Chapter 6
Pulmonary Blood Flow
After reading this chapter, you will be able to:
• Describe how the pulmonary and systemic circulations differ anatomically and functionally
• Explain how blood flow, pressure, and vascular resistance in the pulmonary circulation can be assessed through pulmonary artery catheterization
• Distinguish among causes of high pulmonary artery pressure through data obtained from the pulmonary artery catheter
• Explain how right and left ventricular pumping function can be assessed through pulmonary artery catheterization
• Calculate pulmonary vascular resistance
• Differentiate between passive and active factors that affect pulmonary vascular resistance
• Explain how the pulmonary vasculature can accommodate great increases in blood flow during exercise without significantly increasing blood pressure
• Explain why hypoxemia affects the right ventricle differently than the left ventricle
• Explain how hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction can be both beneficial and harmful
• Explain why the hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction response is diminished in certain pulmonary diseases
• Explain why inhaled vasodilators can bring about beneficial physiological changes that are not possible through systemic administration routes
• Explain why gravity creates three distinct physiological blood flow zones in the lung, and how they differ physiologically from one another
• Describe how mechanical and physiological changes can convert a blood flow zone in the lung to a different type of zone
• Explain why the match between blood flow and ventilation in an upright individual is different in the lung base than in the lung apex
• Describe the kinds of circulatory abnormalities cause pulmonary edema
cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)
endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF)
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV)
persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN)
pulmonary artery pressure (PAP)
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP)
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)
systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
ventilation-perfusion ratio (< ?xml:namespace prefix = "mml" />)
Pulmonary Vasculature
The vascular system of the body consists of separate pulmonary and systemic circulations operating in series (Figure 6-1). Each circulation receives its blood from the other; each has its own reservoir, pump, and set of vessels. The right ventricle receives mixed venous blood through the tricuspid valve from its reservoir, the right atrium, and pumps it through the pulmonic valve, which marks the beginning of the pulmonary circulation.1 This relatively deoxygenated blood flows through pulmonary arteries and arterioles to an immense alveolar capillary bed where it is reoxygenated. The capillary bed consists of extremely short, interconnected segments spreading 75 to 100 mL of blood over a 70-m2 area, or about half the size of a tennis court.1 Comroe2 described the capillary bed as two sheets of endothelium held apart in places by posts, similar to an underground parking garage. Rather than flowing through numerous individual tubes (as in systemic capillaries), pulmonary blood flows more like a sheet over the alveoli, maximizing its exposure to alveolar gases. This structural arrangement shortens the distance for oxygen and carbon dioxide diffusion between air and blood to one tenth of the diffusion distance that exists between systemic capillaries and tissue cells.1
After leaving the alveoli, the capillaries converge to form venules and veins. The newly oxygenated blood flows through four major pulmonary veins (two from each lung) into the left atrium, the reservoir for the left ventricle. The pulmonary vein orifices in the left atrial wall mark the end of the pulmonary circulation.1 Blood continues to flow out of the left atrium through the mitral valve into the left ventricle, which pumps the blood through the aortic valve into the aorta. The aortic valve marks the beginning of the systemic circulation. The aorta distributes the oxygenated blood through its many branches to systemic arteries, arterioles, and capillary beds throughout the body, supplying oxygen to tissue cells and removing the carbon dioxide they produce. Beyond the capillary beds, systemic venules and veins converge to return the oxygen-poor blood to the right atrium via the vena cavae, which mark the end of the systemic circulation.
The total cardiac output () is simultaneously pumped through both circulations each minute. Right and left ventricular outputs must be essentially equal over time; otherwise, blood would accumulate in one of the circulations. Small differences in outputs may occur briefly for a few heartbeats, but over time, individual ventricular outputs are equal in healthy hearts. Figure 6-1 illustrates pulmonary and systemic circulations with their associated pressures.
