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Labetalol hydrochloride.  Combined β- and α-adrenergic receptor antagonist, with ratio of activities usually quoted between 2 : 1 and 5 : 1 respectively. Selective for α1-receptors, but non-selective at β-receptors, with some intrinsic sympathomimetic activity. Used to treat severe hypertension and pre-eclampsia, and in hypotensive anaesthesia. 90% protein-bound. Half-life is 4 h. Metabolised in the liver and excreted in urine and faeces. Undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism when given orally.

Labour, active management of.  Term referring to a collection of medical interventions and management, including strict diagnostic criteria for the onset and course of labour, artificial rupture of membranes, early use of oxytocic drugs and continuous obstetric input so that the duration of labour is limited. Despite claims of improved outcome, evidence is at best conflicting.

Medical intervention depends on the plot of cervical dilatation and descent of the fetal head against time, usually starting from presentation in labour. The curve obtained is compared with curves derived from studies of normal labours, primiparous or multiparous as appropriate (partograms). The normal curve is composed of latent (up to 3–4 cm cervical dilatation) and active (until 10 cm dilatation) phases. Delay in progress is represented by a lag of more than 2 h to the right of the expected curve.

Cephalopelvic disproportion may cause delay at any stage, but especially secondary arrest. Most other causes are treated successfully with oxytocic drugs (with continuous fetal monitoring).

Epidural blockade is often instituted to provide analgesia for augmented contractions, possibly to restore coordinated uterine activity, and in case of operative delivery.

Lack breathing system,  see Coaxial anaesthetic breathing systems

β-Lactams.  Group of substances containing the 4-atom β-lactam ring (Fig. 96). Include the penicillins, cephalosporins, the monobactam aztreonam and the carbapenems. The β-lactam ring is a site of breakdown by bacterial β-lactamase, leading to bacterial resistance.

Lactate.  Byproduct of anaerobic metabolism of the products of glycolysis. Hypoxia prevents aerobic metabolism of pyruvate to CO2 and water (via the tricarboxylic acid cycle); instead lactate is formed, with consequent increases in plasma lactate/pyruvate ratio (normally 10) and plasma lactate (normally 0.3–1.3 mmol/l). The liver removes 70% of lactate and the rest is converted to pyruvate by mitochondria-rich skeletal and cardiac muscle.

Lactic acidosis.  Metabolic acidosis accompanied by raised plasma lactate levels.

• Causes are divided into:

ent those with overt tissue hypoxia and anaerobic respiration (type A):

– severe hypoxaemia.

– severe anaemia.

– shock/haemorrhage/hypotension.

– cardiac failure.

– severe exercise.

– carbon monoxide poisoning.

– mesenteric ischaemia.

ent those without apparent initial tissue hypoxia (type B), further subdivided into:

– hepatic failure/renal failure (delayed clearance of lactate).

– severe infection, thiamine deficiency, alcoholic and diabetic ketoacidosis (pyruvate dehydrogenase dysfunction).

– cyanide poisoning, biguanides, salicylates, sodium valproate (uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation).

– exercise, severe infection, seizures, β-adrenergic receptor agonists, fructose and sorbitol in TPN, malignancies (increased glycolysis such that the aerobic pathway is overwhelmed).

– glycogen storage disorders, inborn errors of metabolism.

In critical illness, type A and B causes frequently coexist (e.g. hypoxaemia with severe infection and increased glycolysis).

Morris CG, Low J (2008). Anaesthesia; 63: 396–411

Laevobupivacaine,  see Bupivacaine

Lambert–Beer law,  see Beer–Lambert law

Lamotrigine.  Anticonvulsant drug, blocks voltage-gated sodium channels and thus inhibits the presynaptic release of glutamate and other excitatory neurotransmitters. Used for partial or secondary generalised seizures, either alone or in combination with other anticonvulsants. Has also been used for the treatment of bipolar disorders and in chronic pain management. Rapidly absorbed after oral administration with peak plasma concentrations at 2.5 h; half-life is 24–36 h. Plasma concentration is increased by sodium valproate but decreased by drugs causing enzyme induction (e.g. other anticonvulsants). It also induces its own metabolism.

Lanreotide.  Long-acting somatostatin analogue; actions and effects are similar to those of octreotide. Used mainly in long-term management of acromegaly, by deep sc or im injection.

