Pulmonary and Critical Care

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square-bullet Figure 11-1 illustrates the location of various pulmonary and cardiac structures seen on a CXR (PA view). The following is a short guide to reading a CXR.
1. Check exposure technique for lightness or darkness.
2. Verify left and right by looking at the heart shape and stomach bubble, respectively.
3. Check for rotation. Does the thoracic spine shadow align in the center of the sternum between the clavicles?
4. Make sure the CXR is taken in full inspiration (10 posterior or 6 anterior ribs should be visible).
5. Is the film a portable, AP, or PA film? (The heart size cannot be accurately judged from an AP film.)
6. Check the soft tissues for foreign bodies or SC emphysema.
7. Check all visible bones and joints for osteoporosis, old fxs, metastatic lesions, rib notching, or presence of cervical ribs.
8. Look at the diaphragm for tenting, free air, and position.
9. Check hilar and mediastinal areas for the following: size and shape of the aorta, presence of hilar nodes, prominence of hilar blood vessels, elevation of vessels (left slightly higher), and elevation of the left main stem bronchus indicating left atrial enlargement.
10. Look at the heart for size, shape, calcified valves, and enlarged atria.
11. Check the costophrenic angles for fluid or pleural scarring.
12. Check the pulmonary parenchyma for infiltrates, ↑ interstitial markings, masses, absence of nl margins, air bronchograms, or ↑ vascularity and “silhouette” signs.
13. Look at the lateral film for the following: confirmation and position of questionable masses or infiltrates, size of retrosternal air space, AP chest diameter, vertebral bodies for bony lesions or overlying infiltrates, and posterior costophrenic angle for small effusion.

2. Calcifications on Chest X-Ray

square-bullet Lung neoplasm (primary or metastatic)
square-bullet Silicosis
square-bullet Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
square-bullet Tuberculosis
square-bullet Histoplasmosis
square-bullet Disseminated varicella infection
square-bullet Mitral stenosis (end-stage)
square-bullet Secondary hyperparathyroidism

3. Cardiac Enlargement

Cardiac Chamber Enlargement

square-bullet Chronic volume overload
square-bullet Mitral or aortic regurgitation
square-bullet Left-to-right shunt (PDA, VSD, AV fistula)
square-bullet Cardiomyopathy
square-bullet Ischemic
square-bullet Nonischemic
square-bullet Decompensated pressure overload
square-bullet AS
square-bullet HTN
square-bullet High-output states
square-bullet Severe anemia
square-bullet Thyrotoxicosis
square-bullet Bradycardia
square-bullet Severe sinus bradycardia
square-bullet Complete heart block


FIGURE 11-1 Normal anatomy on the female chest radiograph in the upright posteroanterior projection (A) and in the lateral projection (B). (From Mettler FA: Primary Care Radiology. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2000.)

Left Atrium

square-bullet LV failure of any cause
square-bullet Mitral valve disease
square-bullet Myxoma

Right Ventricle

square-bullet Chronic LV failure of any cause
square-bullet Chronic volume overload
square-bullet Tricuspid or pulmonic regurgitation
square-bullet Left-to-right shunt (ASD)
square-bullet Decompensated pressure overload
square-bullet Pulmonic stenosis
square-bullet Pulmonary HTN
square-bullet Primary
square-bullet Secondary (PE, COPD)
square-bullet Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease

Right Atrium

square-bullet RV failure of any cause
square-bullet Tricuspid valve disease
square-bullet Myxoma
square-bullet Ebstein’s anomaly

Multichamber Enlargement

square-bullet Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
square-bullet Acromegaly
square-bullet Severe obesity

Pericardial Disease

square-bullet Pericardial effusion w/ or w/o tamponade
square-bullet Effusive constrictive disease
square-bullet Pericardial cyst, loculated effusion


square-bullet Epicardial fat
square-bullet Chest wall deformity (pectus excavatum, straight back syndrome)
square-bullet Low lung volumes
square-bullet AP CXR

4. Cavitary Lesion on Chest X-Ray

Necrotizing Infections

square-bullet Bacteria: anaerobes, Staphylococcus aureus, enteric gram() bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Legionella species, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Rhodococcus, Actinomyces
square-bullet Mycobacteria: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium kansasii, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare
square-bullet Bacteria-like: Nocardia species
square-bullet Fungi: Coccidioides immitis, Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces hominis, Aspergillus species, Mucor species
square-bullet Parasitic: Entamoeba histolytica, Echinococcus, Paragonimus westermani

