Neurological Examination

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chapter 13 Neurological Examination

Many physicians feel uncomfortable when they are required to assess a child’s neurological status. They may be either afraid that the youngster will not cooperate or uncertain of what a “normal” child should be able to do. A competent clinical evaluation, however, often precludes unnecessary investigations and prevents unwarranted psychological and financial costs for both the patient and society.

The chapter emphasizes ways to elicit cooperation from most children so that you can determine whether the findings are significant. The nervous system is an excellent model for the logical evaluation of clinical findings. Your knowledge of neurophysiology and neuroanatomy should enable you to locate the site of the problem within the nervous system or to decide that the problem is caused by a more diffuse process and cannot be localized to a single lesion.

The neurological assessment should be stimulating and enjoyable for both you and your patient. Where relevant, the description of each part of the examination is divided according to age ranges: school-aged child, preschool-aged child, and infant. At the end of the chapter, case histories are provided to show how the assessment is applied to children of different ages and to highlight some common problems in pediatric neurology.

To avoid overlooking important findings, you should approach each phase of the neurological examination with the following categories in mind:

The Logic Behind the Approach

At each phase of the assessment, try to determine the site of the lesion. Doing so makes it easier to compile a list of differential diagnoses or hypotheses. As an initial approach, divide neurological disorders into upper motor neuron lesions (UMNLs) and lower motor neuron lesions (LMNLs). The major features of each are listed in Table 13–1. Remember that some children, such as those with leukodystrophies, may have a mixture of both UMNL and LMNL signs, and localizing the problem to a single focal lesion in such patients is not possible. In addition, children with disorders of the cerebellum or basal ganglia do not have UMNL signs.

TABLE 13–1 Signs of Upper and Lower Motor Neuron Lesions

Parameters Upper Motor Neuron Lesions: Central Nervous System Dysfunction* Lower Motor Neuron Lesions: Peripheral Nervous System Dysfunction
Intellect Deficits may be found with cortical abnormalities Normal
Cranial nerves Abnormalities usually reflect brainstem involvement but may indicate a neuropathy May be involved
Power Slightly decreased, although movement more severely impaired because of altered tone Markedly reduced; neuromuscular junction disease associated with fatigue
Tone Increased (spasticity) with lesions affecting pyramidal pathways; rigidity seen with extrapyramidal disease Reduced (floppy or hypotonic)
Coordination Impaired when cerebellum or its connections are involved May be hindered by weakness
Reflexes Hyperactive in pyramidal dysfunction; plantar stimulation results in an extensor response (Babinski) in the great toe Difficult to elicit
Sensation Usually intact, but spinal cord gives a sensory level that is in a dermatomal distribution Impaired with lesions that affect the nerve
Fasciculations   Present with anterior horn cell disease but occasionally also found with neuropathies

* Involve intracranial contents, brainstem, or spinal cord.

Involve intracranial horn cells, nerves, neuromuscular junction, or muscles.

Obtaining the History

When combined with a hands-off observation, the history usually provides the diagnosis (see Chapter 1). The physical examination rarely reveals previously unsuspected findings.

The school-aged child

After introducing myself to the children’s families, I try to establish a rapport with the children by asking why they think they have come visit me and what they think is wrong. Ask children their names and what they like to be called. Some children prefer to be called by a nickname.

Start the history by talking directly to the patient. This helps the child feel more involved in the process. Begin by talking about nonthreatening subjects, such as family members, school or teachers, television shows, music, or sports. Use open-ended questions to avoid “Yes” or “No” answers. All school-aged children deserve the opportunity to speak to the physician alone; it is during this part of the history that they sometimes reveal information they would otherwise withhold. The parents must be asked to leave the room for this part of the history. A child’s inability to give a history may be an important observation in itself. Having gained the child’s acceptance, you can now inquire about the problem or complaint.

After allowing the patient to contribute as much as he or she wishes or can, ask the parents to tell you their main concerns. First, establish whether the problem is static or progressive, a distinction that will influence your differential diagnosis and subsequent inquiries. For example, a child with learning difficulties that are worsening is much more likely to have a neurodegenerative or metabolic disorder than a child whose problems are static or nonprogressive. Similarly, an intracranial lesion, such as a tumor, is much more likely if headaches are worsening than if they have been unchanged for months. Always ask details of the child’s school performance because deterioration in grades may suggest a progressive neurological condition.

A brief but detailed history of the pregnancy is essential. Most mothers remember the pregnancy and birth in vivid detail and often have unfounded fears related to it (see Chapter 1). Reassuring a mother that the cough medicine she took during the third trimester was not the cause of her baby’s meningomyelocele may relieve anxiety. Similarly, if a child has been discharged from the neonatal unit at the same time as his/her mother, it is extremely unlikely that significant perinatal problems occurred.


The school-aged child

History-taking offers an excellent opportunity to observe the child unobtrusively. The gait of a child with a hemiparesis may be apparent as he or she walks from the waiting area to the examining room. Typically, the arm is held flexed and adducted against the chest, and the leg is circumducted. The child’s appearance is very important. Note the shape and size of the head (e.g., microcephaly or hydrocephalus), the shape and positioning of the eyes and ears (e.g., in Down syndrome), and any skin lesions (e.g., the facial angioma of Sturge-Weber syndrome). Asking the parents to bring in some family photographs can sometimes be useful. This allows you to compare the child’s appearance with that of his or her relatives.

