Paediatric advanced life support (PALS, APLS)

Published on 23/06/2015 by admin

Filed under Emergency Medicine

Last modified 23/06/2015

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2.3 Paediatric advanced life support (PALS, APLS)



Definition of ALS

Advanced life support is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with use of specific items of equipment available in the hospital or ambulance setting and the use of techniques and skills by specifically trained personnel. It includes the management of critically-ill infants and children in pre-cardiorespiratory arrest (CPA), during arrest and post-arrest.

The recommendations for advanced CPR given here are based on publications of the Australian Resuscitation Council,1 the European Resuscitation Council,2 the American Heart Association3 and the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR).4 They are intended for use by medical and nursing personnel in hospital and by ambulance personnel in the field.

To add ability to knowledge, it is advisable to undertake a specialised paediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation course such as the Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) or Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) courses.

Distinctions within the term ‘paediatric’ are based on combinations of physiology, physical size and age. Some aspects of CPR are different for ‘the newly born’, infant, small (younger) child and large (older) child. In this section, ‘infant’ refers to an infant outside the delivery room (the ‘newly-born’ infant) and includes the period starting from a few hours after birth up to the age of 12 months. Other terms such as newborn or neonate do not enable that distinction. ‘Small/young child’ refers to a child of pre-school and early primary school from the age of 1 to 8 years. ‘Large/older child’ refers to a child of late primary school from the age of 9 up to 14 years. Although ventricular fibrillation occurs in children, they are at less risk than adults. One guideline regards children of 8 years and over as adults specifically for use of semi-automated external defibrillators (sAED) out-of-hospital.

Diagnosing cardiac arrest

Healthcare personnel (doctors and nurses) have difficulty diagnosing cardiac arrest in infants and children if they rely on pulse palpation alone. Their accuracy is approximately 80% with a sensitivity of 0.85 and specificity of 0.65,5 which means that in 15% of circumstances they would not give CPR when needed and would give it in 35% when not needed. While application of CPR is not harmful when there is a circulation, the withholding of CPR when there is none dooms the patient to die. The time taken to diagnose cardiac arrest is longer than hitherto realised6 – as a group, healthcare personnel take an average of 15 seconds to exclude cardiac arrest by finding a pulse but 30 seconds to diagnose real cardiac arrest by the absence of a pulse. However, the accuracy and expediency of diagnosis are related to experience and training. Only experienced personnel who palpate pulses on a daily basis are able to detect a real pulse within 10 seconds but they, like inexperienced personnel, are unable to quickly diagnose cardiac arrest by the lack of a pulse and need on average about 25 seconds to confirm it. Clinical guidelines advise to spend no more than 10 seconds on pulse palpation and to combine whatever information is gained with observable signs of circulation such as responsiveness, movement and presence or absence of normal respiration. In short, if the patient is unresponsive and not breathing normally there is no point wasting time on pulse palpation (it is inaccurate and time consuming). Instead give CPR immediately.

Oxygen, ventilation and advanced airway support

Oxygen catheters

These are easy to use, cheap, do not cause rebreathing and are well tolerated (permitting eating and drinking) but are limited to supply of up to 40% inspired O2 because of restriction to gas flow (maximum 4 L min–1) and limitation of gas reservoir (the nasopharynx). Sizes 6, 8 and 10 FG should be available and placed in the same nostril as the nasogastric tube, to limit airway resistance. Size 6 FG is suitable for infants, 8 FG for small children and 10 FG for older children. Excessive flow may desiccate mucosal membranes and cause gastric distension, which can embarrass respiration.

Oxygen is delivered by nasal cannulae (bi-pronged, ‘nasal prongs’), which sit at the entrance to the nose or a few centimetres inside, need no humidification and do not cause gastric distension. They may become obstructed by mucus and may obstruct the nose. Flow rates for infants should be regulated by a low-flow meter, graduated 0–2.5 L min–1. Rates of 0.24–4 L min–1 provide 40–70% O2 to infants 1–10 kg body weight (BW). Improved oxygenation may be caused in part by positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP).

An oxygen catheter placed in the nasopharynx a distance equivalent to that from ala nasi to tragus provides a small amount of PEEP, and indeed may be used for that purpose. Oxygen concentrations of 30%, 40% and 50% approximately are provided by flows of 45, 80 and 150 mL kg–1 min–1 respectively. This technique to provide ‘PEEP’ may be useful to temporarily abort central apnoea in the young infant with RSV, whilst other treatment such as caffeine infusion is established.


Self-inflating bags

These bags are designed only to give positive pressure ventilation. Rebreathing is prevented by one-way duck-bill valves, spring disk/ball valves or diaphragm/leaf valves. The Laerdal bag series (infant, child, adult) typifies these devices. A pressure-relief valve (infant and child size) opens at 35 cm H2O (3.5 kPa). A pressure monitor can be incorporated in the circuit. Supplemental oxygen is added to the resuscitation bag, with or without attachment of a reservoir bag, whose movement may serve as a visual monitor of tidal volume during spontaneous ventilation when intubated. However, the valve may offer resistance for spontaneous ventilation and this is important to consider in the spontaneously breathing child just prior to the effect of relaxants of rapid sequence induction prior to intubation.

