Reciprocity of Cardiac Sodium and Potassium Channels in the Control of Excitability and Arrhythmias

Published on 20/06/2015 by admin

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Last modified 20/06/2015

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Reciprocity of Cardiac Sodium and Potassium Channels in the Control of Excitability and Arrhythmias

Current understanding of the relationship between the sodium current (INa) and the inward rectifier potassium current (IK1), the two most important ionic currents controlling ventricular excitability, derives primarily from traditional electrophysiology. It derives also from basic and clinical studies on arrhythmogenesis in ion channel diseases and heart failure, which have demonstrated that modification in the peak density of either INa or IK1 changes cell excitability and conduction velocity (CV). However, the pathophysiologic consequences of a molecular interplay between the individual channels at the center of such diseases have not been investigated. In the heart, IK1 is the major current responsible for the maintenance of the resting membrane potential (RMP), whereas INa provides the largest fraction of the inward depolarizing current that flows during an action potential.1 It is well known that by controlling the RMP, IK1 modifies Na+ channel availability and therefore, cell excitability.2 In addition, IK1-INa interactions are important in stabilizing and controlling the frequency of the electrical rotors that are responsible for the most dangerous cardiac arrhythmias, including ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF).3,4

Recent data obtained from adult transgenic mice, single adult rat ventricular myocytes (ARVMs), neonatal rat ventricular myocyte (NRVM) monolayers, and human embryonic kidney (HEK 293) cells, have demonstrated that the INa-IK1 interplay is much more complex than previously thought. It comprises a model independent, reciprocal modulation of expression of their respective channel proteins (Nav1.5 and Kir2.1) within a macromolecular complex that involves the MAGUK-type protein SAP97,5 and possibly additional scaffolding proteins. In adult transgenic mice overexpressing Kir2.1 (Kir2.1 OE), peak INa density is twice as large as that measured in cells from control hearts. In heterozygous Kir2.1 knockout mice (Kir2.1-/+), NaV1.5 protein and INa are significantly reduced. Similarly, in single ARVMs, IK1 increased significantly more upon adenoviral transfer of Kir2.1 plus NaV1.5 than when Kir2.1 was overexpressed alone. In NRVM monolayers, co-overexpression of NaV1.5 with Kir2.1 increased CV, abbreviated action potential duration (APD) and increased rotor frequency beyond those produced by Kir2.1 OE alone.5 Furthermore, recent data in the literature suggest that conditions that result in Nav1.5 protein reduction, such as that which occurs in dystrophin-deficient mdx5cv mice, are accompanied by a concomitant reduction in Kir2.1 protein levels.6 Importantly, the finding that coexpression of NaV1.5 can reduce internalization of Kir2.1 is a central mechanistic observation.5 The purpose of this chapter is to discuss those results in the context of cardiac excitability and mechanisms of reentrant arrhythmias. It will be shown that sodium and potassium channel interactions depend on more than membrane voltage alone. Altogether, the evidence that will be discussed suggests that cardiac cells undergo model-independent co-regulation involving post-translational mechanisms of Kir2.1 and NaV1.5, with important functional consequences for myocardial excitation, impulse velocity, and arrhythmogenesis. Moreover, the evidence suggests that similar interactions might apply to other sarcolemmal ion channels as well, which could themselves have unique effects on myocardial function.

Sodium Channels and Cardiac Excitation

In the heart, INa is the major current that excites cardiac cells in the atria, the ventricles, and the Purkinje fibers. Normally closed at the resting potential (approximately –85 mV in the adult working myocardium), sodium channels open upon depolarization beyond threshold, allowing an influx of Na+ ions down their electrochemical gradient. This inward current causes “all-or-none” membrane depolarization at a rapid rate (~500 V/s in the Purkinje fibers) in a process that moves the membrane potential to positive values. The rapid voltage-dependent activation of the sodium channel is immediately followed by an inactivation process that is also initiated by the initial depolarization. The inactivation process causes INa to be brief and results in the termination of the current. These properties are important for the rapid (≥1 m/s) conduction of the electrical impulse in the myocardium.

From the clinical standpoint, multiple mutations in the SCN5A gene coding for NaV1.5 have been identified in association with the long QT syndrome (LQTS), Brugada syndrome, idiopathic ventricular fibrillation, cardiac conduction defects, and dilated cardiomyopathy associated with atrial fibrillation.7 Such mutations illustrate the pathophysiologic importance of these channels.

