Oxygen Equilibrium and Transport

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Oxygen Equilibrium and Transport


After reading this chapter, you will be able to:

• Describe how the blood takes up, transports, and releases oxygen

• Explain the difference between arterial and venous oxygen contents, and how they are related to oxygen consumption and cardiac output

• Show how oxygen content, oxygen saturation, oxygen partial pressure (PO2), and hemoglobin concentration are related to each other

• Explain why the hemoglobin-oxygen binding process produces a sigmoid-shaped rather than linear PO2-hemoglobin equilibrium curve

• Explain why the sigmoid-shaped oxyhemoglobin equilibrium curve is physiologically advantageous

• Describe how various factors affect the release and binding of oxygen by changing affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen

• Explain why a change in the value of P50 means hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen has changed

• Explain why changes in cardiac output affect mixed venous PO2, the difference between arterial and mixed venous oxygen content, and the amount of oxygen the tissues extract from the arterial blood each minute

• Calculate oxygen delivery rate, oxygen consumption, and tissue oxygen-extraction percentage

• Explain why arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO2) and arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) are insufficient indicators of tissue oxygenation

• Explain why PaO2 is a more sensitive indicator than SaO2 of changes in the lung’s ability to oxygenate the blood

• Define critical oxygen delivery threshold

• Explain why cyanosis may be absent in people who have high percentages of desaturated hemoglobin and why cyanosis may be present in people who have normal arterial oxygen contents

• Describe how anemia caused by low hemoglobin content differs physiologically from anemia produced by carbon monoxide poisoning

• Explain how fetal hemoglobin, methemoglobin, and sickle cell hemoglobin differ physiologically from normal hemoglobin

How Does Blood Carry Oxygen?

Mixed venous blood enters the pulmonary capillary with a partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) of about 40 mm Hg and is exposed to an alveolar partial pressure of oxygen (PAO2) of about 100 mm Hg. Oxygen (O2) diffuses down this pressure gradient into the blood until equilibrium is established. Both liquid (plasma) and cellular (erythrocytes) components of blood carry O2. O2 is dissolved in plasma and bound to hemoglobin in the erythrocyte.

Oxygen Dissolved in Plasma

The amount (in milliliters) of O2 that dissolves in plasma is determined by the PAO2 to which the plasma is exposed (Henry’s law). The relationship between PO2 and dissolved O2 is linear (i.e., doubling or tripling PO2 doubles or triples the amount of dissolved O2) (Figure 8-1). Chapter 7 explained that the solubility coefficient of O2 is 0.0244 mL O2/mL plasma/atmosphere of pressure (atm). This means a PO2 of 760 mm Hg causes 0.0244 mL of O2 to dissolve in 1 mL of plasma at a body temperature of 37° C (Figure 8-2, A). It also means that a PO2 of only 1 mm Hg causes 0.00003 mL of O2 to dissolve in 1 mL of plasma, as shown in Figure 8-2, B (0.0244/760 = 0.00003). By convention, blood O2 content units are expressed in milliliters of O2 per 100 mL of blood, or mL/dL. (The unit mL/dL has replaced the outdated term vol%.) To express O2 content in its proper units, the amount of O2 that dissolves in 100 mL of plasma for each millimeter of mercury (mm Hg) of PO2 is 0.003 mL/dL (0.00003 mL O2/mL plasma/mm Hg × 100 mL plasma = 0.003 mL/dL/mm Hg, as shown in Figure 8-2C). At a normal arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) of 100 mm Hg, 0.3 mL of O2 dissolves in 100 mL of plasma, or 0.3 mL/dL (PO2 of 100 mm Hg × 0.003 mL/dL/mm Hg = 0.3 mL/dL dissolved O2, as Figure 8-2, D, shows). The 0.003 factor can be used to calculate dissolved plasma O2 content at any PO2 as follows:

PO2×0.003=mL/dL dissolvedO2


PO2 in the blood plasma is sometimes called the blood’s O2 tension, which comes from the concept that dissolved gases have an “escaping tendency.” That is, if the PO2 of a gas to which the plasma is exposed suddenly decreased, dissolved O2 would immediately diffuse out of the plasma into the gaseous phase. Although it is correct to think of PO2 as a force that dissolves O2 in the plasma, it is also correct to think of dissolved O2 as creating a force as it tries to escape to the gaseous phase—a force responsible for the plasma PO2. The plasma PO2 is extremely important in determining the adequacy of blood and tissue oxygenation because it determines the direction and rate of O2 diffusion in the lungs and body tissues. Plasma PO2 is intimately related to how O2 binds with hemoglobin, as described later in this chapter.