Lansoprazole.  Proton pump inhibitor; actions and effects are similar to those of omeprazole.

Laparoscopy.  A form of minimally invasive surgery in which an endoscope (laparoscope) is inserted into the abdominal cavity via a small incision, allowing the abdominal and pelvic organs to be seen. Originally used for diagnostic gynaecological procedures, now commonly performed for more extensive procedures (e.g. hysterectomy) and other types of surgery, e.g. cholecystectomy, gastric banding. Although benefits include faster recovery, reduced morbidity and postoperative pain and wound infection, patients may be exposed to prolonged operating times. Requires induction of a pneumoperitoneum, usually with CO2. Specific complications are related to:

ent gas insufflation:

– trauma to intra-abdominal viscera (including stomach if previously distended with air during IPPV via facemask) and great vessels when the trocar is introduced or gas insufflated.

– gas embolus if gas is accidentally insufflated into blood vessels. CO2 is rapidly absorbed from the blood, reducing the size of embolus.

– subcutaneous/mediastinal emphysema and pneumothorax.

– bradycardia or asystole due to vagal stimulation.

– caval compression reducing venous return if intraperitoneal pressure exceeds 3–4 kPa. Higher pressures may compress the aorta.

– gas may splint the diaphragm and reduce lung expansion.

– raised intra-abdominal pressure may increase risk of regurgitation and aspiration of gastric contents. High incidence of PONV.

– ICP is increased.

– CO2 may be extensively absorbed across the peritoneum, requiring increased alveolar ventilation to maintain normocapnia.

– postoperative pain or discomfort, typically referred to the shoulder tip, due to presence of peritoneal gas; incidence reduced if gas is expelled from abdominal cavity at the end of the procedure.

– explosion through ignition of intestinal methane by diathermy has been reported.

ent patient’s position: for upper GIT procedures patients are positioned head-up, which may encourage venous pooling in the legs and further hinder venous return. For gynaecological procedures the semi-lithotomy position is used, which may be associated with:

– reduced FRC and diaphragmatic splinting, with risk of atelectasis, hypoxaemia and hypoventilation.

– increased risk of regurgitation.

– increased venous return when the legs are raised. Pooling of blood in the legs may occur when they are lowered afterwards, with resultant hypotension.

ent surgical procedure:

– bleeding may go unnoticed if not in the immediate area being worked on.

– large amounts of irrigating fluid may be used, with the risk of hypothermia if not warmed.

– sudden coughing during upper GIT surgery may risk damage to vital structures (e.g. bile ducts, vessels).

– may involve laser surgery.

Other considerations include patient co-morbidity; e.g. obesity in patients for gastric banding. The above complications lead many anaesthetists to choose tracheal intubation and IPPV as the technique of choice, although the LMA is also commonly used for short gynaecological procedures in suitable patients.

Gynaecological laparoscopy may also be performed using local anaesthesia, with infiltration of the abdominal puncture site. Discomfort may result from peritoneal stretching and pneumoperitoneum. Use of epidural/spinal anaesthesia has been described but is rarely attempted because of the above considerations.

Gerges FJ, Kanazi GE, Jabbour-Khoury SI (2006). J Clin Anesth; 18: 67–78

Larrey, Baron Dominique Jean (1766–1842).  French surgeon-in-chief to Napoleon. Employed refrigeration anaesthesia in 1807, and again in 1812 during the Russian campaign to allow painless amputations in half-frozen soldiers. Also employed triage. Supported Hickman when the latter presented his experiments on ‘suspended animation’ to the French Academy in 1828.

[Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821), French Emperor]

Baker D, Cazalaà J-B, Carli P (2005). Resuscitation; 66: 259–62

Laryngeal mask airway (LMA).  Device invented by Brain and introduced into practice in 1988 for supporting and maintaining the airway without tracheal intubation. Consists of an oval head attached to a connecting tube (Fig. 97a). The head is inserted blindly into the pharynx to lie against the back of the larynx, and the circumferential cuff inflated to form a seal. Pressing the junction of the head and tube backward and upward against the palate during insertion has been recommended by the inventor; alternative methods include insertion with the bowl facing upwards and rotating it 180° once inserted. Tolerated at lighter levels of anaesthesia than a tracheal tube. Insertion is easier following propofol induction of anaesthesia than thiopental induction, because of the former’s greater suppression of laryngeal reflexes.