Homozygous knockout (KO) Scn5a-/- mouse embryos die during mid-gestation, most likely because of severe defects in ventricular morphogenesis,8 which provides evidence for an essential role of Nav1.5 in cardiac development.7 However, heterozygous KO mice (Scn5a+/−) show normal survival but exhibit slow atrial, atrioventricular (AV) and intraventricular conduction, prolonged ventricular refractoriness, and enhanced ventricular arrhythmia inducibility.7,8 Ventricular myocytes isolated from adult Scn5a+/− mice demonstrate an approximately 50% reduction in sodium conductance.8 However, an important question that has never been addressed, is whether, as has been demonstrated in other model systems, changes in Nav1.5 expression alter the level of functional expression of other membrane ion channels, particularly Kir2.1.5 Based on recent results,5 it would be reasonable to expect a significant reduction in Kir2.1 (and its respective ionic current, IK1) and in the RMP of adult ventricular cardiomyocytes as a consequence of one SCN5A allele being absent. Should that be the case, one would predict that IK1, the RMP and excitability would be rescued to normal levels by virally mediated gene transfer of Nav1.5 into adult cardiomyocytes isolated from these mice.

In a recent study using a transgenic mouse line overexpressing the human SCN5A gene,9 levels for the cardiac sodium mRNA transcript (Scn5a) and protein (Nav1.5) were each increased by approximately tenfold. However, no abnormalities were found in the electrophysiology of the ventricles. The QRS duration and the corrected QT interval (QTc) in SCN5A overexpressing mice were indistinguishable from their nontransgenic littermates. In addition, no ventricular arrhythmias were detected in the transgenic mice.9 The sodium current densities and APDs from transgenic ventricular cardiomyocytes were nearly identical to those of nontransgenic cells. Equally striking were the similarities between transgenic and normal hearts with respect to the sodium current densities and APDs found in atrial cells. However, baseline ECG recordings by telemetry revealed a shortened PR interval and P wave duration in the transgenic mice compared to their littermate controls, which the authors interpreted as being the result of altered AV nodal conduction.9 However, the possibility that His-Purkinje conduction was enhanced and thus caused the PR shortening was not considered. Nevertheless, it was clear that overexpression of SCN5A did not significantly increase the surface density of sodium channels in ventricular or atrial myocytes.9 This finding is different from what was found in the cultured neonatal rat myocyte. In these cells, INa is inherently relatively small, but viral transfer (and therefore overexpression) of Nav1.5 is accompanied by a significant increase in Nav1.5 and INa, excitability, and CV. As suggested by Abriel,7 one possible explanation to account for the disparate results of the two studies may be that the sodium channels are binding in a macromolecular complex. Based on this premise, and the assumption that there are a limited number of docking sites or complexes to which the sodium channel binds in the adult heart, then this complex (i.e., including its localization, stoichiometry, available components) could provide an upper limit as to how many functional sodium channels can be brought to the membrane in the adult mouse myocyte.7 However, such an idea might not be tenable in light of recent experiments demonstrating that transgenic overexpression of Kir2.1 increases INa density in the adult mouse heart (discussed later).

The Inward Rectifying Potassium Current (IK1)

Among the three strong inward-rectifying potassium channels (Kir2.1, 2.2 and 2.3) that are expressed in the heart, Kir2.1 is the most abundant in the ventricles. Kir channels are responsible for IK1, and they are involved in the depolarization, repolarization, and the resting phases of the cardiac action potential.10,11 It is usually accepted that, near the resting potential, the ventricular IK1 conductance is much larger than that of any other current, with the exception of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium current (IKATP), which, however, is generally not present since the KATP channels are not open under normal conditions. It is thus likely that physiological and/or pathophysiological modulation of IK1 will have a significant effect on excitability. The Kir channels show strong rectification between –50 and 0 mV, which means that they remain closed during the AP plateau; they only open when the membrane potential repolarizes to levels between –30 and –80 mV, which occurs during the late phases of the action potential.12 Rectification is achieved by a voltage-dependent blockade by intracellular magnesium and/or one of the polyamines (putrescine, spermine, spermidine),12 which are known to interact with at least three amino acid residues located inside the pore of the channel complex.13 Investigators have used several strategies to modify and study Kir2.1, including a knockout mouse,14 antisense oligonucleotide targeting,15 and DNA transfection of a dominant-negative construct.16 These studies have helped to define the role of IK1 in cardiac excitability.17,18 As shown by Zartizky et al., ventricular myocytes from Kir2.1 knockout (Kir2.1−/−) mice lack IK1 in whole-cell recordings under physiologic conditions, which demonstrated that Kir2.1 is the major determinant of IK1.14 In that model, sustained outward K+ currents and Ba2+ currents through L- and T-type channels were not significantly altered by the mutation. However, the direct consequences of Kir2.1 disruption on Nav1.5 function were never studied in the homozygous Kir2.1 KO mice. Recently, the authors took advantage of the availability of the heterozygous Kir2.1 KO (Kir2.1−/+) mouse model to study the functional consequences of reducing Kir2.1, and therefore IK1, at both cellular and organismal levels. In particular, as discussed in detail below, the Kir2.1−/+ mouse was used to address the question of whether reduced Kir2.1 protein is associated with reduced expression of Nav1.5.5

