only one indicator of respiratory function. The primary assessment of a patient with respiratory failure is clinical:

Management is based around correction of hypoxia, ventilatory support if required, and treatment of the underlying condition.


Over recent years, there has been increased use of non-invasive ventilation to manage acute respiratory failure. It may avoid the need for endotracheal intubation and conventional ventilation, so avoiding many of the associated complications. Patients with acute exacerbations of COPD have been demonstrated to have a better outcome where non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) has been used in place of conventional ventilation. Non-invasive ventilation techniques are also increasingly being used in the management of pulmonary oedema in congestive cardiac failure and to aid weaning from conventional ventilation (see COPD, p. 152, and Weaning from artificial ventilation, p. 135).


Most intensive care ventilators are now highly sophisticated, computer-controlled machines with complicated interfaces, a large number of different ventilatory modes, and inbuilt monitoring and alarm systems. Detailed descriptions and discussion are beyond the scope of this book.

One problem is that there is no uniformly agreed terminology in relation to ventilator modes and different manufacturers use different terms for similar functions. The following terms and modes are in common use but are by no means universal. Before using a ventilator you should familiarize yourself with it. If you have any difficulties seek advice.

Pressure controlled ventilation

To overcome some of the disadvantages of volume controlled ventilation, pressure controlled modes of ventilation are preferred in patients with poor pulmonary compliance. Instead of setting a predetermined tidal volume, a peak inspiratory pressure is set. The tidal volume delivered is a function of the peak pressure, the inspiratory time and the patient’s compliance. By using lower peak pressures and slightly longer inspiratory times the risks of barotrauma can be reduced. As the patient’s condition improves and lung compliance increases, the tidal volume achieved for the same settings will increase and the inspiratory pressure can therefore be reduced (see Acute lung injury p. 154).

It is important when using pressure controlled ventilation to understand the relationship between rate, inspiratory time and the I:E ratio (ratio of inspiratory time to expiratory time). Rate determines the total time period for each breath (60 s divided by rate = duration in seconds for each breath). The I:E ratio then determines how this time is apportioned between inspiration and expiration.

For example:

If respiratory rate is 10/min, total time for breath 60/10 s = 6 s.

If I:E ratio 1:2, then inspiratory time = 2 s and expiratory time = 4 s.

If the rate is reduced while the I:E ratio is fixed, inspiratory time becomes progressively longer, effectively holding the patient in sustained inspiration. To avoid this, the inspiratory time should be fixed whenever pressure controlled ventilation is used (e.g. 1.5–2 s), so that, as the respiratory rate is changed, it is only the length of expiration that alters.

Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP)

Intubation, artificial ventilation and the effects of lung disease leads to a reduction in the functional residual capacity (FRC) of the lung. This results in the collapse of small airways, particularly in dependent lung zones, increasing ventilation–perfusion mismatch and worsening blood gases. To prevent this +5 to +10 cm H2O of PEEP can be used to help maintain FRC and alveolar recruitment. Disadvantages of PEEP include reduced venous return to the heart and a subsequent reduction in CO and blood pressure. Unnecessarily high levels of PEEP are therefore best avoided.

Patients with severe expiratory airflow limitation, e.g. due to asthma or obstruction, may develop high levels of intrinsic PEEP, with the risk of progressive air trapping. Most modern ventilators include functions for displaying dynamic compliance curves and calculating intrinsic PEEP. If you are unsure how to use or interpret these functions, seek advice.

If a patient has high levels of intrinsic PEEP, evidence suggests that applying external PEEP up to, but not exceeding, the level of intrinsic PEEP, causes little cardiovascular compromise, does not increase air trapping and may improve gas exchange by facilitating recruitment in non-flow limited parts of the lung. Increasing external PEEP above the level of intrinsic PEEP may worsen hyperinflation and should be avoided. Seek advice.

PEEP is relatively contraindicated in asthmatics and in chronic emphysema. Although some patients benefit, there are also risks: seek senior help.


Ventilation strategy

Over the past few years the role that mechanical ventilation plays in producing lung damage has been increasingly recognized and there is evidence that the ventilation strategy used can adversely affect outcome (see Complications of IPPV below). Current trends in ventilation strategy are therefore based on the following:

In most patients an SIMV volume controlled mode of ventilation with added pressure support will be adequate. Typical initial ventilator settings for an adult are as shown in Table 5.5.

TABLE 5.5 Typical ventilator settings (SIMV, volume control and pressure support)

Tidal volume 6–10 mL/kg
Rate 8–14 breaths/min
I:E ratio 1:2
PEEP 5–10 cm H2O
Pressure support 15–20 cm H2O
FiO2 As required to maintain oxygenation

Pressure controlled ventilation can be used for all patients, although it is frequently reserved for those with poor pulmonary compliance (see ALI, p. 154). Typical initial settings are as shown in Table 5.6.

TABLE 5.6 Typical ventilator settings (SIMV, pressure control and pressure support)

Peak inspiratory pressure 20–35 cm H2O
Rate 8–14 breaths/min
Inspiratory time 1.5–2 s
PEEP 5–10 cm H2O
Pressure support 15–20 cm H2O
FiO2 As required to maintain oxygenation



In addition to regular clinical assessment, all ventilated patients should have continuous SaO2 and end tidal carbon dioxide, ETCO2 monitoring and regular blood gases measurement.

The ETCO2 approximates to arterial carbon dioxide tension PaCO2. In a healthy patient the difference between ETCO2 and PaCO2 is usually less than 0.5 KPa. In the critically ill patient the difference may be significantly greater. Therefore, do not rely solely on ETCO2 and always take blood gases for comparison. The value of continuous ETCO2 monitoring is in the early detection of changes in ventilation, obstruction of endotracheal tubes and ventilator disconnection.

Ventilator function should be continuously monitored. Modern intensive care ventilators have a large number of built-in monitors and alarms which do this, although you may have to set values or limits for some of these. In particular you should note:

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