Chapter 10 Pressure wire and related technologies

The limitations of coronary angiography to assess the functional significance of coronary stenoses have been recognised for more than 20 years.1 Large intra- and inter-observer variability occurs when coronary angiograms are interpreted which accounts for the frequent dissociation between clinical and angiographic findings. Morphological assessment of a coronary lesion does not necessarily reflect the impairment of flow by the stenosis. This dichotomy may occur as the resistance of a coronary stenosis will vary in relation to the fourth power of the luminal radius. Thus a relatively small change in vessel radius, beyond angiographic resolution, may result in a significant alteration in flow. The resistance of a lesion to flow will also be influenced by the length of the stenosis. Furthermore, whether ischaemia is induced by any epicardial stenosis will be determined to a significant extent by the size of the perfused territory that lies beyond the stenosis.
As a result, measurements of coronary flow and pressure have been introduced to improve the functional evaluation of coronary stenoses and interventions.2 Technical progress has permitted intra-coronary measurements to be made using wires with the same dimensions as those of conventional angioplasty guidewires (0.014 inches in diameter) increasing their ease of application in the catheter laboratory.
Blood flow within the coronary vessels is greatly dependent on the haemodynamic status of the patient and may demonstrate significant variations between individual recordings. To overcome this problem the concept of coronary pressure derived myocardial fractional flow reserve (FFR) has been developed. FFR is defined as the maximum myocardial blood flow in the presence of a stenosis expressed as a proportion of the theoretical maximum flow in the absence of any stenosis (Fig. 10.1). The FFR represents the summation of the severity of the epicardial stenosis, the extent of the perfused territory and the contribution of distal collateral blood flow.

AO, aorta: Pa, Pd and Pv mean aortic, distal coronary and central venous pressure; Qmax, normal, theoretical maximum achievable myocardial flow if the artery were normal; Qmax, stenosis, maximal achievable flow in the presence of a stenosis.
Adapted from Pijls and De Bruyne.22
The standard means for inducing hyperaemia is by the administration of adenosine. This is typically infused intravenously for 1–2 minutes (140 mg/kg/min infused via the femoral vein), though it may be used as an intra-coronary bolus dose.3 Intra-coronary injection of papaverine may also be used.3 This provides a hyperaemic plateau which lasts for 30–60 seconds though is associated with prolongation of the QT-interval and occasionally ventricular arrhythmia. The distal coronary, aortic and right atrial (RA) pressures are then measured simultaneously via the pressure wire, guide catheter and RA catheter respectively, and the FFR calculated (Fig. 10.1). For simplicity of use, the right atrial pressure is now not often recorded and is taken to have a value of 0 mmHg when calculating the FFR. This practice has been demonstrated to reduce the sensitivity of FFR for detecting significant coronary lesions.4 To compensate for this it is usual to accept values of FFR in the ‘grey zone’ of 0.75 to 0.80 as potentially indicative of ischaemia.
As measurement of FFR is expressed as a ratio of the proximal to distal coronary pressure within the same vessel, the possible confounding effects of microvascular disease and the contribution of distal collateral vessels are eliminated. Likewise, it is independent of changes in patient haemodynamics, such as heart rate, blood pressure and myocardial contractility.5 As a normal reference vessel is not required, FFR measurements may be made in multivessel disease. It may also be used to assess the cumulative effect on coronary flow of sequential lesions within a single vessel.
The procedure
There are currently two widely used systems based on a high-fidelity sensor tipped guidewire.6 Both of these are 0.014 inch wires with the sensor area located 3 cm proximal to the wire tip. With progressive improvement in the performance of these wires they may be used as first-line guidewires during angioplasty.
Application of pressure measurement
The primary indication for the use of coronary pressure measurement is to determine whether a coronary stenosis is flow limiting and as a result is responsible for myocardial ischaemia. It is now well established that an FFR below 0.75 is functionally significant and has been found to correlate well with the presence of ischaemia on perfusion scintigraphy, stress echocardiography and exercise testing in a broad spectrum of clinical settings.5,7,8 However, it may be unreliable in acute ischaemic syndromes due to microvascular injury. Both retrospective and prospective work have demonstrated that lesions with a distal FFR greater than 0.75 may be left untreated without any increase in subsequent adverse events on follow-up.9,10,11
A further use of pressure measurement is to determine the precise location of the lesion under assessment by defining the point at which the measured pressure ‘steps-up’ during pull-back of the wire (Fig. 10.2A and B). A particular area where this has been applied is in the assessment of ostial coronary lesions which may be missed by conventional angiography.
Measurement of the FFR may provide important prognostic information following coronary intervention. An FFR of less than 0.75 implies that the results of the intervention are physiologically unacceptable and would be associated with myocardial ischaemia. An FFR of greater than 0.9 following balloon angioplasty without stenting, has been found to be associated with repeat intervention rates at 6, 12 and 24 months of 12%, 12% and 15% respectively.12 Where the FFR following angioplasty was less than 0.9 the rates of re-intervention at these time points were 24%, 28% and 30%.12