
Published on 02/06/2015 by admin

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square-bullet See Box 9-1.

B. Water Balance

square-bullet See Box 9-2.

C. Replacement Fluids

square-bullet See Table 9-1.

D. Acid-Base Disorders

1. Approach to Acid-Base Disorders

square-bullet Figure 9-1 illustrates the diagnostic approach to determining acid-base status.
square-bullet Table 9-2 describes acid-base abnlities and appropriate compensatory responses for simple disorders.
square-bullet Figure 9-2 illustrates the acid-base nomogram.
square-bullet Box 9-3 describes causes of mixed disturbances associated with metabolic acidosis.

Box 9-1Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Formulas
Calculation of Creatinine Clearance (CCr)



Calculation of Fractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa)








where UNa is urine sodium concentration, V is urine flow rate, PNa is plasma sodium concentration, UCr is urine creatinine concentration, and PCr is plasma creatinine concentration.

Sodium Formulas
Serum sodium correction in hyperglycemia:


Estimated sodium deficit in hyponatremia:


Estimated sodium excess in hypernatremia:


Serum sodium correction in hyperlipidemia and hyperproteinemia:



Potassium Formulas
Diagnostic equations for hyperkalemia:

Fractional excretion of potassium (FEK) image FEK <10% indicates renal cause
FEK >10% indicates extrarenal cause
Values can be increased in cases of chronic renal failure
Transtubular potassium gradient image
Gradient <6-8 indicates renal cause
Gradient >6-8 indicates extrarenal cause
Values can be increased in cases of chronic renal failure


Osmolality Formulas




UK, Urine potassium; SK, serum potassium; UCr, urine creatinine; SCr, serum creatinine; Uosm, urine osmolality; Sosm, serum osmolality.

2. Metabolic Acidosis


square-bullet Metabolic acidosis w/AG (AG acidosis). The mnemonic MUDPILES is useful to remember the causes of AG acidosis:
DKA, alcoholic ketoacidosis (AKA), starvation ketoacidosis (SKA)


Replacement Fluids

Fluids Na (mEq/L) K (mEq/L) Cl (mEq/L) HCO3 (mEq/L) Ca (mEq/L) Kcal/L
½ Nl saline 77 77
Nl saline 154 154
D5W 170
D10W 340
Lactated Ringer’s solution 130 4 109 28 3 9
Extracellular fluid 141 4 27 5


Lactate converted to HCO3 in liver.

From Nguyen TC, Abilez OJ (eds): Practical Guide to the Care of the Surgical Patient: The Pocket Scalpel. Philadelphia, Mosby, 2009.

Box 9-2Water Balance
To estimate the amount of TBW, the following formula is frequently used:


The water deficit of a pt can be estimated by the following equation:


where PNa is plasma sodium concentration.

Alternatively, the free water deficit from the osmolality can be calculated as the following:


To calculate the free water clearance based on the osmolar clearance, the following formula can be used:


where the osmolar clearance is calculated as:


Paraldehyde, phenformin (or metformin)
Iron, isoniazid
Lactic acidosis (cyanide, H2S, CO, methemoglobin)
Ethylene glycol
square-bullet Metabolic acidosis w/nl AG (hyperchloremic acidosis)
RTA (including acidosis of aldosterone deficiency)
Intestinal loss of HCO3 (diarrhea, pancreatic fistula)
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (e.g., acetazolamide)
Dilutional acidosis (as a result of rapid infusion of HCO3-free isotonic saline)
Ingestion of exogenous acids (ammonium chloride, methionine, cystine, CaCl)
Drugs: amiloride, triamterene, spironolactone, β-blockers

Diagnosis (Fig. 9-3)

square-bullet Measurement of urinary AG (UNa+ + UK+ UCl) and urinary pH is useful in the ddx of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis:
() Urinary AG suggests GI loss of HCO3.
(+) Urinary AG suggests altered distal urinary acidification.
↓ Urinary pH and ↑ plasma K+ in pts w/(+) urinary AG suggest selective aldosterone deficiency.
Urinary pH >5.5 and ↑ plasma K+ suggest hyperkalemic distal RTA.
Urinary pH >5.5 and nl/↓ plasma K+ indicate classic RTA.


square-bullet Correct the underlying cause (e.g., DKA, diarrhea, uremia).