Oxygen Combined with Hemoglobin

Most O2 in the blood is bound to hemoglobin inside the erythrocyte. Without hemoglobin, blood could not carry enough O2 to meet minimal tissue oxygenation requirements.

Hemoglobin allows whole blood (plasma plus cellular components) to carry about 20 mL of O2 per 100 mL of blood at a normal PaO2 of 100 mm Hg. This is about 67 times more than the capacity of plasma alone when PaO2 is 100 mm Hg ([20 mL/dL]/[0.3 mL/dL] = 66.6). A normal cardiac output (Q˙image) of 5 L per minute delivers about 1000 mL of O2 to the body’s tissues each minute. This is more than enough O2 to meet the resting requirement of tissues, which is only 250 mL per minute. This is shown as follows:

Oxygen delivery (O2 DEL) rate is normally about four times the resting requirement of the body tissues. From another perspective, the tissues normally extract only one fourth of the O2 present in the blood they receive. The remaining three fourths (750 mL per minute) is an available reserve for increased metabolic demands.

Hemoglobin Molecule

Hemoglobin is a large, complex protein molecule found inside the erythrocyte. It has a molecular weight of about 64,500 and accounts for about one third of the red blood cell volume. Because hemoglobin exists inside the red blood cell, high concentrations can be carried without affecting the blood’s oncotic pressure.

As its name suggests, hemoglobin consists of heme (an iron-containing pigment) and globin (a protein). Heme is an organic molecule consisting of four symmetrically linked pyrrole rings, with a ferrous iron ion (Fe++) at its center (Figure 8-3, A-C). A pyrrole is an organic molecule organized in a ringlike structure. In addition to carbon atoms, a nitrogen atom helps form the ring. Pyrroles are building blocks for respiratory pigments that take up O2. The four pyrrole rings are linked with methylene bridges (see Figure 8-3, B) to form a porphyrin molecule, the basis for hemoglobin’s respiratory pigment. Porphyrin molecules readily form covalent bonds with metals. In this case, Fe++, which has six available sites for covalent bonding, bonds with four porphyrin molecules, leaving two unused bonding sites (see Figure 8-3, C). One of these sites bonds with a portion of the globin molecule.

The globin molecule is a complex protein consisting of four linked amino acid chains; normal adult hemoglobin (HbA) has two alpha (α) chains, each composed of 141 amino acids, and two beta (β) chains, each composed of 146 amino acids. These amino acid chains are called polypeptides. Each polypeptide chain bonds with one heme molecule at one of the two remaining sites of the Fe++ ion. A hemoglobin molecule consists of four heme groups, each bonded with and enfolded in one of the globin molecule’s four polypeptide chains (see Figure 8-3, D). Each of the four heme groups has one remaining bonding site on the Fe++ ion. This sixth site binds rapidly and reversibly with an O2 molecule, but iron remains in the nonoxidized, ferrous state (Fe++). Because each of the four polypeptide-heme combinations can bind one molecule of O2, a single hemoglobin molecule can bind four O2 molecules. The hemoglobin molecule is called a tetramer because it contains four polypeptide subunits.

By themselves, heme, iron, and globin cannot take up O2; all three must be combined chemically with ferrous iron in a precise spatial arrangement before O2 can be taken up from the plasma. The precise amino acid sequence of each polypeptide chain is important for normal O2 uptake. A variation in this sequence changes how readily hemoglobin binds O2 (i.e., it changes the affinity of hemoglobin for O2). Variations of HbA are discussed later in this chapter.

Hemoglobin Combined with Oxygen

Combined with O2, hemoglobin is called oxyhemoglobin (HbO2). O2 does not normally oxidize hemoglobin; rather, it oxygenates hemoglobin. Unoxygenated hemoglobin is called deoxyhemoglobin (Hb). The term “reduced” hemoglobin, which is sometimes used, is chemically incorrect because iron remains in the ferrous (Fe++) state.

The four heme groups of the hemoglobin molecule take up and release their O2 molecules in succession in a process known as cooperative O2 binding.1 The binding of an O2 molecule to one heme group induces a structural change in the shape of the hemoglobin molecule, which increases the affinity of the next heme subunit for O2. Binding of each O2 molecule makes the remaining bonds occur with successively greater speed and ease. Similarly, the release of the first O2 molecule facilitates the release of each remaining molecule. This cooperative binding mechanism is an efficient way to take up O2 when PO2 is increased (in the alveoli) and to release O2 when PO2 is decreased (in the body’s tissues). Cooperative binding means that a hemoglobin molecule either is bound to four O2 molecules or is bound to none. In other words, the hemoglobin molecule either is fully oxygenated or is fully deoxygenated.