Cavitary Infarction

square-bullet Bland infarction (w/ or w/o superimposed infection)
square-bullet Lung contusion

Septic Embolism

square-bullet Staphylococcus aureus
square-bullet Anaerobes
square-bullet Others


square-bullet Wegener’s granulomatosis
square-bullet Periarteritis


square-bullet Bronchogenic carcinoma
square-bullet Metastatic carcinoma
square-bullet Lymphoma

Miscellaneous Lesions

square-bullet Cysts, blebs, bullae, or pneumatocele w/ or w/o fluid collections
square-bullet Sequestration
square-bullet Empyema w/air-fluid level
square-bullet Bronchiectasis

5. Mediastinal Masses or Widening on Chest X-Ray

square-bullet Lymphoma: Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
square-bullet Sarcoidosis
square-bullet Vascular: aortic aneurysm, ectasia or tortuosity of aorta or bronchocephalic vessels
square-bullet Carcinoma: lungs, esophagus
square-bullet Esophageal diverticula
square-bullet Hiatal hernia
square-bullet Achalasia
square-bullet Prominent pulmonary outflow tract: pulmonary HTN, PE, right-to-left shunts
square-bullet Trauma: mediastinal hemorrhage
square-bullet Pneumomediastinum
square-bullet Lymphadenopathy caused by silicosis and other pneumoconioses
square-bullet Leukemias
square-bullet Infections: TB, viral (rare), mycoplasmal (rare), fungal, tularemia
square-bullet Substernal thyroid
square-bullet Thymoma
square-bullet Teratoma
square-bullet Bronchogenic cyst
square-bullet Pericardial cyst
square-bullet Neurofibroma, neurosarcoma, ganglioneuroma

B. Use and Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests

square-bullet Basic spirometry: Figure 11-2
square-bullet PFTs in common lung diseases: Table 11-1
square-bullet Flow volume curves: Figure 11-3


FIGURE 11-2 Basic spirometry. Long volumes obtained with a bell spirometer. (From Kiss GT: Diagnosis and Management of Pulmonary Disease in Primary Practice. Menlo Park, Calif, Addison-Wesley, 1982.)

TABLE 11-1

Pulmonary Function Test Patterns in Common Lung Diseases

Disorder Parameter Bronchodilator Response
Asthma Nl, ↑ Nl, ↑ Nl +
Chronic obstructive bronchitis Nl, ↑ Nl, ↑ Nl
Chronic obstructive bronchitis w/ bronchospasm Nl, ↑ Nl, ↑ Nl +
Emphysema Nl, ↑ Nl, ↑ Nl, ↓
Interstitial fibrosis Nl, ↓ Nl, ↑ Nl, ↓
Obesity, kyphosis Nl, ↓ Nl, ↑ Nl, ↑ Nl


↑, greater than predicted; ↓, less than predicted.


FIGURE 11-3 Flow-volume curves of restrictive disease and various types of obstructive diseases compared with normal curves.

C. Pulmonary Formulas

square-bullet Lung volumes: Box 11-1
square-bullet Alveolar-arterial O2 gradient (A-a gradient): Box 11-2
square-bullet Evaluation of pt in respiratory failure: Box 11-3

Box 11-1Lung Volumes: Normal Volumes in Upright Subjects
Volume or Capacity Approximate Value in Upright Subjects
Total lung capacity (TLC) 6 L
Vital capacity (VC) 4.5 L
Residual volume (RV) 1.5 L
Inspiratory capacity (IC) 3 L
Functional residual capacity (FRC) 3 L
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) 2.5 L
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) 1.5 L
Tidal volume (VT) 0.5 L
The VC is calculated as:


The RV is calculated as the difference between the FRC and the ERV:


Alternatively, if the TLC and VC are known, the following formula can be used:



Box 11-2Alveolar-Arterial Oxygen Gradient (A-a Gradient)


Normal A-a gradient = 5-15 mm
FIO2, fraction of inspired oxygen (normal = 0.21-1.0)
PaCO2, arterial carbon dioxide tension (normal = 35-45 mm Hg)
PaO2, arterial partial pressure of oxygen (normal = 70-100 mm Hg)
Ddx of A-a gradient:

