Renal failure

Published on 20/03/2015 by admin

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Last modified 20/03/2015

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CHAPTER 6 Renal failure

Genitourinary assessment: general

Acute renal failure/acute kidney injury


Acute renal failure (ARF) is a syndrome traditionally characterized by an abrupt deterioration of renal function, resulting in the accumulation of metabolic wastes, fluids, and electrolytes, and usually accompanied by a marked decline in urinary output. ARF is one of few types of total organ failure that may be reversible with proper treatment. However, the lack of consensus on the quantitative definition of ARF has hindered comparisons between studies in an effort to improve outcomes. In 2004, the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) was formed by a group of intensivists and nephrologists to develop consensus on the definition of ARF and propose evidence-based guidelines for the treatment and prevention of ARF.

The product of ADQI was a graded definition of ARF designated as the RIFLE criteria. This led to the development of the Acute Kidney Injury network. The workings of these groups resulted in the adoption of the term acute kidney injury (AKI), which represents the entire spectrum of ARF. The RIFLE criteria are based on three graded levels of injury which reflect serum creatinine or urine output and two outcome measures (Table 6-1). Formation of urine is a three-step process consisting of (1) ultrafiltration of delivered blood by the glomeruli (renal cortex), (2) internal processing of the ultrafiltrate via tubular secretion and reabsorption (renal parenchyma), and (3) excretion of waste products from the kidneys through the ureters, bladder, and urethra. Corresponding to those steps, ARF/AKI is categorized as prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal (Table 6-2).


Classification GFR Criteria Urine Output Criteria
Risk Serum creatinine increased 1.5 times Less than 0.5 ml/kg/hr for 6 hours
Injury Serum creatinine increased 2 times Less than 0.5 ml/kg/hr for 12 hours
Failure Serum creatinine increased 3 times or greater than 355 μmol/L or mg/dl when there was an acute rise of greater than 44 μmol/L or mg/dl Less than 0.3 ml/kg/hr for 24 hours or anuria for 12 hours
Loss Persistent acute renal failure: complete loss of kidney function for longer than 4 weeks  
End-stage renal disease End-stage renal disease for longer than 3 months  


Prerenal (Decreased Renal Perfusion) Intrarenal (Parenchymal Damage; Acute Tubular Necrosis) Postrenal (Obstruction)

Hepatorenal syndromeEdema-forming conditions

Renal vascular disorders

Nephrotoxic Agents

Organic solvents (e.g., carbon tetrachloride, ethylene glycol)Infection (gram-negative sepsis), pancreatitis, peritonitis transfusion reaction (hemolysis)

Glomerular diseases

CalculiTumorBenign prostatic hypertrophyNecrotizing papillitisUrethral stricturesBlood clotsRetroperitoneal fibrosis

GI, gastrointestinal; IgA, immunoglobulin A; IV, intravenous.

Prerenal failure, or azotemia, is the result of decreased blood flow to the kidneys. The events leading to prerenal insults cause decreased renal vascular perfusion and may be associated with systemic hypoperfusion. If treated promptly, this form of ARF/AKI is readily reversible. Chronic heart failure, drugs such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, volume loss, or sequestration and shock states (especially septic shock) all may lead to reduced renal perfusion. If not managed aggressively, parenchymal (intrarenal) involvement, or acute tubular necrosis (ATN), can result. Intrarenal damage may result from a mean arterial pressure less than75 mm Hg. Autoregulation fails; the sympathetic response increases and, with the action of the renin-angiotensin system, results in severe constriction of the afferent arteriole. Glomerular blood flow and hydrostatic pressure are reduced, and the GFR decreases. The amount of cellular damage depends on the duration of ischemia: mild damage (less than 25 minutes), moderate/severe damage (40 to 60 minutes), and irreversible damage (may occur within 60 to 90 minutes).

The most common cause of ARF/AKI is ATN. ATN may be the result of nephrotoxic injury, a prolonged reduction in renal perfusion (ischemic injury), or pigmenturia (myoglobinuria and hemoglobinuria). Prolonged renal hypoperfusion due to shock, particularly septic shock, is a common cause of ATN. Renal ischemia may potentiate the injury produced by nephrotoxins. Toxic ATN, caused by nephrotoxic agents (aminoglycoside antibiotics, radiographic contrast agents), is an insult or injury to the tubular cell. Thrombotic occlusion, malignant hypertension, emboli, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), and vasculitis can all result in ATN.

