Published on 22/06/2015 by admin

Filed under Complementary Medicine

Last modified 22/06/2015

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Chapter 39



Observation, Chapter 18; Symptoms and Signs, Chapter 64

Atrophy or flaccidity of the limbs causes a difficulty in walking; the most common example of this in Western patients is multiple sclerosis.

In the beginning stages, atrophy or flaccidity of the limbs is often due to a Stomach- and Spleen-Qi deficiency, failing to carry food essences to the limbs. In later stages, atrophy or flaccidity of the limbs, or both, is often due to a Yin deficiency of the Liver and Kidneys or a Yang deficiency of the Spleen and Kidneys.

Atrophy or flaccidity of the limbs in children is due to a deficiency of Kidney-Essence. A general deficiency of Qi and Blood may also cause atrophy or flaccidity of the limbs.

Box 39.2 summarizes the patterns underlying difficulty in walking.


Symptoms and Signs, Chapter 64

The five most common causes of a feeling of distension of the limbs are:

Qi stagnation causes a feeling of distension of the limbs, particularly in the hands and feet.

If the feeling of distension of the limbs is accompanied by a swelling under the skin and a sallow complexion, then it is due to Qi stagnation with Dampness. It should be noted that this swelling is not real oedema and finger pressure does not leave a dip in the skin. This type of distension and swelling of the limbs is very common in women suffering from premenstrual syndrome.

If the feeling of distension of the limbs is aggravated by overexertion and the lower legs have a purple colour, it is due to Blood stasis deriving from Qi deficiency.

If the feeling of distension of the limbs is accompanied by numbness, tingling, a feeling of heaviness and tremor, it is due to Wind-Phlegm.

A feeling of distension of the limbs may also be due to retention of Dampness in the muscles, which may be associated with Cold or Heat; in this case, there would also be a feeling of heaviness of the limbs.

Box 39.3 summarizes the patterns underlying a feeling of distension of the limbs.


Symptoms and Signs, Chapters 64 and 66

Patients quite often spontaneously report a sensation of heaviness of the limbs although they may not necessarily use such terms. They often say that their legs ‘feel like lead’.

A feeling of heaviness of the limbs is more frequently experienced in the legs. A feeling of heaviness of the legs is always due to Dampness in the Lower Burner. The Dampness may be combined with Heat or Cold, and it may be Full or Empty. The feeling of heaviness from Full-Dampness is more pronounced than that from Dampness associated with Spleen-Qi deficiency.

When the Spleen-Qi deficiency is associated with Stomach-Qi deficiency, the feeling of heaviness is frequently experienced in all four limbs rather than just the legs. Similarly, when Phlegm causes a feeling of heaviness, it is experienced in all four limbs.


Symptoms and Signs, Chapter 64

‘Numbness’ here includes tingling in the limbs. Generally speaking, a feeling of numbness/tingling may be due to:

Blood deficiency usually causes tingling, whereas Phlegm and Wind tend to cause more numbness: with Wind, the numbness is often unilateral. However, these are only general rules.

Blood deficiency is a common cause of numbness/tingling of the limbs in younger people, especially women. In the elderly, a numbness of the limbs is very often caused by Wind or Wind-Phlegm obstructing the channels and, in the case of Wind, the numbness is often unilateral. Dampness or Damp-Heat may also cause numbness of the limbs and especially of the legs. In a few cases, numbness may be caused by stagnation of Qi and Blood in the limbs, in which case it is relieved by exercise.

Box 39.4 summarizes the patterns underlying numbness/tingling of the limbs.