FIGURE 9-1 Determining acid-base status. (From Cameron AM: Current Surgical Therapy, 10th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2011.)

3. Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA)

square-bullet Disorder characterized by an inability to excrete H+ or inadequate generation of new HCO3. Four types:
Type 1 (classic, distal RTA): abnlity in distal hydrogen secretion resulting in hypokalemic hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
Type 2 (proximal RTA): ↓ proximal HCO3 reabsorption resulting in hypokalemic hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
Type 3 (RTA of glomerular insufficiency): normokalemic hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis as a result of impaired ability to generate sufficient NH3 in the setting of ↓ GFR (<30 mL/min). This type of RTA is described in older textbooks and is considered by many not to be a distinct entity.
Type 4 (hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronemic RTA): aldosterone deficiency or antagonism resulting in ↓ distal acidification and ↓ distal Na+ reabsorption w/subsequent hyperkalemic hyperchloremic acidosis


square-bullet Type 1 RTA: autoimmune disorders, PBC and other liver diseases, meds (amphotericin, NSAIDs), SLE, SS, genetic disorders (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome, hereditary elliptocytosis), toxins (toluene), disorders w/nephrocalcinosis (hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D intoxication, idiopathic hypercalciuria), tubulointerstitial disease (obstructive uropathy, renal transplantation)


Acid-Base Abnormalities and Appropriate Compensatory Responses for Simple Disorders

Primary Acid-Base Disorders Primary Defect Effect on pH Compensatory Response Expected Range of Compensation Limits of Compensation
Respiratory acidosis Alveolar hypoventilation (↑ PCO2) ↑ Renal HCO3 reabsorption (HCO3 ↑) Acute: Δ[HCO3] = +1 mEq/L for each ↑ ΔPCO2 of 10 mm Hg [HCO3] = 38 mEq/L
Chronic: Δ[HCO3] = +4 mEq/L for each ↑ ΔPCO2 of 10 mm Hg [HCO3] = 45 mEq/L
Respiratory alkalosis Alveolar Hyperventilation (↓ PCO2) ↓ Renal HCO3 reabsorption (HCO3 ↓ ) Acute: Δ[HCO3] = 2 mEq/L for each ↓ ΔPCO2 of 10 mm Hg [HCO3] = 18 mEq/L
Chronic: Δ[HCO3] = 5 mEq/L for each ↓ ΔPCO2 of 10 mm Hg [HCO3] = 15 mEq/L
Metabolic acidosis Loss of HCO3 or gain of H+ (↓ HCO3) Alveolar hyperventilation to ↑ pulmonary CO2 excretion (↓ PCO2) PCO2 = 1.5[HCO3] + 8 ± 2PCO2 = last 2 digits of pH × 100PCO2 = 15 + [HCO3] PCO2 = 15 mm Hg
Metabolic alkalosis Gain of HCO3 or loss of H+ (↑ HCO3) Alveolar hypoventilation to ↓ pulmonary CO2 excretion (↑ PCO2) PCO2 = +0.6 mm Hg for Δ[HCO3] of 1 mEq/L. PCO2 = 15 + [HCO3] PCO2 = 55 mm Hg


Adapted from Bidani A, Tauzon DM, Heming TA: Regulation of whole body acid-base balance. In: DuBose TD, Hamm LL, editors. Acid-Base and Electrolytes Disorders: A Companion to Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2002, pp. 1-21.From Vincent JL, Abraham E, Moore FA, et al (eds): Textbook of Critical Care, 6th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2011.

