Neurological system

Published on 09/02/2015 by admin

Filed under Complementary Medicine

Last modified 09/02/2015

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Chapter 10 Neurological system


Case history

Mark Stevens, 48, has come to the clinic because his wife has strongly urged him to.

Mark was laid off work seven months ago when the company he was working for laid off most of its workforce. Mark has worked as a diesel fitter specialising in ore pit vehicles since he finished his apprenticeship many years ago. Since Mark was laid off he has been unable to find other employment and family finances are beginning to become stretched.

Mark and his wife have two teenage children, a 14-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl, and he is concerned about the example he is setting them. Mark is more tired than he has ever been before although generally his fatigue improves during the day. He sleeps more hours overnight and has started taking a nap during the day because he is so bored. He is spending most of his time at home and the amount of time he spends in front of the television during the day has been causing tension between him and his wife. Mark doesn’t feel he can talk to her about how he feels because she seems so anxious about their finances and he feels that is his fault. He hates being on social security benefits and attending the Centrelink office, but he feels there is no other solution at the moment.

Mark tells you he feels old and tired, is drinking about six beers every day, eating lots of junk food and has taken up smoking again. The cost of his cigarettes is another area of friction between him and his wife. Mark also tells you he drinks four to six cups of coffee every day to help give him energy.

Mark has considered retraining and looking for work in another field, but he doesn’t know what he would do. Working as a diesel fitter is all he knows and he isn’t sure he would enjoy doing anything else. He is also anxious about starting again and not sure how he would feel about retraining alongside a lot of younger people and then competing with them for jobs.

His GP recently did some blood tests and recommended he go on antidepressants. Mark hates popping pills and doesn’t believe he is depressed. He didn’t understand why the doctor did all the blood tests since he doesn’t think he is sick, just bored and unemployed. Mark tells you he did not want his doctor to think he was going crazy but he feels like crying sometimes and is ashamed to do so; at other times he feels numb and doesn’t want to talk to anyone. Mark says he used to be a very busy, driven person and he doesn’t feel he knows himself anymore.

TABLE 10.1 COMPLAINT [37, 1215, 75]

Analogy: Skin of the apple

AREAS OF INVESTIGATION AND EXAMPLE QUESTIONS CLIENT RESPONSES Onset   When did you start experiencing your current symptoms? When I got laid off. It’s been getting worse since I can’t find another job. Understanding the cause (client)  

Exacerbating factors   Is there anything that makes them worse? When I argue with my wife or when we have trouble paying bills. Relieving factors   Is there anything that makes them better? Not really. Examination and inspection Mark appears passive and withdrawn. His face is inexpressive, his face is red and he has dark rings under his eyes.


Analogy: Flesh of the apple Context: Put the presenting complaint into context to understand the disease
Family health  
Has anyone else in your family ever experienced similar symptoms? I don’t think so.
Obstruction and foreign body  
Do you snore during the night and wake up feeling fatigued and unrested? (sleep apnoea) Yeah. I snore a lot but I think it’s because I drink too much alcohol at night.
Recreational drug use  

Occupational toxins and hazards   Could you have been exposed to any potentially toxic chemicals or heavy metals in your previous job? I don’t know. I suppose I could have been but nobody ever said anything about it. Functional disease   Did the fatigue begin after losing your job or did you feel it before? (functional origin) Yeah, I used to have loads of energy. Supplements and side effects of medication   Are you taking any supplements or medication at the moment? No. Stress and neurological   Eating habits and energy   Tell me about your diet and energy levels. Mark tells you he knows his diet isn’t particularly good at the moment. He is eating a lot of junk food and drinking too much coffee and beer out of boredom. His wife gives him healthy food but he often doesn’t have much appetite for it.


Analogy: Core of the apple with the seed of ill health Core: Holistic assessment to understand the client
Support systems  
Emotional health  
Do you think you are depressed? I don’t think so, I’m just bored and out of work.
Daily activities  
Tell me about your daily routine. Mark tells you he sleeps late, watches TV when he gets up. He might go out to get the paper or shopping with his wife during the day. He is usually in bed by 10 pm.
Stress release  
How do you deal with your stress? Smoking and drinking. I know it’s not good.
Home life  
How are things at home right now? There is a fair bit of tension with my wife. She says she understands, but I think it’s my fault we’re having problems paying the bills. I’m washed up and unemployable at 48. Not a good example to set for the kids.
Action needed to heal  
How do you think I can help you? [76] I don’t know, it was the wife’s idea.
Long-term goals  
Do you have any long-term goals? To be working again.


