Mechanics of Ventilation
After reading this chapter, you will be able to:
• Explain how elastic recoil forces of the lungs and chest wall interact to establish the resting lung volume
• Describe how static lung volumes and capacities are influenced by changes in the elastic recoil forces of the lungs and chest wall
• Explain which pressure gradients maintain alveolar volume and create airflow into and out of the lung
• Describe how spontaneous breathing and positive pressure mechanical ventilation are different and similar in the way they create pressure gradients throughout the respiratory cycle
• Describe how the rib cage, diaphragm, and abdomen components of the thorax move and interact differently in normal and abnormal conditions
• Interpret static and dynamic pressure-volume curves of the lungs, thorax, and lung-thorax system
• Determine whether high inflation pressure during mechanical ventilation is caused by a change in lung compliance or in airway resistance
• List factors that cause lung compliance and airway resistance to change
• Describe how surface tension and pulmonary surfactant influence lung compliance, inflation pressure, alveolar stability, and work of breathing
• Explain what causes the lung’s pressure-volume curve to exhibit hysteresis
• Explain how to use pressure-volume and time-pressure curves to distinguish between elastic and frictional forces that oppose lung inflation
• Describe why greater muscular effort fails to increase expiratory flow rates under certain physical conditions
• Explain how compliance and resistance are related to the emptying and filling rates of the lung during breathing
• Describe what factors predispose to incomplete exhalation and trapping of positive pressure in the alveoli at the end of expiration
• Explain the way in which work of breathing, respiratory muscular strength, and respiratory muscular fatigue are assessed
dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC)
expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
frequency dependence of compliance
functional residual capacity (FRC)
maximum expiratory pressure (MEP)
maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP)
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
single breath nitrogen elimination test
tension-time index of the diaphragm (TTdi)
tension-time index of the inspiratory muscles (TTmus)
transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi)
Static Lung and Chest Wall Mechanics
Elastic Recoil of the Lungs and Thorax
As the lung and chest wall recoil in opposite directions, the pressure between the pleural membranes decreases (Boyle’s law). No true space exists between the visceral and parietal pleurae. However, if a small tube were placed through the chest wall between these membranes, a space would be created, and the pressure measured through the tube would be subatmospheric. This method of obtaining intrapleural pressure (Ppl) would be too invasive and hazardous for clinical purposes; changes in Ppl can be measured more safely through a balloon-tipped catheter placed in the esophagus with the tip of the catheter well inside the thoracic cavity (Figure 3-1). The thin-walled esophagus has little muscle tone and easily transmits Ppl changes to the balloon on the end of the catheter. Changes in intraesophageal balloon pressure reflect changes in Ppl. Figure 3-1 shows lung and thorax recoil forces and the resulting pressures.
Pressure Gradients during Ventilation
Figure 3-2 illustrates various pressure differences or gradients involved in ventilation. Airway pressures are usually expressed using atmospheric pressure as the zero reference value. A pressure of 0 mm Hg does not refer to an absolute lack of pressure but to atmospheric pressure (760 mm Hg at sea level). In this sense, a subatmospheric pressure of 755 mm Hg is below 0 mm Hg, or “negative.” Likewise, a pressure of 765 mm Hg is above 0 mm Hg, or “positive.” (All pressures are positive and cannot be truly negative. However, in this book, the terms negative and positive with regard to pressure refer to subatmospheric and above atmospheric pressures.)
Pressure gradients are simply pressure differences between two points that cause air to move in or out of the lungs and are responsible for keeping the lungs in an inflated state. Air always flows from a point of high pressure to a point of low pressure; a pressure gradient of 0 mm Hg means there is no pressure difference between the two points and thus no airflow. Important pressure gradients in ventilation are the transpulmonary pressure (PL), transthoracic pressure (Pw), and transrespiratory pressure (Prs) (see Figure 3-2). (See Appendix I for a summary of pressure symbols in ventilatory mechanics.)
Prs is the difference between alveolar and body-surface pressures (Prs = PA − Pbs) or the pressure gradient across the entire respiratory system (lungs plus chest wall). Because both Pbs and Pao are atmospheric during normal breathing, Pao can be substituted for Pbs in the previous equation (Prs = PA − Pao, as shown in Figure 3-2). This equation shows that Prs is also equal to the pressure gradient across the airways, between the mouth and alveoli; thus, this pressure gradient is sometimes called the transairway pressure (PTA). PTA is responsible for airflow in and out of the lung. No airflow exists at the end of inspiration or at the end of expiration because PA is equal to Pao under both of these conditions; Prs or PTA is 0 mm Hg at these two points in the breathing cycle. In normal spontaneous breathing, Prs changes only when the PA changes because Pao is atmospheric and remains constant at 0 mm Hg. The magnitude of Prs (i.e., the difference between mouth and alveolar pressures) reflects the airways’ frictional resistance to airflow: the greater the pressure gradient needed to drive gas through the airways, the greater the airway resistance.