The change in shape of the hemoglobin molecule that occurs as it binds and releases O2 causes it to reflect and absorb light differently when it is oxygenated than when it is deoxygenated. This phenomenon is responsible for the bright red color of oxygenated hemoglobin and the deep purple color of deoxyhemoglobin. This difference in light absorption and reflection makes it possible to measure the amount of oxygenated hemoglobin present in a blood sample through a process known as spectrophotometry or, as it is clinically known, oximetry.

Hemoglobin Saturation and Oxygen Partial Pressure

Hemoglobin is 100% saturated with O2 if every hemoglobin molecule is combined with four O2 molecules. Saturation is expressed as the percentage of hemoglobin molecules in the blood that are oxygenated. Normally, at sea level about 97.5% of the hemoglobin molecules in arterial blood are oxygenated; the remaining 2.5% are unoxygenated. This means that arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) is about 97.5% at a normal PaO2 of 100 mm Hg. Only 75% of the hemoglobin molecules in mixed venous blood are oxygenated. That is, mixed venous oxygen saturation (Sv¯imageO2) is normally 75%, which corresponds to a partial pressure of oxygen in mixed venous blood (Pv¯imageO2) of about 40 mm Hg.

Saturation can be thought of as a percentage of hemoglobin’s capacity for O2. An SaO2 of 90% means the hemoglobin in the blood is carrying 90% of its O2 capacity. Mixed venous blood hemoglobin normally carries only 75% of its O2 capacity. It is important to understand that hemoglobin’s O2 saturation percentage is not a measure of blood O2 content, nor is it relevant to the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. In other words, 100% saturation does not automatically imply that blood O2 content is normal or that hemoglobin concentration is normal. If hemoglobin concentration is low (as it is in anemia), blood O2 content is low even if the hemoglobin present is 100% saturated with O2. Likewise, low saturation does not automatically mean that blood O2 content is below normal, although this is generally the meaning. For example, hemoglobin concentration may be abnormally high (polycythemia) in individuals who have chronic hypoxia, which makes it possible for blood O2 content to be normal even though hemoglobin saturation percentage is below normal.

Hemoglobin Capacity for Oxygen

When hemoglobin is 100% saturated with O2, each gram (g) of hemoglobin carries 1.34 mL of O2. The normal concentration of hemoglobin in the blood ranges from 12 to 15 g per 100 mL blood (12 to 15 g/dL). Assuming a hemoglobin concentration of 15 g/dL, hemoglobin’s O2-carrying capacity (100% saturation) is as follows: 15 × 1.34 = 20.1 mL/dL. Mixed venous blood

CLINICAL FOCUS 8-1   Clinical Measurement of Blood Oxygen Saturation

The measurement of the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in the clinical setting involves a process called spectrophotometry. Spectrophotometry measures light wavelengths. All substances absorb and emit a unique spectrum of light wavelengths, known as an absorption spectrum. Each form of hemoglobin (e.g., HbO2, Hb, and carboxyhemoglobin [HbCO]) has its own absorption spectrum. A spectrophotometer specifically designed to measure the absorption spectra of various hemoglobin forms is called an oximeter.

An oximeter passes the light of specific wavelengths through a blood sample to a photodetector on the opposite side. The photodetector senses the light’s intensity and converts it to a proportional electrical current. When light enters the blood sample, certain wavelengths may be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected. The greater the optical density or opaqueness of the blood sample, the less light can be transmitted through it. The oximeter differentiates between HbO2 and deoxyhemoglobin based on their different absorption spectra and quantifies their concentrations. Oximeters that use only two light wavelengths can detect only Hb and HbO2; they cannot detect other forms of hemoglobin such as HbCO. An instrument called a CO-oximeter distinguishes among all forms of hemoglobin and displays their relative percentages. CO-oximeters are used in blood gas laboratories with blood gas analyzers, allowing SaO2 to be included in the blood gas report. Pulse oximeters are compact portable devices that pass two wavelengths of light through an extremity such as a finger or toe, sensing the absorption spectrum of arterial blood during the systolic pulse. These oximeters are convenient because they do not require blood sampling, but their accuracy is limited in the presence of abnormal hemoglobin forms.

(75% saturated) carries 15.1 mL/dL of O2 (0.75 × 20.1), whereas arterial blood (97.5% saturated at PO2 of 100 mm Hg) carries about 19.7 mL/dL of O2 (0.975 × 20.1).