The pulmonary arteries and arterioles have much thinner walls and less smooth muscle than systemic arteries and arterioles. Therefore, pulmonary arterioles cannot constrict as effectively as systemic arterioles. Pulmonary veins and venules also have sparse smooth muscle, differing little in structure from pulmonary arteries and arterioles. Pulmonary arteries generally follow a course parallel with bronchi, whereas pulmonary veins leave the lung through different routes. Without this anatomical difference, distinguishing pulmonary arteries from veins on a chest x-ray image would be difficult because of their structural similarities.2
Bronchial Vasculature
The supporting tissues of the tracheobronchial tree, including airways down through the terminal bronchioles, are supplied with oxygenated blood through the systemic bronchial arteries. (See the section on blood supply to the lungs in Chapter 1.) Bronchial systemic venous blood drains directly into the pulmonary veins, mixing oxygen-poor blood with freshly oxygenated pulmonary venous blood on its way to the left ventricle.3 Bronchial blood flow is only 1% to 2% of the cardiac output, which means that the anatomical shunt from this source is usually less than 2%; this also means that left ventricular output is about 1% to 2% greater than right ventricular output.3
Pulmonary and Systemic Pressures
Figure 6-1 shows that the pulmonary circulation is a low-pressure, low-resistance system compared with the systemic circulation. The lower resistance in the pulmonary circulation is manifested by the fact that its pressures are lower even though it receives the same cardiac output as the systemic circulation receives. The resistance to blood flow in the pulmonary circulation is about one tenth as great as it is in the systemic circulation.1
Blood flow through the pulmonary circulation is highly pulsatile rather than continuous as in systemic capillaries. The total volume of blood in the pulmonary circulation is about 450 mL, which is only 9% of the total circulating blood volume. About 70 mL of this blood is in the capillaries at any given moment; the rest is distributed equally between pulmonary arterial and venous vessels.3 The capillary blood volume of 70 mL is about equal to the volume ejected by the right ventricle with each contraction (the right ventricular stroke volume). Pulmonary capillary blood is thus almost completely replaced with each heartbeat, which means a red blood cell travels through the capillaries in about 0.75 second. Pulmonary blood flow almost stops between each ventricular beat, which explains its pulsatile nature.1,3
Clinical Measurement of Pulmonary Blood Pressures and Flows
Measurement of Pulmonary Blood Pressures
Systemic blood pressure is easily measured by simple noninvasive means. However, measurement of pressures in the pulmonary circulation requires an invasive procedure called pulmonary artery catheterization. The special catheter used for this purpose was the subject of a study published in 1970 by Swan, Ganz, and others. Since then, the catheter has been marketed under the brand name Swan-Ganz, and the term Swan-Ganz catheter has become synonymous with pulmonary artery catheter. This catheter is a very thin, multilumen flexible tube with a balloon located at its distal end. The balloon can be inflated through a separate channel inside the catheter. The catheter contains at least two additional internal channels: the distal channel, leading to an opening at the tip of the catheter, and the proximal channel, leading to an opening located several centimeters back from the tip. Pressures can be measured or blood can be withdrawn through these channels via the proximal and distal ports of the catheter (Figure 6-2).
A physician inserts the catheter under surgically sterile conditions, sometimes at the bedside of a critically ill patient in a hospital intensive care unit. Proximal and distal channels are first filled with sterile fluid to remove all air; the catheter is then inserted into a large systemic vein, usually the right internal jugular or subclavian vein, and advanced until the tip enters the right atrium. At this point the balloon is inflated, allowing the bloodstream to direct the catheter tip across the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle—hence, the term flow-directed, balloon-tipped catheter. The physician advances the catheter until the bloodstream carries it through the pulmonic valve and into the pulmonary artery (Figure 6-3). During insertion, pressures at the catheter tip are continuously recorded by an electronic pressure transducer connected to the distal port. The stationary fluid column inside the distal channel reflects these pressures precisely because it is in direct contact with the blood at the catheter’s tip. The pressure waveforms are continuously displayed on the bedside monitor as the catheter is advanced; this helps the physician identify the position of the catheter tip because each cardiovascular structure produces unique pressure waveforms (Figure 6-4, A and B).
