Chapter 13 Problems in the injured patient
13.1 Introduction
Care of the injured patient begins at the scene of injury and should optimally follow a continuum of integrated care from soon after the moment of injury to definitive care in hospital and subsequent rehabilitation. Initial assessment and resuscitation should occur simultaneously to identify and manage life-threatening conditions. Once stable the patient can be assessed for definitive care that can occur in the primary hospital, but if the resources are not adequate then transfer to another hospital should be arranged.
Should the doctor fortuitously be the first at the scene where a person has been injured then they should assume leadership and establish order, delegate others to contact emergency services and protect the injured from further trauma by keeping the scene clear of bystanders and traffic, while simultaneously performing initial assessment and resuscitation. The injured patient may face environmental hazards at the scene: fire and explosion, electrocution, continuing civil or military violence, as well as inappropriate intervention by bystanders. The doctor first on the scene must be prepared to attend to non-medical priorities, like dousing fire, diverting traffic and arranging to move the injured patient rapidly to a safer environment. These first aid principles are summarised by the pneumonic ‘DRABC’ (Box 13.1) — where the initial priority at the accident scene is to identify potential Dangers (to the patient and bystanders) and to assess patient Response (conscious or unconscious).
13.2 Managing the injured patient
Initial assessment
Initial assessment of the injured patient is time critical; management received during the first hour directly influences patient outcomes in the longer term. In this ‘golden hour’ the main objectives are to identify life-threatening injuries and to institute early management and resuscitative measures. An ordered protocol is required and has a stabilising influence on the emotional concerns of both the injured person(s) and onlookers. Throughout this process good communication and comprehensive documentation are vital.
Primary survey and resuscitation
Airway management and cervical spine protection
Circulation with control of haemorrhage
Disability and neurological assessment
Exposure and environmental control
A Airway and cervical spine
A compromised airway may occur secondary to maxillofacial or neck trauma, foreign body obstruction or simply from anatomical narrowing of the airway in the flexed neck (Fig 13.1a). In assessing the airway it is essential to simultaneously protect the cervical spine and spinal cord by avoiding excessive movement or rotation and by using an immobilising device such as a cervical collar. If the patient needs to be moved, it is important to stabilise the cervical spine with manual in-line immobilisation, which should be the sole focus of one member of the trauma team. The cervical collar should remain in place until radiological clearance has been obtained.
Simple measures to obtain a patent airway include the head tilt, chin lift and jaw thrust (protraction by lifting the angles of the mandible forwards) (Fig 13.2a). The mouth and pharynx are cleared manually of blood, vomitus or other foreign bodies (e.g. false teeth) if necessary (Fig 13.1b). An oropharyngeal (Guedel) or nasopharyngeal airway may be inserted.
In the unconscious patient, a definitive airway is required. This is achieved with tracheal intubation using an inflatable cuffed tube (Fig 13.2d). If the means of intubation are not available in the presence of an obstructed airway, surgical cricothyroidotomy may be required to secure a definitive airway. The procedure is not without hazard (especially in the very young, where the brachiocephalic vein may be inadvertently damaged) and requires a careful technique.
B Breathing and ventilation
Once airway patency and cervical spine protection have been confirmed the patient’s chest should be assessed. Adequate exposure will facilitate inspection, palpation, auscultation and percussion. Thoracic injuries that may compromise ventilation include open pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax, fractured ribs or flail chest, pulmonary contusion or massive haemothorax. The clinical signs and emergency management of these conditions are indicated in Table 13.2.
