Mechanisms of Atrioventricular Nodal Excitability and Propagation

Published on 20/06/2015 by admin

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Last modified 20/06/2015

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Mechanisms of Atrioventricular Nodal Excitability and Propagation

Chapter Outline

The atrioventricular node (AVN) is a critical component of the cardiac conduction system, primarily responsible for the conduction of electrical impulses from the atria to the ventricles, and has a secondary function as an escape pacemaker. Since its discovery by Tawara a little more than a century ago, many important advances have been made in terms of understanding the complex structure and function of the AV node, as well as its role in cardiac physiology and pathophysiology. In 1906, Tawara first discovered the spindle-shaped compact network of small cells, which he called a knoten (node).1 Subsequently, Mines provided the first clear and elegant description of reentry involving the AVN in 1916.2 More than half a century later, Moe et al. described the existence of dual-pathway AV nodal physiology and demonstrated the slow and fast pathways with AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) in the dog,3 and Janse et al.4 subsequently confirmed the same in the rabbit.

Despite a long history of research, many aspects of AV nodal physiology remain unclear, and some controversies surrounding its nature remain unresolved. Over the past decade, important strides have been made to enhance our understanding of this profoundly complex structure. The successful optical imaging of the AV junction (AVJ) in the human heart has provided important insights into its electrophysiology. Three-dimensional histologic and immunofluorescence reconstructions of the AVJ, as well as molecular biological studies looking into gene and protein expression, have helped to demonstrate the significant structural and molecular heterogeneity of the AVJ. This chapter reviews the current state of knowledge of AVJ structure and function with specific reference to these recent discoveries in the human heart.

Anatomy and Molecular Characteristics of the Mammalian Atrioventricular Node

Anatomy of the Triangle of Koch and Atrioventricular Junction Structures

The cardiac pacemaking and conduction system comprises specialized cells composed of pacemaker cells that generate electrical impulses as well as a His-Purkinje system that rapidly conducts the electrical impulses to enable properly timed synchronous myocardial contraction. The electrical impulse generated from the sinoatrial node (SAN), embedded at the junction of superior vena cava and the right atrium, exits the SAN via sinoatrial exit pathways, and travels through the right atrium via the crista terminalis and atrial septum to reach the compact AVN located at the apex of the triangle of Koch. As shown in Figure 28-1, A, the triangle of Koch is defined as the area enclosed by the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, the ostium of coronary sinus, and the tendon of Todaro. The apex point of the triangle of Koch is formed by the membranous portion of the ventricular septum, which is another anatomic landmark for the AVN.5 Cells of the compact AVN at the apex of the triangle of Koch are small and spindle shaped, with no clear cellular orientation. In contrast, atrial myocardial cells are large, densely packed, and oriented parallel with one another. Two distinct cell populations exist between cells of the atrial myocardium and those of the compact AVN: (1) transitional cells with intermediate features between the atrial myocytes and spindle-shaped compact AVN, and (2) cells of one or two inferior nodal extension(s), which are regarded as extension(s) of the compact AVN. These two cell types have traditionally been regarded as being responsible for the two atrial electrical inputs into the compact AVN; transitional cells have been thought to compose the “fast pathway,”6,7 whereas cells of inferior nodal extensions constitute the “slow pathway.”8,9


Figure 28-1 Triangle of Koch and AVJ three-dimensional model of the human heart. A, Schematic of the triangle of Koch and AVJ structures. The AV nodal portion is composed of the compact AV node (CN) and the lower nodal bundle (LNB). The right inferior nodal extension (RE) extends proximally from the lower nodal bundle and the left inferior nodal extension (LE) extends from the compact AV node. B, Three-dimensional anatomic reconstruction of the AVJ and histologic sections through the bundle of His, the compact AV node, and extensions (RE and LE). C, Three-dimensional reconstruction of the AVJ, conduction system. AVJ, Atrioventricular junction; TA, tricuspid annulus; IAS, interatrial septum; VS, ventricular septum; FP, fast pathway; SP, slow pathway; CN, compact AV node; CS, coronary sinus; CFB, central fibrous body; TT, tendon of Todaro; A-P, anterior–posterior; S-I, superior–inferior. (A, Reproduced with permission from Kurian T, Ambrosi C, Hucker W, et al: Anatomy and electrophysiology of the human AV node. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 33:754–762, 2010. B, Reproduced with permission from Fedorov VV, Ambrosi CM, Kostecki G, et al: Anatomic localization and autonomic modulation of atrioventricular junctional rhythm in failing human hearts. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 4:515–525, 2011. C, Reproduced with permission from Hucker WJ, McCain ML, Laughner JI, et al: Connexin 43 expression delineates two discrete pathways in the human atrioventricular junction. Anat Rec [Hoboken] 291:204–215, 2008.)

