Physiology of the Cardiovascular System

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Physiology of the Cardiovascular System

Functions of the Blood

II Anatomic Classification of the Vascular Bed (Figure 10-1)

The typical vascular bed begins with the aorta or pulmonary artery.

Branches from either of these main arteries are called large arteries.

The larger arteries continue to branch to medium arteries.

The medium arteries branch further to the arterioles.

The end of the arteriolar bed is marked by a thick band of smooth muscle called the precapillary sphincter, which marks the initial portion of the microcirculation.

The arterioles branch to metarterioles or directly to capillaries.

Distal to the precapillary sphincter are the capillaries.

Many capillaries join to form venules.

Numerous venules join to form small veins, which in turn join to form large veins.

Large veins join the major veins of the body, either the superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, or pulmonary veins.

III Functional Divisions of the Vascular Bed

Distribution, resistance, exchange, and capacitance vessels

1. Distribution vessels begin with the major arteries and include the large and medium arteries.

2. Resistance vessels begin with the arterioles and end with the precapillary sphincter.

3. The exchange vessels are the capillaries.

4. Capacitance vessels include the venules through the large veins and encompass the total venous system.

5. Distribution (volume) of blood in the components of the vascular system varies widely depending on the function of the component (Table 10-1).

TABLE 10-1

Estimated Distribution of Blood in Vascular System of the Hypothetical Adult Man

Region ml %
Heart (diastole) 360 7.2
 Arteries 130 2.6
 Capillaries 110 2.2
 Veins 200 4.0
  Subtotal 440 8.8
 Aorta and large arteries 300 6.0
 Small arteries 400 8.0
 Capillaries 300 6.0
 Small veins 2300 46.0
 Large veins 900 18.0
  Subtotal 4200 84.0
 Grand total 5000 100


Age, 40 years; weight, 75 kg; surface area, 1.85 m2.

From Mountcastle VB: Medical Physiology, ed 14. St. Louis, Mosby, 1980.

IV Vascular System: Systemic and Pulmonary Circulations (Figure 10-2)

Systemic circulation

1. Systemic circulation begins with the systemic pump, the left ventricle, and continues to a typical vascular bed, ending with the right atrium.

a. Functions of systemic circulation:

b. The velocity of the blood flow varies inversely with the total cross-sectional area through which blood flows at a given time (Figure 10-3). This physical law, coupled with the architecture of the vascular system, nicely accomplishes the three functions of the systemic circulation.

2. Control of systemic circulation is governed by four major mechanisms: autonomic control, hormonal control, local control, and mechanical factors.

a. The arterial portion of the systemic circulation is basically governed by three mechanisms: autonomic nervous system, hormonal control, and local control.

(1) Arteries and arterioles are innervated extensively and virtually exclusively by postganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system.

(2) The arterial vasculature of different tissues varies in the degree of sympathetic innervation.

(3) Sympathetic stimulation of blood vessels results in smooth muscle contraction and vasoconstriction.

(a) This principally affects the resistance vessels because of their large component of smooth muscle.

(b) Tonic sympathetic stimulation of arterial blood vessels results in a given arteriolar caliber.

(i) Increased sympathetic stimulation above this tonic level results in vasoconstriction and an increase in resistance to flow through these vessels.

(ii) Decreased sympathetic stimulation below this tonic level results in vasodilation and a decrease in resistance to flow through these vessels.

(iii) Because of differing degrees of sympathetic innervation in the different tissues, general sympathetic stimulation results in varying degrees of vasoconstriction and varying vascular resistance from tissue to tissue and hence a corresponding varying amount of blood flow from tissue to tissue (Table 10-2).

TABLE 10-2

Estimated Distribution of Cardiac Output and Oxygen Consumption in Normal Human Subject* at Rest Under Usual Indoor Conditions

  Blood Flow   Oxygen Uptake
Circulation ml/min % Total Arteriovenous Oxygen Difference (vol%) ml/min % Total
Splanchnic 1400 24 4.1 58 25
Renal 1100 19 1.3 16 7
Cerebral 750 13 6.3 46 20
Coronary 250 4 11.4 27 11
Skeletal muscle 1200 21 8.0 70 30
Skin 500 9 1.0 5 2
Other organs 600 10 3.0 12 5
Total 5800 100 4.0* 234 100


*Average value.

From Mountcastle VB: Medical Physiology, ed 14. St. Louis, Mosby, 1980.

(4) Parasympathetic stimulation of the arterial vasculature of the brain and heart results in smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation. This phenomenon results in a decrease in resistance to blood flow.

(5) The adrenomedullary hormones norepinephrine and epinephrine stimulate the α (alpha) receptors and produce vasoconstriction.

(6) Acidosis, hypoxemia, hypercarbia, and increased temperature produce local relaxation of smooth muscle in resistance vessels and resultant vasodilation.

b. The capillary bed of the systemic circulation is governed almost exclusively by local factors.

c. The veins of the systemic circulation are governed by the autonomic nervous system, hormonal factors, and mechanical factors.

(1) The veins are exclusively innervated by postganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system.

(2) The veins have a less extensive innervation than do their arterial counterparts. However, unlike that of the arteries, sympathetic innervation of the venous vasculature does not vary from one tissue to the next.

(3) Adrenomedullary hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine mimic sympathetic stimulation and produce venoconstriction.

(4) Mechanical factors that affect the veins of the systemic venous system are the thoracoabdominal pump, skeletal muscle pump, and semilunar valves.

3. Specific regional systemic circulations

a. Coronary circulation is most influenced by local and mechanical factors.

b. Cerebral circulation is most influenced by local factors.

c. Gastrointestinal/splanchnic/pancreatic/hepatic circulations

d. Renal and epidermal circulation are principally under significant sympathetic influence.

e. Skeletal muscular circulation

Pulmonary circulation (see Figure 10-2)

1. Pulmonary circulation begins with the pulmonary pump (the right ventricle) and continues to a typical vascular bed, ending with the left atrium.

a. Functions of pulmonary circulation:

b. The velocity of the blood flow varies inversely with the total cross-sectional area through which blood flows at a given time. This physical law, coupled with the architecture of the vascular system, nicely accomplishes the three functions of the pulmonary circulation (see Figure 10-3).

2. Control of pulmonary circulation is governed by the same four mechanisms that affect systemic circulation.

a. The pulmonary vasculature generally has less smooth muscle and thinner walls than its counterpart in the systemic circulation.

b. This makes pulmonary circulation susceptible to mechanical factors (e.g., intrathoracic and alveolar pressures) and the effects of gravity (secondary to alterations in bodily position) on the distribution of blood flow.

c. Pulmonary vasculature responds to sympathetic stimulation just as does the systemic circulation but to a much lesser extent.

d. Three local factors that have profound effects on pulmonary resistance vessels are decreased alveolar Po2, hypoxemia, and acidemia. All three cause pulmonary vasoconstriction, with increased resistance to blood flow.

e. Adrenomedullary hormones produce pulmonary vasoconstriction but to a milder degree than in systemic circulation.

f. Thus most of the control of pulmonary circulation depends on passive response to mechanical factors and on local factors. This is in contrast to the dominance that the sympathetic nervous system displays in controlling systemic circulation.

3. Systemic vascular resistance is normally 6 to 10 times pulmonary vascular resistance.

Basic Functions of the Heart