Figure 3-3 illustrates changes in pressures during the respiratory cycle (inspiration and expiration). At the end of a resting expiration when all airflow has ceased, PA = 0 cm H2O, and the elastic recoil force of the lungs (Pel) is equal to a pressure of about 5 cm H2O (Figure 3-3, A). This means Ppl must be −5 cm H2O (PA is the sum of alveolar recoil pressure plus Ppl). Therefore, transpulmonary pressure (PL) at this point is about 5 cm H2O. The PL is calculated as follows:
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When all muscles are relaxed and no air is flowing, the inward and outward recoil forces of the lungs and thorax are in equilibrium with each another (see Figure 3-3, A). The Prs (pressure difference between the alveoli and the body surface) is the sum of PL plus Pw and is 0 mm Hg under the resting conditions just described. This is illustrated as follows:

The act of inspiration (see Figure 3-3, moving from A to B to C) disrupts the equilibrium between lung and thoracic recoil forces. The ventilatory muscles contract and increase the thoracic dimensions as explained in Chapter 2. Consequently, Ppl decreases (Boyle’s law), which increases the PL gradient (PA − Ppl), “pulling” the alveoli to larger volumes. This causes PA to fall below Pao, establishing a pressure gradient for airflow into the lungs (see Figure 3-3, B). Air stops flowing into the lungs when PA equalizes with Pao (see Figure 3-3, C). At this point, PL is at its maximum value in the respiratory cycle (i.e., the difference between PA and Ppl is greatest), corresponding with an inhaled volume of 500 mL in this example.
Expiration begins when ventilatory muscles relax, allowing lung recoil forces to shrink the thoracic cavity passively (see Figure 3-3, moving from C to D). As the thoracic volume decreases, Ppl increases (becomes less negative), narrowing the gap between Ppl and PA. This decreases PL, reducing the lung’s dimensions, which compresses the lung’s air, increasing PA above Pao. Gas flows out of the lungs, reestablishing the initial preinspiratory conditions (see Figure 3-3, from D to A).
Rib Cage and Diaphragm-Abdomen Components of the Thorax
To this point, the thorax has been considered as if it were a single unit. It is more accurate to think of the thorax as having two components: the rib cage and the diaphragm-abdomen complex.1 The rib cage and diaphragm are coupled but can act independently during ventilation. Rib cage movements change the anterior-posterior and lateral dimensions of the thorax, and diaphragm movements displace the abdominal organs and change vertical thoracic dimensions. Normally, abdominal displacement predominates during quiet breathing, whereas rib cage displacement predominates when one breathes large volumes near maximum lung capacity.1 If abdominal displacement by the diaphragm is hampered by obesity, pregnancy, or an otherwise distended abdomen, breathing becomes more dependent on rib cage displacement. The work of breathing increases because it is more difficult to inflate the lung when the diaphragm resists movement.
Static Lung Volumes and Capacities
Measurement of Lung Volumes—Spirometry
Spirometry is the process of measuring volumes of air moving in and out of the lungs. A spirometer is the device used to measure these volumes. The spirogram is a graphical volume versus time representation of the lung volumes made by the spirometer. A classic water-seal spirometer is shown in Figure 3-5. Knowledge of the function of the water-seal spirometer helps a
person understand the interrelationships between volumes and capacities. (Modern spirometers are electronic, microprocessor-controlled devices.)
While wearing nose clips to occlude the nostrils, the patient inhales and exhales through a large tube inserted snugly into the mouth (see Figure 3-5). Exhaled air enters the inverted cylinder (bell) suspended by a chain and pulley. This bell fits loosely over a smaller cylinder and floats in a water-filled sleeve. The other end of the chain is attached to a recording pen and counterweight, which exactly balance the weight of the floating bell. The water provides a seal from atmospheric air and allows nearly frictionless movement of the bell. Bell movements cause the pen to move up and down, inscribing reciprocal tracings on recording paper wrapped around a drum rotating at a constant speed, creating a graphic representation of volume (vertical axis) versus time (horizontal axis) (Figure 3-6).
Figure 3-6 reveals that not all of the TLC is accessible to the spirometer. The residual volume (RV) cannot be exhaled, even with the greatest expiratory effort, because the rigid rib cage prevents total lung deflation. RV must be measured indirectly through other techniques (see Chapter 5).
Figure 3-6 illustrates the four lung volumes and four lung capacities. The measurements for each are approximate and vary according to an individual’s height, gender, and age. The descriptions and symbols for the static lung volumes and capacities are shown in Table 3-1. (See also Appendix I.)