Abnormality 15% O2 100% O2
Diffusion defect Increased gradient Correction of gradient
V/Q mismatch Increased gradient Partial or complete correction of gradient
Right-to-left shunt (intracardiac or pulmonary) Increased gradient Increased gradient (no correction)
Box 11-3Formulas for Evaluation of Patients in Respiratory Failure
Age-predicted PaO2 = Expected PaO2 0.3(age 25) [expected Pao2 at sea level is 100 mg/Hg]
As a rough rule of thumb: Expected PaO2 ≈ FIO2 (%) × 5
AaDO2 = (FIO2 × [BP 47]) (PaO2 + PaCO2), where BP = barometric pressure
Pao2/Fio2 ratio



AaDO2, Alveolar-arterial gradient; VD, dead space.
From Vincent JL, Abraham E, Moore FA, et al (eds): Textbook of Critical Care, 6th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2011.

D. Mechanical Ventilation

Indications (Please see section “M” for Respiratory Failure Classification)

1. Clinical assessment: presence of apnea, tachypnea (>40 bpm), or respiratory failure that cannot be adequately corrected by any other means
2. Clinical instability, failure to protect the airway—usually from declining mental status
3. ABGs: severe hypoxemia despite high-flow O2 or significant CO2 retention (e.g., PO2 <50, PCO2 >50)
4. Physiologic parameters are of limited use because many pts w/respiratory insufficiency are unable to perform PFTs, and their respiratory failure mandates immediate intervention. Some of the commonly accepted physiologic parameters for intubation and respiratory support are as follows:
a. VC <10 mL/kg
b. Inspiratory force ≤25 cm H2O
c. FEV1 <10 mL/kg
d. VT <5 mL/kg BW
e. imageE >10 L/min
f. Ratio of RR (breaths/min) to VT (L) >105
Note: The clinical assessment is the most important determinant of the need for mechanical ventilation because neither physiologic parameters nor ABGs distinguish between acute and chronic respiratory insufficiency (e.g., a PCO2 >60 mm Hg and an RR >30/min may be the “norm” for a pt w/COPD, whereas the same values in a young, otherwise healthy adult are indications for intubation and mechanical ventilation).

ICU Sedation

Commonly used agents are GABA agonists such as propofol and benzos. These agents can cause respiratory depression and delirium. The α-adrenoreceptor agonist dexmedetomidine is as effective for sedation but significantly better in pts at risk for delirium.

Common Modes of Mechanical Ventilation

Invasive mechanical ventilation is defined as ventilatory support supplied through endotracheal intubation. The use of devices that apply intermittent () extrathoracic pressure or furnish intermittent positive pressure through a tight-fitting nasal or face mask w/o an artificial airway in place is known as noninvasive ventilation. The delivery of gas under positive pressure into the airways and the lungs is known as positive-pressure ventilation (Table 11-2).
1. IMV: The pt is allowed to breathe spontaneously, and the ventilator delivers a number of machine breaths at a preset rate and volume.
a. Advantages and indications
i. IMV is indicated in the majority of spontaneously breathing pts because it maintains respiratory muscle tone and results in less depression of cardiac output than with ACV.
ii. It is useful for weaning because as the IMV rate is ↓, the pt gradually assumes the bulk of the breathing work.
b. Disadvantages
i. The ↑ work of breathing results in ↑ O2 consumption (deleterious to pts w/myocardial insufficiency).
ii. IMV is not useful in pts w/depressed respiratory drive or impaired neurologic status.