Oxyhemoglobin Equilibrium Curve

The blood plasma PO2 determines hemoglobin’s saturation with O2. The HbO2 equilibrium curve (Figure 8-4), also known as the HbO2 dissociation curve, shows the relationship between plasma PO2 (horizontal axis) and the percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen (SO2) (vertical axis). Because SO2 and O2 content are directly related (as described in the foregoing section), either one can be plotted on the vertical axis of the curve (see Figure 8-4).

The HbO2 equilibrium curve can be constructed by exposing whole blood (which in Figure 8-4 contains 15 g Hb per 100 mL blood) to gas mixtures with successively higher PO2 values. The blood pH, PCO2, and temperature are held constant throughout the process. When hemoglobin is 100% saturated, each gram carries 1.34 mL of O2. Thus, 100% saturation corresponds to a hemoglobin O2 content of 20.1 mL/dL (15 g/dL × 1.34 mL O2/g = 20.1 mL/dL); 50% saturation corresponds to half this content, or 10.05 mL/dL.

In contrast to the relationship between dissolved O2 content and PO2 (see Figure 8-1), the relationship between PO2 and hemoglobin saturation or O2 content is nonlinear. The sigmoid shape of the HbO2 curve (see Figure 8-4) is caused by the hemoglobin molecule’s change in O2 affinity as each O2 molecule binds in succession with heme. The middle steep portion of the curve reflects the rapid loading or unloading of O2 molecules after hemoglobin’s binding or release of the first O2 molecule. Small PO2 changes cause large blood O2 content changes in the middle steep portion of the curve (20 to 60 mm Hg). In contrast, large PO2 changes cause small to minimal changes in O2 content at the extreme flatter ends of the curve, especially the flat, right end (60 to 100 mm Hg).

Physiological Advantages of the Oxyhemoglobin Equilibrium Curve Shape

The shape of the HbO2 equilibrium curve has important physiological consequences. As shown in Figure 8-5, the upper flat section between PO2 values of 60 mm Hg and 100 mm Hg can be thought of as the association part of the curve because O2 uptake in the lung normally occurs in this PO2 range. The lower part of the curve (PO2 <60 mm Hg) can be thought of as the dissociation part of the curve because O2 release to the tissues occurs at these lower PO2 values.

The flat association part of the HbO2 curve provides a considerable safety margin in that blood PO2 can decrease from 100 mm Hg to 60 mm Hg (Figure 8-6) and cause only a small reduction in blood O2 content; SO2 decreases only 7.5% (97.5% to 90%), corresponding to a reduction in arterial oxygen content (CaO2) of only 1.5 mL/dL (19.6 mL/dL to 18.1 mL/dL). PaO2 can decrease considerably without reducing the blood O2 content significantly, as long as this occurs on the flat part of the HbO2 curve; this is diagnostically important because a change in PaO2 reflects oxygenation problems much sooner than a change in SaO2. If the HbO2 curve were linear rather than sigmoid, a reduction in PO2 from 100 mm Hg to 60 mm Hg would greatly decrease SO2 and O2 content (Figure 8-7).

Increases in PO2 above 60 mm Hg do not add much oxygen to the blood; this is especially true for PO2 values greater than 100 mm Hg, where the HbO2 curve is virtually flat. Likewise, maximal hyperventilation is ineffective in increasing SO2 and O2 content in healthy individuals; for example, extreme hyperventilation with room air at best might lower alveolar pressure of carbon dioxide (PACO2) to about 15 mm Hg. According to the alveolar gas equation (see Chapter 7), this would produce a maximally attainable PO2 in the alveolus of about 130 mm Hg and a slightly lower PO2 in the arterial blood because of normal shunt. Even at a normal PaO2 of 100 mm Hg when breathing room air, hemoglobin is already 97.5% saturated with O2; technically, it is fully saturated at a PO2 of about 250 mm Hg2, although for all practical purposes, one can consider hemoglobin to be 100% saturated at a PO2 of 130 mm Hg. Even increasing the PaO2 to 600 mm Hg by breathing 100% O2 increases SaO2 by only 2.5%, from 97.5% to 100%. This increase adds only 0.5 mL/dL of O2 to the blood (from 19.6 mL/dL to 20.1 mL/dL). The steep dissociation part of the HbO2 curve is especially suited for releasing O2 to the tissues, where the PO2 is between 10 mm Hg and 40 mm Hg. A reduction in PO2 from 60 mm Hg to 20 mm Hg causes SO2 to decrease from 90% to about 32% (see Figure 8-6), corresponding to a reduction in CaO2 of about 11.7 mL/dL (from 18.1 mL/dL to 6.4 mL/dL). Thus, hemoglobin releases about 11.7 mL/dL of O2 into the plasma; this increases the plasma PO2, which provides the pressure gradient for O2 to diffuse into the tissues.

