Neurologic disorders

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Last modified 20/03/2015

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CHAPTER 7 Neurologic disorders

General neurologic assessment

Assess motor and cerebellar function

Evaluate bilaterally (both sides of body, both arms and legs) for muscle size, strength, tone, and coordination. Note muscle atrophy or hypertrophy.

Score Description of Strength
5/5 Patient moves joint with full ROM against normal resistance and gravity
4/5 Patient moves joint with full ROM against mild resistance and gravity
3/5 Patient moves joint with full ROM against gravity only
2/5 Patient moves joints with full ROM but not against gravity
1/5 Patient’s muscle contracts in an attempt to move joint; joint does not move
0/5 Patient does not visibly attempt to move; no muscle contraction; paralysis

ROM, Range of motion.

Motor deficits (weakness or paralysis) are caused by injury or edema to the primary motor cortex and corticospinal (pyramidal) tracts.

Sensory assessment

Sensory deficits occur when the primary sensory cortex, the sensory association areas of the parietal lobe, or the spinothalamic tracts are injured or edematous. Sensory deficits include inability to distinguish objects according to characteristics (e.g., size, shape, weight) and inability to distinguish overall changes in temperature, touch, pressure, and position.

Improvement in both motor and sensory perception may be seen as cerebral edema subsides.

Dysphagic screening

Should be performed early, particularly when stroke has occurred, to prevent complications of aspiration and to initiate appropriate nutritional therapy. People with neurologic dysfunction are poor judges of their own ability to swallow, so a thorough evaluation and intervention by a speech pathologist may be required, following routine screening procedures recommended by institutional protocol.

Diagnostic Tests for Neurologic Disorders

Test Purpose Abnormal Findings
Cerebral angiography Digital subtraction angiography visualizes blood flow.
Involves use of intravascular catheter
The gold standard for evaluating cerebral vasculature
Invasive procedure with minimal risk used to visualize the cerebral blood vessels
Areas of reduced cerebral blood flow, aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), vascular abnormalities
Used with interventional neuroradiologic procedures such as coiling, AVM embolization (gluing)
Provides specific information on the cause of stroke by identifying the blood vessel involved
Computed tomography (CT) of brain Performed emergently, is the gold standard of differentiating ischemic from hemorrhagic stroke; may be done at intervals to monitor progress
Assess details of structures of bone, tissue, and fluid-filled space.
Detects exudate, abscesses, and intracranial pathology (e.g., tumors, brain injury)
Assess for hydrocephalus.
Shift of structures due to enlarged mass, edema, exudate, abscesses, fresh hemorrhage, hematomas, infarction, hydrocephalus
Can visualize facial skeleton and soft tissue structures for abnormalities (e.g., tumors, brain injury)
Within the first few hours after an acute ischemic stroke, the scan may appear normal. Intracranial hemorrhage is easily diagnosed on CT—blood appears as a bright white signal.
Continuous electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring Evaluate cardiovascular status, especially during medication administration. Phenytoin and other AEDs can cause dysrhythmias and hypotension.
CT angiography Less invasive than cerebral angiography; involves use of contrast media injection into peripheral vein and use of CT scanner Visualize intra-arterial clot, small intracranial aneurysm, AVM
CT perfusion or CT-xenon scan (CTP) Provides information related to cerebral blood flow (CBF)and volume
Used to guide clinical decision making regarding the use of thrombolysis or interventional procedures
Compromised blood flow; a limited test; cannot detect infarcted tissue
Electroencephalography (EEG) Evaluate the brain’s electrical activity for ongoing seizures, even if there are no clinical signs of seizures. Diagnosis of seizures and localization of structural abnormalities
Also used as element of criteria for brain death
Electromyography (EMG) or nerve conduction velocity (NCV) Assesses nerve conduction velocity deficit as a result of the demyelination of peripheral nerves EMG and NCV demonstrate profound slowing of motor conduction velocities and conduction blocks several weeks into the illness.
Lumbar puncture (LP) with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimen for analysis Measures CSF pressures and obtains CSF specimen when infection, such as meningitis or neurosyphilis, is suspected
May be performed when SAH is suspected and CT is normal
Elevated protein, low glucose, elevated WBC
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain Minute oscillations of hydrogen atoms in brain create graphic image of bone, fluid, and soft tissue
Provides a more detailed image
MRI is most useful for ischemic patients in identifying the cause and area involved.
Provides detailed information regarding the area of injury or its vascular supply (MRA)
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is a measurement of edema, whereas perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) is a measurement of global CBF.
Infarcts, areas at risk or ischemic areas, vascular defects, stenosis, occlusion
Positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) To evaluate brain metabolism and blood flow using three-dimensional imaging produced using a radioactive tracer Demonstrates abnormal function of the brain by revealing abnormal structures, metabolism, and perfusion
Locates areas of brain causing seizures, head injury, and some disorders (e.g., Alzheimer’s)
Radioisotope brain scan Examine areas of blood flow through concentration of isotope uptake in the brain. Increased or decreased blood flow intraoperatively or assess for postoperative cerebral infarction
Lack of uptake may indicate cerebral brain death.
Transcranial Doppler Noninvasive and can be done serially at the bedside
Evaluates the intracranial vessels and assesses the velocity of blood flow in the anterior and posterior cerebral circulation
Also used to evaluate vasospasm, to determine brain death via detection of cerebral circulatory arrest, for intraoperative monitoring, and to locate emboli
Arterial narrowing
vasospasm, cerebral circulatory arrest, emboli due to vasospasm
Can also be used to confirm absent blood flow in brain death