Transitional Cells

The transitional cells extend anteriorly from the anterior limbus of fossa ovalis, located just above the noncoronary cusp of the aortic valve, and cover the middle and anterior part of the triangle of Koch after crossing the tendon of Todaro, before connecting to the proximal portion of the compact AVN. Such a distribution of transitional cells enables the electrical impulse to spread inside the triangle of Koch without conduction block by the tendon of Todaro.1012 The area of transitional cells distributed at the right anterior interatrial septum just outside the tendon of Todaro and behind the bundle of His corresponds approximately to the fast pathway site that was targeted during early attempts to cure AVNRT using radiofrequency ablation.6,13 Transitional cells have also been observed in the left atrial septum,14 supporting clinical observations of earliest atrial activation at that site during retrograde fast pathway conduction. Although transitional cells have traditionally been considered to constitute the “fast pathway,” experimental observations do not confirm fast conduction velocity in this pathway.1517 A shorter conduction delay in this pathway is primarily caused by anatomically shorter distance compared with the “slow pathway.”

Inferior Nodal Extension

The inferior nodal extension (INE) lies parallel to the superior portion of the tricuspid annulus within the triangle of Koch, extends towards the coronary sinus, and then merges with the compact AVN (see Figure 28-1, B). The distal portion of the INE contacts atrial myocytes directly. In the middle of the triangle of Koch, loosely packed transitional cells and the INE converge, and transitional cells overlie the INE at the anterior part of the triangle of the Koch.14,18 The anatomic relationship between the transitional cells and the INE within the triangle of Koch may explain the two different types of double potentials observed on intracardiac electrograms while targeting the slow pathway potential in the ablation of AVNRT. The site where the double potential consists of a low-frequency deflection (nodal component) followed by high-frequency deflection (atrial component), as described by Jackman and colleagues,19 corresponds approximately to the distal part of the INE beneath the orifice of the coronary sinus.20 The double potential of high-frequency followed low-frequency deflections described by Haissaguerre et al.21 may be generated by the two populations of cells in the middle and anterior parts of the triangle of Koch.20

There are important species differences in the anatomy of the AVJ. In contrast to rabbits, which have only one INE, humans typically have two INEs,4,8 which are referred to as the rightward and leftward extensions. As shown in a study of the anatomy of the human AVJ, there is significant anatomic variability in human.8 The majority of humans have two INEs (13 of 21 hearts), some have only the rightward INE (7 of 21 hearts), and, rarely, others have only the leftward INE.8 The leftward INE in humans extends from the compact AVN and lies more superiorly to and is usually shorter than the rightward extension (see Figure 28-1, B).8 Interestingly, three-dimensional reconstruction of the human AVJ shows age-related changes of the INEs and the compact AVN (see Figure 28-1, C). Compared with the left extension, the length of the right extension increases with age, accompanied by a widening of transitional cell zone.22 Evidence of age-related change of INEs may explain the high incidence of AVNRT within an older aged population compared with children (i.e., >10 years of age compared with <5 years of age). The rightward INE in humans has been regarded to constitute the slow pathway, yet the existence of the leftward extension should also be noted, because it is associated with the atypical left variant of AVNRT.23

Molecular Characteristics of Transitional Cells and Inferior Nodal Extension Cells

Histologically, the transitional cells and cells of the INE are relatively small and dispersed among connective tissues, and although these two populations of cells share some similar features, there are important molecular and electrophysiologic differences between these cells. It has recently been demonstrated in human tissue that the transitional cells and the INE cells both express the intermediate levels of Tbx3, a transcription factor that regulates the development of the cardiac conduction system compared with the compact AVN.14,24 However, in rabbit, transitional cells stain negative for neurofilament, and INE cells are neurofilament positive, suggesting that these two cell populations have different embryologic origins.14,16 An important electrophysiologic difference is that, compared with atrial cells, transitional cells express connexin43 (Cx43), an important cardiac gap junction protein, at the intermediate level, whereas the cells of the compact AVN and the leftward INE scantly express Cx43. However, detailed histologic and molecular discrimination between the rightward and the leftward INE in the human AVJ is currently lacking.

