31 Portfolio assessment
Portfolio assessment is a response to changes in medical education including the emphasis on professionalism and the need to give students more responsibility for their own learning.
What is a portfolio?
Portfolios offer a number of advantages as an assessment tool:
• Outcomes and competencies can be assessed that other tools have difficulty in reaching. These may be skills necessary for life-long learning such as self-assessment, reflection and the adoption of appropriate learning strategies. They provide a tool to assess attitudes and professionalism.
• Portfolios include evidence collected over a period of time and provide an overall and holistic view of a student’s competence.
• With the range of quantitative and qualitative evidence included and the triangulation from the different sources of evidence, portfolios provide a comprehensive and reliable interpretation of a student’s achievement.
• Portfolios represent a personalised approach to assessment, focusing on what individual students achieve in contrast to the more standardised approach with instruments such as the OSCE.