TABLE 11-2

Modes of Positive-Pressure Ventilation

Mode Description Advantages and Disadvantages
Controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) Ventilator f, inspiratory time, and VT (and thus imageE) preset Can be used in patients w/sedation or paralysis; ventilator cannot respond to ventilatory needs
Assisted mechanical ventilation (AMV) or assist-control ventilation (ACV) Ventilator VT and inspiratory time preset, but patient can f (and thus imageE) Ventilator may respond to ventilatory needs; ventilator may undertrigger or overtrigger, depending on sensitivity
Intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) Ventilator delivers preset VT, f, and inspiratory time, but patient also can breathe spontaneously May ↓ asynchronous breathing and sedation requirements; ventilator cannot respond to ventilatory needs
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) Same as IMV, but ventilator breaths delivered only after patient finishes inspiration Same as IMV, and patient not overinflated by receiving spontaneous and ventilator breaths at same time
High-frequency ventilation (HFV) Ventilator f is and VT may be smaller than VD May reduce peak airway pressure; may cause auto-PEEP
Pressure support ventilation (PSV) Patient breathes at own f; VT determined by inspiratory pressure and CRS ↑ comfort and ↓ work of breathing; ventilator cannot respond to ventilatory needs
Pressure control ventilation (PCV) Ventilator peak pressure, f, and respiratory time preset Peak inspiratory pressures may be ↓; hypoventilation may occur
Inverse ratio ventilation (IRV) Inspiratory time exceeds expiratory time to facilitate inspiration May improve gas exchange by ↑ time spent on inspiration; may cause auto-PEEP
Airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) Patient receives CPAP at high and low levels to simulate VT May improve oxygenation at lower airway pressure; hypoventilation may occur
Proportional assist ventilation (PAV) Patient determines own f, VT, pressures, and flows May amplify spontaneous breathing; depends entirely on patient’s respiratory drive


CRS, Respiratory system compliance; f, respiratory rate; VD, dead space.

Modified from Goldman L, Schafer AI (eds): Goldman’s Cecil Medicine, 22nd ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2004.

iii. It was previously assumed that the degree of respiratory muscle rest was proportional to the level of machine assistance. However, more recent evidence indicates that respiratory-sensor output does not adjust to breath-to-breath changes in respiratory load, and IMV may therefore contribute to the development of respiratory muscle fatigue or prevent recovery from it.
2. ACV: The pt breathes at his or her own rate, and the ventilator senses the inspiratory effort and delivers a preset VT w/each pt effort; if the pt’s RR ↓ past a preset rate, the ventilator delivers tidal breaths at the preset rate.
a. Advantages and indications: ACV is useful in pts w/neuromuscular weakness or CNS disturbances.
b. Disadvantages
i. Tachypnea may result in significant hypocapnia and respiratory alkalosis.
ii. Improper setting of sensitivity to the () pressure necessary to trigger the ventilator may result in “fighting the ventilator” when the sensitivity is set too low.
iii. ↑ Sensitivity may result in hyperventilation; sensitivity is generally set so that an inspiratory effort of 2 to 3 cm will trigger ventilation.
iv. The respiratory muscle tone is not well maintained in pts on ACV, and this may result in difficulty w/weaning.
3. CMV: The pt does not breathe spontaneously; the RR is determined by the physician; the ventilator assumes all respiratory work by delivering a preset volume of gas at a preset rate.
a. Advantages and indications
i. CMV is useful in pts who are unable to make an inspiratory effort (e.g., severe CNS dysfunction) and in pts w/excessive agitation or breathing effort.
ii. Pts w/excessive agitation are often sedated w/morphine or benzos and paralyzed w/pancuronium bromide; adequate sedation is necessary to eliminate awareness of paralysis.
iii. Initial pancuronium dose is 0.08 mg/kg IV in adults.
iv. Later incremental doses starting at 0.01 mg/kg may be used as necessary to maintain paralysis; pancuronium should be administered only by or under the supervision of experienced clinicians; a combination of neostigmine and atropine may be used to reverse the action of the pancuronium.
b. Disadvantages: Paralyzed pts on CMV must be closely monitored because ventilator malfunction or disconnection is rapidly fatal.
4. SIMV: A hybrid of ACV and IMV, the ventilator delivers a number of specified breaths/min (as w/IMV). However, at the appropriate interval (e.g., q6sec if machine rate is 10 breaths/min), the machine waits for an ETT pressure deflection to signal pt effort and then delivers a positive-pressure breath; ventilator breaths are thus synchronized w/pt respiratory efforts, as w/assist features of ACV.
5. Other useful ventilation modes are as follows:
a. Pressure control ventilation (PCV): A ventilatory mode in which inspiratory pressure, RR, and inspiratory time (TI) are determined by the ventilator settings. Because inspiratory pressure is the controlled variable, VT during PCV is influenced by the mechanical properties of the respiratory system (resistance and compliance).
b. Pressure support ventilation (PSV): A ventilatory mode in which the pt’s inspiratory effort is supported by a set level of inspiratory pressure. This pressure is maintained until respiratory flow falls below a threshold value, signaling the onset of expiration. VT during PSV is determined by pt effort and the mechanical properties of the lung. PSV differs from PCV in that the RR and the TI are determined by the pt.
c. Inverse ratio ventilation (IRV): A ventilatory strategy in which the inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio is prolonged to 1:1 or greater. In pts w/ARDS, IRV is used to improve oxygenation by increasing mean airway pressure. This modality is used as a salvage Rx when adequate oxygenation cannot be achieved w/conventional ventilation in ARDS. When used, pressure cycled IRV is preferred because of ↓ barotrauma risk.
d. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV), Continuos positive airway pressure (CPAP), Bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP): In NPPV, ventilatory support is delivered by use of a mechanical ventilator connected to a mouthpiece or mask instead of an ETT. It is very useful in pts w/chronic respiratory failure caused by neuromuscular disease or thoracic deformities and in pts w/idiopathic hypoventilation. It improves the pt’s well-being and may eliminate the need for tracheostomies. It is also used in pts as a short-term bridge to avoid intubation and mechanical ventilation, when possible, in conditions that are rapidly reversible, such as hypercarbic respiratory failure in COPD and, importantly, acute pulmonary edema in heart failure. It is also sometimes used as salvage Rx in pts w/any of the indications for intubation who do not want to be intubated. CPAP is applied with an oxygen source connected to either a tight-fitting nasal or full-face mask or via nasal prones. It delivers high concentration of oxygen and maintains (+) airway pressure in the spontaneously breathing patient. It offers the benefit of maintaining alveolar expansion and decreases work of breathing. BiPAP, like CPAP can be provided by mask, but it requires a ventilator to assist with flow delivery. The patients inspiratory effort triggers the BiPAP machine to deliver decelerating flow in order to reach a preset pressure, defined as inspiratory positive airway pressure. When a pt’s own inspiratory flow falls below a preset amount, ventilatory assistance ceases and maintains airway pressure at a predetermined value (usually 5-10 mmHg).

