Mitral regurgitation

Published on 02/04/2015 by admin

Filed under Internal Medicine

Last modified 02/04/2015

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2 Mitral regurgitation

Salient features


Note: When mitral regurgitation is caused by left ventricular dilatation and diminished cardiac contractility, the systolic murmur may be mid, late or pansystolic. Other causes of short systolic murmurs at the apex include mitral valve prolapse, papillary muscle dysfunction and aortic stenosis. In calcific aortic stenosis of the elderly, the murmur may be more prominent in the apex and may be confused with mitral regurgitation. In such instances try to listen to the murmur after a pause with premature beat or listen to the beat after a pause with atrial fibrillation. The murmur of aortic stenosis becomes louder, whereas that of mitral regurgitation shows little change.


How would you investigate this patient?

ECG: look for broad bifid P waves (P mitrale), left ventricular hypertrophy, atrial fibrillation. When coronary artery disease is the cause, there is often evidence of inferior or posterior wall myocardial infarction.

Radiography can assess pulmonary congestion, large heart, left atrial enlargement and pulmonary artery enlargement (if severe and long-standing).

Echocardiography determines the anatomy of the mitral valve apparatus, left atrial and left ventricular size and function (typical features include large left atrium, large LV, increased fractional shortening, regurgitant jet on colour Doppler, leaflet prolapse, floppy valve or flail leaflet). The echocardiogram provides baselines estimation of LV and left atrial volume, an estimation of left ventricular ejection fraction, and approximation of the severity of regurgitation. It can be helpful to determine the anatomic cause of mitral regurgitation. In the presence of even mild tricuspid regurgitation, an estimate of pulmonary artery pressure can be obtained.

Transoesophageal echocardiogram is useful when transthoracic echocardiography provides non-diagnostic images. It may give better visualization of mitral valve prolapse. It is useful intraoperatively to establish the anatomic basis for mitral regurgitation and to guide repair.

Cardiac catheterization is useful to determine coexistent coronary artery or aortic valve disease. Large ‘v’ waves are seen in the wedge tracing. Left ventriculogram and haemodynamic measurements are indicated when non-invasive tests are inconclusive regarding the severity of mitral regurgitation, LV function, or the need for surgery.

How would you differentiate between mitral regurgitation and tricuspid regurgitation?

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  Mitral regurgitation Tricuspid regurgitation