Brain death


Brain death is defined as irreversible loss of function of the brain, including the brainstem and respiratory centers. Cardiac death is the cessation of mechanical action/pumping of the heart, resulting in absence of pulse, heart sounds, blood pressure, and respirations. Brain death is most frequently the result of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) caused by severe traumatic head injury or hemorrhagic stroke caused by ruptured cerebral aneurysm with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) or intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). A significant number of patients with large acute ischemic strokes (AIS) experience cerebral edema and herniation. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy with massive brain swelling after prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation or asphyxia and encephalopathy with cerebral edema resulting from fulminant hepatic failure may also result in increased ICP, herniation, and brain death.

If brain death occurs quickly, cardiac death may occur immediately. If brain death occurs more slowly, with time to initiate mechanical ventilation prior to cardiac death, the heart can continue to beat/pump since the cardiac pacing cells operate independently from brain regulation. Mechanical ventilation provides the oxygen necessary to maintain the pacing cells if the patient is circulating adequate amounts of blood cells carrying oxyhemoglobin, acidosis is controlled, and electrolytes are managed. Over time, without a functional hypothalamus and pituitary gland, patients experience further instability of blood pressure due to loss of regulation of the thyroid and adrenal glands. Massive diuresis is common when the posterior pituitary gland ceases to function. If the patient is an organ donor, the organs must be sustained prior to removal, requiring management of all sequelae of brain death. Guidelines for managing brain dead organ donors have common elements internationally, with most controversy stemming from the need to provide additional hormones to help control endocrine-related crises associated with loss of function of the pituitary and hypothalamus and use of prophylactic antibiotics to prevent infection.

Neurologists or neurosurgeons may diagnose brain death approximately two to three times monthly in large referral centers. Herniation, or displacement of a portion of the brain through openings in the intracranial cavity, results from increased ICP. Herniation occurs when there is difference between the cranial compartment pressures above (supratentorial) and below (infratentorial) the tentorium, the rigid membrane that divides the skull. If additional blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), edematous tissue, or tumor occupies space inside the skull, there is little ability to expand to “make room” for anything not normally present. These “mass lesions” or “space-occupying lesions” cause “crowding” within their cavity, which increases the pressure.

When pressure in one of the two compartments (supratentorial or infratentorial) is markedly elevated, the brain structures and blood vessels within the cavity are compressed, resulting in ischemia, hypoxia, and, if uncontrolled, cerebral anoxia. When blood flow is minimal to absent, the hypoxic/anoxic brain tissues become more edematous. Eventually, no space remains for further expansion. The skull cannot expand and the tentorium expands minimally, so the brain is forced through the available openings. The movement or displacement through an opening causes further compression of blood vessels, with possible laceration and destruction, which leads to necrosis of brain tissues and brain death (see Traumatic Brain Injury, Neurologic Herniation Syndromes, p. 333).

