Psychometry – 1

Published on 23/05/2015 by admin

Filed under Psychiatry

Last modified 23/05/2015

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47 Psychometry – 1

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1. Adaptive Behaviour Scales are used to assess people with learning disabilities. image image
2. The Beck Depression Inventory was designed to be administered by a trained psychologist. image image
3. The BPRS is used to screen for psychiatric disorders in the general population. image image
4. The Clifton Assessment Procedures for the Elderly (CAPE) can identify intellectual deterioration. image image
5. In a selective attention task the target stimulus is presented amongst a series of random stimuli on a computer screen. image image
6. The GHQ is used to rule out physical health problems. image image
7. Goldstein’s Object Sorting Test distinguishes between depression and depressive pseudodementia. image image
8. The Hawthorne effect includes a visual percept. image image
9. The Hayling Sentence Completion test assesses dorsolateral prefrontal cortical function. image image
10. Standardized intelligence tests can be modified to suit the individual. image image
11. The Manchester scale is a self-rated questionnaire. image image
12. MMPI is used to assess new antidepressants. image image
13. The Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale (MHVS) can identify intellectual deterioration. image image
14. ‘Pathways to Independence’ is used to assess people with mental handicap. image image
15. Formal psychological testing is essential for the assessment of premorbid personality. image image
16. The proverb interpretation test distinguishes between dementia and depressive pseudodementia. image image
17. In subcortical dementia, recall is more disturbed than recognition. image image
18. The Rey-Osterrieth test is used to assess personality. image image
19. Spearman’s work on intelligence used factor analysis. image image
20. Reasoning is a component of intelligence as defined by Sternberg. image image
21. Patients with Parkinson’s disease perform poorly on set-shifting tasks. image image
22. The Stroop test is used to assess selective attention. image image
23. The Trail Making Test is a test for memory. image image
24. In WAIS, digit span is relatively preserved in old age as compared to vocabulary. image image
25. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test is sensitive to frontal damage. image image