Another important difference is that pacemaker activity is observed in INE cells but not in transitional cells in rabbit studies.25 This is supported by gene expression data from humans showing that messenger RNA (mRNA) levels for HCN4, responsible for the hyperpolarization-activated “funny” (If) current, and Cav1.3, an alternative L-type calcium-channel isoform, are highly abundant in the INE, whereas expression of SCN5A, the gene encoding for the cardiac sodium channel protein Nav 1.5, is low.24 In contrast, the expression of HCN4 and Cav1.3 is lower in transitional cells, and the expression of SCN5A is high.24 The INE cells have slower Ca2+-dependent action potential upstrokes, like the nodal cells, whereas transitional cells have fast sodium current–dependent upstrokes. This may account for relatively slow conduction across the INE. These differences in gene expression may explain why sodium-channel blocking Class IA and IC antiarrhythmic drugs are effective in blocking the fast pathway, whereas L-type calcium-channel blockers such as verapamil are effective in blocking the slow pathway.26 The presence of nodal-like cells in the INE could also explain the occurrence of junctional rhythms during radiofrequency application at the inferior triangle of Koch.27

Anatomy of the Compact Atrioventricular Node and the Bundle of His

The AVN and the His bundle are demarcated by the central fibrous body, as initially described by Tawara.1 Morphologically18 and based on Cx43 expression,28,29 the AVN can be subdivided into the lower nodal bundle and the compact AVN. The compact node is the superior portion of the AVN connected to transitional tissue and the INEs, which was previously referred to as the “open node” by earlier investigators.18 The lower nodal bundle indicates the inferior portion that is in some cases enveloped by connective tissue, which was previously referred to as the “closed node.” Cells of the lower nodal bundle are longer and arranged more parallel to each other than in the compact AVN and possess an intermediate functional phenotype between that of the compact AVN and the His bundle. Some investigators have recently described the lower nodal bundle as the penetrating bundle of His because it is enclosed by connective tissue.5 The lower nodal bundle has been shown to connect to the rightward INE, whereas the leftward INE and the compact AVN are a continuous structure (see Figure 28-1, C).28 Regarding age-related change, the compact AVN is known to change from an oval shape to a spindle shape as age increases (see Figure 28-1, C).22

Molecular Characteristics of the Compact Atrioventricular Node and Bundle of His

Both the compact AVN and His bundle express high quantities of connexin40 mRNA and protein, which are gap junction proteins that form large conductance channels, whereas Cx43 is scantly expressed in the compact AVN and expressed at an intermediate level in the lower nodal bundle/His bundle (Figure 28-2).24,28 mRNA levels for Nav1.5, the cardiac sodium channel protein, and a determinant of conduction velocity are scant in the compact AVN (Figure 28-3, A) compared with their high expression levels in the His bundle.24 The abundant expression of connexin proteins and Nav1.5 mRNA in His bundle enables the electrical wave to pass rapidly through the His bundle.

Functional Heterogeneity of the Atrioventricular Junction: Atrionodal Cells, Nodal Cells, and Nodo-His Cells

As described in the previous section, the AVJ is composed of numerous components, with different cell types that possess different cell morphologies and varying expression of sarcolemmal ion channels and cardiac connexins. The effect of this variability of cell types is the marked functional heterogeneity within the AVJ. Characteristics of the action potential for the different cells in the AVJ have previously been demonstrated in the rabbit heart through the combined study of microelectrodes and histology.30 Significant heterogeneity of action potential morphology in the rabbit AVJ was found,3133 and three main types of cells have been described: atrionodal (AN), nodal (N), and nodo-His (NH) cells, according to the morphology of the action potential (see Figure 28-3, B

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