Table 13.2 Recognition and initial management of life-threatening thoracic injuries
Condition | Clinical signs | Initial management |
Tension pneumothorax![]() |
↓ chest wall excursion, neck vein distension/cyanosis, tracheal deviation to opposite side, unilateral absent breath sounds, hyperresonant percussion note | The diagnosis is clinical — there is no time for a chest X-ray Insert large-bore (12–14G) needle into second intercostal space in the mid-clavicular line |
Open pneumothorax![]() |
‘Sucking chest wound’, decreased breath sounds, hyperresonant percussion note | Close the defect in the chest wall with occlusive dressing that is taped only on three sides (to create a one-way valve) |
Flail chest![]() |
Paradoxical/asymmetrical movement of chest wall Crepitus over ribs/cartilage |
Analgesia Meticulous fluid balance May need to consider intubation and ventilation |
Massive haemothorax![]() |
↓ chest wall excursion, tracheal deviation to opposite side, decreased breath sounds, stony dull percussion note | Insert 28 or 32G intercostal catheter |
Cardiac tamponade![]() |
Beck’s triad (↓ arterial pressure, distended neck veins from ↑ venous pressure, muffled heart sounds) Kussmaul’s sign (↑ venous pressure with inspiration) |
Pericardiocentesis via subxyphoid approach |
Based on and
Supplemental oxygen should be administered to all trauma patients. The conscious patient with a nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal airway should receive oxygen via a bag-valve mask. The use of an oxygen reservoir device maximises oxygen delivery to the patient (Fig 13.2b and c) and is therefore strongly recommended.
C Circulation and control of haemorrhage
Although the body’s physiological response to hypovolaemia is predictable, this statement needs qualification. At extremes of age (i.e. the elderly and the young child or toddler) tachycardia may be absent in the setting of hypovolaemia. One possible reason for this is polypharmacy; it is not uncommon to find elderly patients taking beta-blockers for cardiovascular disease. Other contributing factors include chronic illness and age-related blunting of the sympathetic response to hypovolaemia. By virtue of their large physiological reserves, children (and athletes) are well able to compensate for significant reductions in blood volume. Clinical signs of hypovolaemia may be initially absent. If these patients are severely injured, decompensation is often precipitous. In caring for such patients, one cannot afford to be solely comforted by the presence of a ‘normal’ heart rate or blood pressure. Frequent reassessment during resuscitation is mandatory.
External bleeding
Patient assessment | Management |
Speaking | Unlikely to have immediate airway compromise. Reassess patient. |
Conscious, but possibility of deterioration in airway | Nasopharyngeal airway (better tolerated than oropharyngeal airway in conscious patients). Reassess with a view to securing a definitive airway (intubation). |
Unconscious Glasgow coma scale ≥8 No gag reflex/bleeding (risk of aspiration) Severe facial trauma (risk of obstruction) |
Definitive airway required immediately via: endotracheal intubation or nasotracheal intubation or surgical cricothyroidotomy. |
dressing pads and bandaging, together with elevation of the part, will control most limb haemorrhage. Tourniquets are not advised as they can exacerbate bleeding if too loose and imperil limb viability if too tight. Massive limb bleeding may require additional temporary proximal compression of the brachial artery against the humerus in the axilla or the femoral artery against the femoral head in the groin. The use of artery forceps to control bleeding is not recommended; their application in the uncontrolled, poorly lit environment of the trauma scene may lead to unnecessary tissue damage (nerves, veins, muscle), as well as being time consuming.
Fluid resuscitation
When percutaneous access is difficult, a venous cutdown technique should be considered. The best sites are the long saphenous vein on the medial side of the ankle or any vein in the cubital fossa (Fig 13.3). Intra-osseous access in children over the upper tibia using an intra-osseous needle is very effective.
When the rapid infusion of large volumes of fluid is anticipated the percutaneous insertion of a large bore cannula (8G) in the femoral vein in the groin is indicated. The insertion of a central venous catheter in the subclavian or internal jugular vein is more useful in monitoring the response to fluid resuscitation than in gaining access for the rapid infusion of fluids.
D Disability and neurological assessment
The cooperative, conscious patient may be asked to identify the site of the injuries, whereas the drowsy, head-injured patient who only responds to painful stimuli warrants reassessment of airway patency and consideration of intubation. This is seen particularly in patients with extradural haematomas, where approximately one-third will have the classic ‘lucid interval’ (see Ch 13.5).
The GCS is more commonly used during the secondary survey and will be discussed later.