The formal neurological examination begins during the observation phase. Strabismus or ophthalmoplegia may be apparent. The child’s use of language during interaction with the parents is often more spontaneous and informative than in conversation with the physician. Dysphasia indicates a dysfunction in the dominant hemisphere. Dysarthria may represent problems in the mouth, such as a cleft palate, or may be due to lesions that involve the cranial nerve VII, VIII, IX, X, or XII. Facial asymmetry (as in Bell palsy) may indicate a lesion of the seventh cranial nerve (LMNL) or the cerebral cortex (UMNL).

The Physical Examination

For the physical examination, the child’s cooperation is necessary and is usually easy to obtain. If a child with a behavioral problem refuses to cooperate, ask the parents to leave the room; this step is almost never necessary.

The school-aged child

I begin the physical examination of a school-aged child by playing ball with the child, thus extending the period of observation and allowing further evaluation of gait, power, and coordination as the child catches, throws, and kicks the ball.

To test proximal strength, ask the child to hop on each foot. You can also test pelvic girdle strength by asking the child to

Children with mild spasticity also have difficulty performing these tasks because of their increased muscle tone.

Next, have the child walk on the heels and then on the toes. This request is more likely to be successful if you demonstrate by walking on your heels and toes at the same time. Heel walking is an excellent test because weakness of the tibialis anterior (dorsiflexion of the foot) is an early sign of distal weakness in peripheral neuropathies. The patient with marked weakness has footdrop, which may be diagnosed from the slapping sound of the foot as the patient first walks into your office. Normally, the heel strikes the floor first, then the toes.

Milder degrees of weakness may require additional testing. To demonstrate mild proximal weakness or spasticity, you may have to ask the child to run up and down stairs. You can easily confirm mild distal problems, however, by having the child repetitively tap each foot quickly on the ground.

Next, test cerebellar function by having the child walk a straight line in a heel-to-toe fashion (tandem gait). Other useful tests of cerebellar function are the pirouette test, during which the child is expected to perform three pirouettes (360-degree turns) while walking. A variant of this test is to ask the youngster to walk several times around an object (such as a chair). In both situations, the child with cerebellar disease will stumble toward the side of the cerebellar lesion. A wide-based “drunken” gait usually indicates cerebellar disease. Tapping each foot repetitively, previously described as a test for distal weakness, is also an excellent test of coordination.

For the Romberg test, the child is told to keep the feet either side by side or in the tandem position, with one foot directly in front of the other. The child is then asked to extend the arms to the front and to close the eyes. Inability to maintain this position indicates a deficit in position sense, called proprioception. With the eyes closed, the child is deprived of visual input and must depend on proprioception to maintain the standing position. Lesions of the cerebellum result in difficulty standing, whether the eyes are open or closed. A loss of balance that occurs only when the eyes are closed is caused by a lesion in either the peripheral nerves or the posterior spinal columns.

Holding the extended and supinated arms in front of the body also tests for weakness. Children with a mild weakness will be unable to maintain this position, and the arms tend to drift downward, flex at the elbow, and pronate (Fig. 13–4).

Check the spine next, while the child touches his or her toes. Look for bony deformities and midline skin lesions, such as tufts of hair or sacral dimples, which may suggest underlying malformations.

Note that up to this point, you have not laid a hand on the child or used a single strange or intimidating instrument. The entire examination has been a hands-off exercise. It is now time to produce your reflex hammer and ophthalmoscope. You should, however, already have a provisional differential diagnosis in mind, which the examination will merely confirm or refute.

If the physical examination reveals unsuspected findings, always review your history and observations to decide whether they should have led to different conclusions.

Cortical Function

School-aged and preschool-aged children

Assess each cortical area in turn.

Temporal Lobes

Temporal lobe impairment may cause personality changes similar to those seen with frontal lobe damage. Language is also represented in this lobe, and lesions of the superior and middle gyri cause Wernicke aphasia, characterized by an impaired comprehension of word elements. The ability to read, write, and understand speech may be altered. If the nondominant temporal lobe is involved, the child has a distorted perception of spatial relationships and a change in musical appreciation. Test for alterations in spatial perception by asking the child to copy geometric designs. Age-appropriate designs are shown in Figure 13–5. Bilateral involvement of the hippocampus interferes with learning. Temporal lobe injury also may produce psychotic aggressive behavior. Visual symptoms are usually represented by a homonymous superior quadrantanopia.

Memory deficits may be seen with a temporal lobe dysfunction. You can test a child’s immediate recall by reciting number sequences and having the child repeat them after you, either in the same order or in reverse; Table 13–2 gives examples of age-appropriate number sequences for this test.

Parietal Lobes

Parietal lobe dysfunction produces sensory perception abnormalities. Two-point discrimination, graphesthesia, and the appreciation of size, shape, and texture are all impaired. You can easily test these perceptions by asking the youngster to identify coins, a tissue, and a paper clip as you place them one at a time in one of the child’s hands while the child’s eyes are closed.

Children with parietal lobe deficits cannot appreciate simultaneous cutaneous stimulation on bilateral homologous body parts. Test this point by asking the child to identify (with the eyes closed) which arm you have touched; the child should be able to identify the simultaneous touch of both arms.

A parietal lobe injury impairs awareness on the opposite side; cortical sensory changes are best tested during the examination of sensation. Assuming that you are neurologically normal, use your own sensory perception as the normal reference.

Lesions of the parietal cortex may also cause apraxia, the inability to perform a series of tasks; apraxia may be present even though the patient can complete individually each component of the action. In young children with damage to the parietal lobes, growth on the affected side is usually impaired. Similarly, a smaller hand in a child with hemiparetic cerebral palsy indicates involvement of the parietal lobe. Such a child has reduced sensation in that limb and, therefore, has more difficulty with hand function than the child with an exclusively motor dysfunction.