Pulse 70 bpm
Blood pressure 125/78
Temperature 36.6°C
Respiratory rate 14 resp/min
Body mass index 29
Waist circumference 97.7 cm
Face Lack of facial expression, red face, dark rings under the eyes
Urinalysis No abnormality detected (NAD)


Full blood count: To rule out infection, tumour, inflammation, anaemia All cells appear normal
Epstein-Barr/Ross River virus blood test Negative for postviral infection
Cholesterol blood test Within normal range
Thyroid function test NAD
CRP (C-reactive protein): infection, inflammation, tumour, bacteria Normal range
Liver function test NAD
Serum electrolyte blood test NAD
Serum cortisol blood test NAD
Toxicology screen NAD
Lead level NAD


Bronchogenic carcinoma CRP normal
Chronic cardiorespiratory disease No shortness of breath, hypertension, electrolyte balance normal
Causal factor:
Liver damage due to alcohol excess
LFT normal
Causal factor:
Toxicology screen clear
Causal factor:
Lead toxicity
Lead levels within normal range
Electrolyte imbalance (hyponatraemia, hypokalaemia, hypercalcaemia) Blood test and urinalysis within normal range
Anaemia Full blood count normal
Causal factor:
Nutritional deficiency: Mark is pale
No sign of smooth glossy tongue or cheilosis on sides of mouth
Causal factor:
Organic fatigue: tired, sleep disturbances, no major physical abnormalities
Shorter duration than functional fatigue; Mark’s fatigue does not generally worsen during the day
Causal factor:
Current viral infection: glandular fever, Ross River virus
Full blood count normal, no fever
Causal factor:
Current bacterial infection
Full blood count normal, no fever
Hepatitis LFT normal, no sign of jaundice
Hypothyroidism/hyperthryoidism Thyroid function test normal
Adrenal insufficiency/Cushing’s syndrome No low blood pressure or skin pigmentation, serum cortisol within normal range
Diabetes Urinalysis NAD
Rheumatoid arthritis/systemic lupus erythematosus CRP normal
Causal factor: Psychological depression: adjustment disorder, tiredness, hypersomnia, low mood due to a particular life-changing event or psychological cause Depression does not continue for more than 2 months; not considered major depression
Physiological depression: postviral infection, depression, fatigue [73] Blood tests reveal no viral illness such as glandular fever during the past 6 months
Type 2 – minor depression: can be mild or moderate depression Need to show 2–4 symptoms of depression that have lasted at least 2 weeks; Mark shows more than 4 signs of depression currently


Depression: important differential diagnosis to rule out before exploring other possibilities of mental or organic causes for fatigue symptoms Tiredness that has lasted several months, feelings of guilt, watching excessive amounts of television, excess coffee, alcohol and junk food, feeling like wanting to cry; anxiety began after the trauma of losing his job; fatigue generally improves during the day
Primary origins: primary depression and endogenous depression are associated with conditions that are regarded as primary disorders, i.e. that do not occur secondarily to other medical or psychiatric disorders; these terms refer to depression that is caused by internal chemical and biological factors rather than external stressors Type 1: major (clinical) depression; has at least five symptoms of depression for more than 2 weeks and causes considerable incapacity with daily activities; can be moderate or severe depression; people often describe symptoms in physical terms