These bags should not be used to provide supplemental oxygen to a spontaneously breathing patient with a mask placed near or loosely over the face. With Laerdal and Partner bags, negligible amounts of oxygen (0.1–0.3 L min–1) issue from the patient valve when 5–15 L min–1 of oxygen is introduced into bags unconnected to patients.7 The patient valve is unlikely to open unless the mask is sealed well on the face. Although not recommended, if they are used in this way, it is vital to ensure that the patient valve opens or the reservoir bags deflates in unison with the chest movement.

The delivered oxygen concentration is dependent on the flow rate of oxygen, use of the reservoir bag, and the state of the pressure relief valve (whether open or closed). In the Laerdal series, with use of the reservoir bag and oxygen flow greater than the minute ventilation, 100% oxygen is delivered. Without the reservoir bag the delivered gas is only 50% oxygen, despite oxygen flow rate at twice minute ventilation. At an oxygen flow rate of 10 L min–1 to the infant resuscitator bag, the delivered gas is 85–100% oxygen without the use of the reservoir bag.

Advanced airway support

Tracheal intubation

The trachea should be intubated as soon as practicable but it can be deferred if successful bag–mask ventilation can be given and should not be undertaken by inexperienced personnel out-of-hospital8 because of complications and poorer outcomes compared with use of bag–mask ventilation. Nonetheless, intubation has numerous advantages, which include establishment and maintenance of the airway, facilitation of mechanical ventilation, titration of oxygen therapy, minimisation of the risk of pulmonary aspiration, enablement of tracheal suction, provision of a route for the administration of selected drugs and preferred for transport and long-term ventilation. Regurgitation of gastric contents is common during cardiac arrest.

Hypoxaemia should be avoided during attempts at intubation – which should be limited to 30 seconds. If difficulty is experienced, oxygenation should be re-established with bag–mask ventilation before a reattempt at intubation. Initial intubation should be via the oral route, not via the nasal route. The oral route is invariably quicker, is less likely to cause trauma and haemorrhage and the endotracheal tube is more easily exchanged if the first choice is inappropriate. On the other hand, a tube placed nasally can be better affixed to the face and so is less likely to enter a bronchus or be inadvertently dislodged during transport or other procedures. A nasal tube is preferred subsequently for long-term management. A nasogastric tube should be inserted after intubation to relieve possible gaseous distension of the stomach sustained during bag–mask ventilation.

Correct placement of the endotracheal tube in the trachea must be confirmed immediately. In the hurried conditions of emergency intubation at cardiopulmonary arrest, it is not difficult to mistakenly intubate the oesophagus or to intubate a bronchus. There is no substitute for visualising the passage of the tip of the endotracheal tube through the vocal cords, confirmation of bilateral pulmonary air entry by auscultation in the axillae, continuous observation of rise and fall of the chest on ventilation and maintenance of a pink complexion. In addition, it is recommended that correct placement of the endotracheal tube be confirmed by capnography or CO2 detection, with the realisation that CO2 excretion can only occur with effective pulmonary blood flow. This implies that CO2 detection cannot be expected unless spontaneous cardiac output returns or external cardiac compression is effective. Absent CO2 detection mandates re-intubation or at least inspection that the tube is indeed passing through the vocal cords. High CO2 indicates poor ventilation. Oxygenation should be confirmed with use of a pulse oximeter or measurement of arterial gas tension.

Endotracheal tube size (Table 2.3.1)

Uncuffed sizes are 2.5 mm for a premature newborn <1 kg, 3.0 mm for infants 1–3.5 kg, 3.5 mm for infants >3.5 kg and up to age of six months, size 4 mm for infants seven months to one year (Table 2.3.1). The approximate size may be chosen for children over one year by the formula: size (mm) = age (years)/4 + 4. Tubes one size larger and smaller should be readily available. The correct size should allow a small leak on application of moderate pressure but also enable adequate pulmonary inflation. If the lungs are non-compliant, however, it may be necessary to insert a tube without a leak or insert a cuffed tube. Appropriate- sized cuffed tubes may be estimated by the formula: size (mm) = age (years)/4 + 3.5.


Laryngeal mask airway (LMA)

These have been used for resuscitation by medical, nursing and ambulance personnel trained in their selection and insertion. They may be used to maintain an airway and are a suitable alternative to the use of airway opening manoeuvres and use of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways. They are useful to establish an airway in the setting of airway obstruction or failed intubation.9 An intubating LMA serves as a conduit for intubation.

However, the role of LMA in provision of mechanical ventilation remains uncertain. Like bag–mask ventilation, they do not protect the airway from aspiration, which occurs commonly during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. They are a suitable alternative to a face mask as a means to give ventilation before endotracheal intubation and when intubation is difficult. This is a better technique when the operator is unskilled in the use of LMA and intubation. Although insertion of an LMA is easier to learn than endotracheal intubation, training should not replace mastery of bag–mask ventilation. They should not be used in semi-conscious patients or when the gag reflex is present and are not suitable for long-term use or use during transport when endotracheal intubation is far preferable. They are subject to dislodgment during movement and transport. Appropriate sizes according to body weight are given in Table 2.3.2.

Table 2.3.2 Laryngeal mask airways

Sizes are available to suit body weight (kg) of newborns, infants and children Size Weight (kg) 1 <5 image 5–10 2 10–20 image 20–30 3 30–50 4 50–70 5 70–100 6 >100