Pv¯imageO2 reflects the average PO2 of all body tissues and is normally about 40 mm Hg. A PO2 of 40 mm Hg corresponds with about 75% Hb saturation with O2. The body’s tissues extract about 25% of the arterial O2 content (about 5 mL/dL) under resting conditions. During heavy exercise, average tissue PO2 may decrease to 20 mm Hg or less, and the tissues may extract 70% or more of the CaO2 (Figure 8-8). Coupled with this greater O2 extraction rate, cardiac output increases considerably—six or seven times the resting level in trained athletes—which can increase O2 delivery to the tissues 20-fold.1

CLINICAL FOCUS 8-2   Sensitivity of Arterial Oxygen Saturation and Arterial Oxygen Partial Pressure to Decreased Blood Oxygen Content

You are called to the emergency department to draw arterial blood for blood gas analysis on a young teenager experiencing a severe asthma attack. Emergency department personnel assure you that the oxygen saturation, as obtained by a pulse oximeter, is “fine” at 90%. You are further informed that in the past 45 minutes the saturation decreased only “slightly” from 95% to 90%. The patient appears to be in significant respiratory distress. Before you draw the blood gas sample, what is your interpretation of the recent decrease in saturation from 95% to 90%?


A health care provider’s perspective suddenly changes when it is realized that a “slight” reduction in SaO2 from 95% to 90% means that the PaO2 decreased about 25 mm Hg, from 85 mm Hg to 60 mm Hg (see Figure 8-6). Health care personnel tend to be a bit more alarmed by a decrease in PaO2 of this magnitude. The arterial oxygen content decreased only 5%. However, the PaO2 of 60 mm Hg is on the “shoulder” of the curve. As the PO2 falls below this point, sharp decreases in oxygen saturation and content occur for relatively small changes in PO2. The important clinical point is that as a previously healthy person develops hypoxemia, changes in PaO2 reflect oxygenation defects much sooner than changes in SaO2. A decrease in a young person’s PaO2 from 85 mm Hg to 60 mm Hg indicates a significant change in the lung’s oxygenation ability. The nature of hemoglobin’s combination with oxygen during this decrease provides a protective margin of safety because blood oxygen content does not quickly decrease on the “flat” portion of the O2-Hb equilibrium curve. At the same time, this protective mechanism masks the severity of the oxygenation defect. Changes in SaO2 must be interpreted in light of the corresponding PaO2 values to gain a true appreciation for changes in the lung’s oxygenating ability.

Affinity of Hemoglobin for Oxygen

The O2 pressure at which hemoglobin is half-saturated (P50) is a measure of hemoglobin’s affinity for O2. Normally, a PO2 of 27 mm Hg produces an SO2 of 50% when the blood temperature is 37° C, pH is 7.40, and PCO2 is 40 mm Hg (see Figure 8-4). An increased P50 means more than 27 mm Hg of PO2 is required to saturate 50% of the hemoglobin. In this instance, one can think of Hb as being more “reluctant” to bind O2, and greater pressure is required to make it do so. An increased P50 means hemoglobin’s affinity for O2 is decreased. Similarly, a decreased P50 means hemoglobin’s affinity for O2 is increased, causing it to bind O2 molecules more aggressively (i.e., in this situation, hemoglobin saturation is >50% at a PO2 of 27 mm Hg).

In the alveoli where O2 loading takes place, blood with a decreased P50 (high O2 affinity) is advantageous. Conversely, high hemoglobin affinity for O2 is detrimental at the tissue level where O2 release is required. Ideally, hemoglobin affinity for O2 changes depending on whether loading or unloading is required.

Oxyhemoglobin Curve Shifts

Factors that change Hb affinity for O2 shift the HbO2 curve to the left or to the right. Factors that increase Hb affinity for O2 cause a leftward curve shift, or a decreased P50; factors that decrease Hb affinity cause a rightward curve shift, or an increased P50 (Table 8-1). Figure 8-9 shows HbO2 curves for blood passing through pulmonary capillaries (left, blue curve) and through systemic tissue capillaries of heavily exercising muscle (right, red curve). As blood from the lungs travels through the systemic tissue capillaries, the HbO2 curve shifts rightward from the blue curve position in Figure 8-9 to the red curve position. This right shift reflects hemoglobin’s


Indicators of Hemoglobin Affinity for Oxygen

Increased Affinity Decreased Affinity
Left HbO2 curve shift Right HbO2 curve shift
Decreased P50 (<27 mm Hg) Increased P50 (>27 mm Hg)
Greater SO2 for given PO2 Decreased SO2 for given PO2

HbO2, Oxyhemoglobin; P50,