square-bullet Type 2 RTA: Fanconi’s syndrome, primary hyperparathyroidism, MM, medications (acetazolamide)
square-bullet Type 4 RTA: DM, sickle cell disease, Addison’s disease, urinary obstruction


square-bullet ABGs: metabolic acidosis, with nl AG
square-bullet Serum K+ ↓ in RTA types 1 and 2, nl in type 3, and high in type 4
square-bullet Minimum urine pH >5.5 in RTA type 1 and <5.5 in types 2, 3, and 4
square-bullet Urinary AG 0 or (+) in all types of RTA


Type 1 and type 2: PO NaHCO3 (1-2 mEq/kg/day in type 1 RTA, 2-4 mEq/kg/day in type 2 RTA) titrated to correct acidosis
K+ supplementation in hypokalemic pts
Type 4 RTA: furosemide to lower ↑ K+ levels and NaHCO3 to correct significant acidosis. Fludrocortisone 100 to 300 μg/day can be used to correct mineralocorticoid deficiency.

4. Respiratory Acidosis


square-bullet Pulmonary disease (COPD, severe pneumonia, pulmonary edema, interstitial fibrosis)

FIGURE 9-2 Map for acid-base disorders. (From Ferri F: Practical Guide to the Care of the Medical Patient, 8th ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 2011.)

square-bullet Airway obstruction (foreign body, severe bronchospasm, laryngospasm)
square-bullet Thoracic cage disorders (pneumothorax, flail chest, kyphoscoliosis)
square-bullet Defects in muscles of respiration (myasthenia gravis, hypokalemia, muscular dystrophy)
square-bullet Defects in PNS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, poliomyelitis, GBS, botulism, tetanus, organophosphate poisoning, spinal cord injury)
square-bullet Depression of respiratory center (anesthesia, narcotics, sedatives, vertebral artery embolism or thrombosis, ICP)
square-bullet Failure of mechanical ventilator


square-bullet Figure 9-4 is a diagnostic algorithm.


square-bullet Correction of the underlying etiology

5. Metabolic Alkalosis


square-bullet Divided into chloride-responsive (urinary chloride <20 mEq/L) and chloride-resistant (urinary chloride level >20 mEq/L) forms
Chloride Responsive
square-bullet Vomiting
square-bullet NG suction

FIGURE 9-3 Diagnostic approach to metabolic acidosis. (From Vincent JL, Abraham E, Moore FA, et al [eds]: Textbook of Critical Care, 6th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2011.)


FIGURE 9-4 Diagnostic algorithm for respiratory acidosis. (From Ferri FF: Ferri’s Best Test: A Practical Guide to Clinical Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Mosby, 2010.)


FIGURE 9-5 Workup of metabolic alkalosis. (From DuBose TD Jr: Acid-base disorders. In: Brenner BM [ed]: Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2008, p. 513.)


FIGURE 9-6 Diagnostic algorithm for respiratory alkalosis. (From Ferri FF: Ferri’s Best Test: A Practical Guide to Clinical Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Mosby, 2010.)

Box 9-3Common Causes of Mixed Disturbances Associated with Metabolic Acidosis
Mixed Anion Gap Acidosis
Ketoacidosis and lactic acidosis
Methanol or ethylene glycol intoxication and lactic acidosis
Uremic acidosis and ketoacidosis
Mixed Anion Gap and Hyperchloremic Acidosis
Diarrhea and lactic acidosis or ketoacidosis
Progressive renal failure
Type IV RTA and DKA
DKA during treatment
Mixed Hyperchloremic Acidosis
Diarrhea and RTA
Diarrhea and hyperalimentation
Diarrhea and acetazolamide or mafenide
Anion Gap Acidosis or Hyperchloremic Acidosis and Metabolic Alkalosis
Ketoacidosis and protracted vomiting or NG suction
Chronic renal failure and vomiting or NG suction
Diarrhea and vomiting or NG suction
RTA and vomiting
Lactic acidosis or ketoacidosis plus NaHCO3 Rx
Anion Gap Acidosis or Hyperchloremic Acidosis and Respiratory Alkalosis
Respiratory alkalosis
Lactic acidosis
Salicylate poisoning
Hepatic disease
Gram() sepsis
Pulmonary edema
Anion Gap Acidosis or Hyperchloremic Acidosis and Respiratory Acidosis
Cardiopulmonary arrest
Pulmonary edema
Respiratory failure in chronic lung disease
Phosphate depletion
Drug OD and poisoning
Modified from DuBose TD Jr: Clinical approach to patients with acid-base disorders. Med Clin North Am 67:799, 1983.
square-bullet Diuretics
square-bullet Posthypercapnic alkalosis
square-bullet Stool losses (laxative abuse, cystic fibrosis, villous adenoma)
square-bullet Massive blood transfusion
square-bullet Exogenous alkali administration
Chloride Resistant
square-bullet Hyperadrenocorticoid states (Cushing’s syndrome, primary hyperaldosteronism, secondary mineralocorticoidism [licorice, chewing tobacco])
square-bullet Hypomagnesemia
square-bullet Hypokalemia
square-bullet Bartter’s syndrome