ATN is characterized by tubular cell necrosis, cast formation, and tubular obstruction caused by casts and cellular debris. Therapy is focused on maintenance of renal perfusion pressure, administering renal vasodilators to restore blood flow, and promoting diuresis to “wash out” the intratubular debris. Sometimes ATN is nonoliguric. Oliguria may occur with both toxic ATN and ischemic ATN. Common nephrotoxic agents are found in Table 6-3.


Drugs X-ray Contrast Media
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Biologic substances
Tumor products
Ethylene glycol
Organic solvents
Heavy metals

Postrenal failure is the least common cause of ARF/AKI and may be either intrarenal (within the kidney) or extrarenal (outside the kidney in another area of the elimination tract) obstruction. Intrarenal obstruction is often due to crystal deposition caused by medications (e.g., acyclovir, indinavir, sulfonamides, methotrexate) or endogenous substances (oxalate, uric acid). Extrarenal obstruction may be related to bladder outlet problems (prostate and urethral obstruction) or stones, clots, pus, tumor, fibrosis, or ligation of or papilla within the ureters.

Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders that occur with ARF include hypervolemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hypermagnesemia, and metabolic acidosis (Table 6-4). Phosphate levels rise because of impaired excretion of phosphorus by the renal tubules with continued gastrointestinal (GI) absorption. Hypocalcemia results from the lack of active vitamin D, which is activated by the kidney, which would otherwise stimulate absorption of calcium from the GI tract, or high phosphate levels, which inhibit absorption of calcium. Hypocalcemia triggers the parathyroid glands to secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH), which mobilizes calcium from the bone into the blood. Hypermagnesemia is generally moderate (2 to 4 mg/dl) and is rarely symptomatic unless the patient receives magnesium-containing antacids (e.g., Maalox, Milk of Magnesia).


Condition/Cause Nursing Implications
Decreased ability to excrete K+; K+ release with catabolism
Prolonged, inadequate oral intake; use of potassium-losing diuretics without proper replacement; excessive loss from vomiting, diarrhea, or gastric or intestinal suctioning
Kidneys’ inability to excrete excess sodium; decreased water intake; increased water losses via osmotic diuresis; excessive parenteral administration of sodium-containing solutions (e.g., sodium bicarbonate, 3% sodium chloride)
Loss through vomiting, diarrhea, profuse diaphoresis; use of potent diuretics; salt-losing nephropathies; administration of large amount of sodium-free IV fluids (may be associated with fluid volume excess or postobstructive diuresis)
Poor absorption of dietary calcium; precipitation of calcium out of the tissues in the presence of elevated phosphorus level; inadequate absorption and utilization of calcium occurring with lack of conversion of vitamin D to its usable form
Abnormal retention of phosphates caused by the kidneys’ inability to excrete excess phosphorus
Administration of magnesium-containing medications to patients with impaired renal function
Metabolic Acidosis
Kidneys’ inability to excrete excess acid produced by normal metabolic processes; marked tissue trauma, infection, and diarrhea may contribute to a more rapid development of acidosis (often associated with K+ greater than 5 mEq/L)
Failure of the kidneys to excrete urea, creatinine, uric acid, and other metabolic waste products

Monitor patient for chronic fatigue, insomnia, anorexia, vomiting, metallic taste in the mouth, pruritus, increased bleeding tendency, muscular twitching, involuntary leg movements, decreasing attention span, anemia, muscle wasting, and weakness.

Teach patient and significant others that the indicators of uremia develop gradually and are very subtle. Explain the importance of notifying nurse of sudden worsening of the symptoms that may be present.

Monitor and record dietary intake of protein, potassium, and sodium.

Use lotions and oils to lubricate patient’s skin and relieve drying and cracking.

Provide oral hygiene at frequent intervals, using a soft-bristle toothbrush and mouthwash, to help combat patient’s thirst and the metallic taste caused by uremia. Chewing gum and hard candy also may help alleviate thirst and the unpleasant taste.

Encourage isometric exercises and short walks, if patient is able, to help maintain patient’s muscle strength and tone, especially in the legs.

Teach significant others that because of patient’s decreasing concentration level, they should communicate with patient by using simple and direct statements.

Teach patient to maintain good nutrition by ingesting the allotted amounts of carbohydrates and high-biologic value protein to support cell rebuilding and decrease waste products from protein breakdown.

Explain that profuse bleeding can occur with uremia and that knives, scissors, and other sharp instruments should be used with caution.

Stress that OTC medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen may enhance bleeding tendency.