E Exposure and environmental control
Complete removal of the patient’s garments is necessary to facilitate a thorough inspection and examination. Equally as important is the conservation of core body temperature. As such, once a thorough examination has been conducted, it is important to use a warming blanket to prevent the loss of body heat. Exposure to the cool of the ground, the wind or rain prior to retrieval — combined with blood loss and polytransfusion — lead to core body temperatures well below normal. The surgeon dealing with ongoing ooze during emergency laparotomy knows only too well the effect of hypothermia on the coagulation cascade. The use of pre-warmed intravenous fluids for resuscitation should be standard procedure. Patient temperature should be monitored and documented, alongside blood pressure and heart rate; it should be regarded as an important part of the vital statistics.
Investigations and procedures following the primary survey and resuscitation
During the primary survey the medical officer attempts to identify and treat life-threatening injuries in a logical, sequential manner. There are a number of useful investigations and procedures that enhance initial management of the injured patient (Table 13.3).
Table 13.3 Important investigations and procedures following the primary survey and resuscitation
Investigation/procedure | Clinical value |
ECG monitoring All trauma patients Simple, noninvasive |
Detection of: |
Contraindicated in suspected urethral injury (i.e. blood at urethral meatus, perineal ecchymoses, scrotal haematoma, high-riding/impalpable prostate)
(Naso/orogastric tube insertion)
In suspected fracture of the cribriform plate, a nasogastric tube should not be inserted (orogastric should be used instead)
Note: The presence of a gastric tube does not completely remove the risk of aspiration
Note: Pulse oximetry is not a measure of PaO2 or ventilation
Each hospital emergency department should have a ‘trauma series protocol’
Secondary survey
In assessing the trauma patient, some injuries are obvious while others may be subtle or concealed. The sucking chest wound will draw the immediate attention of the doctor, whereas the slow leak of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhoea or the perineal bruise may not be discovered for some time. The secondary survey is designed to address this issue through history-taking and a comprehensive head-to-toe examination of the injured patient, including a neurological assessment.
Past medical history/pregnancy
Events/environment related to injury
The patient will be delivered to the emergency department by an ambulance officer or paramedic who has already performed a thorough initial assessment. Respect their role in the management of the injured patient and obtain a handover of the events surrounding the injury, if you have not done so already before the primary survey. An understanding of the mechanism of trauma is always helpful in predicting the pattern of injuries sustained. Useful questions to ask an ambulance officer specifically relating to the events or environment surrounding the injury are shown in Box 13.2.
Perineum and genitalia: The perineum should be inspected for bruising, swelling or extravasated blood at the urethra. Rectal examination should also be performed, assessing sphincter tone (spinal injury), position of the prostate in males (high-riding prostate in pelvic fractures), bony discontinuity and bleeding. The genitalia should be inspected for the presence of blood (e.g. in the vaginal vault) or external trauma (e.g. penile laceration or degloving injury).
Neurological: Glasgow coma scale (GCS)
The GCS (Figs 13.13 and 13.14) is a widely used scoring system designed to assess neurological function in three areas: eye opening (‘open your eyes’), verbal response (‘what’s your name?’) and motor function (‘squeeze my hand’). A patient who responds appropriately to these instructions has a GCS of 15 and is alert and conscious. The unconscious patient with GCS ≥8 usually requires a definitive airway.
Definitive care and transfer
Interhospital transfer
Medical records and documentation
Two important reasons for keeping meticulous records are: the patient receives a higher standard of care and detailed records are essential whenever medicolegal problems arise. The best examples of documentation describe the clinical history, findings and management in a systematic manner, reflecting the components of the initial assessment described above. Figure 13.4 is one example.
Diagnostic and treatment plan
Non-haemorrhagic shock may arise from a number of conditions, including cardiac tamponade, pulmonary embolism, tension pneumothorax, sepsis or neurogenic mechanisms. A large pulmonary embolus causes pulmonary arterial obstruction, with hypotension and increased right ventricular pressure. Cardiac tamponade interferes with cardiac filling and decreases cardiac output, resulting in hypotension. In tension pneumothorax mediastinal shift causes a reduction in venous return that decreases cardiac output. Chest X-ray, central venous pressure monitoring, electrocardiogram, blood gas analysis and pH are important guides to diagnosis and treatment. Noninvasive monitoring with transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE) may also provide useful information regarding cardiac function. Continuing refractory shock due to severe systemic sepsis can occur later after injury and is often caused by a continuing septic focus (necrotic tissue or pus) and demands initially an appropriate antibiotic regimen and cardiovascular support and timely surgical exploration and drainage. Surgical control of the septic focus is essential because the patient will not improve until the causative focus is removed. Neurogenic shock results from a loss of sympathetic tone, leading to bradycardia, vasodilation and hypotension.