Has been used for spontaneous or controlled ventilation, the latter using inflation pressures of up to 10–25 cmH2O. Does not protect against aspiration of gastric contents. May be removed before the patient wakes, or left in position. A bite block is required to prevent obstruction or damage by the teeth.

Available in several sizes from 1 (neonates < 5 kg) to 6 (adults >100 kg), each with its own recommended volume of air for cuff inflation, although a maximum cuff pressure of 60 cmH2O has been suggested as more logical than maximal volumes.

Also available with reinforced tubes to prevent kinking. More recent developments include: the ProSeal LMA, which features a larger cuff (providing a better seal against the glottis), and a gastric drainage port that opens at the tip of the cuff (Fig. 97b); and the intubating LMA, in which the tube is shorter and rigid with a sharp angle. In the latter, the bars covering the laryngeal aperture are replaced by a single flap that lifts the epiglottis when a tracheal tube (a soft silicone one specifically provided for the purpose) is passed blindly through it (Fig. 97c). The intubating and standard LMAs have been used (with or without a fibreoptic ’scope) in known and unsuspected cases of difficult intubation. A version of the intubating LMA has also been introduced that incorporates a small display screen mounted at the proximal end of the airway so that intubation can be observed in real time.

Washed and autoclaved between uses; a maximum of 40 uses is recommended by the manufacturer. The standard LMA and the intubating and ProSeal versions are also available in disposable single-use versions, as are many other similar-looking devices based on the same concept but produced by other manufacturers.

[Archie Brain, British anaesthetist]

Laryngeal nerve blocks,  see Intubation, awake

Laryngeal nerves.  Derived from the vagus nerves:

ent superior laryngeal nerve:

– arises at the base of the skull and passes deep to the carotid arteries.

– divides into internal and external branches below and anterior to the greater cornua of the hyoid bone.

– the internal laryngeal nerve pierces the thyrohyoid membrane with the superior laryngeal vessels, supplying the mucous membrane of the larynx down to the vocal cords.

– the external laryngeal nerve passes deep to the superior thyroid artery, supplying cricothyroid muscle and the inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx.

ent recurrent laryngeal nerve:

– on the left, arises anterior to the ligamentum arteriosus, passes below and behind it and the aorta and ascends in the neck (see Fig. 113; Neck, cross-sectional anatomy).

– on the right, given off at the right subclavian artery, passing below and behind it and ascending in the neck.

– in the neck, ascends in the groove between the oesophagus posteriorly and trachea anteriorly.

– enters the larynx posterior to the thyrocricoid joints, deep to the inferior constrictor. Supplies all the intrinsic laryngeal muscles except cricothyroid, and the mucous membrane of the larynx below the vocal cords.

ent afferent pathways also pass within the above nerves. Sympathetic branches pass with the arterial supply.

• Effects of nerve damage:

ent superior laryngeal: slack cord and weak voice.

ent recurrent laryngeal (partial): cord held in the midline because the abductors are affected more than the adductors (Semon’s law). The voice is hoarse. If bilateral, severe airway obstruction may occur.

ent recurrent laryngeal (complete): cord held midway between the midline and abducted position. If bilateral, the cords may be snapped shut during inspiration, causing stridor. The voice is lost.

ent if one side only is affected, the contralateral cord may move across and restore the voice.

Branches may be damaged during surgery (e.g. thyroidectomy) and tracheal intubation, especially if undue force is used or the cuff is inflated within the larynx. The recurrent laryngeal nerve may be involved by lesions in the neck, thorax or mediastinum (on the left).

The superior laryngeal nerve may be blocked to allow awake tracheal intubation.

[Sir Felix Semon (1849–1921), German-born English laryngologist]

See also, Intubation, awake

Laryngeal reflex.  Laryngospasm in response to stimulation of the laryngeal/hypopharyngeal mucosa. Afferent pathway is via the laryngeal nerves, vagus and brainstem.

Laryngeal tube,  see Airways

Laryngoscope.  Instrument used to perform laryngoscopy. The first direct-vision laryngoscope was invented by Kirstein and later developed by Jackson; the principle was later modified by Magill, Macintosh and others.

• Most consist of:

ent handle:

– contains a battery power source (originally connected to mains electricity).

– fibreoptic laryngoscopes have batteries and bulb in the handle, with transmission of light along a fibreoptic bundle set in the blade.