Static Lung Volumes and Capacities
Volume and Capacity | Symbol | Definition |
Residual volume | RV | Volume of air remaining in the lung after a maximal-effort expiration |
Expiratory reserve volume | ERV | Volume of air that can be exhaled with maximal effort from a resting (tidal) end-expiratory level |
Tidal volume | TV or VT | Volume of air normally inhaled or exhaled with each breath during resting, quiet breathing |
Inspiratory reserve volume | IRV | Volume of air that can be inhaled with maximal effort from the tidal end-inspiratory level |
Total lung capacity | TLC | Volume of air in the lung after a maximal-effort inspiration; the sum of all volumes |
Inspiratory capacity | IC | Volume of air that can be inhaled with maximal effort from a resting (tidal) end-expiratory level; sum of TV and IRV |
Vital capacity | VC | Maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after a maximal-effort inspiration; sum of IRV, TV, and ERV |
Functional residual capacity | FRC | Volume of gas remaining in the lung at the end of a normal tidal exhalation (relaxed ventilatory muscles); sum of ERV and RV |
The tidal volume (VT) is the volume of air inhaled or exhaled with each breath. The vital capacity (VC) defines the maximum limits of a single breath—that is, from a maximum-effort inspiration to a maximum-effort expiration. Theoretically, the VT can increase until it equals the VC, but this never occurs, even with the most strenuous exercise. The functional residual capacity (FRC) is the amount of air in the lungs at the point of ventilatory muscle relaxation, also known as the resting level, or end-tidal exhalation level. Normally, about 40% of the TLC is contained in the lung at this resting FRC level. Expiratory (abdominal) muscle contraction is required to exhale any portion of the FRC, which involves the exhalation of expiratory reserve volume (ERV). The balance point between inward lung recoil and outward chest wall recoil determines the FRC level. Any factor that decreases lung recoil force increases the FRC and decreases the inspiratory capacity (IC). Any factor that increases lung recoil force decreases the FRC and decreases the TLC and VC. (Chapter 5 reviews these interrelationships in more detail.)
Maximum Static Inspiratory and Expiratory Pressures
Average MEP and MIP results for adults are shown in Table 3-2.2 These pressures represent high reserve muscle strength, which may become involved during a cough or the birth process. Measurements of MIP and MEP are often used clinically to assess the ability of a patient to maintain spontaneous, unassisted ventilation; MIP is more often used in this regard. Severe compromise of ventilatory muscle strength is evident when no more than −20 cm H2O MIP can be generated.3
Maximum Inspiratory and Expiratory Pressures
Gender | MIP—Measured at RV | MEP—Measured at TLC |
Males | −126 cm H2O | 229 cm H2O |
Females | −92 cm H2O | 151 cm H2O |
Static Pressure-Volume Relationships
Static Pressure-Volume Curve
An inspiratory P-V curve can be constructed (Figure 3-7) by applying pressure to the trachea, inflating the lung in volume increments in a stepwise fashion from RV to TLC. Each volume increment is held in the lung until all airflow ceases and PL is recorded. If the lung is deflated in an identical stepwise fashion back to RV, an expiratory P-V curve is constructed. The inflation-deflation curves are traced in a counterclockwise fashion when the lung is inflated by positive pressure applied to the trachea. The curves are nonlinear, partly because the collagen and elastic fibers composing the lung parenchyma are not uniform springs. Elastic fibers are easily stretched, whereas collagen fibers are more resistant to deformation. As the lung volume approaches TLC during inspiration, collagen fibers resist stretching more, causing the slope of the P-V curve to flatten at its upper end, creating an upper inflection point (see Figure 3-7).
