15 Minimally Invasive EC-IC Bypass Procedures and Introduction of the IMA-MCA Bypass Procedure
Minimally invasive superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery bypass through a bur hole
STA-MCA bypasses are established EC-IC bypasses for low to moderate flow cerebral revascularization. A STA-MCA, low-flow, EC-IC bypass traditionally requires a large frontotemporal craniotomy to expose the distal Sylvian fissure for the anastomotic site. We describe a less-invasive procedure using a single 2- to 2.5-cm enlarged bur hole, in place of the standard craniotomy, through which the recipient and donor vessels were identified and the anastomosis performed.1
This procedure was performed for multiple patients with recurrent cerebrovascular ischemic episodes. One patient was awake for the procedure, with local anesthesia and propofol sedation, due to his multivessel occlusive disease and compromised vascular reserve, in an effort to avoid general anesthesia-related hypotension. With the aid of a stereotactic neuronavigation system, we minimized the size of the skin incision and the craniotomy such that the procedure could be performed effectively via an enlarged bur hole or small craniotomy (2- to 2.5-cm diameter). A CT angiogram was used preoperatively to select the donor vessel, recipient vessel, and anastomosis site. The STA was visualized, along with its frontal and parietal branches. The diameters of the branches were measured in order to identify the optimal donor vessel (Figure 15–1A). A linear skin incision was then made overlying the donor vessel. Bur hole/craniotomy placement can be planned preoperatively using a stereotactically reconstructed model based on the CT angiogram (Figure 15–1B). The recipient vessel is chosen according to its caliber and superficial location in the Sylvian fissure. The optimal recipient vessel is identified on review of the CT angiogram (Figure 15–1C). The exact location of the bur hole/craniotomy is then planned using CT angiography–based neuronavigation, and overlies the selected recipient vessel in immediate proximity to the chosen donor vessel.
The incision is performed under the microscope where the temporalis muscle is split vertically directly below the selected donor branch of the STA. A bur hole is made and enlarged to the size of a small craniotomy (∼2 to 2.5 cm) under the microscope, and then 1 cm of the recipient vessel is exposed in the Sylvian fissure (Figures 15–2 and 15–3). A rubber dam is applied and the anastomosis is performed with a 9-0 nylon suture in a running fashion. The back wall is anastomosed before the front wall. Temporary clips are applied on the recipient vessel, the M4 branch of the MCA, during the anastomosis. Postoperatively, the patients were followed up with angiography or CT angiography, and clinically, disease progression was halted (Figures 15-4 through 15-7).

Figure 15–2 Intraoperative photograph obtained through the microscope while the bur hole/craniotomy was being performed.
(From Coppens JR, Cantando JD, Abdulrauf SI, Minimally invasive superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery bypass through an enlarged bur hole: the use of computed tomography angiography neuronavigation in surgical planning, J Neurosurg 2008;109(3):553–558, with permission.)
Since the publication of this minimally invasive procedure, Fischer et al.2 have described a similar minimally invasive procedure with the use of 3D virtual planning with the Dextroscope and magnetic resonance angiography in place of intraoperative stereotaxy that could serve as an alternative to the technique described above.