Chapter 183 Nocardia
Once thought to be a rare cause of human disease, nocardiosis is being recognized more frequently, and has been diagnosed in persons from 4 wk to 82 yr of age. Almost all patients have compromised cellular immunity from an underlying disease such as organ transplantation, malignancy, corticosteroids, diabetes, HIV infection, or primary immunodeficiency, especially chronic granulomatous disease (Chapter 124). Nocardia infections among stem cell transplant recipients are associated with a high rate of concomitant invasive fungal infection and a notable lack of protection with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis. An evaluation of opportunistic infections in 547 organ transplant recipients receiving Alemtuzumab (humanized monoclonal CD52 antibody) revealed that 62 opportunistic infections developed in 56 patients (10%), Nocardia being found in 4 patients.