Hysteresis and Mechanism of Lung Volume Change
The inflation and deflation limbs of the P-V curve in Figure 3-7 trace different paths, showing that for the same distending pressure, lung volume is greater during deflation than inflation. This phenomenon is called hysteresis, which occurs because the lungs dissipate energy during inflation.4 In other words, part of the energy used to inflate the lungs is not recovered during deflation; this means it takes less force to keep the lungs inflated during deflation than it does during inflation. This phenomenon has been experimentally shown: at the same pressure, the lung volume fixed in inflation is lower than the volume fixed in deflation.4
The phenomenon of hysteresis is related to the mechanism whereby lung volume changes. The idea that lung inflation and deflation are the result of collective balloon-like changes in 300 million alveolar diameters is overly simplistic. It is now widely understood that the major mechanism of lung expansion and retraction involves the sequential opening and closing (recruitment and derecruitment) of peripheral alveoli.4,5 At the end of a maximally forceful expiration (at RV), numerous alveoli are closed; lung volume increases during the subsequent inspiration mainly because an increasingly greater number of alveoli open up, not because individual alveolar diameters increase. The lungs dissipate energy in the alveolar recruitment process, mostly in overcoming the molecular adhesive forces of surface tension—forces not present during expiration when alveoli are already open.4
The lung’s recruitment expansion mechanism has been confirmed by in vivo microscopy of subpleural alveoli in animal models; inflation of the lung from 20% to 80% of TLC increased the number of recruited alveoli but did not increase individual alveolar diameters.5 A different investigation yielded similar results; when lung inflation pressure was increased from 10 cm H2O to 20 cm H2O and then again from 20 cm H2O to 30 cm H2O, alveolar size did not change, but the number of recruited alveoli changed in direct proportion to applied pressure.4
The alveolar recruitment-derecruitment mechanism is illustrated in Figure 3-8. At the beginning of inspiration (Figure 3-8, A), numerous alveoli are closed, their walls stuck together. As inspiration continues, these alveoli are forced open and recruited by the increasing PL (Figure 3-8, B). Recruitment occurs in two phases: in the first phase, from deflation to about 50% of the TLC, lung volume increases secondary to a linear increase in the number of alveoli recruited (i.e., the number recruited is directly proportional to PL). From 50% to 100% of TLC, the rate of recruitment accelerates, and the number of recruited alveoli increases exponentially. This accelerated recruitment rate is reflected by a steeper slope on the P-V curve, marked by a lower inflection point (LIP) on the inspiratory limb (see Figure 3-7).4
It was previously thought that the LIP marked the point at which alveolar recruitment was complete and that if expiratory pressure were not allowed to fall below this point in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients, alveolar closure on expiration would be prevented. It is now known that alveolar recruitment continues beyond the LIP to TLC; the entire P-V curve can be thought of as a recruitment curve.4,6 (See Clinical Focus 3-3 for a discussion of the clinically obtained P-V curve and significance of LIP.)
Lung Distensibility: Static Compliance
Compliance is a measure of the lung’s opposition to inflation. The P-V curve (see Figure 3-7) is a compliance curve. Lung compliance (CL) is defined as the change in lung volume produced by a unit of pressure change and is measured in liters per centimeter of water pressure (L/cm H2O), shown as follows:

Compliance can be conceptualized as distensibility; if the lung is easily distended, it has high compliance. A lung with low compliance is stiff and difficult to inflate. Static CL can be obtained from the P-V curve in Figure 3-9 by measuring the volume change (vertical axis) produced by a pressure change (horizontal axis). Normal compliance of the lung alone (CL) is 0.2 L/cm H2O or 200 mL/cm H2O.
Compliance and Lung Volume
The value of CL depends on the volume at which it is measured. The compliance curve is not linear, as shown in Figure 3-9. Near TLC, lung fibers are stretched and close to their elastic limits; a 500-mL inspiration taken at a point near TLC requires more muscular effort than a 500-mL inspiration beginning at FRC. The slope of the compliance curve is steepest and CL is greatest at FRC; this is beneficial because an individual normally inhales the VT from the FRC level where volume changes require little effort. Even during strenuous exercise, people breathe over the lower 70% of the P-V curve, keeping the elastic WOB relatively low. The larger inspired volumes during exercise produce higher lung recoil, which helps provide the force needed to produce high expiratory flow rates during rapid breathing rates.
Figure 3-10 illustrates the effects of different disease types on CL. Emphysema is characterized by a loss of elastic lung tissue, which means the lungs can be easily distended and have an abnormally low recoil force. Small pressure changes produce large volume changes. Weakened elastic lung recoil changes
the equilibrium point between lung and thoracic recoil forces, which increases the FRC. Pulmonary fibrosis is characterized by high lung recoil forces. The FRC equilibrium point is displaced, this time to a lower point in the TLC than normal.
Surface Tension and Pulmonary Surfactant
The molecules of a water surface are attracted by other water molecules below and adjacent to them. As a result, the water surface has a tendency to contract, creating a force known as surface tension (Figure 3-11, A). Surface tension causes a water droplet to take on the shape of a rounded bead because of the tight intermolecular attraction forces surrounding the droplet.
In 1929, von Neergaard conducted the now classic experiment in which he demonstrated the presence of surface tension in the alveoli. He inflated the lungs of anesthetized cats, first with air and then with a liquid saline solution. He constructed P-V curves for both air and saline inflations. Figure 3-12 illustrates that saline inflation requires much less pressure than air inflation to achieve a given volume. von Neergaard correctly concluded that alveolar air-liquid surfaces produced forces that opposed lung inflation. Saline inflations abolished the air-liquid surfaces and eliminated their opposition to lung inflation. The recoil pressure of the saline-filled lungs reflected only elastic tissue retractile forces, whereas the recoil pressure of the air-filled lung reflected retractile forces of the elastic tissues plus surface tension. von Neergaard found that surface-tension forces are responsible for more than half of the lung’s elastic recoil force.7