Neurologic assessment: brain death

Making the diagnosis of brain death

The three cardinal signs/symptoms in brain deat h are coma, absent brainstem reflexes, and apnea according to the AAN guidelines. Patients must have all three findings to be considered dead (brain dead patients are dead). There should be at least two separate clinical examinations, preferably by a neurologist, with at least 2 hours between examinations. If clinical uncertainty is present, two different physicians, preferably neurologists, should examine the patient following completion of appropriate diagnostic testing to ensure patient has not overdosed on a drug; has ingested a poison; has undiagnosed endocrine system dysfunction, electrolyte imbalance, or dehydration; and is free of untreated significant hypoxia, hypercapnia, or acidosis. Adherence to the AAN guidelines varies among the large medical centers in the United States. Diabetes insipidus, myxedema coma, and adrenal crisis may result from loss of the hypothalamic/pituitary regulatory axis as part of brain death. Large amounts of dextrose-containing IV fluids and insulin resistance may prompt hyperglycemia.


Test Purpose Abnormal Findings
Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis Assesses for acidosis resulting from abnormal gas exchange or compensation for metabolic derangements Low pH: Acidosis may reflect respiratory failure or metabolic crisis.
Carbon dioxide: Elevated CO2 or hypercapnia reflects respiratory failure; decreased CO2 may reflect compensation for metabolic acidosis.
Hypoxemia: PaO2 less than 80 mm Hg
Oxygen saturation: SaO2 less than 92%
Bicarbonate: HCO3−less than 22 mEq/L
Base deficit: less than –2
Apnea test

PaO2, PCO2, and pH are measured after approximately 8 minutes; the ventilator is reconnected after the ABG sample is drawn.

Validates absence of spontaneous respirations while ventilator is disconnected; test is designed to be completed safely, to avoid inducing cardiopulmonary instability during the procedure: Confirmatory findings
The apnea test is positive if:

The apnea test is negative if:

Note: If the patient has severe facial trauma, preexisting abnormal pupils, sleep apnea, severe lung disease resulting in chronic hypercapnia (CO2 retention), or toxic levels of any sedative drugs, aminoglycosides, tricyclic antidepressants, anticholinergics, antiepileptic drugs, chemotherapeutic agents, or neuromuscular blocking agents, additional testing may be required to confirm brain death. Additional confirmatory tests are not mandatory if the clinical diagnosis is positive (patient is unresponsive/in a coma, brainstem reflexes are absent, apnea test is positive). Cerebral angiography Assesses if cerebral perfusion is present Absent perfusion: No intracerebral blood filling is present at the level of the carotid bifurcation or circle of Willis. Electroencephalography (EEG) Assesses level of electrical activity of the brain (brain wave analysis) No signs of viability: No electrical activity during at least 30 minutes of recording, which meets the minimal technical criteria of EEG recording for brain viability; test adheres to American
Electroencephalographic Society criteria for those with suspected brain death. Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography Assesses for presence of cerebral perfusion and degree of vascular resistance using Doppler signals
Positive findings indicate very high vascular resistance resulting from markedly increased ICP. No functional blood flow: Small systolic peaks corresponding with early systole without diastolic flow or reverberating flow. Note: 10% of patients do not have temporal windows appropriate for transmitting ultrasound signals. Initial absence of Doppler signal does not confirm brain death. Cerebral perfusion scan using technetium-99m hexamethapropyleniamineoxime Assesses for cerebral circulation and brain cell viability using uptake of isotope as the criteria No circulation/no uptake: No uptake of isotope by brain cells (“hollow skull phenomenon”) Somatosensory evoked potentials Assesses for normal brain responses to electrical stimulation No response: Bilateral absence of N20-P22 response with median nerve stimulation

Collaborative management


Once brain death has been diagnosed, the organ removal team may begin preparations for organ removal within 5 minutes under ideal conditions. If the death was unanticipated, or organ donation was not discussed or controversial, additional time is needed for approaching the donor’s family/significant other(s) regarding donation. The parameters below must be managed in order to provide the best opportunity to recover viable organs from the donor.
Physiologic Parameter Intervention
Maintain blood pressure. MAP 60 to 70 mm Hg: maintain euvolemia; administer vasopressor agents (e.g., norepinephrine) if needed.
Monitor organ perfusion. Monitor urine output and lactate level; consider hemodynamic monitoring with a pulmonary artery catheter.
Balance electrolytes. Monitor electrolytes (Na+, K+) every 2 to 4 hours; correct to normal range.
Control diabetes insipidus. Suspected diabetes insipidus (urine output more than 200 ml/hr, rising serum sodium): administer DDAVP (e.g., 2 to 4 mcg IV in adults) and replace volume loss with 5% dextrose.
Manage hyperglycemia. Treat hyperglycemia: keep blood glucose 100 to 180 mg/dl.
Control hypothermia. Keep temp greater than 35°C. Early use of warming blankets to prevent declining temperature is helpful; hypothermia is difficult to reverse once developed.
Ventilate and oxygenate. Provide ongoing respiratory care: frequent suctioning, positioning/turning, PEEP, alveolar recruitment strategies.
Manage anemia. Maintain hemoglobin at greater than 8 g/dl.
Control hormonal imbalances causing hemodynamic instability. Consider hormonal replacement therapy if volume resuscitation and low-dose inotropes are ineffective for maintaining BP and/or if cardiac ejection fraction is less than 45%.
Typical regimens include:
Triiodothyronine (T3): 4 mcg IV bolus, then 4 mcg/hr by IV infusion
Arginine vasopressin (AVP): 0.5 to 2.4 units/hr to maintain MAP 60 to 70 mm Hg
Methylprednisolone: 15 mg/kg IV single bolus