– short or adjustable handles are available; smaller lighter handles are usually used for paediatric anaesthesia. The Anderson laryngoscope handle bears a hook for the left index finger, allowing laryngoscopy using only the thumb and index finger whilst the other fingers of the left hand are free to apply pressure over the front of the infant’s larynx.

ent blade:

– usually set at right angles to the handle.

– many different laryngoscope blades have been described, most of them interchangeable when standard attachments are used.

– older type of attachment: secured by screwing a pin through the handle and blade seatings (Longworth fitting). Newer forms employ a ‘hook-on’ attachment at the base of the blade, locked on to the handle by a spring-loaded ball-bearing.

Devices incorporating viewing channels or with video chips at the distal end allow either placement of the device in the trachea under visual control, with advancement of the tracheal tube over it, or identification of the glottis and observation of the tube’s passage through the vocal cords. The image may be viewed by looking through an eyepiece, attachment to a camera/video system or via a screen incorporated into the device itself (Fig. 98). Flexible fibreoptic instruments are also available.

Surgical (suspension) laryngoscopes resemble Jackson’s more closely; they are composed of a viewing tube with a right-angled handle, the two components together forming three sides of a rectangle. They are illuminated by an external light source attached to the proximal end of the tube.

Concerns over cross-infection, especially transmission of variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, have led to widespread use of disposable laryngoscope blades, laryngoscopes or blade covers/sheaths.

[Sheila M Anderson (?–1986), London anaesthetist; Longworth Scientific Instrument Co. Ltd, original name for Penlon Ltd; Roger Bullard, Australian anaesthetist; Michael Upsher, US anaesthetist; Matt McGrath, Scottish designer; Pierre Bonfils, Swiss anaesthetist].

Laryngoscope blades.  Parts of laryngoscopes inserted into the mouth.

• Consist of:

ent base for attachment to handle.

ent tongue: straight or curved; the former is designed for placement posterior to the epiglottis, the latter for anterior placement. The tip is usually blunt and thickened to reduce trauma.

ent web: forms a shelf along one edge of the tongue, connecting the latter to the flange. Incorporates electric connections and bulb (or fibreoptic bundle). Connection channels are completely removable in older models, and fixed to the web in newer ones.

ent flange: parallel to the tongue; usually only present for the proximal one- to two-thirds of the blade.
Most are designed for use with the laryngoscope handle held in the left hand; i.e. the tongue is pushed to the left side of the patient’s mouth by the flange and web.

• Common varieties (Fig. 99a):

ent Macintosh (1943): tongue, web and flange form a reverse Z shape in cross-section. The most commonly used blade in the UK; also popular in the USA. Available in large adult, adult, child and baby sizes; the latter size was not designed by Macintosh and was criticised by him as being anatomically incorrect. A ‘left-handed’ version is available, for use when anatomical features of the airway require insertion of the tracheal tube from the left side of the mouth instead of the right. The McCoy blade (1993) is hinged at the tip, and is controlled by a lever on the laryngoscope handle. It allows elevation of the epiglottis whilst reducing the amount of force required during laryngoscopy. Although it may make a difficult laryngoscopy easier, it may also make an easy one more difficult. Another blade with a similar function to the McCoy is actually flexible throughout its length; its curvature is increased by a lever on the handle.

ent polio Macintosh (1950s): mounted at 135° to the handle, to allow intubation in patients confined to iron lung ventilators (e.g. in the Scandinavian polio epidemics of the 1950s). Useful when insertion of the blade into the mouth is hindered, e.g. by barrel chest, enlarged breasts, especially in obstetrics.

ent Magill (1926): U-shaped in cross-section.

ent Miller (1941): similar to Magill’s, but with a curved tip and flatter flange and web, requiring less mouth opening for insertion. Available in 4–5 sizes from premature baby to large adult. Popular in the USA.

ent Wisconsin (1941): bigger than Magill’s, with the bulb nearer the tip. Available in similar sizes to Miller’s blade. Popular in the USA.

ent Soper (1947): straight version of the Macintosh blade. The small transverse slot near the tip was designed to prevent the epiglottis slipping off the blade. Available in adult, child and baby sizes.

ent Bellhouse (1988): angled along its length to give the advantage of a straight blade, whilst the end nearest the anaesthetist is brought anteriorly to avoid obstruction of the anaesthetist’s view. May be fitted with an optical prism to enable an indirect view of the glottis when a direct view is impossible.