13.3 Soft tissue injury and wound care
Classification of wounds
These classifications determine a spectrum of severity and of potential complications and markedly influence early wound management. A convenient classification is specified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is detailed below (see also Table 13.4).
![]() |
Principles of wound healing
Phases in wound healing
There are three major phases in wound healing: haemostasis and inflammation (two to five days); proliferation (beginning from about three days); and maturation (extending over many months). Haemostasis occurs via platelet aggregation and activation of the clotting cascade. Following this, polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN) and macrophages migrate to the area of injury, followed by lymphocytes (inflammation). Proliferation involves fibroblastic proliferation and angiogenesis, with resultant collagen formation. During the final stage of wound healing, the collagen and extracellular matrix are remodeled (maturation). There is overlap in these phases and wound strength progressively increases. Epithelialisation over the defect begins from the first day after injury; in clean surgical wounds treated by primary closure this is completed by the second day. In large wounds left to heal by second intention the process is hastened by wound contraction but will nevertheless take significantly longer.
Factors adversely affecting wound healing
Local factors
Local factors are the most common causes of failure of wound healing. Bacterial contamination, particularly when combined with a nidus facilitating bacterial growth, is followed by infection. Common factors acting as niduses are areas of dead or dying tissue, foreign bodies (including suture materials) and collections of blood, serum and lymph. Other local tissue factors — such as the adequacy of the arterial and venous circulation and lymphatic drainage and previous irradiation damage — are extremely important. Excessive tension during repair of wounded tissues inevitably leads to local tissue ischaemia, subsequent necrosis and wound breakdown (Box 13.3).
General factors
Age, diabetes, malignancy. Advanced age is associated with impaired or delayed wound healing. This may be due to a higher prevalence of other adverse factors such as vascular insufficiency, metabolic disease, malnutrition, cancer and drugs. Diabetes may cause neuropathy and microvascular or macrovascular disease leading to tissue ischaemia. Defects in angiogenesis, granulocyte function and wound matrix formation have also been described. Patients with cancer may be malnourished and immunocompromised from treatment (chemoradiotherapy) or disease progression (Box 13.4)
Definitive care
Wound care — debridement
The wound must be thoroughly explored and should be enlarged on either side as far as is required to determine the extent of deeper damage. Excision of necrotic tissue proceeds in depth. Skin edges usually need only a narrow margin of excision. Partially avulsed and bruised skin flaps require complete defatting and excision of the apex of the flap back to the point of dermal bleeding. Subcutaneous fat is freely excised back to pristine bleeding fat. Deep fascia is split widely to expose underlying structures and damaged muscle is radically excised back to healthy tissue (which bleeds and contracts when cut). Free bone fragments devoid of periosteum are removed and foreign material and debris must be removed from bone ends and marrow cavities. Subsequent treatment of fractures and injuries to other deep tissues (major tendons, nerves and vessels) depends on the degree of damage and contamination.
Timing of wound closure
Delayed primary closure. The first few days of wound healing are phagocytic and preparative rather than fibroblastic and reparative — the continuing biological debridement complements the surgical procedure. Because of this, closure can be delayed for a few days without prejudice to the end result or to the speed of healing. If closure is performed within a few days, the tissues are still soft, with little fibroblastic activity, and the wound can readily be closed. Delayed closure is thus best done between the second and fifth days after wounding. The end result is similar to that of primary healing. If closure is deferred for more than five days, granulation tissue will have developed on the exposed wound surface. The tissues are stiffer and do not approximate well and the procedure then becomes one of secondary wound closure.