Acquisitions (Number of Excitations, Signal Averages) |
The gathering of enough information to spatially encode one complete data set |
Dephasing |
When the RF pulse is switched off, the spinning protons go out of phase resulting in a reduction in the received signal |
Echo Time (TE) |
Flip Angle (α) |
The degree by which the proton is tipped in relation to the main magnetic field when a RF pulse is applied to it |
Fourier Transform |
Gradient Echo |
Image Space |
An MRI image |
Inversion Recovery (IR) |
k-space |
Larmor Equation |
At a given field strength, the nuclei of different elements will precess at different frequencies, the equation is used to calculate the frequency of the RF pulse |
Larmor Frequency |
The rate at which the protons spin when a magnetic field is applied |
Magnetic Field Gradient |
The loss or increase of magnetic strength over distance controlled by the electrical current passing through the coil
Noise |
Unwanted electrical signals causing grain on the image |
Precession |
Is the circular movement of the magnetic axis of a spinning proton which is prescribed when an external magnetic field is applied to the proton
Pulse Sequence |
The bursts of electromagnetic energy produced by the radio-frequency coils
Radio-frequency (RF) Pulse |
A burst of electromagnetic energy at right angles to the magnetic field |
Relaxation Time |
The time taken for the spinning protons to release the energy obtained and return to their original state |
Repetition Time (TR) |
The time between the beginning of one radio-frequency pulse sequence to the start of the next, e.g. 300 ms or 500 ms at 1.5 Tesla |
Resonance |
When an object (a proton) responds to an alternating force (a radio-frequency signal) causing movement |
Saturated Recovery (SR) |
Saturation |
The maximum degree of magnetisation that can be achieved in a substance |
Signal to Noise Ratio |
Image quality = Signal (information required from image)/Noise (unwanted information on an image) |
Can be improved by:
Spatial Encoding |
The prediction of the strength of the magnetic field and the movement of the protons at a set point along a gradient |
Spin Echo (SE) |
Spin Polarisation |
T1 Relaxation Time |
T2 Relaxation Time |
Tesla |