• Specific paediatric blades (Fig. 99b):

ent Robertshaw (1962): straight tongue with gently curving tip; the flange is folded inwards over the tongue. Available in infant and neonatal sizes.

ent Seward (1957): similar to Robertshaw’s but with the flange folded outwards. Available in child and baby sizes.

ent Oxford infant (1952): straight tongue with slightly curved tip. Available in one size. Useful for intubation in children with cleft palate.

• Others:

ent Guedel and Flagg (1928): similar to Magill’s, but with the bulb at the tip. Guedel’s is set at an acute angle to the handle.

ent Bowen–Jackson (1952): similar to Macintosh’s but with a cleft tip, designed to straddle the glossoepiglottic fold.

ent Siker (1956): angled blade incorporating a mirror at the angle.

ent Bizzarri–Giuffrida (1958): similar to Macintosh’s but with virtually no web and a very small flange; designed for patients with little mouth opening.

Disposable blades (both plastic and metal) and blade covers are available but concern has been raised that, although they may reduce the risk of cross-contamination, they may make laryngoscopy more difficult.

[Robert L Soper (1908–1973), RAF anaesthetist; Eamon P McCoy, Belfast anaesthetist; Paul Bellhouse, Australian anaesthetist; Frank L Robertshaw (1918–1991), Manchester anaesthetist; Edgar H Seward (1917–1995), Oxford anaesthetist; Ronald A Bowen (1913–1999) and Ian Jackson, London anaesthetists; Paluel Flagg (1886–1970), Robert A Miller (1906–1976), Ephraim S Siker, Dante V Bizzarri (1914–1994) and Joseph G Giuffrida (?–1993), US anaesthetists]

See also, Intubation aids; Intubation, tracheal

Laryngoscopy.  Act of viewing the larynx. Indirect laryngoscopy was first described in 1855 in London by Garcia using a mirror. Direct laryngoscopy was pioneered by Kirstein, Killian and Jackson in the late 1800s/early 1900s, and is now the technique most commonly used for tracheal intubation. The view of the larynx during direct laryngoscopy is shown in Fig. 100.

Anaesthesia for diagnostic or therapeutic laryngoscopy must provide relaxation of the jaw and vocal cords, with rapid recovery of laryngeal reflexes without laryngospasm. Problems include sharing of the airway, the hypertensive response to laryngoscopy and contamination of the airway with blood and debris. Usually performed under general anaesthesia, with IPPV through a special 5–6 mm ‘microlaryngoscopy’ cuffed tracheal tube (resistance is too high for spontaneous ventilation). Other methods include injector and insufflation techniques as for bronchoscopy. Spraying the cords with lidocaine reduces postoperative laryngospasm but at the expense of diminished laryngeal reflexes.

[Manuel Garcia (1805–1906), Spanish singing teacher]

See also, Intubation, complications of; Intubation, difficult; Intubation, tracheal

Laryngospasm.  Reflex closure of the glottis by adduction of the true and/or false cords. May persist after cessation of its stimulus. The precise mechanism is controversial; the lateral cricoarytenoid muscles are thought to be most important in adducting the cords whilst cricothyroid tenses them. The extrinsic muscles of the larynx may also have a role.

The reflex is abolished in planes 2–4 of anaesthesia; thus its occurrence may indicate insufficient depth of anaesthesia. Occurs in about 1% of the general population during general anaesthesia, up to 3% in infants and up to 10% in patients with recent upper respiratory tract infections or smokers.

May cause complete or partial airway obstruction, the latter often presenting as inspiratory stridor. Causes hypoxaemia and hypoventilation; pulmonary oedema has been reported.


Extends from the root of the tongue to the cricoid cartilage, i.e. level with C3–6 (at higher level in children).

• Dimensions:

ent length: 45 mm (men); 35 mm (women).

ent anteroposterior: 35 mm (men); 25 mm (women).

ent transverse: 45 mm (men); 40 mm (women).

• Composed of hyoid bone, and epiglottic, thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid, corniculate and cuneiform cartilages, joined by several muscles and ligaments (Fig. 101):

ent hyoid bone:

– level with C3.

– U-shaped, with horizontal body and bilateral greater and lesser horns, which pass backwards and upwards respectively.