Loss of function mutations in the KCNJ2 gene, which codes for Kir2.1, have been identified in patients affected by Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS), also known as LQTS type 7, which is characterized by prolonged repolarization.19 In addition to being expressed in the heart, Kir2.1 is expressed in other organs, such as skeletal muscle. As a result, ATS is associated with hypokalemic periodic paralysis and skeletal developmental abnormalities, including clinodactyly, low-set ears, mandibular hypoplasia, short stature, and scoliosis.19 In the heart, reduction of IK1 leads to QT prolongation and predisposes to arrhythmias; however, QT prolongation is less prominent in patients with ATS than in those with other types of LQTS.20 Moreover, although ATS patients develop ventricular tachyarrhythmias, including torsades de pointes, sudden cardiac death is rare.20

In patients with short QT syndrome type 3, a gain-of-function mutation (D172N) in the KCNJ2 gene was demonstrated.21 The D172N mutation causes a significant increase in the outward component of the I-V relation of IK1, and it is associated with an accelerated repolarization, which can be arrhythmogenic. However, the direct involvement of IK1 in arrhythmia mechanisms was not demonstrated in the affected patients; therefore, the mouse model of IK1 overexpression22 was used to study the effect of IK1 increase on VF at the molecular level.23 An increase of IK1 was shown to shorten repolarization and the QT interval and to exert a proarrhythmic effect in both the atria and the ventricles of this transgenic mouse model.22,23 Optical mapping and numerical studies in these mice demonstrated that, by increasing the RMP, IK1 overexpression enhances the availability of sodium channels during sustained reentry, which contributed to the observed increase in the frequency and stability of rotors and ventricular fibrillation.23 Recent experiments with the same Kir2.1 overexpressing mouse model have shown that Kir2.1, and therefore IK1, upregulation leads to a significant increase in the density of INa. These results strongly support the hypothesis that a change in the functional expression of Nav1.5 could be the result of protein-protein–type interactions with Kir2.1. Such interactions can be mediated through common partners in a macromolecular protein complex.5

Intermolecular Interactions Involving Nav1.5 and Kir2.x Channels

PDZ domain-mediated interactions are among the most frequently encountered protein-protein interactions in cell biology.24 PDZ stands for postsynaptic density protein (PSD-95), discs-large (the drosophila septate junction protein), and zona occludens-1 (the epithelial tight junction protein).25 The primary function of PDZ domains is to mediate protein-protein interactions by recognizing a consensus sequence (Thr/Ser-X-Val/Leu) usually located at the C-terminus of their target proteins.2628 PDZs can combine with other interaction modules (such as WW, SH3, and PTB domains) and help to direct the specificity of receptor tyrosine kinases, establish and maintain cell polarity, direct protein trafficking, and coordinate synaptic signaling.2932 Their pathophysiologic importance is highlighted by significant neuronal and developmental defects observed in PDZ knockout mice3337 and by their implication in human inherited diseases.3840