Case analysis


Not ruled out by tests/investigations already done [15, 811, 16, 6276]
Food intolerance/allergy Fatigue, depression, recent dietary change since feeling low; Mark may be eating foods he did not previously eat Need to gain more insight into Mark’s previous and current diet and associated symptoms
Obstructive sleep apnoea [63] Daytime naps, tired; sufferers are often obese and Mark’s BMI is 29; can be made worse by drinking alcohol prior to sleeping; Mark wakes up feeling unrefreshed and snores during the night Do not usually complain of ‘sleepiness’ but rather fatigue generally
Chronic fatigue syndrome: fatigue for at least 6 months that has no physical explanation when there is no diagnosis of psychoses, bipolar affective disorder, eating disorder or organic brain disease [65, 72] Severe disabling fatigue affects both mental and physical functioning for at least 6 months; Mark is sleeping more, has depression, feelings of guilt, social withdrawal and crying spells Need to determine whether Mark experiences muscular and mental fatigue for at least 24 hours after exertion before some level of recovery; need to determine if fatigue improves during the day; need to determine if Mark experiences at least two neurological/cognitive manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome such as impaired concentration and muscle weakness; no significant autonomic, neuroendocrine or immune manifestations of the disorder present for Mark; often due to postviral infection, which Mark has not had
Causal factor: Seasonal affective disorder Secondary to the winter months; symptoms include increased sleep, tiredness, increased appetite, weight gain Need to determine if Mark has experienced episodes of depression during the winter months in the past
Causal factor: Physiologic fatigue Can be caused by depression, caffeine, alcohol, excess sleep, intense emotions; recent diagnostic studies are within normal limits; could be feeling physiologic fatigue concurrently with functional fatigue from depression Symptoms present for less than 14 days and are not usually associated with changes in self-esteem, social difficulties or overall mood
Causal factor: Functional fatigue Tiredness that has lasted several months, began after the trauma of losing his job; feeling of fatigue generally improves during the day  
Bipolar disorders: mental illness where individual alternates between manic episodes and major depression [66, 74] May not think he needs help or there is anything out of balance mentally Need to determine if there are episodes of manic behaviour that may include restlessness, fast speech, weight loss, difficulty sleeping; not sure if there is any family history of mental illness
Dysthymia: mild depressive illness [70] Mark could be experiencing ‘double depression’ if he has had intermittent periods of depression in the past; symptoms include tiredness, lack of interest in life, low mood Lasts intermittently for 2 years or more; need to determine if Mark had episodes of feeling low prior to losing his job
Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder Depressive disorder often associated with an experience of loss; symptoms of fatigue, apathy or intense sadness; Mark has mentioned a significant incapacity to continue daily activities for work and family Numerous physical complaints associated with depression such as restlessness, headaches, insomnia, shortness of breath, gut or skin disorders
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): symptoms often develop within 6 months of the stressful event Family tension could indicate emotional detachment from his family; Mark’s symptoms developed after he was made redundant; Mark has mentioned anxiety about re-training and finding a new job Has not mentioned flashbacks to a particular traumatic event such as losing job
Causal factor: Emotional stress Tired, concerns about job security, financial difficulties, family strain; longer duration than acute organic origin of tiredness No irritability or shortness of breath reported
Causal factor: Suicidal tendencies Secondary to anxiety and depression; more common in males over 45 years of age; Mark appears emotionally depressed Need to determine if Mark has had thoughts of suicide, a history of suicide attempts, long history of alcohol abuse, family history of substance abuse or has experienced any psychotic symptoms

Working diagnosis

Mark and depression

Mark is a 48-year-old man who was laid off work six months ago. Since this time Mark has experienced increased fatigue, sleepiness and a lack of interest in daily activities. Mark has started smoking again and is eating unhealthy food, not exercising, is emotionally detached from his wife and is experiencing feelings of guilt and worthlessness. Mark recently had a series of blood tests that ruled out several organic causes for his current symptoms of depression. His doctor would like him to begin a course of antidepressants but Mark does not believe he is depressed.

Depression is diagnosed when a person has had a shift in their self-esteem and are more self-critical, feel hopeless and helpless, guilty and pessimistic. Other signs of depression include negative physical and cognitive symptoms. Types of depression may be categorised under several terms that include whether the depression is primary, secondary, major, minor, mild, moderate, severe and psychological or physical. Major and minor depression are defined on a rating scale dependent on how many symptoms of depression are present every day for at least two weeks.

Mark’s symptoms have now developed into what appears to be a primary major depression with severe symptoms present for more than two weeks. The clinical definition of major depression involves a prominent and persistent depressed or low mood that interferes with daily functioning almost every day for at least two weeks, and normally includes at least four of the following symptoms:

It can be common for a person not to recognise they actually have major (clinical) depression and may only understand their symptoms from the perspective of physical changes rather than psychological. Although Mark may have initially had reactive depression that was a secondary response to a life event, his symptoms have continued and present as a potential chemical and biological imbalance that is difficult to restore to equilibrium.