– attached superiorly to the mandible and tongue (by hyoglossus, mylohyoid, geniohyoid and digastric muscles) and styloid process (by stylohyoid ligament and muscle).

– attached inferiorly to the thyroid cartilage (by thyrohyoid membrane and muscle), sternum (by sternohyoid muscle) and clavicle (by omohyoid muscle).

– attached posteriorly to the pharynx by the middle constrictor muscle.

ent epiglottis:

– leaf-shaped, attached anteriorly to the base of the tongue, body of the hyoid and back of the thyroid cartilage above the vocal cords. The depression on either side of the midline glossoepiglottic fold is the vallecula, with the pharyngoepiglottic folds laterally.

– attached to the arytenoid laterally by the aryepiglottic membrane.

ent thyroid cartilage:

– formed from two quadrilateral halves, meeting anteriorly to form the thyroid notch level with C4. The posterior edge forms superior and inferior horns on each side, the latter articulating with the cricoid cartilage.

– attached superiorly to the hyoid bone by the thyrohyoid membrane and muscle.

– attached posteriorly to the pharynx (by inferior constrictor muscle, palatopharyngeus and salpingopharyngeus muscles) and styloid process (by stylothyroid muscle).

– attached inferiorly to the cricoid (by cricothyroid membrane and muscle) and sternum (by sternothyroid muscle).

– attached inferomedially to the arytenoids by thyroarytenoid muscle; part of it attaches to the free border of cricothyroid, forming vocalis muscle, and part attaches to the lateral epiglottis, forming thyroepiglottic muscle.

ent cricoid cartilage:

– signet ring-shaped, broadest posteriorly. Level with C6. The lateral surface articulates with the inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage; its upper surface posteriorly articulates with the arytenoids.

– attached via its superior surface to the thyroid cartilage by the cricothyroid membrane.

– attached via its lateral surface to the thyroid cartilage (by cricothyroid muscle) and arytenoids (by lateral cricoarytenoid muscles).

– attached via its posterior surface to the arytenoids by the posterior cricoarytenoid muscles.

– attached inferiorly to the trachea by the cricotracheal membrane.

ent arytenoid cartilages:

– pyramid-shaped, the bases articulating with the back of the cricoid.

– also attached to the cricoid by posterior and lateral cricoarytenoid muscles.

– the vocal cords pass from the vocal processes anteriorly to the back of the thyroid cartilage.

– attached to the epiglottis superomedially via the aryepiglottic folds and muscles.

– attached anterolaterally to the back of the thyroid cartilages by the thyroarytenoid muscles.

– attached to each other by the transverse arytenoid muscle.

ent corniculate cartilages: form tubercles in the posterior aryepiglottic folds, at the apex of the arytenoids.

ent cuneiform cartilages: lie anterior to the corniculate cartilages, in the aryepiglottic folds.

• Membranes and areas of the larynx:

ent aryepiglottic membrane:

– passes from the anterior arytenoid to lateral epiglottis.

– forms the vestibular fold at the lower border. The area between vestibular folds is termed the rima vestibuli; that between the aryepiglottic fold and vestibular fold is the vestibule; the recess between the vocal and vestibular cords is the laryngeal sinus (saccule).

ent cricothyroid membrane: free upper border forms the vocal cord (level with C5) between the back of the thyroid cartilage and vocal process of the arytenoid; it contains the vocal ligament beneath its mucosa. The area between vocal cords is the rima glottidis (glottis).

ent thyrohyoid membrane: lateral borders are thickened to form the lateral thyrohyoid ligaments.
The entrance to the larynx slopes downwards and backwards, bounded anteriorly by the epiglottis, laterally by the aryepiglottic folds and posteriorly by the arytenoid cartilages. The piriform fossa is the recess on each side, between the aryepiglottic folds medially and thyroid cartilage and thyrohyoid membrane laterally. The rima glottidis is the narrowest part of the airway in adults; the cricoid is the narrowest in children.

• Epithelium: squamous above the cords, columnar below. Mucosa of the cords is closely adherent.

• Muscle actions (Fig. 101c):

ent the cords are tensed by cricothyroid and relaxed by thyroarytenoid and vocalis muscles.

ent the cords are abducted by the posterior cricoarytenoids, causing outward rotation and movement of the arytenoids.

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