Physiological changes in pregnancy
From a teleological point of view, there are two main reasons for these changes:
The uterus
The non-pregnant uterus weighs ~40–100 g, increasing during pregnancy to 300–400 g at 20 weeks and 800–1000 g at term. Involution is rapid over the first 2 weeks after delivery, but slows thereafter and is not complete by 2 months. The uterus consists of bundles of smooth muscle cells separated by thin sheets of connective tissue composed of collagen, elastic fibres and fibroblasts. All hypertrophy during pregnancy. The muscle cells are arranged as an innermost longitudinal layer, a middle layer with bundles running in all directions and an outermost layer of both circular and longitudinal fibres partly continuous with the ligamentous supports of the uterus (Fig. 3.1). Myometrial growth is almost entirely due to muscle hypertrophy and elongation of the cells from 50 µm in the non-pregnant state to 200–600 µm at term, although some hyperplasia may occur during early pregnancy. The stimulus for myometrial growth and development is the effect of the growing conceptus and oestrogens and progesterone.
The cervix
The cervix is predominantly a fibrous organ with only 10% of uterine muscle cells in the substance of the cervix. Eighty percent of the total protein in the non-pregnant state consists of collagen, but by the end of pregnancy the concentration of collagen is reduced to one-third of the amount present in the non-pregnant state. The principal function of the cervix is to retain the conceptus (Fig. 3.2).
The characteristic changes in the cervix during pregnancy are:
• Hypertrophy of the cervical glands producing the appearance of a cervical erosion; an increase in mucous secretory tissue in the cervix during pregnancy leads to a thick mucus discharge and the development of an antibacterial plug of mucus in the cervix.
• Reduced collagen in the cervix in the third trimester and the accumulation of glycosaminoglycans and water, leading to the characteristic changes of cervical ripening. The lower section shortens as the upper section expands, while during labour there is further stretching and dilatation of the cervix.
The corpus uteri
• As progesterone concentrations rise in the mid-secretory phase of an ovulatory menstrual cycle, endometrial epithelial and stromal cells stop proliferating and begin to differentiate, with an accumulation of maternal leukocytes, mainly NK cells (see above: Immunology). This decidualization is essential for successful pregnancy.
• The uterus changes in size, shape, position and consistency. In later pregnancy, the enlargement occurs predominantly in the uterine fundus so that the round ligaments tend to emerge from a relatively caudal point in the uterus. The uterus changes from a pear shape in early pregnancy to a more globular and ovoid shape in the second and third trimesters. The cavity expands from some 4 mL to 4000 mL at full term. The myometrium must remain relatively quiescent until the onset of labour.
• All the vessels supplying the uterus undergo massive hypertrophy. The uterine arteries dilate so that the diameters are 1.5 times those seen outside pregnancy. The arcuate arteries, supplying the placental bed, become 10 times larger and the spiral arterioles reach 30 times the prepregnancy diameter (see below). Uterine blood flow increases from 50 mL/min at 10 weeks gestation to 500–600 mL/min at term.
In the non-pregnant uterus, blood supply is almost entirely through the uterine arteries, but in pregnancy 20–30% is contributed through the ovarian vessels. A small contribution is made by the superior vesical arteries. The uterine and radial arteries are subject to regulation by the autonomic nervous system and by direct effects from vasodilator and vasoconstrictor humoral agents.
The final vessels delivering blood to the intervillous space (Fig. 3.3) are the 100–150 spiral arterioles. Two or three spiral arterioles arise from each radial artery and each placental cotyledon is provided with one or two. The remodelling of these spiral arteries is very important for successful pregnancy. Cytotrophoblast differentiates into villous or EVT. The latter can differentiate further into invasive EVT, which in turn is interstitial, migrating into the decidua and later differentiating into myometrial giant cells, or endovascular that invade the lumen of the spiral arteries. The intrauterine oxygen tension is very low in the first trimester, stimulating EVT invasion.
In the first 10 weeks of normal pregnancy, EVT invades the decidua and the walls of the spiral arterioles, destroying the smooth muscle in the wall of the vessels, which then become inert channels unresponsive to humoral and neurological control (Fig. 3.4). From 10–16 weeks, a further wave of invasion occurs, extending down the lumen of the decidual portion of the vessel; from 16–24 weeks this invasion extends to involve the myometrial portion of the spiral arterioles. The net effect of these changes is to turn the spiral arterioles into flaccid sinusoidal channels.
The development of myometrial activity
In late gestation, the fetus continues to grow, but the uterus stops growing, so tension across the uterine wall increases. This stimulates expression of a variety of gene products such as oxytocin and prostaglandin F2α receptors, sodium channels and the gap junction protein. Pro-inflammatory cytokine expression also increases. Once labour has begun, the contractions in the late first stage may reach pressures up to 100 mmHg and occur every 2–3 minutes (Fig. 3.5). See Chapter 11 for a discussion of labour and delivery.
The cardiovascular system
The cardiovascular system is one of those that shows proactive adaptations for a potential pregnancy during the luteal phase of every ovulatory menstrual cycle, long before there is any physiological ‘need’ for them. Many of these changes are almost complete by 12–16 weeks gestation (Fig. 3.6 and Table 3.1).
Table 3.1
Percentage change in some cardiovascular variables during pregnancy
First trimester | Second trimester | Third trimester | |
Heart rate | +11 | +13 | +16 |
Stroke volume (mL) | +31 | +29 | +27 |
Cardiac output (L/min) | +45 | +47 | +48 |
Systolic BP (mm/Hg) | −1 | +1 | +6 |
Diastolic BP (mmHg) | −6 | −3 | +7 |
MPAP (mmHg) | +5 | +5 | +5 |
Total peripheral resistance (resistance units) | −27 | −27 | −29 |
BP, blood pressure; MPAP, mean pulmonary artery pressure.
Data are derived from studies in which pre-conception values were determined. The mean values shown are those at the end of each trimester, and are thus not necessarily the maxima. Note that the changes are near maximal by the end of the first trimester.
(Data from Robson S, Robson SC, Hunter S, et al. (1989) Serial study of factors influencing changes in cardiac output during human pregnancy. Am J Physiol 1989; 256:H1060. Table reproduced from Broughton Pipkin F (2001) Maternal physiology. In: Chamberlain GV, Steer P (eds) Turnbull’s Obstetrics, 3rd edn. Churchill Livingstone, London; with permission from Elsevier.)
Total peripheral resistance
Total peripheral resistance (TPR) is not measured directly, but is calculated from the mean arterial pressure divided by cardiac output. The total peripheral resistance has fallen by 6 weeks gestation, so afterload falls. This is ‘perceived’ as circulatory underfilling, which is thought to be one of the primary stimuli to the mother’s circulatory adaptations. It activates the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system and allows the necessary expansion of the plasma volume (PV; see below: Renal function). In a normotensive non-pregnant woman the TPR is around 1700 dyn/s/cm; this falls to a nadir of 40–50% by mid-gestation, rising slowly thereafter towards term, reaching 1200–1300 dyn/s/cm in late pregnancy. The fall in systemic TPR is partly associated with the expansion of the vascular space in the uteroplacental bed and the renal vasculature in particular; blood flow to the skin is also greatly increased in pregnancy as a result of vasodilatation.