From the Australasian Transplant Coordinators Association Inc: National guidelines for organ and tissue donation, ed 3. 2006.

Care priorities

3. Discuss organ donation only after the clinical diagnosis of brain death has been made and the family understands the patient is dead.

Contact with the organ procurement organization should be done in a timely manner when death is imminent. Collaborate with the organ procurement organization to enhance the experience of the donation process. Do not broach the subject of donation or hint about donation prior to the time the patient has been pronounced dead, unless the patient had resolved the issue of organ donation with the family prior to death. The subject of organ donation is generally better discussed after the patient has been pronounced dead and the family understands that despite the patient having a beating heart, without mechanical ventilation, cardiac death will ensue. Choose a quiet, private, comfortable place to discuss organ donation, ideally leaving the lead role to a professional from the organ procurement agency. The family requires privacy, so they can express their grief regarding the death and can be left alone to discuss donation, if needed. Ensure all members of the team participating in the discussion are introduced to family members. All family members/significant others should be introduced to the team by name, and their role in the family/life of the deceased should be explained. Only those whom the next of kin requests to be present should participate in the discussion. Adequate time should be given asking/answering questions. The words used during the discussion are very important:

5. Discontinue life support after the family has had time to visit the patient, if the family declines the opportunity to donate the patient’s organs.

Weaning of mechanical ventilation and vasoactive drugs is unnecessary because the patient is dead. Reasons for declining donation generally relate to the wishes of the patient, religious convictions, fear of disfigurement/mutilation of the patient’s body, and mistrust of the motives or anger with the procurement team members. Mistrust and anger often ensue if the family is improperly approached regarding organ donation. Involving the experienced health care professionals from the organ procurement team has been shown to yield a higher success rate with donation.


Decreased intracranial adaptive capacity

related to increased intracranial pressure resulting from imminent brain death. When brain death is imminent, mechanisms that normally compensate for increases in intracranial pressure are failing. When failed, brain herniation occurs.


Patient is maximally supported for reduction of ICP until efforts are proved futile, when brain herniation ensues, resulting in brain death. Following brain death, hemodynamic status is supported until decisions are made regarding organ donation and/or discontinuation of life support.


Tissue Perfusion: Cerebral; Neurological Status: Consciousness.

Decisional conflict

related to the uncertainty regarding the proper course of action related to the discontinuation of life support and possible organ donation following brain death


Family/support system is maximally supported in making judgments, and choosing between immediate discontinuation of life support, organ donation, or possibly continuing life support until information about brain death can be processed and accepted.


Decision Making; Information Processing; Dignified Life Closure; Acceptance: Health Status

Coping enhancement

1. Assess the impact of the patient’s life situation on roles and relationships within family/support system.

2. Use a calm, reassuring approach.

3. Provide factual information concerning diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.

4. Seek to understand the family’s perception of the stressful situation.

5. Acknowledge the patient and significant others’ religious, spiritual, and cultural beliefs surround death, dying, and organ donation.

6. Encourage gradual mastery of the situation if resistance or denial is impacting the family’s ability to accept the diagnosis of brain death.

7. Ensure the family understands brain dead patients are dead. Patients are no longer able to breathe without mechanical ventilation, will experience cardiac death when removed from mechanical ventilation, will never regain consciousness, will never interact with others, and have no ability to experience joy related to human life.