square-bullet Figure 9-5 describes the w/up of metabolic alkalosis.


square-bullet Chloride-responsive forms: saline administration and correction of accompanying hypokalemia
square-bullet Chloride-resistant forms: correction of underlying cause and associated K+ depletion

6. Respiratory Alkalosis


square-bullet Hypoxemia (pneumonia, PE, atelectasis, high-altitude living)
square-bullet Drugs (salicylates, xanthines, progesterone, epinephrine, thyroxine, nicotine)
square-bullet CNS disorders (tumor, CVA, trauma, infections)
square-bullet Psychogenic hyperventilation (anxiety, hysteria)
square-bullet Hepatic encephalopathy
square-bullet Gram() sepsis
square-bullet Hyponatremia
square-bullet Sudden recovery from metabolic acidosis
square-bullet Assisted ventilation


square-bullet Figure 9-6 describes a diagnostic algorithm for respiratory alkalosis.


square-bullet Rx is aimed at its underlying cause; symptomatic pts w/psychogenic hyperventilation often require some form of rebreathing apparatus (e.g., paper bag, breathing 5% CO2 by mask).

E. Disorders of Sodium Homeostasis

1. Hyponatremia


square-bullet SIADH
square-bullet Water intoxication (e.g., schizophrenic pts, primary polydipsia, Na+-free irrigant solutions, multiple tap-water enemas, dilute infant formulas). These entities are rare and often associated w/a deranged ADH axis.
square-bullet Renal failure
square-bullet Reset osmostat (e.g., chronic active TB, carcinomatosis)
square-bullet Glucocorticoid deficiency (hypopituitarism)
square-bullet Hypothyroidism
square-bullet Thiazide diuretics, NSAIDs, carbamazepine, amitriptyline, thioridazine, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, colchicine, tolbutamide, chlorpropamide, ACEIs, clofibrate, oxytocin, SSRIs, amiodarone
square-bullet Renal losses (diuretics, partial urinary tract obstruction, salt-losing renal disease)
square-bullet Extrarenal losses: GI (vomiting, diarrhea), extensive burns, third spacing (peritonitis, pancreatitis)
square-bullet Adrenal insufficiency
square-bullet CHF
square-bullet Nephrotic syndrome
square-bullet Cirrhosis
square-bullet Pregnancy
square-bullet Isotonic hyponatremia (nl serum osmolality)
square-bullet Pseudohyponatremia (↑ serum lipids and serum proteins). Newer Na+ assays eliminate this problem.
square-bullet Isotonic infusion (e.g., glucose, mannitol)
square-bullet Hypertonic hyponatremia (serum osmolality)
square-bullet Hyperglycemia: each 100 mg/dL ↑ in blood glucose level above nl ↓ plasma Na+ concentration by 1.6 mEq/L
square-bullet Hypertonic infusions (e.g., glucose, mannitol)


square-bullet Figure 9-7 shows a diagnostic algorithm for hyponatremic pts.