Emphasize the importance of follow-up visits to evaluate the progression of uremia.

Stress the dialysis schedule should be maintained to decrease the symptoms of uremia and correct many of the metabolic abnormalities that occur.

ARF, acute renal failure; Ca2+, calcium; DTR, deep tendon reflex; ECG, electrocardiogram; HCO3, bicarbonate; HR, heart rate; I&O, intake and output; IV, intravenous; K+, potassium; LOC, level of consciousness; Mg2+, magnesium; Na+, sodium; OTC, over-the-counter; SOB, shortness of breath; VS, vital signs.

There are three identifiable stages/phases of ARF:


Screening labwork

Blood and urine studies will determine the level of renal dysfunction and can provide clues to the cause of ARF/AKI.

Diagnostic Tests For Acute Renal Failure (ARF)/Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)

Test Purpose Abnormal Findings
Ultrasonography Provides general appearance, size and scarring Small scarred kidneys
Renal mass
Kidney stones
Radionuclide renal scan Evaluate renal perfusion Renal thromboemboli
Tumors or cysts
Asymmetry of blood flow
Magnetic resonance imaging More specific in detecting renal masses and vessel malformations Tumors or cysts
Vessel malformation
Retrograde or antegrade pyelography Diagnose partial or complete obstruction Ureteric or ureteral stenosis or obstruction
Renal angiography Evaluate renal vessels Thrombotic, stenotic lesions in the main renal vessels
Renal biopsy Determine intrarenal pathology Acute glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, or interstitial nephritis
Blood Studies
Complete blood count (CBC)
Hemoglobin (Hgb)
Hematocrit (Hct)
RBC count (RBCs)
WBC count (WBCs)
Assess for anemia, inflammation, and infection; assists with differential diagnosis of septic cause of ARF/AKI Decreased RBCs, Hgb, or Hct reflects anemia or recent blood loss.
Coagulation profile
Prothrombin time (PT) with international normalized ratio (INR)
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Assess for the presence of bleeding or clotting and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) Decreased PT with low INR promotes clotting; elevation promotes bleeding.
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
Assess for the severity of renal dysfunction Elevation indicates renal dysfunction.
Creatinine may be markedly elevated in the presence of massive skeletal muscle injury (e.g., multiple trauma, crush injuries).
BUN is influenced by hydration, catabolism, GI bleeding, infection fever, and corticosteroid therapy.
The eGFR in ARF/AKI is usually less than 50 ml/min.
Potassium (K+)
Sodium (Na+)
Calcium (Ca2+)
Magnesium (Mg2+)
Assess for abnormalities associated with ARF/AKI Increase or decrease in K+ may cause arrhythmias. Elevated Na+ may indicate dehydration.
Decreased Na+ may indicate fluid retention.
Low Mg2+ or Ca2+ may cause dysrhythmias.
Arterial blood gases (ABGs) Assess for the presence of metabolic acidosis Low PaCO2 and plasma pH values reflect metabolic acidosis.
Urinalysis Assess for the presence of sediment Presence of sediment containing tubular epithelial cells, cellular debris, and tubular casts supports diagnosis of ARF/AKI.
Increased protein and many RBC casts are common in intrarenal disease.
Sediment is normal in prerenal causes.
Large amounts of myoglobin may be present in severe skeletal muscle injury or rhabdomyolysis
Urinary sodium Differentiate prerenal from intrarenal cause Urinary Na+ is less than 20 mEq/L in prerenal causes.
Urinary Na+ is more than 20 mEq/L in intrarenal causes.

Collaborative management

Care priorities for all arf/aki pathologies

The major priorities for all patients with ARF/AKI regardless of etiology are the assessment of the contributing causes of the initial injury, identification of the clinical course with an emphasis on comorbidities, assessment of volume status, and prevention of further deterioration in renal function (Table 6-5).