More than 70 PDZ domain–containing proteins (hereafter referred to as PDZ domain proteins) have been identified that interact with different ion channels, receptors, and signaling molecules.29 PDZ domain proteins are multidomain proteins that serve to link different proteins to form macromolecular complexes via interactions with their various domains. For example, the protein structure of synapse-associated protein 97 (SAP97) contains three PDZ domains and an SH3 domain, HOOK domain, I3 domain, and an inactive guanylate kinase (GK) domain. Interactions via its HOOK domain enable SAP97 to bind protein 4.1; and in so doing, SAP97 is able to link proteins bound to its PDZ domains to the actin–spectrin membrane cytoskeleton or to protein components of the actin–spectrin membrane cytoskeleton, such as protein 4.1.41 The complement of interacting proteins varies among the different PDZ domain proteins, and this provides a mechanism to recruit ion channel proteins into distinct macromolecular complexes depending on which scaffolding proteins they bind (e.g., see Tiffany et al.42). The cellular localization of PDZ domain proteins can also vary, and it has been suggested that ion channel–PDZ domain protein interactions might be an important mechanism for plasma membrane expression and distribution of ion channels.4244 For example, ZO-1 and SAP97 are found in overlapping but distinct subcellular locations in the heart. ZO-1 is located exclusively in the intercalated disc, whereas SAP97 is found in the intercalated disc, lateral membranes,4446 and at the T-tubules.5

Ankyrin-G and Nav1.5 Trafficking

A number of accessory proteins have been shown to interact and form a multiprotein complex with Nav1.5.7,47 Ankyrin-G and Nav1.5 are both localized at the intercalated disc and at T-tubule membranes in cardiomyocytes, and Nav1.5 coimmunoprecipitates with the 190-kDa ankyrin-G in detergent-soluble lysates from rat heart.47 The two proteins interact through a 9-amino acid motif in the Nav1.5 cytoplasmic loop II between DII and DIII, which helps to promote the localization of sodium channels to the cell membrane in cardiomyocytes.47 In 2004, Mohler et al.47 identified a point mutation (E1053K) in the ankyrin-binding motif of Nav1.5 that is associated with Brugada syndrome. The E1053K mutation abolishes binding of Nav1.5 to ankyrin-G and prevents the accumulation of Nav1.5 at cell surface sites in ventricular cardiomyocytes.47 Those data suggested that association of Nav1.5 with ankyrin-G is required for Nav1.5 localization, and therefore function, at excitable membranes in cardiomyocytes. Concerted ankyrin-G interaction with potassium (Kv7) and Nav channels has also been demonstrated in neurons,48 but Kir2.1 has not been shown to interact with ankyrin-G. There is still the possibility that a defect in ankyrin-mediated Nav1.5 trafficking and localization on the membrane could alter Kir2.1 functional expression. This idea has not yet been explored in any detail.

Nav1.5 Is Regulated by SAP97

The C-terminus of Nav1.5 contains 244 amino acid residues that have been shown to interact with a number of proteins, including fibroblast growth factor-homologous factor 1B, calmodulin, Nedd4-like ubiquitin-protein ligase, dystrophin and syntrophin, Fyn, and PTPH1 (protein-tyrosine phosphatase).4951 Of importance, the three last three amino-acids (Ser-Ilc-Val, SIV) of the Nav1.5 C-terminus constitute a PDZ-domain binding motif that is known to interact with PDZ domains found in proteins of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) family.52 MAGUK proteins act as scaffolding proteins involved in intermolecular interactions and protein trafficking to the cell membrane. Petitprez et al.53 reported their study on the interaction between SAP97, one of the cardiac MAGUK proteins, and Nav1.5, with the idea of demonstrating that the Nav1.5-SAP97 interaction is involved in the turnover and regulation of the biophysical properties of Nav1.5. Using Nav1.5 C-terminal fusion proteins in pull-down experiments with human and mouse heart protein extracts, these investigators demonstrated that the association between SAP97 and Nav1.5 depended on the PDZ-domain binding motif of Nav1.5. The interaction appeared to be specific for SAP97 and Nav1.5, because the Nav1.5 constructs did not pull down either PSD95 or ZO-1, two other MAGUK proteins that are expressed in the human heart.54 In patch-clamp experiments, Petitprez et al.53 further demonstrated that silencing SAP97 expression reduced the whole-cell sodium current without decreasing the total protein content in HEK293 cells stably expressing Nav1.5 channels. Taken together, with the demonstrated colocalization of NaV1.5 and SAP97 at both intercalated discs53 and T-tubules,5 these findings support the existence of an interaction between Nav1.5 and SAP97 in cardiac tissue. This interaction could have a role in determining the channel density at the plasma membrane. Therefore, Petitprez et al.53 have suggested that there are at least two pools of Nav1.5 channels in cardiomyocytes: one targeted to lateral membranes by the syntrophin-dystrophin complex, and another targeted to the intercalated discs by SAP97.

Nav1.5 Interacts with Syntrophins

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