8. Explain the difference between brain death, persistent vegetative state, and cardiac death. The family and significant others may have difficulty understanding why brain dead patients are different than those in coma who can recover from their insult/injury and those in a vegetative state who can recover brainstem function to begin breathing spontaneously. Families may not be able to comprehend why when the brain is dead, the heart still functions unless mechanical ventilation is removed. Guilt may be associated with removal of mechanical ventilation since the patient appears “alive” with mechanical ventilation in place.

imageEmotional Support; Environmental Management; Fluid/Electrolyte Management; Fluid Monitoring; Hypovolemia Management; Infection Control; Intravenous Therapy; Mechanical Ventilation; Positioning; Surveillance; Respiratory Monitoring; Spiritual Support; Vital Signs Monitoring

Additional nursing diagnoses

As appropriate, see nursing diagnoses and interventions in Nutritional Support (p. 117), Acute Respiratory Failure (p. 383), Mechanical Ventilation (p. 99), Prolonged Immobility (p. 149), and Emotional and Spiritual Support of the Patient and Significant Others (p. 200).

Cerebral aneurysm and subarachnoid hemorrhage


An aneurysm is a localized dilation of an arterial lumen caused by weakness in the vessel wall—90% of cerebral aneurysms are berry or saccular, while the other 10% are fusiform, traumatic, septic, dissecting, and Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms. Recent research suggests that cerebral aneurysms result from degenerative vascular diseases complicated by hypertension and atherosclerosis. Aneurysms most often occur at the bifurcation of the blood vessels of the circle of Willis, with 85% in anterior cerebral circulation and 15% in posterior cerebral circulation. Approximately 25% of patients have multiple aneurysms.

The critical care nurse may care for a patient with an unruptured aneurysm or a patient who is post rupture and has a diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Unruptured aneurysms may be asymptomatic, but nearly half of the affected population experiences some warning sign or symptom prior to rupture as a result of expansion of the lesion and compression of cerebral tissue. When rupture occurs, an SAH into the subarachnoid space (SAS) and basal cisterns results. If the patient survives the initial compromise of cerebral circulation from the force of hemorrhaging arterial blood, with sharply increased ICP, the next challenge is the possibility of rebleeding and cerebral arterial vasospasm. The greatest incidence of rebleeding is between 3 and 11 days after SAH, with the peak at day 7. Mortality is about 70% overall from aneurysmal SAH. Theories regarding the cause(s) of rebleeding involve the normal process of clot dissolution coupled with fluctuations in arterial pressure.

The major complication for which the critical care nurse monitors post rupture is the occurrence of delayed cerebral ischemia from cerebral arterial vasospasm, in which the constriction of the arterial smooth muscle layer of the major cerebral arteries causes a dramatic decrease in cerebral blood flow and leads to cerebral ischemia and progressive neurologic deficit. Vasospasm occurs in as many as 60% of patients 4 to 14 days following SAH, with incidence peaking between 7 and 10 days. The pathogenesis of cerebral vasospasm is poorly understood, but ongoing research indicates it may be directly related to the amount of blood in the SAS and basal cisterns. The greater the volume of blood, the more pronounced is the risk of vasospasm. As clots in the basal cisterns begin to hemolyze, substances may be released that precipitate vasospasms. Current treatments include careful fluid balance, “triple H” (hypervolemia-hemodilution-hypertension) therapy, calcium antagonists, balloon or chemical angioplasty, and possibly cisternal fibrinolytic drugs. The patient with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm and SAH is also at risk for communicating or obstructive hydrocephalus, hypothalamic dysfunction, and hyponatremia.

Some patients present with an obstructive hydrocephalus from intraventricular blood, but communicating hydrocephalus develops in approximately 20% of patients with SAH as a result of the presence of blood in the SAS and ventricular system. The hydrocephalus may be acute (occurs within less than 24 hours), subacute (occurs within less than 4 hours to 1 week), or delayed (beginning 10 or more days after SAH). Blood in the SAS and ventricles obstructs the flow of CSF, interferes with circulation and resorption of CSF, and causes increased ICP, with concomitant worsening of neurologic status. In some patients, the hydrocephalus produces minimal symptoms and resolves without medical intervention, while others may require temporary or permanent diversion of CSF circulation to achieve symptom relief.

Hypothalamic dysfunction, seen in approximately one-third of patients with hydrocephalus after SAH, may result from mechanical pressure on the hypothalamus from a dilated third ventricle. The increased pressure causes an increase in the releasing hormones from the hypothalamus, which activates the hypothalamic-pituitary axis of the anterior pituitary as well as stimulating the production of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) by the posterior pituitary gland. The response to the increased adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the anterior pituitary gland mimics an exaggerated stress response, which includes a marked increase in serum catecholamines leading to overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. The vasoconstrictive response is severe enough in a subset of patients to cause “stunned myocardium,” similar to what is seen with an acute myocardial infarction.

