13 Multiple pregnancy, breech and abnormal presentations
The presentation of the fetus refers to the part of the fetus that occupies the lower uterine segment, which in this case is the fetal buttocks. This is the commonest malpresentation, occurring in 3–4% of singleton pregnancies at term, but in up to 25% in preterm labour. There are three types of breech presentation (Fig. 13.1):
1. Frank breech – buttocks presenting with the legs extended.
2. Complete breech – legs flexed so that feet present beside the buttocks.
3. Footling breech – one or both feet presenting below the buttocks.

Figure 13.1 Breech presentations. (A) Extended (frank); (B) flexed (complete); (C) footling.
(Redrawn with permission from Rymer J, Davis G, Rodin A et al. 2003 Preparation and Revision for the DRCOG, 3rd edn. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, p. 235.)