General references used in this diagnosis: 1–5, 62, 67–69


Treatment for the presenting complaint and symptoms Treatment for all associated symptoms Treatment for mental, emotional, spiritual, constitutional, lifestyle issues and metaphysical considerations

NB: the use of 5-HTP, l-tryptophan or s-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) must be monitored to ensure there are no adverse reactions; if Mark decides to take l-tryptophan, 5-HTP or SAMe in conjunction with the herbal tonic, tea or tablets, the herbal formula should be reformulated due to the potential for interaction between 5-HTP, l-tryptophan and SAMe with St John’s wort



Referral for presenting complaint Referral for all associated physical, dietary and lifestyle concerns Referral for contributing emotional, mental, spiritual, metaphysical, lifestyle and constitutional factors

Confirmed diagnosis

Major clinical depression with functional fatigue

Prescribed medication


Referral for counselling Emotional assessment and support
Referral for mental illness assessment If it is felt Mark is in danger of hurting himself or someone else; it is important that other health professionals are also aware a client may have suicidal thoughts and tendencies
Sleep clinic observation Sleep apnoea
Anti-nuclear antibody Autoimmune disorders
Vitamin D [22, 23] Vitamin D deficiency
Heavy metal toxicity screening: mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, aluminium [8, 9] Heavy metal toxicity can cause neurological and behavioural changes [24]; lead levels are within normal range, but other heavy metals have not been tested for
Serum test for biotin, folic acid, vitamin B6, B2, B3, B12 and C, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and potassium Deficiency can cause depression [8, 9]
Brain scan Brain tumour


Treatment for the presenting complaint and symptoms Treatment for all associated symptoms Treatment for mental, emotional, spiritual, constitutional, lifestyle issues and metaphysical considerations

NB: If Mark decides to take prescribed antidepressant medication his herbal formula will need to be reformulated to remove St John’s wort; if he is taking l-tryptophan, 5-HTP or SAMe, they will need to be discontinued if he decides to take the prescribed antidepressant; Mark must be monitored collaboratively with his GP to ensure his treatment program is effective and to adjust the program where necessary

Lifestyle alterations/considerations

Refer Mark for counselling utilising cognitive behavioural therapy that aims to help him develop a positive mental attitude, set realistic goals, avoid negative behavioural patterns and find ways to include laughter and humour into his life [8, 9, 17, 47].

Regular daily exercise is an effective method of treating depression [8, 9, 17, 47]. Aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, running [21] or weight training [9] has been shown to reduce depression [9, 21].

Stress-management techniques [49], such as relaxation therapy [9, 47] and yoga breathing exercises [47], might be helpful to Mark.

Encourage Mark to spend time outside in the fresh air and sunshine to get sufficient sun exposure for adequate vitamin D production. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with depression [22, 23].

Test Mark for heavy metal toxicity and treat if necessary [9, 24].

Encourage Mark to live a more healthy lifestyle, incorporating healthy eating, reduced alcohol consumption, quitting smoking and daily physical activity [21, 35, 45, 47].

Encourage Mark to consult with a careers advisor to help him consider his employment and retraining options.

Encourage Mark to take up an activity that gives him a purpose and has a positive effect on his family. Planting a vegetable garden may help him to feel he is contributing to the family and may facilitate a greater level of involvement and engagement with his children if they are encouraged to work with him in the garden. Eating home grown vegetables will provide significant nutritional benefits.

Physical treatment suggestions

Mark may benefit from massage therapy [47, 50, 51]. Massage therapy can reduce anxiety and depression [50, 51]. The use of lavender oil during massage therapy may be particularly helpful [25, 41].

Electroacupuncture may be of benefit to Mark [42].

Hydrotherapy: 2–3-minute cold (no less than 55°F/12°C) showers twice a day [18, 52, 55], alternating hot and cold showers with 1–2 minute of hot and 15–30 seconds of cold. Repeat 3–4 times twice a day [18, 54]. Neutral bath from ¼ –1 hour daily for several days [53], full body cold mitten friction [53], constitutional hydrotherapy daily or weekly [53]. Dry skin-brushing prior to bath, followed by wet skin-brushing in the bath with a loofah [54].