The surge of ADH from the posterior pituitary results in SIADH, which may include hyponatremia caused by cerebral salt-wasting syndrome, or a combination of factors influencing sodium and water metabolism (Table 7-1). Fluid management strategies in this patient population may be difficult (see Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone, p. 734). Hyponatremia may occur in 10% to 50% of patients with SAH. Untreated hyponatremia may lead to intracranial hypertension, cerebral ischemia, seizures, coma, and death.


Cerebral Salt-Wasting Syndrome SIADH
Hypotension Normotension
Postural hypotension Normotension
Tachycardia Normal pulse rate or bradycardia
Elevated hematocrit Normal or low hematocrit
Decreased glomerular filtration rate Increased glomerular filtration rate
Normal or elevated BUN and creatinine Normal or decreased BUN and creatinine
Normal or low urine output Normal or low urine output
Hypovolemia Normovolemia or hypervolemia
Dehydration Normal hydration
True hyponatremia Dilutional hyponatremia
Hypo-osmolality Hypo-osmolality
Decreased body weight Increased body weight

BUN, Blood urea nitrogen.

Note: Both hypothalamic dysfunction and hyponatremia are seen more frequently in patients with extensive SAH and are positively correlated with the subsequent development of cerebral vasospasm.

Neurologic assessment: cerebral aneurysm(s) and subarachnoid hemorrhage

History and risk factors

Research has shown that outcomes for patients with ruptured aneurysms and SAH have predictor indicators such as patient’s age, worst clinical grade on the Fisher Scale, the World Federation of Neurosurgeons Scale (WFNS), the Claassen Scale, the Ogilvy and Carter Scale, or the commonly used Hunt and Hess scale (see later). The Fisher Scale is predictive of the possibility of vasospasm, which is indicative of the amount of blood in the SAS. The Claassen grading system quantifies the risk of delayed cerebral ischemia from vasospasm associated with SAH. Unlike the Fisher scale, the Claassen scale considers the additional risk of SAH and intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH). The Claassen scale has not yet been prospectively validated. The WFNS grading system is widely used and includes objective terminology to determine grades. Similar to the Hunt and Hess scale, the data predictive power of the WFNS grades are inconsistent. The Ogilvy and Carter scale includes several features that may affect the outcome, including age, Hunt and Hess grade (clinical condition), Fisher grade (SAH volume and vasospasm risk), and aneurysm size, but it is more complicated to administer than Hunt and Hess and has been tested only on patients who have undergone aneurysm surgery. Patient outcomes are also related to aneurysm size, fever post SAH, and hyperglycemia on admission as a new finding affecting outcome. A noncontrast CT scan confirms the diagnosis of SAH by establishing the presence, amount, and location of blood in the SAS, the presence and degree of hydrocephalus, and the presence or absence of IVH or intraparenchymal hemorrhage.

Hunt and hess classification system:

Permits objective evaluation of progression of the patient’s initial symptoms. Used to predict clinical outcomes and for choosing treatments. Critical care nurses can benefit from using this grading system. Grading is performed according to symptom presentation and LOC.

The critical care nurse must carefully review the patient’s history and diagnostic findings to understand the potential risk for complications. Patients with unruptured aneurysms are at risk for rupture, but this depends on the location and size of the aneurysm. Unruptured aneurysms are usually found during a workup for headaches or other neurologic symptoms but may still produce symptoms of cerebral ischemia. A person with new onset of oculomotor nerve palsy, visual field loss, or lower cranial nerve deficits should be worked up for a potential aneurysm. Patients with unruptured aneurysms are typically encountered in the critical care setting after elective securing of the aneurysm. Additionally, some patients admitted for management of a ruptured cerebral aneurysm have additional unruptured aneurysms, which will be secured at a later date.

The typical distinguishing characteristic of a ruptured aneurysm is a patient who complains of the “worst headache of my life.” This is usually accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, nuchal rigidity, visual disturbances, and photophobia. These patients are at high risk for rebleed within 24 hours. “Sentinel” or warning headaches are associated with an aneurysm that begins leaking days to weeks before rupturing. Very few patients manifest a sentinel headache prior to aneurysm rupture.

Rupture results in hemorrhage producing seizures, neurologic deficits, changes in LOC, and a high rate of mortality.

Vital signs
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