Treatment Rationale
Volume replacement for dehydration Replacement solutions include free water plus electrolytes lost through urine, wounds, drainage tubes, diarrhea, and vomiting. Usually losses are replaced on a volume-for-volume basis.
Maintenance fluid approximately 1500 ml/24 hr. With moderate fluid deficit (5% weight loss), at least 2400 ml/24 hr.
Severe deficit (more than 5% weight loss) requires replacement of at least 3000 ml/24 hr.
Forced alkaline diuresis Use of mannitol or sodium bicarbonate solution to manage pigmenturia (myoglobinuria, hemoglobinuria) due to rhabdomyolysis or severe crush or skeletal muscle injury. In addition, aggressive volume replacement to maintain renal perfusion pressure and reduce cast formation leading to renal tubular obstruction.
Diuretics (furosemide, bumetanide, torsemide, ethacrynic acid) Decrease filtrate reabsorption and enhance water excretion. Use only after adequate hydration to increase urine output or in an attempt to prevent onset of oliguria. If volume overload is present, they are used to prevent pulmonary edema. Osmotic diuretics such as mannitol may be used to increase intravascular volume, promote renal blood flow, increase glomerular filtration rate, and stimulate urinary output. See Table 6-7.
Dopamine Controversial treatment: Low doses usually less than 2 mcg/kg/min used to stimulate dopaminergic receptors, encourage renal vasodilatation, and promote renal blood flow.
Studies have shown that this approach is ineffective if the patient remains oliguric.
Doses of 3-10 mcg/kg/min are used to stimulate beta1 receptors resulting in improved BP, cardiac output, and urine output. Doses greater than 10 mcg/kg/min may cause damaging renal vasoconstriction.
May increase urine output in critically ill patients, but it neither prevents nor improves ARF.
Increased diuresis may actually increase the risk of ARF in normovolemic and hypovolemic patients.
Potentially detrimental effect of dopamine on splanchnic oxygen uptake
Decreased GI motility
Diminished respiratory drive
Nesiritide Synthetic BNP (brain natruretic peptide), which results in vasodilatation, natriuresis, diuresis, and decreased renin-angiotensin activity, resulting in lower pulmonary artery occlusive pressure, decreased systemic vascular resistance, and increased cardiac output and cardiac index. Used to manage heart failure associated with prerenal azotemia. Increased cardiac output augments renal perfusion. Meta-analyses have revealed there is increased mortality and increased renal dysfunction with use of nesiritide compared to other medications.
Management of hyperkalemia Intravenous calcium gluconate 10% or calcium chloride 10% (1 g of calcium chloride does not provide an equivalent dose to 1 g gluconate) (immediate onset) infusion of glucose, insulin, bicarbonate (20- to 60-minute onset)
Inhaled albuterol (30- to 60-minute onset), sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) with sorbitol enema (1- to 4-hour onset). Hemodialysis (1- to 3-hour onset) may be used for control of elevated potassium.
Removal or discontinuation of toxin Agents such as aminoglycoside antibiotics or angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors used for blood pressure control and heart failure prevention; and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used for pain management, must be discontinued or removed.
Prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy Hydration, oral or IV Mucomyst (N-acetylcysteine) may be used before sending borderline or patients with renal insufficiency for radiologic procedures requiring contrast media. Aggressive hydration and possible IV mannitol after the procedure may also assist in clearing contrast from the patient. Intravenous fenoldopam (e.g., Corlopam) is no longer recommended in this setting.
Renal replacement therapy Maintain homeostasis (see Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies, p. 603).
Nutrition therapy Diet high in carbohydrates and with catabolic patients, essential and nonessential amino acids to prevent endogenous protein catabolism and muscle breakdown; low in sodium for individuals who retain sodium and water, high in sodium for those who have lost large volumes of sodium and water as a result of diuresis or other body drainage; low in potassium if the patient is retaining potassium; and if not catabolic, low in protein to maintain daily requirements while minimizing increases in azotemia. Nutrition is delivered via oral, enteral, or total parenteral nutrition (TPN). (See Box 1-4 for a list of foods high in sodium and Box 1-5 for a list of foods high in potassiums.)
Hematologic problems Packed RBCs are given to maintain Hct. Anemia caused by decreased erythropoietin, low-grade GI bleeding from mucosal ulceration, blood drawing, and shortened life of the RBCs. Erythropoietin is used for primary prevention and treatment of anemia.
Prolonged bleeding time is caused by decreased platelet adhesiveness.
Pharmacotherapy Antihypertensives (see Table 5-22): phosphate binders (calcium carbonate antacids, calcium acetate) to bind phosphorus and control hyperphosphatemia and hypermagnesemia are given with meals.
Sodium bicarbonate is given to control metabolic acidosis and promote the shift of potassium back into the cells.
Water-soluble vitamin supplements are given to patients on dialytic therapy.
Relief of obstruction Achieved via catheterization with indwelling urinary catheter or nephrostomy tube, or ureteral stent to relieve obstruction prior to surgical intervention or lithotripsy to disintegrate stones.

3. Minimize exposure to nephrotoxic agents:

a. Antibiotics

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