Selection of Ventilator Settings

1. VT IS 10 to 15 mL/kg of ideal BW. Low volume ventilation = 6-8 ml/kg w/ARDS
2. Rate (number of tidal breaths delivered per minute) is 8 to 16, depending on the desired PaCO2 or pH (↑ rate = ↓ PaCO2).
3. Mode is IMV, ACV, CMV (or PCV or PSV, depending on what is available at one’s institution).
4. O2 concentration (FIO2): The initial FIO2 should be 100% unless it is evident that a lower FIO2 will provide adequate oxygenation. The FIO2 should be calibrated down as quickly as possible to prevent O2 toxicity.
5. Obtain ABGs 15 to 30 minutes after initiation of mechanical ventilation.
6. Immediate CXR is indicated after intubation to evaluate for correct placement of ETT.
7. Sedation orders (e.g., morphine, diazepam) are necessary in most pts.
8. PEEP:
a. The application of PEEP may prevent the closure of edematous small airways; it is indicated when arterial oxygenation is inadequate (saturation <90%) despite an FIO2 >50%; it is useful in pts w/diffuse lung edema and refractory hypoxemia caused by intrapulmonary shunting (e.g., ARDS). It is also useful to ↓ the needed FIO2 to ↓ O2 toxicity. In reality, ≥5 mm PEEP is used on virtually everyone, but it can be ↓ if oxygenation is not a problem but intubation-associated hypotension is.

TABLE 11-3

Effects of Ventilator Setting Changes

Typical Effects on Blood Gases
Ventilator Setting Changes PaCO2 PaO2
↑ Rate (IMV) Minimal ↑
↑ I/E ratio No change
↑ FIO2 No change
↑ Flow Minimal ↓ Minimal ↑
↑ Power (in HFOV) No change
image (in HFOV) Minimal ↓


HFOV, High-frequency oscillatory ventilation; I/E, inspiratory/expiratory ratio; image, mean airway pressure; PIP, peak inspiratory pressure.

From Tschudy MM, Arcara KM: The Harriet Lane Handbook, 19th ed. Philadelphia, Mosby, 2012.

