CHAPTER 34 Mastopexy after Implant Removal
Preoperative Assessment (Table 34.1)
There are several important aspects of the preoperative assessment that will guide one’s operative plan. As shown in Table 34.2, it is important to consider the degree of ptosis present – patients with grade 2 or 3 ptosis should be considered for mastopexy after explantation (Table 34.3). One must also consider the patient’s skin tone, as a patient with loose, inelastic skin and multiple striae is likely to require mastopexy in order to preserve favorable breast aesthetics. An accurate assessment of the native breast parenchymal volume and distribution will also weigh in one’s decision regarding mastopexy after explantation. For example, a woman with a small amount of breast tissue will likely have an accentuation of breast ptosis and a loss of superior pole fullness after explantation, and will often require mastopexy to preserve a favorable shape. It is also important to evaluate for potential breast asymmetries, as such differences may actually be masked by augmentation. Asymmetry after explantation may also be present in the patient who had previous problems with implant infection, capsular contracture, or perhaps required multiple previous implant revisions. Lastly, one must evaluate the patient’s own sense of her breast aesthetics, particularly with regard to the patient’s acceptance of visible mastopexy scars on the breast.
Table 34.2 Degrees of breast ptosis
Grade 1 – minor ptosis | Nipple is positioned at the inframammary fold but above the lower contour of the gland and skin brassiere. |
Grade 2 – moderate ptosis | Nipple lies below the level of the fold but remains above the lower contour of the breast and skin brassiere. |
Grade 3 – major ptosis | Nipple lies below the level of the fold and at the lower contour of the breast and skin brassiere. |
Pseudoptosis |