St John’s wort
Hypericum perforatum
60 mL

Antidepressant [25, 26, 47]; anxiolytic [25, 26]; inhibits synaptic reuptake of serotonin, noradrenalin and dopamine [25, 26]; upregulates serotonin receptors [25, 26]; clinical trials indicate use in treating mild to moderate depression [25, 26]

Caution should be exercised if Mark decides to take the prescribed antidepressant medication, his formula should be reformulated to remove St John’s wort [25, 26]

Siberian ginseng
Eleutherococcus senticosus
40 mL Adaptogenic [25, 28]; tonic [28]; theoretical application in depression is due to the herb’s ability to increase serotonin and noradrenalin [29]; clinical indications include stress [25, 28], fatigue [25, 28] and to increase vitality [28]
Turnera diffusa
60 mL Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine as an antidepressant and anxiolytic [27, 28]; particularly beneficial where there is a sexual factor involved [25]
Rhodiola rosea
40 mL Adaptogenic [31]; tonic [31]; traditionally used to treat fatigue, depression and nervous system disorders [31]; effective in reducing symptoms of depression [32]; effective in reducing symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder [33]
Supply: 200 mL Dose: 10 mL twice daily


St John’s wort
Hypericum perforatum
750 mg See above
Turnera diffusa
675 mg See above
Schisandra chinensis
625 mg Adaptogenic [25, 44]; hepatoprotective [25]; nervine tonic [44]
Scutellaria lateriflora
500 mg Nervine tonic [43]; mild sedative [27, 43]; indicated for use in nervous tension [27]

Dose: 2 tablets twice daily


A less expensive option if Mark has concerns about the cost of the herbal tonic or tablet
St John’s wort
Hypericum perforatum
2 parts See above
Turnera diffusa
1 part See above
Lavandula angustifolia
1 part Antidepressant [27, 28]; anxiolytic [25, 28]; improves sleep [25], mood [25] and concentration [25]
Oats seed
Avena sativa
1 part Antidepressant [27]; nutritive [25]; traditionally used in depressive states and general debility [27]
Verbena officinalis
1 part Indicated for use in depression and melancholia [27]

Decoction: 1 cup 4 times daily


Omega-3 fish oil supplement containing 2000 mg EPA daily [36]
An essential and affordable supplement
Effective in treating depression [8, 9, 17, 25, 34]; supplemental EPA provides significant benefits in treating depression [36, 61]
High-potency practitioner-strength multivitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplement containing therapeutic doses of essential micronutrients, particularly B-group vitamins and vitamin D [22, 25, 59, 60]

An essential and affordable supplement

Nutritional deficiency can lead to depression [22, 25, 59]; because Mark’s current diet is nutrient poor supplementation is advisable
B-group vitamins are essential for serotonin production [17, 25, 40]; vitamin D deficiency is associated with depression [22, 60]; because Mark spends most of his time inside he may not be getting sufficient sun exposure to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Tryptophan supplement providing 400 mg tryptophan daily in divided doses [40]
NB: In Australia doses of tryptophan exceeding 100 mg are included in Schedule 4 of the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons (SUSDP) and require a medical, dental or veterinary prescription [37]
5-hydroxytryptophan [5-HTP]
75 mg daily [17]
Alternative to herbal treatment; important supplement, but secondary to essential nutritional supplements and dietary recommendations if finances are tight; alternative to herbal formula; the availability and sale of 5-HTP is restricted in many Australian states and territories
Tryptophan deficiency is associated with depression [38, 40]; using contaminated l-tryptophan has been linked to the development of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS); caution should be exercised to ensure only high-quality tryptophan products are supplied [9]
Immediate serotonin precursor [40]; increases endorphins and catecholamine and is an effective alternative to SSRI medications and tricyclic antidepressants [9]; 5-HTP has a therapeutic use in depression [17, 40];
S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)
200 mg 3 times daily [40]; an alternative to tryptophan or 5-HTP if difficulties obtaining or prescribing at the recommended dose are experienced; important supplement, but secondary to essential nutritional supplements and dietary recommendations if finances are tight; alternative to herbal treatment
Effective for mild to moderately severe depression [17, 47]; therapeutic use in depression [17, 40, 47]
800 mg elemental magnesium daily in divided doses [37, 40]; important supplement, but secondary to essential nutritional supplements and dietary recommendations if finances are tight
Supplemental magnesium is an effective treatment for depression [25, 37, 39]; magnesium deficiency may be a causative factor in the development of depression [25, 37, 40]


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