Isovolemic Hyponatremia
square-bullet SIADH: fluid restriction unless acutely symptomatic
square-bullet Acute symptomatic pt: hypertonic 3% to 5% saline solution infusion; give 200 to 500 mL slowly, followed by fluid restriction to 750 mL/day for 24 to 48 hr. Hypertonic saline can be combined w/furosemide to limit Rx-induced expansion of the ECF volume.
Hypovolemic Hyponatremia
square-bullet 0.9% NS infusion
Hypervolemic Hyponatremia
square-bullet Na+ and water restriction. The combination of captopril and furosemide is effective in pts w/hyponatremia resulting from CHF.

Clinical Pearls

square-bullet In general, the serum Na+ should be corrected only halfway to nl in the initial 24 hr (but not >1 mEq/L/hr) to prevent complications from rapid correction (cerebral edema, myelinolysis, seizures). A slower correction rate is indicated in pts w/chronic hyponatremia.
square-bullet In symptomatic pts w/hyponatremia, an ↑ in the serum Na+ concentration of 2 mEq/L/hr to a level of 120 to 130 mEq/L is considered safe by some experts; however, less rapid correction may be indicated in pts w/severe or chronic hyponatremia.

2. Hypernatremia


square-bullet Isovolemic (↓ TBW, nl TBNa, and ECF)
DI (neurogenic and nephrogenic)
Skin loss (hyperemia), iatrogenic, reset osmostat
square-bullet Hypervolemic (TBW, TBNa, and ECF)
Iatrogenic (administration of hypernatremic solutions)
Mineralocorticoid excess (Conn’s syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome)
Salt ingestion
square-bullet Hypovolemic: loss of H2O and Na+ (H2O loss > Na+)
Renal losses (e.g., diuretics, glycosuria)
GI, respiratory, skin losses
Adrenal deficiencies


square-bullet Figure 9-8 describes a diagnostic and treatment algorithm for hypernatremia.


FIGURE 9-8 Algorithm for treatment of hypernatremia. (From Cameron AM: Current Surgical Therapy, 10th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2011.)


Isovolemic Hypernatremia
square-bullet Fluid replacement w/D5W. Correct only half of estimated water deficit in initial 24 hr. The rate of correction of serum Na+ should not exceed 1 mEq/L/hr in acute hypernatremia or 0.5 mEq/L/hr in chronic hypernatremia.
square-bullet Calculate water deficit in hypernatremic pts.
square-bullet H2O deficit (in liters) = 0.6 × BW (kg) × ([measured Na+/140] 1)
Hypovolemic Hypernatremia
square-bullet Fluid replacement is achieved w/isotonic saline solution.
square-bullet The rate of correction of plasma osmolarity should not exceed 2 mOsm/kg/hr.
Hypervolemic Hypernatremia
square-bullet Fluid replacement w/D5W (to correct hypertonicity) is instituted after use of loop diuretics (to ↑ Na+ excretion).

F. Disorders of Potassium Homeostasis

1. Hypokalemia


square-bullet Cellular shift (redistribution) and undetermined mechanisms
Alkalosis (each 0.1 ↑ in pH ↓ serum K+ by 0.4-0.6 mEq/L)
Insulin administration
Vitamin B12 Rx for megaloblastic anemias, acute leukemias
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis: rare familial disorder manifested by recurrent attacks of flaccid paralysis and hypokalemia
Beta adrenergic-Agonists, decongestants, bronchodilators, theophylline, caffeine
Barium poisoning, toluene intoxication, verapamil intoxication, chloroquine intoxication
Correction of digoxin intoxication w/digoxin Ab fragments (Digibind)
square-bullet Renal excretion
Drugs: diuretics, including carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (e.g., acetazolamide); amphotericin B; high-dose Na+ PCN, nafcillin, ampicillin, or carbenicillin; cisplatin, AGs, corticosteroids, mineralocorticoids, foscarnet Na+

FIGURE 9-9 Diagnostic algorithm for hypokalemia. (From Ferri FF: Ferri’s Best Test: A Practical Guide to Clinical Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Mosby, 2010.)

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