When the catheter is advanced far enough to wedge in a small branch of the pulmonary artery, the inflated balloon completely blocks blood flow to the downstream vessels supplied by that artery (see Figure 6-3, dotted circle). The pressure measured from the catheter tip in this wedged position is called the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP). (When the balloon is deflated, flow resumes, and the catheter tip simply measures the pulmonary artery pressure [PAP].) The vessels extending beyond the artery blocked by the inflated balloon are in direct communication with the pulmonary capillaries and the pulmonary veins. Pulmonary venous pressure is nearly equal to left atrial pressure (LAP), which is essentially equal to left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), the pressure inside the filled ventricle just before it contracts (see Figure 6-3). This so-called filling pressure is also known as preload of the left ventricle. The PCWP is only slightly greater than the filling pressure of the left ventricle.3 The PCWP accurately reflects changes in LAP (or ventricular filling pressure) because the stationary fluid column inside the catheter is functionally extended from the catheter tip to the left atrium. For this reason, the PCWP is commonly used to assess the pumping function of the left ventricle. For example, if the left ventricle fails to contract with normal force, blood flowing into it dams up in the left atrium, pulmonary veins, and capillaries; consequently, the PCWP increases. In certain rare circumstances, the PCWP might not accurately reflect left atrial pressure: (1) if the pulmonary veins constrict and downstream resistance beyond the catheter tip increases or (2) if the catheter tip is in an area in the lung where alveolar pressure exceeds pulmonary venous pressure, as might occur in positive pressure mechanical ventilation. In the latter instance, high alveolar pressure compresses capillaries distal to the catheter tip, blocking its communication with the left atrium.
The pulmonary artery catheter also can be used to assess right ventricular preload and pumping function because the proximal channel (see Figure 6-2) communicates with the right atrium. The pressure measured at the catheter’s proximal port reflects right atrial pressure (RAP), sometimes called central venous pressure (CVP).
Blood drawn from the proximal channel is a mixture of superior and inferior vena cava venous blood. Because oxygen contents of these two sources may differ considerably, proximal channel blood is not a clinically acceptable mixed venous blood sample for purposes of measuring the average venous oxygen content of the body. A thoroughly mixed venous blood sample reflecting the true average venous oxygen content of the body must be obtained from the pulmonary artery, through the distal channel of the catheter (see Figure 6-2). By comparing the oxygen content of mixed venous blood with the oxygen content of systemic arterial blood, the oxygen consumption of the body can be assessed. (This is discussed in Chapters 8 and 12.)
clinician can evaluate right and left ventricular function, differentiate the causes of increased PAP, and assess the risk of pulmonary edema. PAP might be increased because of excessive blood volume (hypervolemia) or because of left ventricular pumping failure in which blood dams up in the entire pulmonary circulation. The PAP might also be increased as a result of increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). Increased pressures in either ventricle at the end of diastole, coupled with a low cardiac output, signal a loss of ventricular pumping ability, or a loss of contractility. Increased PCWP, regardless of the cause, means that the pulmonary capillaries are engorged with blood, increasing the likelihood that fluid will be forced into interstitial lung spaces and cause pulmonary edema. Understanding these relationships is essential for taking appropriate therapeutic actions.
Measurement of Pulmonary Blood Flow or Cardiac Output
The amount of blood the heart pumps each minute can be clinically measured with a pulmonary artery catheter via a thermodilution technique. In this method, a known volume of room temperature fluid (e.g., saline) is rapidly injected into the right atrium through the proximal injection port (see Figure 6-2). This volume of cool fluid rapidly flows into the right ventricle where it is pumped into the pulmonary artery. A temperature-sensing thermistor near the end of the catheter (see Figure 6-2) in the pulmonary artery records a sudden decrease in temperature as the bolus of cool saline passes by. If cardiac output is increased, blood temperature rapidly returns to its original value; if it is decreased, the temperature increases more slowly to the original value. A microprocessor receives information from the thermistor and computes the area under the temperature-time curve. The area under the curve is small for rapid blood flow and large for slow blood flow. The microprocessor uses the area under the curve and the volume of the injected fluid to compute the blood flow rate, or the cardiac output (). Several determinations of cardiac output can be made within minutes in this fashion.
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
Calculation of Pulmonary Vascular Resistance

A pressure of 1.2 mm Hg is needed to produce a flow of 1 L per minute through the pulmonary circulation. In classic physics, pressure is measured in dynes per square centimeter (force per unit of area), and blood flow is measured in milliliters per second (cubic centimeters per second). Using these measurement units, PVR is calculated as follows:2