Soft tissue, fat, or air density along heart border
Usually located in right cardiophrenic angle and anterior to heart on lateral view
Smoothly marginated with silhouetting of heart border
CT and MR Findings
Defect in retrosternal part of diaphragm with hernia sac extending upwards
anterior to heart
Hernia sac most often contains only omental fat
Can also contain: Transverse colon > liver > small bowel > stomach
Hernias in adults usually contain omental fat; involvement of bowel or liver more likely in children
With pericardial defect, hernia sac may protrude into pericardial cavity or heart may protrude downwards
Mediastinal and thoracic masses
Pulmonary parenchymal lesions
Rare, 3-4% of all diaphragmatic hernias
Most cases are diagnosed in adults
Often asymptomatic in adults, and more likely symptomatic in children
Symptoms often include chronic GI complaints
Diagnostic Imaging_ Gastrointes - Michael P Federle