TABLE 11-4

Common Ventilator Machine Settings for Various Disorders

Condition Mode Vt, iconE PEEP (cm H2O) Pressure Targets FIO2
Depressed CNS drive Mandatory ACV, SIMV Vt = 10 mL/kg
imageE = 6-8 L/min
0-5 Peak usually <35 cm H2O Minimum for Sao2 >90%
Neuromuscular insufficiency Acute: mandatory ACV, SIMV Vt = 8-10 mL/kg
imageE = 6-8 L/min
0-5 Peak usually <35 cm H2O As above
Mild, recovering: SIMV and PSV, PSV alone Guarantee VT >350 mL w/PSV breaths 0-5
Late: see text
Vt = 8 mL/kg
imageE: minimize, usually 8-10 L/min
Peak flow ≥60 L/min
0 Plateau <30 cm H2O; monitor for intrinsic PEEP (auto-PEEP) As above


PEEP added to obstructive disease only in special circumstances.

From Noble J (ed): Textbook of Primary Care Medicine, 2nd ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1996.

b. PEEP is generally started at 5 cm H2O and by increments of 2 to 5 cm to maintain the PaO2 at 60 mm Hg or greater.
c. The use of PEEP can result in pulmonary barotrauma and hemodynamic compromise (secondary to ↓ right ventricular filling).
d. Pts receiving PEEP should have their cardiac output frequently monitored; the measurement of mixed venous O2 sat is useful to evaluate the effect of PEEP on cardiac output. The surrogate of cardiac output (BP) is fine in most pts.
9. Adjust the initial ventilator setting according to results of the ABGs and clinical response.
a. Use the lowest FIO2 necessary to maintain a PaO2 >60 mm Hg (90% Hgb saturation in pts w/nl pH).
b. Adjust imageE (VT time rate) to nlize the pH and the PaCO2.
i. The VT or the rate will ↓ PaCO2 and ↑ pH.
ii. Do not lower the PaCO2 below the “norm” for that pt (e.g., some pts w/COPD should be allowed to maintain their usual mildly ↑ PaCO2 to avoid alkalosis and to provide stimulus for breathing).
10. Effects of ventilator setting changes are described in Table 11-3. Common ventilator machine settings for various disorders are described in Table 11-4 and Box 11-4.

Box 11-4Steps and Guidelines for Initiating Mechanical Ventilation
1. Ventilatory mode
Unintubated patients:
square-bullet NIV for patients with COPD and acute hypercapnic respiratory failure if alert, cooperative, and hemodynamically stable
square-bullet NIV not routinely recommended for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure
Intubated patients:
square-bullet Assist/control with volume-limited ventilation as initial mode
square-bullet Consider specific indications for PCV or HFOV (see text) in acute lung injury
square-bullet SIMV: consider if some respiratory effort, dyssynchrony
square-bullet PSV: consider if patient’s effort good, ventilatory needs moderate to low, and patient more comfortable during PSV trial
2. Oxygenation
square-bullet If infiltrates on chest radiograph, then
square-bullet FIO2: begin with 0.8-1.0, reduce according to Spo2
square-bullet PEEP: begin with 5 cm H2O, increase according to Pao2 or Spo2, FIO2 requirements, and hemodynamic effects; consider PEEP/FIO2 “ladder”; goal of Spo2 >90%, FIO2 ≤0.6
square-bullet No infiltrates on chest radiograph (COPD, asthma, PTE), FIO2: start at 0.4 and adjust according to Spo2 (consider starting higher if PE is strongly suspected)
3. Ventilation
square-bullet VT: begin with 8 mL/kg PBW; decrease to 6 mL/kg PBW over a few hours if acute lung injury present
square-bullet Rate: begin with 10-20 breaths/min (10-15 if not acidotic; 15-20 if acidotic); adjust for pH; goal pH >7.3 with maximal rate of 35; may accept lower goal if imageE high
4. Secondary modifications
square-bullet Triggering: in spontaneous modes, adjustment of sensitivity levels to minimize effort
square-bullet Inspiratory flow rate of 40-80 L/min; higher if tachypneic with respiratory distress or if auto-PEEP present, lower if high pressure in ventilator circuit leads to a high-pressure alarm
square-bullet Assessment of auto-PEEP, especially in patients with increased airways obstruction (e.g., asthma, COPD)
square-bullet I/E ratio: 1:2, either set or as function of flow rate; higher (1:3 or more) if auto-PEEP present
square-bullet Flow pattern: decelerating ramp reduces peak pressure
5. Monitoring
square-bullet Clinical: blood pressure, ECG, observation of ventilatory pattern including assessment of dyssynchrony, effort or work by the patient; assessment of airflow throughout expiratory cycle
square-bullet Ventilator: VT, imageE, airway pressures (including auto-PEEP), total compliance
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